bilo. / Comments

  • Hey! Just a note to say, er, have you forgotten about the Bloodplay contest?
    If not, please don't throw knives at me, I'm not a very fast dodger. =S
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:10am
  • My contest (A Pretty unique Songfic Challenge) is ending in five days. This is just a reminder, so you can either finish your entry or tell me you're withdrawing. :)
    May 9th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • Why yes... I am going to do a random drop-in and say hello... OF COURSE I AM. :weird

    Sorry, what I mean to say was... yes, Nine Inch Nails do indeed, rule. :tehe:
    March 31st, 2009 at 06:02am
  • Ohai, yes I am. :cute:
    And apparently so are you! ;D

    Yes, it's one of my favorite movies.
    I really love Pavi. >___>; I can never figure out why he's like. Italian though.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 12:04am
  • Oh. Awesome X]
    (It seems to attract feelow Morrissey-ites to me, my username.It can only be positive)
    I had a look at your stories - I am currently in [i]love[/i] with Sweeny Todd, so Twist caught my eye, as you can imagine. I commented. I'm swooning over it. Hell stories, gosh. I'm writing a Hell story, but it [i]is[/i] a hell full of demons. I'm having fun with it.
    So yeah :]
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:28pm
  • Yeah same here, I got asked out by one of my best friends on Saturday which was weird - in a god way. And I dunno, I've been really happy for the past few weeks ^^ It's nice.
    How was your day today? :) Got any plans?
    March 16th, 2009 at 05:30pm
  • thanks for the links about the Libertines. =]
    and yeah, I'm big into the LJ Torchwood communities and back when S2 had just finished there was a non-biased poll in a general Torchwood community to vote for your favourite character. Ianto had the most by over 350 votes. It was insane.
    Gwen had the least, I think Myfanwy had more votes than her. XD I know Rhys was actually the 3rd favourite behind Jack.

    I think that the writers have FINALLY realized that the fanbase loves Ianto and those that love Ianto, for the most part, also love Jack/Ianto. I know many a Torchwood fan that would stop watching if Ianto were killed off and/or if Jack/Ianto were stopped. They should pay attention to that.

    And I just am not a fan of Eve's acting, she seems the least invested, to me anyway. Gareth is just brilliant, he really gets inside his characters head and he always has theories about Ianto's past and all and you rarely see so much love and attention between an actor and their character.

    I think that just because they're on BBC1 doesn't mean that they'll nix all the more mature themes in it. And I quite like Torchwood's plot. I'm more of a TW fan than a Who fan. For me, Who has a basic formula and it's nice but it gets quite redundant after a while. I really don't wanna watch the season opening anymore. With the Doctor walking around a place, talking to random female character who *gasp* gets involved in the episodes main plot. and then after she helps save the day he takes her on "one trip" that ends up being a whole season and in that time the female falls for him. No thank you.
    I like Who's episode plots, some are quite brilliant, but their overall storyline annoys me after a while. I still think the best season was 3, the Master arc was simply wonderful. S4's finale was a joke. I was nervous because the Who writers tend to completely ignore Jack's character progression in Torchwood and he reverts to his time agent self but they did a good job with the Torchwood characters on the finale. Sadly, I can't say teh same for the overall plot of it. I think that finale is probably the worst Russell's done which is sad since I do love his work.

    I'm so excited for Torchwood's S3. It looks brilliant.
    and XD LONG comment.
    March 16th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • Hey!
    This is going to seem so random but I saw a post of yours on the 'favourite album' board and you have such an incredible taste in music!
    Aha, how're you today anyway?
    March 14th, 2009 at 12:05pm
  • *solo artist, I mean xD
    March 13th, 2009 at 12:52am
  • Have you heard / read the Pete and Carl interview with NME radio?
    (scroll down, the interview's been transcripted)

    I love Carl's [i]The Libertines are in front of you, what are you talking about?[/i]

    So even if a reunion isn't set in stone yet, at least the relationship between them isn't sour anymore. It was a cute interview xD It was right after Pete won Best Solo.

    And the website it's posted on is great too, if you've never checked it out. They post a lot of news, a lot of pictures, and a lot of lost mp3s from The Libs and stuff.

