equilibrium_ / Comments

  • Ok, I'm gonna tell you a secret: I like doing laundry and cleaning. =P

    Heh, odd that the vacations are a week apart. You'd think our countries' educational system were kinda alike. Not too much, I guess.
    But yeah, Octoberfest. And, just like last year, it ends on my best friend's birthday. So, she might have a party, but it's likely gonna end at the local bar. =P I can like some pics of Octoberfest this year on face; then you can probably see them. :D

    Yeah, it's pretty great living right next to the metro. I also live right next to a busstop, where the bus stops more "local" places, but yeah: the waiting in the freezing cold is enough for me to take metro and train to get somewhere. :P Also, I don't like riding the bus, because I rarely ever know where I am, and I have to press stop when I want off... I don't know when to press! I once managed to piss off a bus driver because I kept pressing at the wrong stops. :S

    Sounds like a great (and cheap) trip. Which city did you visit? And then you must have gotten a lot of shopping done and have gotten really drunk. =)
    But the trip home sounds aweful. I've never really flewn a lot, and I've been lucky enough never to experience those kinds of annoying flights. But good thing you slept - and that your friend let you sleep. ;)

    Yay, sounds like your application is on a roll, though it sounds like a lot of work to get it there. =) What university are you applying to?

    No, not anymore. There are a few numbers that sneak in sometimes, but not much. The last time I had chemistry was 7th or 8th grade, and then I had math until the first year of high school. That's it. And gosh, am I happy. :D
    The question was something like "if you buy two things, and the first thing is a dollar more expensive than the other, how much does the other cost: 0,95, 1,00 or 1,5", and the answer was 1,00, which I don't get, because it might as well cost 1,5, or any other price between 1 and 1,5. =S

    Haha, so true. They were all closet drag queens, who got to live out there dream in plain sight. The interesting thing was that it was normal to anyone who saw the plays - no questions asked or comments made. But today? :S

    Aw, sucks. I hope that they're just taking their time in deciding who to call. Or that it's because of the vacation that they may not have had the time. If the manager or someone else who makes the decisions are busy, then they are likely to take their time. :) I'm crossing my fingers for you! =D

    Heh, and I wrote that last sentence before I read on in your comment. =D Thank you for the crossed fingers. I also hope they'll get a good impression of me. =D

    Yeah, it must be so difficult to both study and work to pay for everything. And to need a scholarship to even study, sometimes. =S That's why I don't mind high taxes!

    Heh, I've got a few birthdays to think of before then. =D But yeah, summer was too short!

    Talk to you soon!
    October 17th, 2012 at 10:19pm
  • Hi there! :)
    Sorry for the long wait for a reply. I was so busy all of the sudden, with parties and school and so on, but now things are slowing down a bit. Well, almost. Next week is the week of Octoberfest, so I dunno there, but it is the autumn holiday! :)
    We had a party in my dorm yesterday, and I had a lot to drink, but I'm not hungover, thankfully. :D And I had great fun. But I broke my phone..... Frekin' sucks!
    But it was a good party with a theme for each floor (8 floors) and drinks on each floor too (explains the drunkenness). The freaky thing is that I only remember 6 of the 8 floors, but it's been over a year and a half since I've been that drunk, so I'm fine with that. :D I have no weird bruises or pains, so I don't think I did anything weird. :D

    But yeah, it's good to have a tell of when you're getting tipsy, because then you know when to slow down on the drinking and how to control it before it goes out of hand. :)

    Yeah, I take the subway. It's annoying early in the morning with all the people (especially during the cold months where everyone get colds often), but it's faster and easier. Especially on those mornings when I'm tired. :P

    I'm hoping you're having a nice, realxing time in Spain. It sure sounds like you need it! It's horrible when there's too much to think about. But I hope you get a job soon and that the foreign exchange settles so that you can slow down, relax and catch up on things. :)
    Any subject even close to mathematics (which I think chemistry and a bit of biology and such are) are so confusing to me. I ever only get half of what they're saying, and sometimes I just give up. Luckily, I don't run in to much anymore. =P Though there was a confusing question the other day in class that I just gave up on figuring out. :P

    Exactly! I've always been kinda bored with the Shakespeare stuff, because it's so predictable. Maybe he was very innovative back then, and credit to him for writing all those plays that were really successful, but it's all just kinda passé.

    I got the same response to the stores I went to, but then I left my resume if they needed help in the future.
    But now, I've got an interview about a job in the beginning of November! Really exciting. It's a student job as an file "editor", where I just have to transfer files from one program to another, but it's quite close to school and it's within a translation company, so there could be a chance of getting a job as a translator, maybe. :O And I heard it through someone who works there, so I know there're not a lot of people applying, which is awesome. :D

    Oh, they were just these student trips that the state gives public schools. It's kind of a perk. The perk for college students is then the student financial support. :) Students in Denmark are aa bit spoiled. :D

    I hope your vacation was great and that you got to calm down. :)
    Talk to you soon. :D
    October 14th, 2012 at 09:03pm
  • Hi.
    Sounds like you had some great evenings there. Odd that you couldn't feel your hands, but I can relate, because my nose gets numb when I drink. =P And lucky you that you got everything for free! =D And your party sounds like such luxury, with the fridge and sitting on a terrace. Wasn't it cold? Ew, that must've been disgusting! =S

