eric halvorsen / Comments

  • Thanks for your comment on Star-Six-Seven. =)
    December 3rd, 2011 at 11:35pm
  • Thanks for commenting on my story....some of your comments are really funny! Lol
    November 24th, 2011 at 05:36am
  • Dude, totally my pleasure. I loved it every step of the way, haha.
    October 26th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • You're welcome!
    Haha thanks, you gotta love the Doctor!
    October 25th, 2011 at 12:58pm
  • Oh, yay! Thanks so much. That's very good to know. It would be. First thinking you were damned to not be able to buy it at an actual brick and mortar shop then going back to that you can -- very, very exciting. xD
    September 15th, 2011 at 09:03am
  • Ah, I know! It so is -- and I'm the author. Thanks for the comment :)
    September 14th, 2011 at 09:28am
  • Thanks for commenting on 'As I'm Pacing the Pews'! It really means a lot when people comment because it lets me know that I'm satisfying my readers, and that's all I like to do -- I like to satisfy my readers(:
    September 6th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • Ugh. I know. And hardly any of them have reopened somewhere else. Woah, I have seen some of it on the news, and I didn't know where it was, 'cause of all the buildings being gone. Yeah, well, it's just what I've heard/read on their website. So I dunno. It did say Tuam street, though...which may be further up than where the council building is.

    Oh, I know right. It would be so much easier if Whitcoulls sold AP. Nah, all of the places that did sell it have gone now or are going to go. I know. They want us to eat healthy but they don't do anything to make that easier for people who don't work full-time and then they complain that we're not eating healthy. Nobody is gonna bother, if they can't afford it. They'll just go for the cheaper stuff, because it's cheaper.

    Yeah, it's SO easy. I'd hate to have to catch the link though. It takes ages and loads of our kids catch it, so it's always busy. So glad I don't have to. I find it has it busy periods - before and after school. 'Cause when I leave in the afternoon, when I have a free period, it's not too busy. But it fills up with buses' quickly.

    Yeah, that's true. Despite them both being about vampires, True Blood and TVD are completely different. They have different conflicts and their vampires are different. I know. The Simpsons have been going since, like, 1989. But it always has been there, yeah. It's really quite cool. I know, it so is. You kinda gotta be there from the beginning or near the beginning so it's not a whole load of seasons to watch through.

    Pluto is just for the win. Earthquakes have been shooting off here, there and everywhere. So many natural disasters. And there was that tornado in Missouri in like, May/June. Lol, even though that's really racist, they should. 'Cause Irene doesn't seem too scary. Katrina didn't either. I know. You'd need one of those baby name books, but like, a huge, encyclopedia scale one.

    Ahh, D: that's really stupid.
    September 4th, 2011 at 04:18am
  • Your welcome :)
    September 2nd, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • Yeah, well, they'd have to be best friends in order to spend pretty much 24/7 (at least while they're on tour) with each other. Lol. That's true. They'd have to all bring their girlfriend's at the same then nobody would mind.
    Yeah, I know! They have such a good thing that they do for a living. But hey, at least you have some sorta job...I'm unemployed, even though I don't need a job, per'd be good to have one... but it's never too late to learn an just gotta keep your spirits up.

    No, you wouldn't. One of Christchurch's 'peak' hours is 5pm. That's like, when the city and the way outta the city is most busy. Christchurch would only be empty in the middle of the night. Unless 28 Days Later did happen...which would be kinda cool...

    I know. And it's too much of an effort to get out there, just to buy a $22 magazine. Everything is cheaper in America though. It really is. New Jersey doesn't even have a tax on fruit + vegetables. That'd be so good.
    Yeah, we won't know until it actually opens. And we'll go in and be like 'oh yay' or 'aww'. Gah! I miss you Bubble Cup! I need one of their pineapple ice blends...the wannabe one an Westfield isn't all that great. Yeah? And then there's also the Dumplings across from Starbucks in the mall, but they don't have $2 rice. It's beside where Scorpio Books moved to.
    Ugh! I know. I hate catching The Link. I'm so lucky with it, though. I only need to catch that when I'm going to Northlands. My bus goes to the park and my school is right by the park. It's actually almost better than the actual exchange, for me. They're supposed to - either tomorrow or 30 September. Those are the two things I've heard. Haha.

    Yeah! I've sorta trained myself to remember them, now. Or I just write them down on my phone. I dream about them, as well. And if you do try to remember them and at the time, it's all 'psh, I'm not gonna forget this' and then you do. That's so messed up.

