equilibrium_ / Comments

  • Hi!
    I am so so sorry for answering this late. It’s been almost three weeks! Well, at least I’m improving, right? =S
    And I’m writing this reply in word first (thank you for the tip ;D ), and I’m probably gonna save the document and use it each time I reply, so that I can keep the comment (like you, thanks for the tip) so Mibba doesn’t obstruct any of our conversations any further (I’m perfectly capable of doing that on my own, Mibba). =D

    So, first up, thank you for the birthday wishes! I had an amazing day. I’ll tell you about it after I’ve answered you comment. =D

    I’m really glad that you’re reading Ghost of Mine again. These last three weeks have been a bit hectic with an exam (which I got an A on, yay me!!), my birthday (both for friends and family) and Spanish classes with a lot of homework, but things are winding down a bit and I’m hoping to make ends meet from now on: starting with answering you! =)

    Wow, congratulations are in order then! It’s great that you have a teacher that thinks that a class is about learning and not proving that you’re learning, because some teachers (especially here) get caught up in expectations they have of the students rather than actually teaching well.
    So, you learned! Congratulations. =D

    Aw. I’m also horrible with kids, mainly because I don’t like correcting them and making them sad, so I’m not very disciplinary. But at 1½ they can’t talk very well yet, can they? So, they’re not that difficult to shut up? Wait, what am I saying (/writing)? People (even adults) who can’t (or won’t talk) tend to yell and scream.
    I’m not that jealous of you. =P

    How long have you been taking the classes now? I’m sure you’ll get a hang of it soon enough. I remember having a lot of trouble remembering everything (where the turn signal was and remembering to looks for signs and what it was that they meant), but then suddenly, without really noticing the difference, it just became natural. It was as if I suddenly had an extra arm that I never knew was missing (maybe that’s an exaggeration, but hey, it works, right? =D).
    So I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon, and then you’ll wonder how you ever got confused.
    Now, it’s been a while (a long while) since I’ve last been behind the wheel in a car, but it’s a bit like learning to ride a bike – it’ll get back to me within a few minutes when I get behind a wheel again (hopefully not behind it as in “have just been under it”-behind it. =P Poor joke, I know. =S)

    Well, if it’s a proven fact, then they can only be supportive, right? (If someone is against it, stay away from them!)
    Actually, I’ve heard surprisingly little about it since. Back when it was introduced, the students (that were interviewed, at least) said they were all for it, but I can imagine that it gets kinda old and difficult in the long run. I would be stressed if I had to wear the same uniform each day – I would need at least 30 of them, because I’m not very good at doing laundry too often. =S

    Haha. Well, maybe eating monkey balls is a fancy way of saying “I’ve got a Porsche in the garage”. =P
    Yeah, I know. It gets so awkward, and I always have a little fear that they’re gonna misunderstand something I say or misinterpret the silence as “I don’t like you now”. I know it’s extreme, but yeah: that’s how much I hate phone calls. =S Though, oddly, I’m surprisingly good at talking with my grandma over the phone… Maybe it’s because she’s got so much experience with it. =P
    Oh, that does sound really awkward. But at least your dad can explain then – or make it worse. 50/50? =S I’m being so supportive. =S
    But I’m sure he remembers awkward conversations he’s had before. Maybe you wasn’t the worst he’s been presented with. Some people tend to babble and other don’t say a word. At least you said something. =)
    So, has 3 weeks been enough for him to read it and grade it (I feel like my mom now. “Have you gotten an answer yet?” I’ve never understood that question. What do they expect? “Yes, mom, and I got a grade higher than the highest grade because the teacher was so gob-smacked that he didn’t know what to do. I’m getting the Nobel prize later this week. Did I forget to tell you that?”)

    Wow, I feel old now since I’ve never heard of those. =S Technology is developing so fast! Whatever happened to the gramophone?
    Oh, you have an iPhone? Can I ask a retarded and perhaps a bit provoking question (a thousand times pardon): Is the screen broken? I had an iPhone for two weeks, dropped it 20 cm onto a carpeted floor and the screen cracked. My friend has an iPhone: she’s dropped it three times and has three cracks in the screen. And that’s an iPhone 4. Why has Apple not figured out that their screen it shit?
    16 hours?! That would leave me with a sore throat, I believe. And the reluctance to talk for a few days. =P

    Noooo!! I’d demand mine back! Or demand a new one! (I’m not a chocolate-oholic at all, noooo…)
    Deal: I’ll try and get to Stavanger before I turn sixty, and if I fail, then you will have a few years to get to Copenhagen. =D And if our meeting is awkward, we’ll just keep talking on Mibba. (“So, did you have a good trip to Stavanger?” “Oh, yes. Beautiful city, though I didn’t meet a single person! Very deserted place, I must say”)

    Aw, do you know what ever happened to him? Have you ever tried looking him up (if you have his name)? It’s really sad when things change, especially when you’ a kid. But at least you have good memories – with Spyro! =)
    There are people who don’t know what tetris is? You’re kidding, right? Are they people you’ve met when you’ve traveled back to the middle ages or the stone age? =S

    Wow, that sounds really interesting in a frightening way; both by the fact that it can be proven that psychopaths lack some brain function, but also that it hasn’t been used more extensively. If they used this method today, they could keep psychopaths off the streets and rehabilitate those who aren’t. The test you described seems pretty legit and consistent, so why not?
    Maybe the answer is ethics: the electric-shock thing might be considered torture to some. But then again, some governments are “blind” towards torture being used during time of war, and the US Government were recently close to signing an Act allowing torture to be performed “if they had good reason to” on presumed or convicted terrorists. I don’t believe they did sign it, but if they can even PROPOSE such a cruel act, then how can they consider shock-administering torture?
    Now I’m the one who’s ranting. =P
    Heh, I don’t think I’m a psycho, no. I’m pretty sure I’d be worried if some facts about psychopaths’ lives and mental states fit me, so I don’t think I am one. =) But who knows, maybe I’m just a psychopath in denial. =O

    What? That makes no sense to me. How can they make a link between something forced (a new language) and ensuring culture? I’m so confused, but then again, when has Government ever made sense?

    Oh, you’re right. Bilbo is his uncle. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movies as well. I never read the books, though, but that not too surprising, is it? ;)
    Oh, well, since Elrond (Hugo Weaving) is in it as well, I’ll probably go see it with the boyfriend (he’s his favorite actor). But I definitely wanna see it. And Iron Sky. I really wanna go see Iron Sky. Have you seen it?

    Hehe, true. And a simple “anything new?” might turn into a long monologue. =P
    I’m guessing you’ll die with a book in your hand (one that you’ve read many times before), surrounded by…. A million books? Is that too much? I don’t think so. You could drop dead in a library, you know. Am I being a bit of a mood-killer? =S
    I actually just finished my two books I got for Christmas (I read fast, don’t I? =S) about the male and female brain. Really fascinating and amusing stuff. I can highly recommend them (written by Louann Brizendine).