    The attendance isn't manditory. But since I can't manage to read everything for some classes, I just go to those (as much as I can). I only have 20 minutes to school by public transport, so it isn't that bad - only when it's stopped or sometihng. I could bike to school, but then I'd have to go through the city center, and that is pure hell on a bike! =S
    Are your tests something that you generally just do during the year, or are they exams? It seems that you have a lot of tests. How do you handle it? =S Wow, second place! Impressive! Do you then have to read the Shakespeare story out loud, or analyze it or...? I remember, in high school, my teacher went on about Shakespeare for a month, and at the end when we had to summarize what we'd learned, she got a little annoyed when I said that Shakespeare made up a lot of his own words. Dunno why: it's true. =P

    I'll make sure to do that. =D I also think I'm gonna go to the local mall and ask a few stores if they need some assistance during Christmas. I actually feel like I need a job; mentally. I feel stressed, and I think a job would help, because I think it's my restlessness and guilt (for not reading what I'm supposed to) stresses me. =S

    I've only been to five countries: Germany, Norway, Brittain, Spain and Sweden. The first and the last were quick trips with my family, just driving through, and the rest have been student trips with school. I don't really know why I don't travel more. I think it's because it's so expensive, and also so unknown (like what the hotel will be like or where and what you can eat). Though, sometimes when I'm having a bad day, I really just wanna pack a bag and go to the airport and get on the first plane. =/ Just to get away.

    Yeah, the movie with Charleze Theron (can't spell and can't bother to check =S). It's incredible! I can highly recommend it. =D

    Talk to you soon. And good luck on your tests. =D
    September 28th, 2012 at 09:18pm
  • Hello! =)
    Did you have a chance to go out this weekend? Was it fun? =D
    Are you planning the party, or are you just gonna go with “anything adult and alcoholic”. =P Are you gonna serve alcohol, or do you know someone who can’t drink yet? =)

    Sounds like a great birthday. Very cozy and with the people close to you.

    That sounds so weird, because I thought it was mostly “made up” (perhaps based on something, but mostly just a bit… made up.)

    School is going okay. I’m having a bit of trouble making it to classes because of a mix between mad public transportation, disease and lack of motivation, but I’m doing most of the homework, so that’s okay. But 7-9 hour school days are tough. I’ll wait and see how the exams go. I think I have 3 before Christmas (during the three weeks before) and then one in the new year. =)
    How’re you handling school? Got a lot of homework?

    Hm, wel,, it’s a good idea to have all information (phone number, address, full name and perhaps email) at the top, then continue with kind of a resume about yourself (what you are especially good at). Then your experience (where you worked and how long) and schooling (where and how long). In the end, I’ve put a part called “further information”, where I explain that I have a driver’s license, am a non-smoker, have good health (usually!) and what I study now and so on – just something more personal, rather than just summing up.
    I hope it helped a bit. =) If not, I can try and send mine to you, so you can get an idea. Also, a picture can be a good thing to add. =)

    Yeah, and I think that could be a good time to gain experience and “get a foot inside”, if that makes sense in English. =)

    Wow, you travel a lot! =O I’ve been out of the country 4 or 5 times in my 23 years of living (if you don’t count quick shopping trips to Germany). =P Lucky you!

    Yeah, I think I will. It really looks interesting. I also recorded Monster the other day. =)

    Congratulations! That’s great! The theory test is the worst I thought, because you have to wait for the result, but with the actual driving test, you at least know whether or not you did good (did you hit anyone? No. Passed. =P).

    Talk to you soon, and I hope you have a great party this weekend. =D
    September 17th, 2012 at 05:03pm
  • Hi!
    And Happy birthday once again! 18, huh? How does it feel to be independent? =D
    Did you have a great day?

    It's okay that you reply isn't that long. Some conversational topics have to die at some point. =)

    Oh, I see now: nynorsk is a way for Norwegians to be harder to understand for all others (Danes, Sweeds and probably also some Norwegians. =S)? =P It sure seems like a way to confuse rather than improve.
    Heh, yeah, I only have school on Mondays and Thursdays, but both days are so loooong. I've started drinking a lot of coffee to stick them out. =/ But it's ok. I have a feeling that I'll have an ok chance at passing all exams in the first try. =)

    Yeah, a bookstore job sounds just like you, and also sounds real cozy and relaxing. It might not when you first get started, but it's just a romanticized view I have of bookstores. =D

    I just need some experience, so during Christmas I think I'm gonna try and find a job as additional help in a store, like Toys'R'us or something. They sometimes look for extra help from November through January because of the Christmas shopping and the following exchange/sale period.

    Yeah, like Frerards. And the language was kinda online-ish because it was written in paragraphs, without "big" words (like in articles and stories by authors who wanna sound fancy) and in a smooth, flowing language style. For some reason, it was just easier to read than some other books.

    It can be quite hard to find proper places to stay that are also cheap, especially in the city. My advice: stay clear of Nørrebro.