    For some reason I don't think that John would be all that up to it - I'm positive he really likes Yeti, even though...I haven't heard ANYTHING from them in FOREVER. Like, ever since TLOYG came out, I haven't seen anything going on with them...and Gary has his rap exploration going on, or so I've heard. It'd be so awesome if he really does work with Kanye West xD

    Do you live in the US? I think it's going to be released on iTunes...forgot where I read that. Maybe perezhilton. Aye xD I changed my whole theme, though. Goin back to the Pigman and his Biggles.
    March 12th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • Hrm, really? All the times I've used my own cbox's they've worked. (I have a tester mibba to make sure)
    It might just be the internet, since Mibba kinda messes up for me a LOT.

    and no, I haven't seen teh NME vids if you've got a video. :cute: I basically spend all my free time looking up GD info since there's more and more haha.

    and I was pissed off about Children for a WHILE. Ever since I found out but now that I've had the months to calm down this could be really amazing. I mean, it's gonna be like an epic, dragged out Torchwood movie basically. And we don't have to wait a week for each episode, we get them all in one week.
    I just miss my Ianto so badly. haha.
    March 4th, 2009 at 05:52am
  • Nice to see another Lib's and 'Shambles follower on this fair site ;)
    February 27th, 2009 at 01:29am
  • I don't think The Libertines will get back together for awhile, not until the bad blood is gone, y'know? But I think that one day it'll happen, just not now, when there's that much money involved. The money will turn bad blood worse, I suppose.

    But as Pete said, think of the songs The Libertines still have yet to write!

    Have you heard about Pete's solo album coming out? In March, yeah. It sounds really good so far.
    February 22nd, 2009 at 01:55am
  • I'm really glad you saw him in a good light - from a fan's point of view - before you saw the negative side of them. When one sees the negative side first, bad judgement never leaves the mind, as much as we try to fight it. It makes me feel heard, that someone sees him and respects him, and The Libertines, the way I do - especially when it was done through a postsecret, because I honestly I thought I was wasting my time, almost. That people wouldn't stop passing that judgement upon him.

    I see so much hate when it comes to that man, it's ridiculous. What irks me the most is when I'm watching a video of him performing a song, and people...they're relentless and incredibly rude, while he's putting his whole heart and soul into what he does. It kills me that the media focuses on him and what he does wrong, instead of his music and what he does right - and his lyrics, of course. I can't say how I feel about him overshadowing his ex-bandmates, because now that The Libertines are on..hiatus (it probably sounds ridiculous, but I still have the feeling that The Libertines aren't over) I've been looking at Pete, Carl, Gary, and John in separate lights, with their new projects and such. I don't really pay attention to what the media says about Pete unless it's particularly worriesome.

    John's a very sullen-looking man, I agree xD but his music, especially with his main project now, [i]Yeti[/i], is pretty damn happy. Not always of course, but...there's a lot of sunshine in that man xD it's hard to see. I respect and love the members of The Libertines all equally, they're all so talented. And they have extremely different personalities xD

    I can't say I read slash much anymore - just the occasional Libs slash, and that's because behind everyone of those stories, there's at least a spark of truth behind it. Pete and Carl loved each other - that was never a secret, and maybe not in an "in love" kind of way, but their chemistry is difficult to ignore. That was my take on it when I first found The Libertines and when I kind of looked further into it - I realized how true it was.

    I've seen many people here that love certain songs by The Libertines, and such, but it's really so nice to see someone else really express that they love The Libertines themselves :]
    February 7th, 2009 at 06:24am
  • Aye, that comment made me smile so much. Definitely not creeper-esque xD
    It's really good to see another fan, especially another one who can also look past the drugs and things, one who can see him and The Libertines for who they really are.

    Issabit strange, though, because I got into The Libertines through slash too xD good ole' slash, yeah?

    I saw your post on The Libertines forum a few hours ago and I got a tad excited xD like I said - it's really good to see other fans. And I'm very much a new fan myself - got into them four years late, y'know?

    I'm glad you shared this with me, it kind of makes me feel like someone knows where I'm coming from, in a strange kind of way.
    February 6th, 2009 at 06:06am
  • cool page.
    January 22nd, 2009 at 02:56pm
  • PSH. HAI.

    What's up?
    April 16th, 2008 at 04:02am
  • you left me!
    April 6th, 2008 at 04:08am
  • hello...


    you left me! for another computer! how could you!!
    March 23rd, 2008 at 01:48am
  • oops...I was editing my profile...

    its better now, i just need to move the comments link up a bit, I moved it too far down
    March 22nd, 2008 at 04:26am