    Haha!!! That video is so funny. Crazy, but funny. I love those kind of unusual things. =D I was in the metro about two weeks ago where they had something similar, but far less dramatic. It was a “flash mob” where there was a real life orchestra playing “Morning” by Edvard Grieg. It was really beautiful. The video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gww9_S4PNV0 (luckily, I wasn’t filmed).

    Wow, that sounds really awesome. Doesn’t the trip cost a lot of money, though?
    But I’m so jealous. I often look at travel sites to see how cheap I could go somewhere for, but they always just show the plane ticket price, so adding other expenses such as hotel, transport and fun is too much for me. =S
    Can your dad’s club sponsor a trip for me? =P

    What? Snow in April? Well, we had snow here around that time last year too, but still: Snow?? In April??
    Well, not completely. And I just discovered last week that my seasonal allergic reactions to tomato hav gotten a lot worse: I ate some pizza with Dolmio tomato stuff on it (completely regular and a relatively thin layer too) and I couldn’t breathe right for an hour afterwards and had to take extra allergy meds. So, yeah, that sucks. I like tomato! =(
    Oh, yes, God is here all the time! He loves the attention, because he’s in almost every fic (oh my god!).

    Well, I’m lazy too, so I think that’s why I’m not scoring too high grades. I’ve never really liked them, because I hate having a number define how much I know about something and how good I am at it.

    Yeah, it does seem weird, doesn’t it? I’m still stunned that they got engaged so soon. But damn, how I wish I had lived in the 50’s. But, maybe I did! I sure hope I did… =)

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them, no. It’s not quite the music I usually listen to, but the singer has a good voice. It’s a bit too country for me. =)
    And now I’ve listened to it for a while, and it’s actually quite relaxing and good. =D I like it. Where are they from? Britain?

    And now, my birthday. =D And pre-birthday. Because on the 27th, we (my best friend, some great friends of mine and I) went to see his play, which was so funny and so well performed by them all. It was a play of many small scenes, connected by the fact that they were all written by a writer who introduced them all. It began hilariously with a scene called “the sneeze” where a worker sits behind his boss at a play (olden times style, around the 1850s Britain, I think) and then accidentally sneezes on him. And they present it so well, because first the writer introduced the scene by saying something along the lines of “he was so mindset on impressing his boss that he introduced himself [the man introduced himself] and then his wife [introduces] and then introduces himself to his boss’s wife [introduces] and then introduces his wife to his boss’s wife [guess what]” And then, the man felt a strange sensation within himself. And before he knew of it, he reered his head back and…” [sneeze!] It was really funny. Also, in the first scene my boyfriend was in, he was a priest who had to have his tooth pulled (again, olden times) and was so resistant that he was thrown all around and dragged across the scene. Hilarious! And the second scene he was in, he was a police officer who had to “save” a man from a “crazy man” who was trying to sell the man a drowning. And then the police officer says that the man is being conned, because “a good drowning can’t possibly cost more than 4 shillings” (or something, don’t remember). And “that just last week, a group performed a whole shipwreck for 2 shillings”. =D And it was all in that hilarious tone, except for a few scenes. Like this one scene where an amazingly talented girl played an actress auditioning for a play. She could, within a second, go from being on the verge of tears to being bubbly and happy. It was incredible.
    Wow, I’m babbling about the play. =P Anyway, here is a review of it: http://www.cphpost.dk/culture/doctor-leaves-audience-stitches (the guy on the right is my boyfriend =) )

    Anyway, after the play (which ended at 11pm, being 3 hours long, but worth it), we celebrated the great performance, then all jumped in my boyfriend’s car (6 people, 2 in the front and four in the back =P Shh. Don’t tell your teacher. =D) and drove home. Then we all gathered up with champagne and I popped the cork at midnight exactly: my birthday!!
    And then we sat around, drinking champagne and eating cookies and cake, for a few hours and then went to the local bar and kept celebrating (where my lovely best friend went around and got everybody to say happy birthday to me).
    Then, the morning after (still my birthday), I went home and was celebrated by my family with presents and my favorite meal (flæskesteg) and cake and icecream and candy and everything! And I got some great gifts (cd’s, bowls (because I love baking), baking forms, frying pan (to hit people with, of course), and… other… things. Yup!).
    Then, when I got home (after midnight, so technically not my birthday anymore) I got my present form my boyfriend. Since he had played his last performance that night, he was at a party for the whole cast, so he had left his present for me in my fridge. =P hehe. And it was a really cute gift, because he had gotten me two dvd’s with my favorite actor (Dirch Passer, Danish) and a Dooley’s set. And while it may not sound that cute that he got me alcohol, then it really is, because the first night we kissed we has shared an entire bottle of Dooley’s. =D
    And then, the day after (the 29th), my best friend came to visit and she gave me her present which is a visit to this famous comedy club in Copenhagen! =D I’m so looking forward to cashing that present in. =D
    So yeah, I must say that my 23rd birthday was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had, being celebrated from midnight to midnight and having everybody that I love and care for around me.

    So, I hope everything is going good with you. It is with me. And I hope that your trip to Iowa will be amazing and incredible and everything you’ve ever hoped for and more. Though, I do hope to speak with you before you leave – I promise not to answer too late again. =)
    Speak to you soon! =D
    May 10th, 2012 at 09:59pm
  • Ok, it seems that Mibba's cock-up deleted my last comment I sent you and if you sent me one recently, then Mibba deleted that too. What a huge blundder by Mibba. =S
    April 15th, 2012 at 10:29pm
  • Hey.
    I don't know if you've seen it, but I've answered your comment in a message. =)
    And then, I just wanted to say that I love this piece and that it would be beautiful for you to maybe play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u69CkyLJUKU
    Talk to you soon. =D
    April 1st, 2012 at 09:55pm
  • Hi. I'm so sorry for the laaate reply. =S
    So, how did it all go? Have you gotten your driver's license yet? Because it sounds like you've made it quite far, considering you had to drive without help. How did it go?
    And how did it go with the article? What did you write about?
    And how's the new project going? Still scary?
    And I'm sorry to say it, but I think life is about being nervous all the time. =S And stressed. At least that's what it feels like sometimes. =/

    Hehe, you just started talking out loud while your mum was there? =)

    Yeah, I'm close to doing that sometimes too. Like just before. But then I ate some jam on homemade bread (that's right, I baked good bread! =P) and then I got a bit more tolerant. I'm like Joey from Friends. =P
    Haha. So, we have that in common! And yes, Swedes are stupid (kidding.) =P

    Have they said anything to it now? Or are they starting to enjoy the sounds coming out of the instrument? =)

    I don't really like the smell, but the smell of melted margerine? Yum!
    Raw potatoes? Aren't they bad for you? Or is that just too many potatoes? I'm not sure. =P And 9?? Wow. But then again, my granddad had 12, I think. =P

    Oh, definately. Even if they're not celebs, right? =D

    Well, I think it's healthy to have interests, even if they are obsessions. It keeps the brain going. And trying to solve mysteries is a good way to keep botht he mind and the imagination (if those two can be seperated) active. So obsess on!