    I haven't heard of the movie before, but it looks good. I do think I have heard of Thor Heyerdahl before, though. But it looks so scary! I hate big bodies in water, especially sharks and whales! It'd be completely horror for me to see that. =S Now, I wanna watch it! =D

    So, I hope you have had a great birthday, and please tell me how you spent it and what presents you got! =D
    Talk to you soon. =D
    September 10th, 2012 at 10:14pm
  • Damn, that sounds tough. I don’t think I actually know the difference between the traditional (do you call it that) and new-norwegian, but aren’t the two very different in some areas? I think the news explained it (but Danish news suck at explanations), but it sounded like you had to learn an entirely new language… How different is it? Is there new grammar too, or is it just spelling and pronunciation?
    I start next Monday (the 3rd), so I’m not complaining. =) Yet… I only have school Mondays and Thursdays, but my Mondays are 5 straight hours (quite normal), and my Thursdays are from 8am to 5pm, and two Thursdays during the semester, I have to be in school from 8am to 8pm. =S =S I might complain…. =P

    Hehe, true, only the most dedicated authors (and poets, etc., I guess) can post. Mibba is being discriminative against the networkingly challenged! =O

    Yeah, it makes sense I think. =)
    And you’re welcome to write to yourself. =D But it really does sound interesting. You’re obviously good at English, so I think it would be easy for to study it, and you read a lot so literature is definitely you. =) And if you aim for relating your studies to a future in publishing, I definitely think you’ve got a good choice in that study. But you’ve got a whole year to think about it, so don’t stress (or, you have until you have to apply, but I’m sure there’s some time still. =)).

    Yeah, once I’m in, I’m in. Once I have anything to write on my CV as “experience”, I’m sure I’ll at least go in the ‘maybe’-pile in the future. I’m considering writing unsolicited application offering to do whatever crappy job they need done that I as a student can do (clean up after meetings, make coffee and copies and stuff). I think that’ll be my next step.

    Yeah, just the “now I’m really depressed”. I think it’s from a TV show or something, where someone’s faking to be depressed and then doesn’t get a cake or something petty like that, and then (s)he says that…. I don’t remember. Anyways, not important. =)

    Eh, I’ve never used Photoshop. =S So, I think we’re what they, in the business, would qualify as “screwed”. =P

    Hehe. Yeah, it’s too much fun to delete sometimes. Especially if you’re overtired or bored. =D It’s a cheap laugh. =P Or, expensive, since you had to buy a smartphone…… =P

    Heh, it’s kinda like a fic because of the way it’s written (very online-stylish), and then it’s about a misfit in high school, falling in love and all the trouble. And it GMH (gives me hope. =) It’s a website.)

    Hehe, I think out of those two options, buying my own would probably be the cheapest, buuut, I’ll deal. I have my phone and computer to go online with, so I’m good so far. =)

    I guess every language is a bit of a sell-out. =S

    Hehe, well, then we can be lunatics together. What a beautiful thing to bond over. =P

    Awesome! I’ll make sure to make your visit worthwhile with some Danish food (I’ll try to avoid the disgusting stuff). Hehe. =D And our world-famous beer!

    I’m having a great vacation. Just relaxing and doing as little as possible. =)
    I hope you’re surviving school. =)
    August 25th, 2012 at 06:05pm
  • Oh, dang, you already started? I feel bad for you. =S Especially since your teacher is so new-language-obsessed. =/ How're you holding up with that?

    It looks like a great trip you had. I can tell from the pictures on 'face' that you must have had a lot of fun and got really close to a lot of people. =)

    It took me so long to find that button too. I still have to take a few minutes to search for it when I wanna update (which isn't that often, but, but...). I think they still have a few pot-holls they need to fill in.
    I haven't learned the codes yet. Don't really feel the motivation. =S

    That's a bit odd, but also really good, because then you have the freedom to choose what you wanna study without having your previous years "weigh you down". But I've just pretty much followed whatever study I could find that sounded interesting, challenging (but still easy, or at least managable) and just something I knew I was good at. But don't worry about the pressure of a "higher education"; you get used to it not that far into the education (When I had a year left of high school, I was also pretty nervous about starting a higher education, but when I finally did finish high school, I couldn't wait for the freedom and responsability, because people might tell you to do something, but there's no real punishment for not doing something, so you feel more in control and free - like you actually have a say in your education, and don't just do what teachers tell you to).
    I hope I'm helping a little, and don't just make you more nervous. It's always easy to look back on something, rather than ahead at it. =) (how philosophical of me).

    Yeah, I hope it's gonna be good and that I can keep up with the reading. I'm considering making a head-start on the reading. =)
    And as for work: I've just received what I think is my 60th rejection for a job (because they "chose someone with more experience"), and this last job was even as a volunteer, so I've given up (for now). I'm refusing to send any more applications until at least a month into my master's - we'll see. I'm just so fed up with it that it's gotten too much, so to all the employers out there: fuck you!!

    Dammit! No snacks! =( Now I'm really depressed (isn't that line from a movie or something?)..

    Well, then it'll be the easiest picture to photoshop, because then you can photoshop me out and put yourself in, and then with any celeb we want!! We can just edit them into the empty space beside me. =D brilliant!!

    i LOVE aSTERIX AND oBELIX. And I just realized caps was on... I sometimes think it's funny to just leave what you wrote, and just keeep trying to spell it out right. Like the other day, I texted my friend, telling her to say hi to her sister from me, and I (my autocorrect-addicted phone) kept spelling her name wrong, but I just didn't change it. I'm sure they laughed,...... I hope they laughed... =S

    Heh, I'll avoid it then. I never read for fun!!! =P Yeah, lie. I've actually started reading a book called Scary Mary. It's like reading a fic, only it's an actual book. =) GMH. =P

    Heh, yeah, it just seemed so long in my head. But it can't for example go on google, because I'm not in the US. Such a simple task! So I can't use the internet at all (except to log on kindle shop with), so I can't read my school books online on it, which kinda sucks, because it's much more relaxing for my eyes to read on the kindle than the computer.

