equilibrium_ / Comments

  • Haha, private chauffeur. I want one too! Can you swing by Denmark once in a while when you get your license? =P

    I know. =( No kiddie-TV is the same, really. Mainly because you suddenly misunderstand just about everything... "Wow. It's so big!" will never be the same again... =P
    Wow, really? Awesome. Kinda sad that the originals are kinda outdated, but awesome that the stories don't die. But Kristen Steward as Snow White? I don't think tht will work... Viggo might be alright for the hunter...
    Heh, the Lion King is also my firend's favorite. She knows just about every line. =P

    Oh, don't sorry about that. I really like your writing style. It has great flow in it, so it's easy to read and feel what you describe. I really like them. I've read Romance in High Scool too, and subscribed (so there's no more pink notes with your name on it ;P).
    So reading your stories were purely for my entertainment and pleasure. =D

    And to brag: I feel so relaxed right now. I just passed an exam that's been stressing me out, so now I've given myself the next 48 hours off. =D
    February 17th, 2011 at 11:39am
  • xD
    ALIENS?! AND SLASH!?!?!!?

    Hardcore soft porn-best lyric EVER!
    February 17th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • I picked a pink post-it to remind me. ;D
    February 10th, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • Good! =D Get someone else to drive when you're drunk. ;)

    I loved Pooh too! =D I didn't have any pooh stuff, but I've seen every one of the episodes/movies of Pooh and the gang (oh yeah, gang! =P). I've even re-seen them as a teen. I should watch them again...
    I'm not really sure what my fav Disney movie is... I used to be real afraid of the Beast in Beaty and the Beast, but the i saw it again about a year ago, and it was actually really beautiful. But my inner child is still a bit scared. =P I feel the same way about Snowwhite. Hm... Favorite Dinsey movie.... That's a hard one. Have to think about it. What's yours? =D

    Heh, yeah. I bet you're right. ;D

    Well, I might swing a point or two past you, just to get an outside opinion if I need it. =) I'm writing it in English, so if I'm unsure about a part being comprehensible or something, I could share it with you. =D

    Haha! That's a great approach!! XD

    And thank you for the Spike me and Save me thing! =D =D It's way awesome to hear that people spread my stories. It makes me equally happy each time (you know, the I-feel-like-screaming kind of happy ;D).
    I promise to read some of your stories again soon! I feel bad every time I realize I haven't gotten around to it. =S I'm making a post-it note reminder right now!!
    February 10th, 2011 at 10:01pm
  • That is correct
    lol suuurreee
    February 9th, 2011 at 09:54pm
  • Wow, nice! Just don't get drunk once you've gotten it. ;P

    Mulan is awesome! I just recently found Whinnie the Pooh in windy weather (or whatever it is called in english) and Asterix! I love cartoons, but especially Disney. They're such classics.

    Heh, yeah. I'll wait 'til it gets shown on tv. =D

    Huge, complicated assignment. =/ I'm thinking about writing about microsoft as an international company and study their ways of interacting across cultures. Might sound plain, but i think it's real interesting. =D

    The movie is called Hævnen. Not sure what it's about, except revenge (i guess. =P)

    Yeah, got it. Only took 3 days! =D It's an HTC Desire HD. It's way awesome!

    And thank you (please, ignore that). Have you seen which story I just updated? =)
    February 8th, 2011 at 10:59pm
  • John Heaton is a perverted, retarted, weird, and artistic kid
    he drew great pictures
    he calls me hacker because David called me hacker becuse I supposidly hacked the computers and then Parker started calling me hacker and then kevin copied them!
    they dont even call me hacker anymore because they saw that it pissed me off!

    February 8th, 2011 at 05:03am
  • Neimen e det ikkje favorittforfatteren min :o Hei (:
    February 7th, 2011 at 01:02pm
  • Yeah lol
    NO! -cries-
    Well he has a bunch, but he likes to call me "Hacker".

    He repeats everything that everyone says, he followed Parker around, he was touchin his crotch when he was looking at Parker, he stares at me and Kayla CONSTANTLY, he smells, and he's pretty stuipd, aaaaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd his writing SUCKS ASS!