    I absolutely agree, no one should have the right to take another person's life - not even executionors, which is why I'm against death penalties.
    I actually had a heated discussion with someone not long ago (friends, so nothing was mean, just differences of opinions) and one of them asked me what I would do if someone cornered me and threatened to kill me; if I would not fight back or even pull a knife (if I had one): I said I wouln't. And I don't. No matter what, I don't think I'd ever have the guts to kill (or even seriously injure) another human being (or animal, for that matter (except for flies and spiders)), because everyone has an equal right to live, and I would die to keep that standpoint. Also, if I killed someone, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
    Wow, long explanation. =P
    But yeah, there's no easy solution, but risking someone's life (like sending someone, terrorist or not, to a place where they're likely to be killed) is not a good choice. So keeping him seems like the most responsible thing to do.

    Well, Danish is quite cool (joke. It's not.) =P

    I never understood why you suddenly had to have a "new" language. I got that it was kinda like the old one, only weirder, but even for me and other Danes, the old one is easier to understand, both in writing and when spoken. I can't imagine what it's like. I sincerely hope nothing like that will be introduced in Denmark. We have some weird dialects here: some which I don't even understand. =P

    He's in War Horse? Wow, that was nominated for Oscars. Was he nominated too?
    But yeah, he's definately made a name of himself quite quickly.

    Oh, I've always wanted to read Frankenstein. I've tried reading the original Dracula, and while it's quite exciting at times, there's too many times where I'm bored with it. But still, I like the language: the old English. I might pick it up again some time. But I might have to start over. =S
    But yeah, I feel the same way: I've got so much more to learn about writing. I really wanna write something that could be considered a novel or something, or just something that's not fanfic. =)

    Aw, the tags are so cute. And it's true, there are a lot of emotions in his eyes in that gif.

    Why is Spring going to be hectic?
    And damn, here, in DK, today, people were acting as if the sun was acid or pot or something. They were walking oddly, acting weird and generally just being pains in the asses. Or maybe it was just me. =P But I blame the sudden Spring coming our way. =P
    So, did he understand it? Did he have a heart? Or do we need to send him off to the Wizard of Oz? =P

    Yeah, I tried it! It's so funny, and I even found an airport! Once.... =P And you get dropped at such beautiful places sometimes. =D

    No, I don't think I know what a sosionom is.. Is it like a type of social worker?
    But it's admirable that you wanna do that. I think you just have to go for whatever you want and whatever you find interesting, because even if the labor market is asking/begging for, say, mathematicians, then if that is not your passion or at least something you find interesting, then you're never gonna be good at it. Maybe you could learn every single equation out there, but if it's not interesting to you, then you will never learn it and know it by heart.
    You'll always be best at what you love. At least that's what I think.
    So I think you should keep looking at your options, and whatever you might keep going back to or read more about, that is what you should go for. The worst thing that could happen is that you made the wrong choice, and then there's nothing left to do but to make another. You'll always have choices.
    And if you have a hard time picking, then there's this awesome quote by Freud: "if you have a hard time choosing, just flip a coin. Once you see the outcome, choosing will suddenly be a lot easier".

    Yeah, same here. I had to pay almost 1000 DKK for a book, but luckily, it was available online. It's a bit tiring to read on the computer, but it is easier when taking notes and it's a hell of a lot cheaper. =)

    The presentation went awesome! Last year, the teacher complained that my language wasn't good enough and that my perspective to the current situation wasn't wide enough, but this time, she had nothing to say about either thing! It was so relieving, because now I think I have a very good chance of passing the exam. And it's my last try, so I better! =P

    I watched the Red Carpet, but then it got too late and I went to bed. But yeah, it won a lot. I might watch it some day with a few others.
    Was that CIA-movie called This Means War? Becuase I've gotten some free tickets to go see it. I hope it's ok. It seems ok. Not great, but ok.
    And I went and watched The Devil Inside just last week. It was really good, actually. Kinda meh in the beginning, but once I got used to the documentary-style that it was made as, it actually got pretty good and scary. It had some nice effects too.

    And sadly no. But now they've started showing Doctor Who on a Danish channel, but it's the part with... Matt Smith, I believe.

    And yeah, After way too long, I finally did. Now, I might go update Troubles. And then write a bit.
    I'm having one of those days where I feel like I'm forgetting something all the time, so I think I might just distract myself by writing. =)

    Talk to you soon. I promise I won't answer so late next time. =S
    March 13th, 2012 at 07:57pm
  • True. Very true. Nice change, then. =D I was too lazy to look up what it meant. hehe.

    Well, not on week days or nights, but during the late hours of the weekend, it's pretty much accepted.

    Hehe, so, can you play the okay notes or have you been banned to the shed or something? XD But I like how you don't just give up. Keep with it! And tell me when you've played a song. =D

    Yeah, we do have that here too (sprøde løg). For me, I think it's just the smell. The taste is 'meh', but the taste is 'urgh'. Hehe. =) My dad used to like eating raw onions......... I still don't understand how he could do that: just eat an onion as if it were an apple.

    The more the merrier!! How about two Orlando Blooms as well? =D

    It's also nice to just sometimes have something you're really into. I think you should just go with it, and if people say stop, then stop - for a few minutes. ;D
    I kinda don't have a "thing" like that lately. I miss it.

    Yeah, I know. I think it's horrible. Every person is equal of worth. That's also why I'm against death penalties.

    Yeah, I can get two Norwegian channels in. I think they're just called N1 and N2? Is that right? SOmething along those lines? =S
    Yeah, I think what I saw was an update on what happened previously, so I guess I caught the first episode of a season?

    Nah, I wouldn't say his face and name are that bad! He's just special. =P Sorry. But yeah, his eyes kinda creep me out a bit. And his name is just cool.

    Oh, I think you have the skill, but yeah, time is the essense here. That's why I hate HAVING to sleep: I want to USE those 8 hours! =(
    Aw. I haven't seen it, but I can imagine. Maybe because I think of the King in Tangled. =S Probably not the same, but the look is heartbreaking. ='(

    Haha. I'm sorry. =D And in my defense, I didn't ask for rain here: I only asked for it to rain in Norway. XD Sorry?
    But sure, come here during spring, because during summer (or at least the past two summers) we've drowned in rain (literally).

    Damn, so you failed? Or did you save it last minute/ planning to?
    I hope you can figure it out. I can't really help you. =S Too confusing.

    Still, it sounds kinda hard to remember it all, at least to me. I just don't think I'd be good at it. Maybe it's got something to do with my horrible sense of place (if that's the correct translation to 'stedsans').

    When do you plan on moving?
    And sounds about the same as here. I also save up most of the money I don't spent on rent and food. Mainly, I save it so that I can buy books for each semester.

    It seems that I am. I can't remember any bad dreams since that last one. =D
    Yeah, that could be likely. It's definitely not something I remember at all ever having seen. But yes, I will never get near that station ever! Promise!