    Yeah, true. I kinda wanna watch it again.
    I'm glad they caught him too, yeah. Did you hear that he send a letter to his shrink telling him what he was planning, but the shrink didn't read it in time? That oughta be a horrible thing for the shrink to have on his shoulders. =S

    Heh, yeah, we say sweater. I don't know why we have to be so "international", because we have a perfectly good Danish word for it (trøje), but yeah... I guess we're too nice: wanting English-speakers to feel welcome and at home in our country.... =S =P

    Ha, nice: being responsible. It's not all it's made up to be. Or maybe it is... I'm too old to remember. Or maybe I've just been drinking too much and ruined my memory. Which would make me irresponsible. Or at least I have been once. Huh... Do you think you should be talking to me?
    Anywho, CONGRATULATIONS in a few weeks. =D

    Wow, if you came to Denmark, you'd definately have to visit us all. =D Do the Danes from Iowa (sounds geographically wrong) live near Copenhagen, or all over the country? DK isn't that big, but it is. =P

    I hope you had a great vacation and that it's not too much of a bummer (how slang of me) to be starting school again.

    P.s. I'm so glad I've started to save my answers in word before I click 'submit'. =P
    August 22nd, 2012 at 11:00pm
  • eh, I'm switching my major again, so it's probably going to be three years, before I actually graduate from college. It's hard to tell. I didn't do well my freshmen year. So, I think I'm still a freshmen because I'm under a few credits.

    Anyways, that's great that you enjoyed the States (: I'm glad that you met nice friendly people and had a good time. I'd like to take a trip over seas and go to Italy or somewhere in London, maybe even Switz or Scotland . I think it would be different and definitely a good experience.
    July 29th, 2012 at 03:31am
  • Welcome home!
    It sounds horrible with the jetlag (I’ve never tried it), but I hope your back to Norway time – and Norwegian. =D
    I look forward to reading about your trip (in a short moment =D).

    Oh, I just had some trouble with the administration of my study application and of the student support, because they apparently don’t communicate very well with each other, so I had to apply for student support (money) twice, and had to wait 2 months to get it, but I still had to pay my rent, so my financial situation was kinda /%(?#”! for 2 weeks. But it’s all good now! =D

    Yeah, they changed it again! They simply can’t decide, I guess. But I agree, this layout is much easier to navigate, and I do have to praise Mibba for making it suitable for phones! Try to log on with your iPhone. =D

    Yeah, I think so. I haven’t really checked it out. I just liked the fact that you could personalize your stories a bit more and that you didn’t have to learn rocket science (which the codes feel like for me) to do so. =S But I’ll learn. A motivation to learn it would be that I could possibly add it to my resume. =P

    Yay, that’s awesome! So, what exactly are you doing for your third year? =)
    Oh, yeah, definitely. A bit nervous about the work-load, but I think I’m more prepared for the subjects and assignments, since I had a short taste of it last year. =)
    Heh, you got me there. But yeah, maybe that could be a possibility. I’ve stumpled upon someone who needs help for 5 hours once a week, so I’m gonna apply for that, even though I’m not exactly the most obvious candidate for the job. Alternatively, I think I’ll look into doing some volunteer work at the local Red Cross store.

    They said they found someone more qualified (i.e. with more experience).
    Yay! Awesome! Some people actually turn down the invitation – why would they do that? Is the 1st of August their “pout-all-day”-day?
    Good, I need some praying. And please, send up some snacks too. =D

    Heh, sure thing! I’ll make sure to make me easy to photoshop out. ;)

    Tea is so incomprehensibly yucky. I like how it’s portrayed in a cartoon movie of Asterix, where they have “hot water-time” (or something), and then it’s Asterix and Obelix (and Idefix) that bring herbs to the Brits. =D

    Haha, the internet is such a woman! Which means that we have homosexual tendencies, I guess. I just don’t wanna recreate a backstreet boys orgie like you described, because yeah: that’s disturbing.

    Yeah, I’ve definitely not heard of it. I have heard of Fifty Shades of Grey, though…. Was that through you? =S I’m so forgetful. =P
    Hehe, the book was about a female assassin who’s from a whole family of assassins, and then she falls in love and realizes that her daughter is now old enough to join “the family business”. It has a lot of twists and funny stuff in it, and some truly intruiging and intense moments too. Quite well written. =)
    Hehe, I didn’t steal it, no. =D My brother went to the US for a business trip-thing and at the seminar they got some gifts, one being a Kindle. And since he already had an e-book-reader, he gave it to me. Wow, that was shorter than I thought. =P The sucky part about the e-book is that it’s set up for American users, which means that some of the stuff it can do, it can’t, because it’s not in the US. =S

    Prometheus was definitely scary, but I didn’t like the ending. Maybe because they never went home, and I hate the thought of being stuck in space. So yeah, scary!
    I also went to see the new Batman movie last week (I’m still alive =S). It was really good – surprisingly good, I thought, because the trailer gave away nothing, which made it look boring. Speaking of Batman: I can’t help but think that the crazy guy who shot people in the US (btw, good to hear from you after that, since you were over there somewhere) believed that if he dressed as a villain and shot people, then Batman would come for real. He does look like a crook from the movies.

    I’d pretty much just proof-read what the more professional translators have translated, and maybe translate a bit, but that would then be edited by the professionals. And yeah, I kinda appreciate that I didn’t get it after all.

    Hehe, yeah, kinda complicated, but I understood it (the second time around). =D But some words in Danish are just so good to have, that other languages should consider adopting them, just like the Danish language has adopted a few words, such as “sweater” and…. Others. =P A word like “hygge” should be more widely known.