    I hate that kid. Everyone hates that kid!
    lol IKR! I think I had the flu :[

    :D! SO WHATS UP?!

    we have a new kid, he's kinda cool! His name is Willis and he's a beast at drawing! He's like a miniture John Heaton!
    February 2nd, 2011 at 09:55pm
  • Duude! Hi. It has been a while D: I'm so sorry, I had no idea it had been that long. Can you forgive me? *Uses puppy dog eyes* *Gives you presents* *Sends virtual hugs*

    Ooh, I'm glad you still very much like ICTY. I like it more now too xD I was annoyed with at first, but now I'm sort of on a roll. No more writer's block!

    Oh yeah, I've read some of Devihla's frerard. They're really good. She's one of my favourite writers on here.

    Haha, don't lie, you're totally looking at me right now. The fact that I am 1000 fucking miles away is irrelevant!

    Wow, that was a highly interesting weather overview.. thanks for that xD Juust kidding. Weather is always a relevant topic of discussion ;) We haven't had snow for at least a month here now, which makes me happy. It better not snow in 2 weeks while I'm on the MCR tour, because I'll be fucking cold sleeping on the streets!

    So.. where's my snow umbrella that you promised to buy me then, hmm?!

    Haha, oh my philosophy teacher was a bitch. She always used to pick on me to answer questions and I never used to know the answers and then she'd be like "you should know this!" and I'm like "bitch, I don't!" except without the btich part. But she's gone now anyways and we have an awesome new teacher that's a man :D

    Aha, that sounds like something I would do.. I laugh at things that teachers say all the time, because I can turn basically anything in my head into a sexual innuendo. It's a gift really. I'm sure you have it too because you are dirty-minded and proud, like me. Correct?

    Haha, the title WAFOL does actually make me crave waffles :/ not good. WLAHC just makes me want to sneeze.

    Aw, good ol' MCR. *pats their heads*

    The other day I found a professional concert photo from the MCR Hamburg show, and I swear to God, in the picture Gerard is glaring at me. One of his infamous glares. It made me fucking paranoid again just looking at the photo.

    I'M still not over the fact that I meant Frank! :') I recorded our conversation and everything. But I sound like a dick so I haven't let anyone hear it xD I've posted an edited version on the internet, where it's just Frank's voice and not mine, so it sounds like he's talking to himself.. heh.

    Yess, it is the Peter Pan song! <3

    Have you heard the Mad Gear and the Missile Kid songs? :3

    xoxo SFHS #1
    January 29th, 2011 at 01:26am
    GRR! well im gettin a shirt so... ;D
    a creepy Indian kid that stares at my boobs
    he even has a special nickname for me
    he likes me...ewwwwwww


    same! school suuuuccckkksss! I MISSED THIS WEEK BECAUSE I WAS SICK! :D

    yeah! I let him down easy and so we are friends annnnndddddd yeah hus gf is like unaware of what happened XD

    anyway yeah i talk to his gf all the time even though he begs me to be his gf even though he already has one! he is such a man ho!
    January 27th, 2011 at 11:57pm
  • XD!
    oh, thanks :D
    I KNOW! :D
    fuck yes!
    so whats up with you?!

    They say its supposed to snow Saturday, I hope it does!


    So there's this dude named Mike and his Mibba username is mike11208. So he was my friend and everytime I got in the chatroom he would whisper me and be like "Bianca! Long time no talk! Can I have your numbr so we could catch up?" and I would be like"Sorry, I broke my phone." and other shit like that. So yesterday he started talking to me and he was being kind of flirty. Then he was all like "Can I look at some of your pics?" and I was like "Yeah" and then he was like "WOAH! YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!" and I was like "AW! UR SO SWEET!" then like a half an hour later he was like "Would it be weird if I said I liked you?" and I was like "No." and he was like "Well, I like you."and I was like wtf so I said "Aw!" and then he was like "But I'm not sure you feel the same" and I had no idea how to respond so I didn't. Then he was like "So you wanna date sometime?" and I was like O.O "I'll think about it" and so then he kept goin to the lobby and he was looking for this 'Chels' person. I messaged the girl who made the chatroom and was like "Who the hell is Chels?" and she was like "His gf." and I was like WTF?!
    January 20th, 2011 at 11:47pm
  • That's only a good thing. =D (for now. ;))
    Heh, then that's understandable.