    I hope you're happy too. I'm off to do some last minute work on a Spanish presentation for tomorrow (eek! and procastination...) and then hang out with some friends and watch (what we might can) of the Oscars. =D
    Talk to you soon.
    February 26th, 2012 at 10:31pm
  • Hey. So, what's the explanation behind the new user name? =)

    Meh, a bit bad considering how loud it was, but at least it's better than dance/electronic stuff. =P

    That sounds so good! It's really admirable that you're going at it so intesive. Have you been able to play a full song yet? But it sounds like you've got a natural talent for playing instruments then, so you should definately continue with it. =)

    Well, those things are harder to avoid than bacon. But I gotta agree with you on the onions and tomatoes dislikes. But is it the taste of all those things or the consistency? Becuase I really don't like un-melted cheese because of the spongy consistency of it.

    Oh, I'm cool with it. I've never seen Thelma and Louise, but I think we could become the new version of them, don't you? And if we pick up a Brad Pitt (back then) look-alike, I wouldn't complain much. ;)

    Hehe, it's okay. It was actually quite fascinating to read, because even though I haven't watched the show, it still intruiges me. But it all sounds very probable, and yes, the crew of homeless people really is a good way to keep track of what's going on in a city, because as you say they see and hear everything, and then also, no one would suspect (and some might not even notice) a homeless person.
    I also saw on a few minutes of a Sherlock episode on a Norweigan channel a few days ago - is that where you watch it? It started with Sherlock and John being in a building by a pool, having a red dot on them (from a gun, I presumed). I didn't have the chance to watch further than that, but yeah. But I think the reason why I haven't seen it or really heard a lot about it, is because it's not shown on any Danish channels.
    But I do have to say that the guy playing Sherlock (with the unusual name I can't remember right now) does look extremely young and almost kinda creepy because of his very smooth and flawless skin.

    But the theory about John convincing himself that he's imagining Sherlock coming back is so beautifully sad. :'( I can relaly imagine his look of disbelief and shock when he realizes he's not the only one who sees him. Aww! :(

    And yeah, it is quite cold lately. Though it is starting to get warmer down here (because I'm so much farther south than you :S)
    I actually went running the other day when it was raining a bit (the first rain of the year) and though I of course got wet, I felt really good about it because I actually did it despite the weather. So that was a great feeling that I can recommend. =D

    Wow, you get such awesome assignments to do! You must really be good at it though. The best I can do on a computer is use Office and Paint. =P

    Well, maybe for exam studies it can be quite helpful.
    One thing that I can't help but wonder about, though, is whether or not it takes a while to get to the information you need, since you maybe have to go through an entire house. =)

    Oh, okay. Is it then a scholarship you get each month or do you have to apply for it several times a year?
    We have sorta the same thing, where the rates also differ depending on living situation and some other factors, but we just have to apply at the beginning of a new study and then we get the same amount each month the entire study.
    I also save a lot of the money I get, mainly for later in life, but once a year I tend to splurge a bit. =D

    Well, as long as it doesn't ruin the story, but only improves it, then it's all good. =)

    I don't remember how many times I killed the engine (or stalled). Maybe I supressed it. =) But it's good to hear that you're doing good and that there's been no highways yet. But I'm sure you'll do fine by then, and the teacher will only send you out on one if he sees that you're doing well.

    No, I don't really know. But luckily, there's been no more nightmares. At least not that I can remember. I also told someone else about it and when I did, I remembered that the train station is the same train station I see in a lot of other dreams that always turn out bad. And it's not a train station I have ever been at or ever even seen. Maybe I got killed on that train station in another life. One thing is for sure, though: If I ever end up on a train station that looks anything (even the tiniest bit) like it, I'll get the hell away from it and find another way home!
    But I think you might be right about just writing about it and try to incorporate it into a story or something. Just to get it out of my head.

    Well, I hope that you're doing well. I am, also because I think I might go running tonight again. =)
    February 20th, 2012 at 03:49pm
  • Someone's listening to Michael Jackson. =P I can hear it through walls and floors.

    So, did you buy the violin? I definately agree with you that a violin makes some of the most beautiful sounds in the world and creates such gorgeous music, but I'm sure it's very hard to learn. So just take your time with it. Lessons on it would probably help, but patience can take you very far.
    Have you played it yet? How does it sound?

    Heh, that's okay. Not many people understand how I can't like it. My brother once called it blasphemic. =D But yeah, I just think about it as something that makes me special. And difficult. Hehe. But I really do appreciate it when people avoid cooking it when I'm around. I don't mind people ordering it at restaurants, as long as they don't force me to eat it or cook it at the table. =P

    Haha. I'll pencil you in for an apointment. Hehe.

    Well, it sounds like almost a necesity that the episode was that long when you have to wait so long for the next one. But I can see how you can barely wait when the main character has "killed" himself. But didn't he lie dead on the street afterwards? How could John not see that he wasn't really dead (check his pulse, or something)?
    But it does sound very well told. Very dramatic. Very emotional. And it sounds incredible how much they did to make it realistic.

    That's so awesome. I've actually considered starting running, mainly because I've felt crappy for a while now. I'll rant about that later.
    How's you dad doing with losing weight? And how are you doing with making ends meet with school and work and everything?

    Yeah, I'd never be able to do that. And I don't think that I'd be very good at remembering things like that; with the rooms, that is. But I can see how it works with the emotional connections, because whenever I read something that I'm thoroughly interested in or feel strongly about, I remember quotes and even numbers (and I suck, big time, at numbers in general). But I don't know how good I'd be at forcing emotions upon facts just to remember them.
    How are you doing at it? Have you been able to do it yet?
    And what is the scholarship you needed to pick up? What is that about?

    Wow, that is some book! How far have you gotten?
    Oh, I see now. But I still don't get how he could fool his best friend like that, but I guess that's something that won't be solved completely until 2013?
    But yeah, maybe he'll go crazy and hit him. Or, he'll just write him off - cut him out of his life - because he suddenly can't handle that his best friend has been hiding from him, lying to him and deceiving him. I would guess that it would take a lot of time (and counceling) before John forgave Sherlock.
    No, I haven't had the chance to see it yet. =(

    How's the driving coming along? Have you faced your fears with the highways yet? I remember my lessons as going very fast, but it's a while ago now. =) I'm old.=D

    Now, as for the last bit of time for me: I don't know why exactly, but I think I'm stressed out or something, because I've slept like crap for almost a week now. Before that I just woke up a lot, but now I barely sleep, and when I do, I have a feeling when I wake up that I never really *slept* - like I never got really far down into deep sleep, but just floated on the surface. So I've been quite tired lately.
    Also, now I'm the one with the nightmares. =) About two weeks ago, I dreamt about a man who had trapped a woman in a cell-like place made entirely out of bricks. I didn't quite see the man, except for his eyes, which were bright grey and shining in the darkness of the room. Then it was as if I was in that cell, but was able to get out and on the other side of this brick-cell, I saw that the man with the grey, shining eyes was now bricked in himself, and all I could see of him were his eyes through a slot in the wall, like there was a brick missing. Then, the man started shouting and screaming "Why can I hear whispers?" over and over again, until he suddenly broke through the wall and ran off, past me. And then inside that brick-cell he was in, I saw a tiny figure (almost Gollum-like) sitting there.
    It was quite creepy, because I've never in previous dreams been able to make out exact sentences that someone in the dream has said, but here, I heard it so clearly that it was practically ringing in my ears after I woke up.