    True, true – maybe I should start writing it in job applications, to sound smarter and more qualified. =D

    Already the 20th of August? =( I’m free until the 3rd of September. =) And I’m enjoying the vacation as heaven! I’ll be going on a short 5-day-vaca with my parents to visit my brother in Jutland, but after that I have no plans. Except for maybe a few trips to Tivoli, because my mom won a gold-card to the place, which means I can enter for free with 4 friends and get a lot of stuff a bit cheaper. I’ve already been in there 4 times! =D
    Woho! Roadtrip! =D How’re your driving lessons coming along? =D
    Sure, I’ll post a pic. =D

    Wow, that sounds like an amazing trip! It sounds like you were busy all the time and had a bunch of things to do, which I think makes a great vacation. It does sound sad though, when you had to say goodbye to everyone. You really can get incredibly attached to people within a short amount of time. But I’m really glad you had such a great trip with so much to do – it makes me wish that I had hidden in your bag. It might have cost your some money because of the overweight of the baggage on the plain, but I would’ve totally paid for that. =D
    Sure you can add me! You better! I’ll just send you my name in a PM. =D

    Have a great continuous vacation!
    Talk to you soon. =D
    July 27th, 2012 at 05:44pm
  • True, but I got to wait for school to be over with and such and it's cheaper living with my parents until it's over with. Anywho, how did you like the States?
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:45am
  • Yes. Well, not me, my parents have. I still live with them. Any who, that's still in the works of "figuring out." I doubt we'll ever make it out of here, we've lived in Texas, Michigan, and other places, but somehow, we managed to wind back in this hell hole where we were all born >.<
    July 13th, 2012 at 07:22am
  • Hi.
    Sorry for answering this late again. =S Vacation and economic problems had me busy there for a while, but now all is good and the vacation is continuous, but less vocational… =P

    Yeah, I remember Mibba crashing a lot, so it’s a good thing that they seem to have fixed that, but there are just a few things that I miss from the old Mibba: like the profile-layout. Well, I don’t as much miss it, as I wish they’d just made it easier and not so code-ish. Why can’t they make the profile-layout like the story-layout, where you just have to click around to make it? Though, I must say, I do feel kinda smart and intelligent when I finally figured out how to type the codes. =P

    Wow, congratulations! As far as Wikipedia told me, that is an incredible grade average! You must be so proud. I’ve never been able to get an average like that, so I think you should be very proud of yourself. =D Congrats again!
    And yeah, it’s a bit tough, especially near the end where they practically expect you to be perfect at everything and know everything, but I managed to get through with an average good enough to be accepted on the Master’s, so now I’ll study for another two years. =)
    But I’m also planning to get a job somewhere, as a student assistant where I can work a few hours a week (10-15 or something), so I have no idea how to handle both. =S Gonna be tough, but healthy too I think. =) I actually got my first job interview two weeks ago, and though I didn’t get the job, the interview went really well and it just felt so nice to get beyond the application-part of seeking a job and actually get to talk to someone (and know that my applications are being read). =)

    Hehe, well, sometimes compliments just make your day, so I thought I’d give you that. =)
    Also, a smile can make someone’s day, and my friend and I have created this event (on facebook) called “Smil til Danmark”, only it also welcomes anyone anywhere else in the world to just smile at everyone for one day. It’s set August 1st. Wanna join? All you have to do is smile all day. =D

    Haha, well, then you’ll just have to stay in my imaginary tribe for LIFE! Because those are the rules. Also, I am their god, so start praying. =P

    Sounds intense and intruiging. Is it something you watched online? The way you describe it, it really does sound like he’s a very good actor.

    I don’t like tea either – never did. It’s just so…weak and…watery and…bitter or sour. I have begun drinking coffee from time to time – mainly at family get-togethers or when I’m sick,. But hot chocolate still takes 1st place. =D

    Haha! Just loughed out loud. =D But yeah, I think I’ll do that soon. It deserves it! Technology is so one-sided – it never does what I wanna do. It’s like a selfish lover that you can’t help love. It’s cruel! It tramps all over your feelings.
    Wouldn’t it be fun to write a heart-wrenching tear-jerker about a selfish lover and describe it so horribly selfish, and then end it with “if only technology loved me back the same way I love it”. Would that be weird? =P

    Haha, you’d think so. Actually, I think so… I don’t really know what happened to any of them. There were rumors once that one of them had come out of the closet. Who knows, maybe the rest of them joined him – so now, they’re having a huge orgy. Ew. Ew. Thought go away!

    Aw, you’re welcome. But I will throw you to the cats if you start reading….something that’s not ever meant to be read. =P
    I didn’t know Game of Thrones was a book. Should I be ashamed? Nah, I won’t be, even if I should. I should be doing a lot of things. =P
    I’ve actually started reading a little bit more. Just finished a book called “’Scuse me while I kill this guy”, which was actually kinda funny and good. I downloaded it for free on this e-book-reader that I got from my brother (long story), and I’ve also downloaded a few other free ones (including some Aristotle, which I’m gonna read next, I think, as a nerd), so I’ll likely start reading more (also fics). =)

    Yeah, Iron Sky was really good. Funny, but it also had a story line that you could kinda live yourself in to. So, yeah, the continuity is important, like your say. =)
    I went and saw Prometheus too! It was so good! Better than I thought, because I’d only seen the trailer and I’ve never seen the Alien movies, so I didn’t really know what to expect except (wow, mind-fuck with words) a sci-fi thriller. But yeah, scary too. I hate outer space. It’s just so big and endless and you’re screwed if you can’t get back to earth.