    I really wanna watch it now! =D It's been so long. All Disney movies, really. Also beauty and the beast and... all the others. =S

    I haven't read it, but I've seen a trailer of Lightning catcher or chaser or what it was called. It did seem kinda cool, actually. I almost considered watching it, but as usual, I didn't. =P

    Well, the assignment is about something we have to chose ourselves. Then we have to create a problem and a hypothesis and then try and connect the two by using whatever methodology we find useful and necessary. I have 6 months to do it, but it doesn't seem like enough time at all. =S

    It looks cool. Has it just come out?
    Not to brag (mainly because I haven't seen the movie) but a Danish movie just won a golden globe award. Pretty cool. But yeah, haven't seen it, so I have no idea if it deserved it. =)

    Damn, can't wait 'til tomorrow. I might get the new phone I ordered! =D
    January 20th, 2011 at 10:46pm
  • Yeah, I know! At least young people have the decency to drink moderately that day. Then we might drink like vampires drink blood for the rest of the year, but still: we do it with grace (white lies are so pretty).
    Haha! Well said! So, did he? =D

    Yeah, it's a long time since I've seen it too. =( I hope I can find it in my parents' row of old Disney-movies recorded on vhs-tapes and beta-max tapes. =P hehe. That's how I "studied" for writing Tarzan. Which reminds me.... I need to write for Tarzan. =P

    So, have you started school again?
    I haven't. =D=D hehe...
    But I've started on my last semester, so I have to write this big-ass assignment. =S
    January 19th, 2011 at 12:03pm
  • lol ikr, that happened to us last year

    NO! >=O!
    lol we got liek half a fucking cinameter (did i spell that right?)

    nah, my butt doesnt hurt anymore though!

    aw! poor Emmakinz!

    us too! it SUCKS though! >=o!
    my mom might let me buy a MCR shirt! =D

    it was blocked but now its not! so now i read stories during computer class:D

    sims 3 is fun :) im on my way to getting a music carrier :D
    January 16th, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • Heh, nothing inappropriate, just random. My dad got drunk too, which was kinda annoying, because when he's drunk he gets really loud. =P
    Haha! Did you find him? Did you tell him that he was being annoying? Or did he pass out drunk. =)

    Haha, awesome! I play Hercules (could make a great story. Rermind me of that if I ever finish Tarzan. I should really write for Tarzan... =S)

    Haha, I'm not sure if I meant for it to be, but I can see how it can be understood as dirty. =D
    January 16th, 2011 at 01:06am
  • lol
    I went over my cousin's apartment earlier today and her steps are covered with ice so when i was walking down them I slid and hurt my butt :[

    we're supposed to get more snow here! YAY!
    lol summer???

    iPrism is like a blocking thingy! its a think that they install on the computers to block out the 'bad' sites!:)

    and idk! i guess the teacher doesn't want us to talk out loud. lol we just IM each other ^.^
    January 13th, 2011 at 04:34am
  • Yeah, thank, I had a great night! =D Lots of family fun and great presents. My grandma got a little tipsy, so that was fun! =D

    Uh, I have a playstation too! Inherited from my brother. It's a playstation. Not a 2, not a 3. A playstation. =D So old... =P

    Heh, cool. Fisketorvet. I think it's a shopping center that seems great, but it's just too small... At least all the shops are, don't you think?
    I'm glad to hear you had a great time! =D Come again. =P hehe...
    January 9th, 2011 at 03:42pm
  • XD lol cool!ALL OUR SNOW HAS MELTED! >=O!!!!!

    thanks! you too!
    we finished our exams yesterday -.-
    im so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    zomfg yestrday in computer class I logged into mibba and youtube cuz iPRISM IS DOWN! ^.^ iPRSM FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!

    we now have student email accounts -.-
    January 6th, 2011 at 09:44am
  • And Merry Belated Christmas to you too! =D
    Had a good one?
    And Happy New Year in a few days! =D

    I bought myself a new dvd-player. It has internet-tv too! I can go on facebook and a few other sites on my tv! That's rad! =D

    Heh, well, at least you had fun doing it, right? When you feel stupid doing something, it usually turns into laughter. =P

    Yeah, I sorta read it. Briefly. I don't really get the idea, but I never really understand any of their ideas...
    I just hope it won't change too much. I wanna stay here. =)

    Has it already been a year?! Crazy! And now, you're in Spain again! =D
    Is it cold there? Or was... Depending...
    I got a lot of cd's and dvd's. ALmost half the presents were mine because everyone else in my family got really expensive presents. =D Fun!

    And yay! You were here! Did you like it? Did you shop? Was it fun (besides all the snow)? =P
    But a belated welcome, then! Hope you had fun here!

    It's kinda weird to say this, but since you're in Spain and might not be able to answer before, then:
    Talk to you next year! =D
    December 29th, 2010 at 03:06pm