    Then this morning (way too early), I woke up from another nightmare. This time, I dreamt that I was late and had to run in order not to miss my train. When I got to the station, the platform was blocked off by iron chains that I then jumped over to get to the platform to get on the train, but then I saw the staircase was broken and realized that the trains must then arrive at the opposite platform, so I went back up and over the chains. It was then that I was spotted by a guard of some kind (a black man with a flashlight - I even remember his face) who ran after me, but I was so intent on making my train that I just kept running. When I got to the other side, I guess I must have run a wrong way because I was suddenly running on the tracks, still with the guard on my tail. Then, I saw the lights of the train coming from behind me, so I sped up and jumped onto the platform. Just then, I look back, in time to see the train hit the guard and run him halfway over. I then remember looking at the train and thinking that it doesn't matter that I made the train, because now I'm gonna be traumatized. Then, the dream became a nightmare, because when I looked back again, the guard was on his feet and walking towards me: the right side of his face and upper body mauled. The skin of his face and shoulder and chest was dangling off.
    It's so creepy that I just saw that mauled guard so clearly in my dreams.
    With the dream about the man with the grey eyes, I think I can relate it to the fact that I saw The Hills Have Eyes 1+2 about a month ago and also in an old Danish movie, there's a character who gets bricked in behind a wall and is left to die (then saved by his friend soon after, though). So that is something I have "seen" before, but the thing with the guard, I have no idea where came from. I don't ever remember having seen anything that could compare to that.
    The scary thing was how clear everything was. Usually, I wake up with a blurry memory of what I dreamt, but these two were so clear and "noisy".
    I think the lack of sleep is making me stressed. And perhaps therefore also making my sleep less deep and that's why I remember my dreams more clearly.
    I'm considering taking up running, like you, so I hope that'll help me gain some energy and make me sleep better. And also, it provides fresh air and a moment of mental silence.
    So yeah. Loooong rant. =P

    I hope you're doing well with everything. And don't forget to set a date for the kidnapping. ;D
    February 11th, 2012 at 12:26am
  • And then I'm back on your speed, sorta ;)
    In a weird way, I think it might be healthy to just have a good cry, especially when it's not your pain, because then it's something you know will go away and not stick. So, keep crying! =S Kidding.

    Heh, I think it's kinda fun to just keep rants like that in a comment. It makes it more fun and gives you an insight into whoever wrote it. So don't feel forced to delete anything when writing to me. =D
    And I'll make sure to do that. =)

    And yes, we have some disgusting food here that I really wish we hadn't. There are a lot of examples, but what I think is the worst is our production and consumption of bacon. The best gets shipped off to Britain (one reason why I'm never going back over there), but people still make it here. I know I'm probably one of very few that feels this way, but I hate bacon. Truly dispise it. I can't even handle the smell. Everything about bacon makes me nauseous and sick. And that was a rant about my hate of bacon. =)

    Haha, I'll be as much help as I can with the kidnapping. XD
    But that does sound like a very exciting episode (was it all in one episode?). I can definately understand why you must feel weary about watching the next episode and getting everything clear. It all sounds very phychological and tense.
    And that link is so intense too. I can see what you're saying.
    And on a relating note, I got a bit nauseos when SHerlock hit the ground, just because of the sounds. =S
    But good ending with Sherlock being alive. Is the new episode out yet? How did he survive?

    Heh, true. But kind of a weird resolution to have to get someone else into shape instead of one self. But his resolution for last year was maybe to get himself into shape?

    That's so weird (in a good way) that you say that, becuase just a few days ago I saw a documentary about the exact same thing. It's like your say that the brain remembers better if each piece of information is linked to a location, but the brain also remembers better if it also connects information to feelings.
    The program told that this girl who had to know thousands of latin names for her biology test (university level) used her old childhood homes, even friend's childhood homes and so on. And she actually managed to remember it all, and a year later she was still able to remember the latin names by "taking a walk" mentally through someone's house.
    The program also tested the thing about linking info to feelings by making the host remember a shopping list. At first, she could only remember about 5 out of 20 items, but them she did the "mapping" by placing each item in a room of her house and connecting a feeling to it as well (e.g. she mentally entered her living room where the milk was lying all over the floor which made her stressed), and then she could remember every item.
    So I definately think you should try it out. I don't know if I'll do it, but it really does seem like it works.

    Wow, that sounds really awesome for you! You're gonna have to rant about it to me when you get home. =D
    That sounds like a fun movement. Then there has to be something on top of that hospital, if people can even get up there.
    Heh, that sounds like a cute book. Has it made you cry? Or is it funny?

    Hehe, don't feel crazy. Like I said before, don't feel obligated to delete when writing to me. =D

    I haven't checked my email so I don't know if you sent anything, but it'd still be good to see. =) It sucks that you didn't get a chance to finish it. It's weird that the teachers wouldn't give you the time to do it when it's a school project. But usually reports that explain why something didn't get finished helps improve the impression of the project.

    Wow, how long is the entire book? 1000? 2000 pages?
    It sounds sorta confusing to me how Sherlock has to pretend being dead, but that's just because I don't really know much about Holmes except he was a detective who said "it's elementary, my dear Whatson", which does sound slightly homoerotic in itself. =)

    Aw, thank you. I think I also used a bit of google tranlate to write it (shhh....), but yeah, maybe I'll try writing another one. =)

    Oh, the kid is the blond girls son? That totally passed me by. =S I'll watch some more soon, I think. =)

    Oh, just you wait until you get onto highways. I was kinda unexpectedly thrown into that and I also had a bit of a silent freakout, but you get used to it surprisingly fast. So I'm sure you'll do fine.
    I hope you're doing well and that you get to bed at decent hours! Hehe. Now, go to bed! =P
    Goodnight. =D
    January 29th, 2012 at 01:06am
  • Honestly, I want to finish Masquerade. Everything inside me wants to finish it. But there are a few things holding me back. I'm in my second year of college right now, so I don't have a lot of time for writing long chapters. It's also a very difficult story for me to write, because it's really personal to me, and it means a lot, and that hurts.

    But yes, I do plan on finishing it. I couldn't tell you when, but I will finish it.
    January 26th, 2012 at 09:03pm
  • And then they became slow again... =S
    That title does sound very poetic. And sad is good when it comes to fanfics, because if something someone else has written can actually make you feel whatever it is they are trying to portray, it must be very well written.
    And sadly, no, I haven't seen it yet! =( It's still in movie theaters, right? And instead of just opening a window and checking if it's still in Danish theaters, I'm asking you. And instead of deleting the question and thne checking it, I keep typing about not doing so.......
    It's still in theaters! And with a lot of showings all day long as well. I think I'll pressure someone into going with me. Otherwise, I'll do the "date myself" thing again. =D

    So, did you ever get a doughnut in Spain? I don't even know if they make them there. Danish doughnuts (Danish danish?) are pretty amazing, but sometimes they dip them in frying oil and cover them with sugar, and despite how it may sound, it's disgusting! But tradition, bla bla bla.
    And good that it was worth staying up for. Is that the episode I keep seeing gifs of on tumblr? Where Whatson (I presume (heh) it's Whatson. The guy from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?) fights his way through some people. Did Sherlock get shot?