    The job was as a student translator, so it sounded really cool. But yeah, didn’t get it, but it was also located kinda far away from where I live (about 40 minutes of public transport), so it’s not that bad that it ain’t good for something.
    But thank you for the offer of help. My parents and my brother helped a lot, so I felt really prepared. And it was all relaxed and down-to-earth, so I’m pretty pleased with the experience, even though I didn’t get the job. =)

    Well, that’s kinda odd. Does it sound like a word that might as well be Norwegian? I can’t even find a word for it in English. That’s the good thing about being multi-lingual: you sometimes know words that are so unique for the language that they just cannot be translated.

    Heh, I’m gonna use that argument a lot from now on. ;) “You haven’t watched Alien? Are you stupid?” “No, I have a Bachelor’s degree”.

    So, you’re on vacation now as well? =D For how long? Goin anywhere? Except, maybe 1977 with me? Wanna go find a time machine? How about next Monday? Say, 12-ish? =P hehe.
    Speaking of, yesterday, my guy (I’ve always hated the word boyfriend, dunno why, so from now on: guy) said he had to go shopping for food and whatnot, and as a joke I said “oh, you’re gonna buy me a present? That’s so sweet! Thank you!” And then, he came home with one. And I was all, what? You got me something? Because it was a joke, which he got, but then decided to joke me right back, and then he got me a poster of an old car. I can post a pic of it. =)

    It’s so pretty in the north. The air is much cleaner and the daylight lasts so much longer during the summer. =D

    I hope you have a great vacation in America! And also that the greatness continues when you get back. =D Talk to you soon. =D
    July 10th, 2012 at 12:55pm
  • Yeah, true. The design is prettier, but I just don’t get why they choose to change the coding and all. But I guess they have their reasons. Still, I can’t help but be negative about the points, simply just to be difficult. =) I like being like that sometimes… =P Shh! =O

    Congratulations! Have you gotten any other grades yet? And if you felt like it went ok, then it likely did. =D I had my last exam a little over a week ago, and I passed. I don’t know if I already told you that in the last comment, but in case I didn’t: I have a Bachelor’s degree!! I’m so glad it’s over. =D

    Exactly! They just stare at you and expect you to know everything they want and need. Some say that there’s a special bond between the mom and the kid where the mom just automatically knows stuff, so yeah: let the mom do it? =S That’d be my solution, I think…. =P I’d be the worst babysitter ever. =S
    And I once got a drawing from a kid. I think I managed to give it back to the kid somehow… I don’t remember. =S

    Well, on the pictures I’ve seen of you, you look pretty, so I’m pretty sure you can look more than okay. =)

    Well, there’s probably some crazy ritual you have to go through in order to exit the tribe again… Perhaps eat, I don’t know, an onion? =P

    I don’t think you’ve talked about Sea Wall before. I definitely haven’t seen the trailer before. What does he talk about?

    Oh, right, Australia has some of the strictest import rules ever. I understand the no illegal drug laws and animal transport, but stuff like tea? And certain foods? They’d probably confiscate a hippie’s shoes because they’re made of some herb that “under no circumstances can enter the Australian borders”. =S
    I’m not a big fan of tea either. Get me a coffee.

    Wow, I need that magic spell for every piece of technology I own. Yesterday, my keyboard decided to cock up (luckily, I had another), and today my printer went all “fuck you in the ass”. I have a horribly messy love-hate relationship with technology. =S
    It’s the left-handed thing! I’m sure of it! Damn you, lefty… [insert threatening hand gesture here]
    I do that too: just wish things instead of buying them. If it’s something I don’t need right now, I’ll just let others buy it for me. =P

    Yum!! I’m already looking forward to it! =D

    Ahhh…. But which one of those sentences is the lie? =O =O

    I remember in the 7th grade, our class was split into two: boys against the girls, because “every” boy liked backstreet boys and “every” girl liked spice girls, and they were “at war”. =S

    Well, you read a lot more than I do (i.e. more than a book a year =S), so I pardon you for reading them. =P But really, it’s good that you liked them. And don’t movies based on books always disappoint? =/

    Iron Sky is about moon Nazi’s invading Earth. =P And the awesome thing is that it’s just as ridiculous as it sounds. It’s so funny! Maybe that’s why they chose a stupid font. =S
    And MIB 3 was pretty good. A good story, but some of the details were a bit disappointing (like frame-to-frame accuracy where from one frame to the next, the character doesn’t eat the same bit of food twice =S – you’d think they had better editing since they probably had a huge budget).

    Awesome. I’ll make sure to pass it on to the mourners. =)

    Aw, that sounds so cute! And that makes it sound like you’re not that bad with kids. =D

    Wow, sounds like a tough job! I can understand that you were tired when you got home. =S
    Speaking of job, then I’ve been offered my first job interview ever! In one week from today. It’s kinda crazy, because I’ve sent out at least 40 job applications, but this is my first ever interview!