    I can only just handle the speed. When all the cookies are there, it's alright. So I hardly ever clear them. I think I've cleared them once this year...
    I haven't seen True Blood. But I have also heard good things about that. I think I'd like TVD better, though. Just personally. I dunno though. I think one of my friends has the DVD of True Blood...hmm...
    My friend (who downloads them illegally (well, soon...)) gives them to me on a USB. Oh, eight seasons? I understand if it's something like The Simpsons (which has over 20)...but if isn't in modern society as much as The Simpsons is, I don't see any reason :S

    YES. We should. I vote Mars. Or Pluto. Yeah, Pluto. Even though it's technically not a 'planet' anymore. IT WAS WHEN I WAS LITTLE. There's been so many earthquakes this year, not just here, either. Here, Japan, a wee one in Spain, Virginia. And then hurricane Irene. Lol, I wonder how they name hurricanes. I mean, Irene doesn't seem very foreboding.
    August 30th, 2011 at 08:40am
  • Yeah, true. I would rather be in a bus than a van. You'd have little to no space to yourself. You'd really have to like the people you were touring with. But bands that have upgraded from vans to buses' really seem to like it...My Chem, especially...

    Oh, I know. It's strange to think that probably one town (that Americans would consider 'small') could have as many people that live here, in Christchurch. And well, to us, Chch is BIG. Second biggest, in fact. Ugh, I know. It's so stupid - and at one point, Borders even put it up to $22! And they can get it for like, $16. From AP's website. Including P+H. I wish that we knew when/if stuff would come back. I mean, I wanna know WHAT is opening, I wonder if Bubble Cup will be back, whether that Fancia that used to be by the exchange will be back. It's good that they've moved $2 Rice out to Westfield, though. And I've also heard the exchange is moving to Tuam street (the old council building) at the end of this month. But with the magazine thing, I'd rather have something older, month-wise and not pay for it than pay for a current one.

    Yeah! That is really good doing that. You remember why you started writing the particular thing in the first place, and that gets your brain working.
    Yeah, I'm gonna try my most-hardest to. D'awww, thanks :D
    Yeah, I must write them down. Some of them are just wizz-bangers. And then I get those ones also when I'm trying to sleep. But I did used to forget them, a lot. Really annoyed me.

    I don't have that problem with the music videos, 'cause I'm still in the dial-up age. The only two pros of it is that it's unlimited and that it still works when the power is out. Hahaha, I do that. I forget about videos I want, so I gotta write a sticky note on my desktop 'get [song] off iTunes ASAP'. I have to have sticky notes of reminders with what episode TV2 is up to with The Vampire Diaries - 'cause I watch them on my computer, free of ads! It finishes, for me, at 1/4 past nine. Hahaha. That's great.

    YAY! I'm going to...nowhere much in the near future, that I know of. I just had to put that out there. Just to feel included... but haha, sometimes you just gotta say stuff and put stuff out there. Just to keep people informed.
    August 26th, 2011 at 09:59am
  • That's quite bad. But that's true. Even though their living conditions on the road aren't too great, they're still really grateful to be there. Well, yeah. It must. The only real privacy you'd get would be the bunk...I wouldn't think bunks would be uber tiny, but they wouldn't be epicly huge, either. Just big enough for people to sleep in, but other than that, not so much.
    Haha! That'd be awesome to be in that position, I reckon. Not getting recognized 'cause people think you're just a techie, when really, you're in the band.

    Yeah. They're those 'mainstream' ones, that stock the 'big' music. Yeah. There's only four-million of us here; and I've heard that there's about that many people in London, in the UK. I dunno about the US just NY, there's almost 5 times the amount of people than there is in New Zealand. It's SO sad how our RG closed. They had AP cheap; seven dollars cheaper than Borders. And Borders is shutting in January...they don't have AP anymore. Gotta get it off their website, when I want it. Yeah, true. America is so much bigger and 1 customer here would be like 2 there, or maybe even more.
    Okay! Will do - and I have plans to...but they're not reallllly set in stone...I'd really like to for a month or's just whether I have the means to or not.

    Ahhh! I know. I'm the same with current stories. I read them and I see something and I'm like, HOW the HECK did I miss THAT? Yeah, I like looking at old stories, as well. Especially newer ones that I'm not reallly working on too much anymore. And then sometimes, I start writing them again. So strange. Yeah, I have a plan. I really do, for UC, to get it finished. It may be quite short or, I dunno.
    YAY! I'm kinda on a...on/off block. I have bouts of block, like a blocked nose. But the weird thing is, is that I'm coming up with similes/metaphors and I'm NOT writing. I'm just sitting there, playing Solitaire and going into scenes of stories.

    Woah! 25 tabs? I don't think I've ever gone quite THAT far with tabs...unless it's like, The Sims Exchange or The Sims Store. I'm such a geek xD Sometimes, as well, I open a tab, go to something else and then forget where I'm going.
    August 25th, 2011 at 07:20am
  • I know. They just don't draw the line at knowing stuff that famous people share. I mean, there's so much known about them, but a fan doesn't 'know' them. Only people they actually know, like, not fans, would be considered 'knowing' them.