    Oh, evil dad. But yeah, he's probably right. I've never really been a big fan of exercise, and my shoulders and neck has always been tense and filled with knots. =S So I looooove massages! Was yours good?

    Yeah, the Saw movies are really amazing like that, because they scare you both visually but also mentally. I think that's pretty rare, but I gotta say, I love mental scares and freak-outs. =)

    School for me starts next week, where Mondays I'll have Spanish and Fridays I'll have an elective about Marketing. And then I'll keep up with the Spanish private lessons Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I think I'm gonna enjoy going to school again and not spend entire days at home. =)

    Yeah, true. You'd miss out on the funny little things. I've always thought it was fun that the Danish word for The End (hich is at the end of every old, Danish movie: slut) means whore in English. =D
    Yeah, it must be easier with the verbs to learn them in English and Northern lagnuages, but French gotta be the hardest. My friend studies the language and told me that they have to use personal pronouns (I, you, they) AND conjugate the verb to fit to that person. In Spanish, you can at least leave out whoever is doing the action.

    Yay! Congrats on the awesome gift from your dad. I really hope you'll get a great trip. When is it?
    Well, nothing overly cool like a trip, but just the things I wanted and a few CDs that would cost a lot for me to get, which my parents then bought for me instead. =P
    Hehe, sounds like a fun dream. The white bowling things that you knock over are called bowling pins, I believe. And maybe you were dusting for prints, then? Or wiping them away! Bad Sherlock! But very romantic with John. =D

    Yeah, I love how you just feel so light when you dream about flying.
    I don't really know what I was down about. I'm sure it was caused by hormones (just a year into being a "woman"), but I'm not sure why I was so down. I've never really figured it out, but at least I learned that when I'm sad and I know why, then it's a lot better than back then and then I know it'll pass.

    Hehe, don't worry, just joking. =) Except about that half a finger: it's still very important!

    So, how did the filming go? DId you get it all finished? You're very welcome to email it if you want. =D

    So, you're reading the book while you watch the show, or are you reading something else about it? But it sounds very dramatic. Was that that really good episode you mentioned earlier?
    I like how it's a modern version of the story, also because then they can do so much more with the story and be more creative so you don't always know what to expect.
    So, who died???

    The Spanish classes are going really well. I've definately improved. The teacher is very positive and everything, and she's said that "our" aim is for me to get at least a 10 (the second highest grade), but I've never really been very focused on grades and of all the grades I've ever gotten I think maybe 15-20% are 10 or above. So, yeah, I'll try, but I don't really set such high goals.

    I did watch an episode more of Game of Thrones, but the storyline kinda confused me so I'm gonna watch the next episode soon to see if I understand the story better then. Otherwise, I may have to watch the previous one again and be more attentive. I thought I was, but then suddenly there were so many stories mixed together and then I got confused. It was the episode about the wolves that were put down because one of them defended their owner by attacking some other kid, who was the son of someone important.
    As you can read, I may have been a bit unattentive. =P

    And congrats on the driving lessons. How are they going? Turning left is definately hard, because you have to aim for a lane rather than just follow the curve. But it's good to hear than the instructor is good. So, how are you doing? Have you been driving on any bigger roads yet? =D

    I hope you're doing well! =D
    January 25th, 2012 at 01:20pm
  • Heh, thanks. I feel the same. ;)
    Heh, what fic did you read that made you so philosophical? But yeah, truth: we are best at complaining about things we do ourselves.

    You card is also greatly loved, and when I get around to it, I'm gonna put it in this book-like thing I have where I also keep postcard and birthday cards from friends and family. In that book, I still have the last birthday card I got from my great-grandmother. It just says "fra Olde", and I don't even think she wrote it, but I keep it anyways. =)
    The doughnut article was just a joke about a "big test" about which type of doughnut is best. Except, in Denmark, the doughnut equevilant are citronmåner to cops. But yeah. Odd article from some small, local newspaper. =D

    Oh, saw is brilliant. I only watch them half-way most of the times, because I have a phobia of bones, and as far as I remember a few of them break some, but the movies are definately brilliant. Just the fact that they can make so many of them and still be good says olot. ;)
    I don't think I watched any. Or at least I didn't think about it if I did. =) I love horror movies in general, so I watch at least one per week.

    There aren't really any jobs right now, but then again, I haven't looked for any for a few days now. And school starts again soon, so I'm not sure I wanna work when that is. I think I'll keep applying if any good ones turn up, but if they don't turn out to get anywhere, I'll consider putting it on hold and see how much time school will take up. =)

    That's sad. It must be hard to say goodbye to her then, but then doing it properly and all must be a great comfort, also to her. But in this day and age, it wouldn't be a wonder if she did live to be 112. =) I hope she does.

    Oh, the minority thing way just in connection to the freard / slash-convo. =)

    I wish there was a pill you could take and then you would just know a language. If I could, I would learn every language in the world. It's probably possible, but yeah, too much work. =P
    And yeah, I think the structure and spelling and also pronounciation is really difficult for others to learn and understand.

    That's good, so it was a good Christmas all in all? =)
    And good thing about the no nightmare thing. Being Sherlock sure beats any dreams, I think. Did you solve any mysteries in the dream, then? Or did things get kinda homoerotic with Watson. =P sorry... =)
    Meh, not sure. I don't think so. Maybe it was a reference to these old nightmares I used to have where I dreamt that I was running away from something, then would fall and couldn't get up and couldn't breathe. I had those when I was back in elementary school. When they stopped, I dreamt I could run faster than ever and even fly. Back then, they were related to the fact that I was sorta down and slightly depressed, and I was a bit down a few weeks ago, so I think maybe my brain reminded me about back then?
    I'm just guessing, but it seems likely. Don't you think?

    Of course I get excited about Disney movies! I share that enthusiasm with my best friend, who I bought The Lion King for Christmas. =D And she got me a fancy cocoa-set with marshmellows and all, so we're gonna watch the movie while getting cozy with some hot cocoa. =D

    I'll make sure change it up. Otherwise, the teachers might bust me for plagerism. XD

    Phew, that is so good to hear that you still have all your deformaties intact. Especially that half finger!! It is important!
    My fingers and toes are all well too. My head got blown in half, but I can still type. =D There wasn't as much fireworks here as there was last year, I think, but I'm way okay with that. =P

    How did the filming go? What was it for? What was your part?
    And how do you know someone's gonna die? Who do you think it will be?