    Yeah, I finished my Bachelor. I actually had my Bachelor’s exam last year, but because I didn’t pass a course, I couldn’t start my Masters and had to retake the course this year. But that is the exam I passed just recently, so now, I’m all done! =D

    Oh, damn, sounds like a bad day. =S

    Yeah, I did. And it was actually really delicious. =D And it’s quite common for people with pollen allergies to be allergic to fruit; especially apples. It “cross-reacts” with it.
    That’s nice. I think that any religion or belief that brings people comfort is good. Especially if they don’t force it on people. Or, in Danish: påbedutte. I think it’s such a funny Danish word that is used too little. =P

    Btw, I’ve so far noticed at least three horrible, classic and annoying spelling mistakes: sorry. =S I know how to spell!! Just not sometimes… =S

    True that. And yet, it was Einstein who said “life is hard, math is harder”. Ironic, the world is.
    I suck at math, because sometimes the numbers get messed up in my head. I think I have a mild case of dyscalculia, which is the number-equivalent of dyslexia.
    I have my vacation now. =) And I’m having a wonderful time doing absolutely nothing. =D

    1977 just had some beautiful cars and fashion trends, and I just think I’d feel like I was in wonderland. =)
    Yeah, exactly. I think no one! But it’d be cool to know the truth, and perhaps write a book about it and leave it for someone to find. Or write it in some kind of coding in a book. Like, I’d write a book about space, but every if you read the book a certain way, it would tell you all you needed to know about time travel and what really happened.
    But first, I’d have to travel. =S

    Have you ever seen Who’s line is it Anyway? The US version? =)

    Wow, those pictures look amazing! Tropical, and not at all like Norway. Looks like a tropical getaway place, only you don’t have to even leave the country. Nice! =D
    It looks so pretty. I’d love to go see that some day.
    It’s kinda funny, because a lot of the people I know wants to travel all over the world, especially south, yet I really just wanna go North. I’d love to go to Paris, but I’d prefer Norway or Finland or Canada. Or even Iceland and Greenland.

    At the end, I just wanna share this link with you: http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds#/4
    I think it links to the album by Lit, which is okay for a comeback from them, but there are also all these other, new albums you can listen to, in full, for free!
    So I wanted to share that. =D

    Talk to you soon! =D
    June 18th, 2012 at 10:05pm
  • Ohio's not bad, it's just where I grew up in a small county that is filled with drama and hicks and druggies and stupid people. I can't go out and do something fun and reckless because my parents have a name through the county and I don't mind that because that doesn't stop me from going out and having fun. Most of my family lives here. I don't exactly get along with everybody. They all run their mouths. I'm just tired of this place.
    June 16th, 2012 at 03:26am
  • Ehh, I live in Ohio, and that's why I say it's not all that great. Buttttt I've lived in other states and they were better.
    June 13th, 2012 at 09:37pm
  • Haha, I'll keep that in mind (:
    That's so exciting. I hope you enjoy yourself here. It's not all that great but it's a change of scenery and a new place. But you'll meet new people, and I'm sure you'll make a lot of new friends ^.^
    June 12th, 2012 at 05:27am
  • Haha, then we're both at fault for loosing touch, but it's all good now that we're catching up xD Ooh, nothing too big, just been handling my depression a bit better. Life keeps keeps lifting me up only to bring me back down. Doesn't seem like I get a break often. But, it's nothing big. I'm already on break, haha xD That's exciting that you're coming to the States (: What's bringing you here?
    June 6th, 2012 at 01:51am
  • Haha, yeah, that was probably more than likely my fault. I was always grounded or working >.< It's still the same minus the grounding. Just been working and in college now. I've been alright, seen some better days, but i'm just taking it day by day. Yourself?
    June 4th, 2012 at 08:12pm
  • Hi.
    Heh, I promise that if I die, I’ll make sure to let you know. =D
    Damn, Mibba has changed a lot. Gonna take some getting used to. =S

    Oh, those kind of tests are so frustrating in a way, because you know there’s no right answer, but it’s all up to the teacher, you know? Or, do you feel like that? I always feel a bit defensive befoe I’ve even gotten the results. =P But you say it went ok, so I’m sure it went great.
    I had an exam a while back that I thought went ok, so I’d probably get at least a passing grade. And then I got the second-highest grade, a 10. =D So I’m sure you’ve done well.

    As long as it’s good changes, it’s all good. =D

    Oh, thank you, and don’t rush yourself. Focus on your last exam, and break a leg! =)

    Yeah, same here. I never know what to do or say when a kid, for example, gives me a drawing. I can tell that they’re happy to give it to me and I always said thank you, but what to do with it? Uhm………………… =S

    I can understand – it gotta be stressful with both school, exams and driving lessons. But I’m sure you’ll do well when you get back to it, and then you might realize it’s not as hard as you remembered, and then relax. And then, you’re basically there. =)

    Yeah, precisely. And you don’t have to worry about being too revealing or if something matches or not and blaaaaaaaaaaah. I sometimes get so caught up in “what to wear” that I just give up and throw on whatever and walk around feeling ugly-pretty. You know that feeling? Where you know you must look ugly, but you feel cool because you know it’s on purpose, and then you feel pretty. =D

    Well, for saying that, you may just have been accepted to some tribe far away. Welcome!

    Yeah, I agree. Also, in person, I’ve been told that I’m good at keeping eye contact, so I think I subconsciously always “win” a meeting, because I’m the last to break eye contact. =P
    Ha, what are the odds? But good thing you didn’t have to ‘give yourself away’ and say anything. =P

    Wow, that’s great! Congrats! Teachers can always find something wrong, so well done! =D

    Haha, everything needing to be shipped from the US to DK always costs 3254348785 dollars, and then it can’t slip passed customs in DK, so I have to pay triple that to even get it. =S
    But it’d be worth it for a gramophone podfic!!!
    Also, I’d have to buy a gramophone player. =P

    Wow, that’s incredible. Everyone I know has cracked their screen. (And I just thought it might be provoking because it was so blunt. =/) You must have an abnormal hand that drops your phone differently (no hard feelings, abnormal hands are totally normal) or maybe your phone is the only one with a build-in pillow. =P
    So, are you considering buying a new phone?
    Dunno. =/

    Oh, wow, that looks f-in delicious!! We don’t have them here, but damn, we should!!