    Wow. That's strange. It may be simply band member's personal pefrences for where they sleep. And I kinda figured that with Warped compared to a headlining tour of their own (or whatever). 'Cause there'd be crews for non-Warped, but not so much for Warped because of the sheer amount of band's there are it's sorta easier for band members to set up their own stuff when they're on a tour to the scale of Warped. Well, I would if I were ever in a band...

    The UK pound did used to be pretty bad here. I'd convert stuff on Google, and it would be just like, 'woah! this costs so much...but it's so gooooood'. Haha, I've had very little sleep, so I'm substistuiting that with an energy drink. Yeah, US stuff is really cheap - espeically at the moment. Wow, that's a really good price for CDs and tees. The music stores, here especially, are all about profit. The more profit they can squeeze outta us, the more they will.

    Oh, man. I cannot look at my stuff from the year before last. At all. I just wince and cringe all over the place. It's so full of stuff that I know not to do now. And some of my old unfinished stories are that cringe-worthy-ness, too. But I've actually never completed a chaptered story on here. Yeah, with one-shots you can just write. You don't have to worry about whether anything is going on wrong with it or anything and then you don't have to either fill gaps, do huge time skips or feel like you're taking it too fast.

    Sorry I took ages to reply - first, school distracted me and then I was on The Sims Social for ages on Facebook. Just as addicting as the real thing; and what makes it better is that it's online, too!
    August 23rd, 2011 at 01:17am
  • Haha he is an excellent dancer. He should be my prom date. :O
    Awwww, that's so sweet of him! I love small unpopular bands. They are so awesome like that.

    Haha like wise. (:
    August 22nd, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • I know. Ugh. It spreads like wildfire and then everybody believes it. Even if somebody said Alex is purple on Tuesdays, I reckon there'd be some people asking if that's actually true or not - and that's really unrealistic and unbelievable. I agree, fans can be total assholes. That's crazy. I really do dislike how people ask about every single thing, like nothing can be kept secret. I suppose that's another part of being famous. And it is so sad...but then again, the tattoo will serve as a permanent memorial, for Alex to his brother. THAT IS SO STRANGE. I've actually never heard of that happening...

    Oh yeah, I might enquire, then. Yeah, I notice the foreign currency fee, too. It used to feel like so much when the US dollar was going strong. But the UK pound is still really surprising, when you convert it to our money, I believe. Sweet. Buying online is so cheap - no wonder stores are getting shut down. And they wonder why. If a cheaper price is offered at a store, people are more likely to go to the store, even though it's easier to get it online.

    Nah, I'm just going to do the design, even though screenprinting it onto an actual shirt would be really cool. It's so awesome coming up with all the titles. 'Cause most of the song titles are one or two word lyrics from ATL songs. It's so much fun. And the photography one is fun, too, so far.

    Yeah, my lil 4GB one is awesome, 'cause it means I can work on stories if I get a sudden flash, at school. And I can do them in creative writing when the task is pissing me off. None of the stuff - sans the one-shots - I've posted on here is been finished. And I have crashed and burned. I suck at finishing stuff too. I'm not good with beginnings or endings. Middles are easy. I'm like that, already, with one of my best story, stars-wise and the one I've put myself into - both of which I've now started rewriting and not posted the rewrites or updated those. Yeah, I had an OF band-fic, where I made the band which I deleted after, like, four chapters up. I realized that it was in need of some editing, just more replacing 'went' with specific words for how somebody actually went somewhere. And I use 'and' way too much...or I used to. One-shots are easier to write than full-length stories, 'cause there's only so much you can do with them and there's none of that 'I gotta update' pressure.

    Ahh, no. It's okay. I was just on the sims for most of the day, anyway, when I was finally awake. I would've replied earlier, too - if I had have been able to concentrate on Mibba rather than class.
    August 22nd, 2011 at 05:52am
  • Psh it's obvious I'm the shit! *snaps fingers in z formation*(now if only I can do it in real life.)

    I also love Tommy & The High Pilots. I went to one of their small coffee house concert last Friday. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I danced with Tommy. :3
    Haha that's funny, my friend also loves the drummer from Stamps. But hey, at least you got to meet someone! :D

    OF COURSE! >:O

    Haha I love your sarcasm very much. It will keep me entertained for hours.
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:46am
  • Dude they are EPIC! as a band and individuals. I listen to them 24/7 for the past 5 years. And of course! That's where those pictures came from. :3

    No just kidding. xD But I did write a fan fiction that night.
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:40am
  • Psh you better like Ludo. They are the best band ever clearly!
    But I know! 8D AHH! When I let him borrow a sharpie he said "Thanks. You are also very sharp."

    And I died because I'm a huge fangirl like that. xD [/noshame]
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:31am
  • Thank you for the photo comment. It was very sweet. <3
    Plus you're really awesome because you're a Matt fan. 8'D
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:26am
  • Thank you so so so much for sticking with me on [b]Dance in the Dust[/b].
    I apologize for taking so long to update.
    I'm glad you still like it. ^___^
    August 22nd, 2011 at 01:27am