    I'm good as well. I kinda had a very long day today, because I'm taking these extra Spanish classes and on my way to the lesson, the metro didn't drive between two stations, so I had to take a bus and then back into the metro. And it was the same freakshow on my way home, except then it was raining. And I got way too little sleep last night, so I took a small nap when I got home. Still tired though, so I'm off to bed or some relaxation or something. =D

    And don't worry, I didn't spot any mistakes. =D
    January 12th, 2012 at 11:33pm
  • Woops. Didn't mean to press enter. Got a bit too excited, I think. =D
    It's just, I've been wanting to see Hercules for almost 2 months now and I haven't had a chance to really look for it and then he said he could download it for me, but then he couldn't find it in Danish, so then he just bought it. And I was happy like a 4-year-old when I opened the present, so I think he was kinda proud of that. Which was pretty cute. =D

    And nice about the grade! That is so funny. I like it when a teacher has a sense of humor, and it's not all about teaching and curriculums to them. =D
    I'm gonna draw a cat on my next exam paper. =D

    So, I hope you've had a very happy Christmas and entered the new year with all fingers and eyes intact. I hope you have a happy year ahead of you. =D
    How are you otherwise? =D
    January 9th, 2012 at 10:36pm
  • Again, I'm so sorry for answering this late. =S
    I like how I complained about people being late, when I am myself. =P
    Hope you forgive me. =)

    And thank you for your Christmas card. It's actually still hanging on my door next to my favorite quote (life is hard - math is harder) and above a newspaper cutout; "local team of experts tests dougnuts" (above the title is a picutre of four policemen and -women. =D)
    I'm glad you were happy to receive it. =D

    Aw, you didn't watch any horror movies? hehe. Would perhaps have been too scary with both the mask and scary movies.

    I unfortunately didn't get the Disney job either, again because of lack of experience (and you need experience to gain experience =P), but it was ok, because it was the first time I was actually called up about it and received an actual explanation, so that was all positive.
    And just last week, my brother helped me improve my resume and how I write applications, so when a job worth applying for comes around, I think I'll get closer to getting it. =D

    Grandparents' mortality is quite sad to think about. Why can't they just live forever? They're always nice and cozy to be around.

    Yeah, it's as if writing about minority groups or people who sometimes have an entire society against them is easier or something. At least it's always more interesting and inspiring, I think.

    It seems that your own language is always the one that sounds the most boring in your own ears, and other languages are more exotic and exciting. Perhaps also because Nordic languages are smaller, vocabulary wise, than most other languages in the world. But it is kinda funny that a language with few words is harder to learn than a language with a lot of words (like English). I think Scandinavian languages are among the hardest to learn.

    So, did the dream about you not having a present to give back happen? Or have you had any other bad dreams?
    I actually dreamed last night that I was back in elementary school again (nightmare, right?) and I couldn't stand anyone there and this teacher kept coming after me and I kept running from class after class, so finally, I just ran out of school, hopped on my bike and drove away. A bit later, away from the school, I drove down a hill towards a playground and then it started raining. And so I let go of the steer, but didn't fall, spread out my arms and just enjoyed the rain, because I felt free. So the dream ended well. =D

    I did manage to get all the Christmas presents before Christmas, except one. My brother's last present came the night before Christmas, so that was more than a little lucky, I think! =D
    The present that didn't arrive on time was the one for my boyfriend, but he didn't expect one, so it didn't really matter. But I thought it was a nice thing to do, because he's catholic, so he celebrates Christmas in January, so I told him he could just buy me something for his Christmas if he wanted. And what did I get? HERCULES!!!!!!!
    January 9th, 2012 at 10:32pm
  • Okay, what?! Is it seriously a month ago that I last wrote to you on here?
    I’m so sorry. I hope you don’t think anything of it, because if I hadn’t talked to you over email then I would definitely had missed you and answered sooner. So again, I’m so sorry.

    For Halloween, I didn’t do anything, no. Well, some dressed up the weekend before, but I didn’t. My friend and I had talked about doing that scull-makeup-thing, but yeah.
    Did you have any fun on Halloween? =)

    And I’ve pretty much given up on that Red Cross thing, because whenever I write to someone they always tell me to contact some other department or whatever, so it seems that they don’t need anyone, so I don’t wanna keep writing. And also, I want the Disney job waaay more. =D

    My grandparents are nice and cute in that old way, ya know? My grandpa doesn’t talk a lot, but he is funny when he does. He tells jokes once in a while, complains, and then it’s kinda funny with him, because just a few years ago he insisted that he’d never get a computer, and now he’s on his almost every day. =)
    And my grandma is all chatty and active and always generous – sometimes too generous, because she sometimes makes way too much food and gives it to me to take home, and I always feel bad when I throw some of it out because I haven’t gotten around to eating it. I know it’s a luxury problem, but still. =)
    So, how are your grandparents? Got all four, or just two like me? =)

    Well, we kinda are neighbors, except it’s the countries we’re in that are neighbors. Which sucks. =/

    And with the ship thing, then from Tumblr I think I’ve derived that it means if I write anything but Frerard? =) That I “ship” Frerard and other stuff? But I kinda do, I guess, but not much. I do have a “collection” here on mibba that’s called non-fic or something, and I’m mainly proud of my Daughters always look up to their Mothers, even though the title suck. I’d actually like to write other stuff too, but I just can’t push myself to do it, ya know? Frerard is kinda the easy way, because you don’t need to create a full character in your head right away. With frerard, you at least have a look and then you can always change the personality a bit and keep changing it during the story. But I might write something else some day, I think. =)

    Yeah, that’s right, they don’t. But that’s the beauty in languages: that they’re all so different in some ways, and yet so similar in other ways. That’s why it’s sometimes awesome to know more languages, because sometimes I have also discovered new words in Danish because I translated an English word. And also, some things just sound better in English than in Danish. Like “jeg elsker dig” sounds so lame and insufficient – like it doesn’t mean anything – but the English “I love you” is just much smoother and sensitive. Even the German “ich liebe dich” is smoother than the Danish sentence, and that says a lot, because German is known for being a very “rough and harsh” language.

    And thank you so much for the link. I definitely think I’ll watch some more of it. It seems like a good show to kinda forget the world with, because you go into another time and dimension.
    Doctor Who is a bit more real, you might say, because it’s supposed to happen now, right? But it’s definitely funny and interesting to watch. And I think you’re right about her being in the rebel phase and that it’s the reason she goes on that adventure with the doc. =)

    So, are you still having nightmares? They might have been due to the stress of the things you wrote me about, so I hope that getting them off your shoulders a bit has helped make the dreams go away.

    And I think I’ll begin to write more often. Usually, I can be kinda put off by it because people say they wanna meet up, but I always just wound up sitting around, waiting, so I think in the future, I’m just gonna write whenever I have the time, and if people then show up, then they can wait for me for once.
    I’m sorry, but it’s kinda tiring that people don’t text back when I’m supposed to meet with them “today” – I have no idea when they’re gonna show up or when they’re suddenly gonna say “come over now”, so yeah. I’ve begun just making them wait whenever I can, just to show them how annoying and stressful it is.