    Heh, don’t worry, I’m who I say I am. Are you?
    And even if I was an old, creepy man, I could get some surgery done and become me. =P =P

    Wow, so someone really invented a time machine, didn’t they? Or maybe they buried themselves in a time capsul. =P
    There was actually a 90’s party here where I live yesterday evening, but I didn’t go. I was tired and really, what do you wear?? What was so special? Spice Girls and plateu shoes (never liked the first or wore the other)? All I remember are tights instead of pants, and that’s pretty much fashion still (yet, less colorful). =P

    Sound good to me! We should help out some mentally ill people, and I know exactly where to start: the politicians! And quick!!
    I’ve actually found some books that are online (full length) that I figure I wanna read during this summer. One is by Aristotle (might get bored with it and skip a few chapters) and another is by some theorist who I don’t remember the name by, but it’s all about anthropology and a bit psychology revolving around economics and marketing and culture, so it sounds really interesting to me (the geek. =P).

    Exactly! And politicians basically seem to lack compassion and empathy when they say “let’s go (or start) a war and kill the enemy that killed our people”. Isn’t that doing the exact same thing, only reverse, when you declare war on an entire country?
    I never understood war or weapons or violence. I’m a total pacifist.

    Well, sometimes I also think that books become a bit too advertised and glorified, especially by fans. First it was LOTR, then Twilight and now Hunger Games. They might all be good, but I get a bit thrown off when it becomes a pop-thing. But if they come to kill you, I’ll come and wave my white flag and release white pigeons and declare peace and freedom. I’ll be the one with the peace-sign panted on my forehead. =P

    Yeah, I went and saw Iron Sky just this Tuesday. And I also saw Men in Black 3 the day after that. Iron Sky was really good – so good, that after 15 minutes, I decided that I’m gonna buy it when it comes out on dvd. =D And I haven’t actually paid attention to the poster, but you’re so right, it looks like deace! Or derce. I can never read that kind of fond, either. =S

    Great! You’re death is planned, then. Do you want you funeral to be the same, or should it be spiced up a bit? Perhaps with some fic-podcasts or pictures of flying pigs.
    Well, one thing that was really interesting to know is that baby girls tend to make a lot of eye contact, both with their parents and strangers, and it’s this eye contact (and keeping it) that makes girls more connected to people, and later, they copy them and that’s how they develop (and why they often develop faster than boys). Meanwhile, boys tend to just observe, and are easily destracted my moving and colorful objects.

    Wow, I hope for you that they pay most of it. =/ I couldn’t afford that, at least not without parental help. Oh, the poor student I am. =P
    I hate talking in front of people too. I hate being put on the spot like that, which is why I hate exams. (Speaking of, I have my last exam of my entire Bachelor degree and I’m not looking forward to it, but I feel prepared.)

    Yeah, so have we. But now it’s gone, and it’s back to 10-15 degrees. =( But it was a nice taste for what summer will hopefully bring.
    Why were you stuck in a bus, and more importantly; why didn’t it have air conditioning? =S

    Yeah, it sucks bad, because I can’t eat pizza! Though, I just made my own today: total success. =D But I do take allergy meds, it just doesn’t work much against tomatoes. I might be able to eat a little bit (like have a bite of pizza or lasagna), but not a lot of it, apparently. And it’s the same with apples, I’ve come to know. =S =S
    Heh, well, I guess it depends how Christian you are. =)

    That’s so true! From 1st to about 5th grade, it might be okay that we all have to learn the same, because we’re all at the somewhat same level, but after that we all develop radically different, both in level of learning and, most importantly, in interest. Especially high school and university should offer a lot wider range of choices. I suck at math (borderline dyscalculic), so being forced to do math in high school made more damage than good. =S
    School should definitely be more free; just as free as the work life, where you can choose your job (more or less – less these days, but still).
    But it’s almost summer, right? When do you get vacation? =)

    If I had a time machine, I’d definitely go to the 70s first (1977, I think), then 60s, 50s and then I’d use it to go back and check every mayor historical event to check its accuracy. I’d love to know if man really invented fire or if it was an accident (lightning?), and was it really Roosevelt who wrote that famous “America was deliberately attacked”, or was it a speech writer. And what if Jesus never walked on water?
    I don’t think I’d use the knowledge for anything – I’d just like to know the truth.

    Yeah, they’re good. Their sound is kinda like country, only a bit better. I kinda have a blind dislike for country. Like in Who’s line is it Anyway, when they do the how-down, I automatically think “oh, no” every time, because it reminds me of country. =S

    Theatres are kinda forced, I think, here in DK. Not a lot of people actually enjoy it, and I think half of the people who go do it because they feel like they have to in order to be cultivated and posh. The small theaters live strong, though, both because of cash from the state but also, I think, because they’re less forced to be “orthodox” and “follow the rules”.

    I hope you’re doing well too. And look! It only took a week this time!
    And new Mibba is odd. =/
    Talk to you soon. =D
    May 31st, 2012 at 10:08pm
  • Hello, it's been a long time.
    How are you?
    May 27th, 2012 at 05:07am