    Haha! I love that approach! I’m gonna use that some time. How did the teacher take it? Did he give you extra points for the cat? =D

    Again, I’m so sorry for taking so long to answer on here. I promise I won’t be a month at answering next time. =)

    Merry Christmas! =D
    December 10th, 2011 at 05:03pm
  • Hi! =D
    Still haven't gotten a job, but I'm tired of walking around doing nothing (and I can't find the motivation to read what's a good idea for me to read), so I'm considering volunteering for the Red Cross. I just thought of it today, but since I've got a lot of time on my hands, then I figured that I might as well. After all, it's a good way to gain experience too, which employers look for. =)
    But my dream job should have anything to do with English, and preferably also some kind of cultural thing to it, but mainly just English. So my range of jobs to apply for is also pretty wide, which is a good thing. =)

    Aw, that sounds so nice. It's awesome to have a grandmother who can't sit still. The way they fuss makes you feel so loved, and if you then start to fuss about them running around and fussing too much, it's just a way to show them you love them back. It's indirect, but so lovely. And the small town she lives in sounds so ideal for vacations, since it must be so different (both in scenery and pace) than what you're used to. It sounds so cool. =D

    And I'm glad you feel that you can confide in me. I'm real sorry that I haven't answered you yet. Things are starting to swim around in my own head, so I think it'd be good for me to answer you soon, because it kinda helps - then I feel like some problems gets solved, and even though they're not mine, it's a good feeling of relief.
    Also, I think talking to you and listening to your problems kinda inspired me to volunteer, because a lot of the times, people just need someone to talk to, even if they can't resolve anything by doing so (which you wrote in your message as well). Sometimes, just talking about stuff can make you put things in totally new perspectives, because someone might not see things the way you see them and then you might have to explain them better or just differently, and then it might make more (or better) sense to yourself than before.
    And now I'm babbling, but that's good, right? Hehe. =D
    But I might just rant to you in an email soon too. Just generally about things. I'll figure it out. =)

    Heh, that sounds like fun! I guess a hiatus makes great grounds for jokes made out of boredom and restlessness. =D And once the ball starts rolling.......
    But it's a creative way to pass the time, I must say. And when you pretty much just have to lean back and laugh at the next good joke, then it barely gets any better.

    The good thing about internet, though, is that everything is more than an arms-length away. Sure, if you accidentally insult someone, you might still feel bad about it and regret it, but it's not like the person at the other end of the world/country or just connection is gonna turn your entire community against you, because they don't know you. They're too far away for that. So, in a way, the internet is a good place to socialize.
    But then again, choose carefully.
    Oh, and btw, you spelled a word wrong.
    SORRY! just kidding. Sorry. Hehe. =D =D
    But don't worry about me being older. I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong if you give me your opinion or something. I might disagree and argument against something, but I'm never gonna take sometihng you write as a personal insult against me or anything, because I know you wouldn't do that. I'm always open for input and arguments. I'm not gonna attack you. =)

    Well, sure there are people with talents, but a lot author out there had to write a lot of stories before they got famous. Some are just lucky, I think, maybe because they have talent, but also because of opportunity. But most of the times, it just takes practice and persistence, I think. =)

    I think you should just go with your guts. Sure, you might make a mistake, but there's this perfect saying in Danish: "man kan altid være bagklog" = you can always wise after the event. You can always look back at a situation or a choice and see it as being wrong, but at the moment you made the decision, you had no idea.
    So you just have to "trust your gut". Just go with whatever sounds interesting or appealing, and don't think about how to avoid others (except maybe teachers =P). Again, this is just advice and you can choose to follow it or not, but just go with whatever you want and feel that you can handle. =)
    I might've chosen English, but you know me and my love for English. Hehe. =D

    There are actually also a lot of other languages that are much smaller than even Norwegian and Danish, but it's just more precise. At least so I've read. It's like the Danish word "hygge". It can be translated to "cozy", but that's just not enough, because it can also be used as a verb.
    Sorry. I'm a language geek. =D

    Game of Thrones: I haven't found a link myself, so if you happen to find time to search, please do. I'll write to you if I find some myself. =)
    But damn, that's sick! Sorry, but damn.... It's so interesting that they're able to make a show so creepy. I do not wish to meet the writers!

    Doctor Who: Yeah, it is sorta bittersweet thorughout. I haven't gotten the chance to watch any more episodes, but it's great that they've been able to already portray the characters so well. Except, what I don't get about Rose is how she can just leave her mother like that. I know she can just always ask the doc to go back so that she can see her, but she does just leave when she seemed to be so attached to her mum. But yeah. Kinda just a detail. Maybe it gets explained later.

    And I'm sorry to hear about your nightmares continuing. It might be because you're stressed with everything at school, both with your friends and with the fact that you're stressed about what courses to pick and your future and such.
    But you should just take a breather. Perhaps watch a movie before you go to bed. Or just Doctor Who. =) Just let your mind relax and don't push yourself too hard, please? =)

    Oh yes, be afraid! Be very afraid!
    But really, it will kinda scare the fuck out of you ( if you haven't already seen it). But don't worry about popcorn. You won't get shocked so you choke or you make a sudden move so they fly everywhere. I just think you'll get a bit too sucked into the movie to eat them. hehe... =D

    Hehe. Well, it's always easier writing about yourself and whatever you think about at that moment, then to write something that's supposed to fit into a storyline and a greater plot and is supposed to sound clever and good, instead of thing like this I am writing right now which is truly without brain. =P hehe.
    I'm so far behind on every story I subscribe to on mibba. It sucks. I can't even explain why. =P

    Anywho, I'll get to the email tomorrow, I think. =)
    Talk to you soon.
    November 1st, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • Hi!
    Yeah, I'm glad that I'm happy too. Hehe. Now, I'm kinda stressed about everyone around me being stressed about me not having a steady income, but I've been saving some money from earlier this year, so I'll be ok for now. I just hope everyone else will realize that too. =P
    But I'm looking for all sorts of jobs, really. Usually places that wants students with the kind of qualifications I have, like translation and communication in English at high levels and such, but I've also applied for some receptionist jobs and stuff like that. If all falls through, I'll apply for the job as a store helper around Christmas at Toys'R'us, mainly just to get people to shut up about me getting a steady income. =P And as you said: the Christmas songs are a plus. =D
    And thank you. He's pretty great. I don't wanna babble too much, but he's just so fun and mellow to be with. We were friends for a few months before we got together one random, drunken night, so we're still goofing around with our friends and not acting all lovey-dovey all the time (only when we're alone together). And I like that, because lovey-dovey couples can sometimes be too much, you know?
    And a holiday away from home seems so nice. Did you have a good time with your grandma?

    And thank you for trusting me with your problems and all, and thank you for telling me that I actually helped a bit. That's awesome to know. =D
    I really hope everything works out. I know you've written me another email, but I haven't had time to sit down and read it, and I don't wanna just skim it over. I'll answer you as soon as I can. Or I'll just read your email, if that's what you want. =)

    Hehe. I find it funny when you drop fandom on me, because I always find myself thinking "this is kinda funny, but I don't think I really get it", and then when you say it's fandom, I'm all "oooooh." And then I laugh. And now, you can too. =P

    It is actually kinda fun that you "stalked" me and then we became friends, because that's kinda what you want when you stalk someone, right? Or, when you interested in someone (it's probably a better phrase to use). And watching our converations over time is also interesting, because they keep getting longer and longer and longer. We talk too much, ya know? But it's too damn fun to stop!!

    I'd love to write storties too, but like you, I don't think it'd ever be anything I could live off of. Especially because of the pressure. One thing is writing for fun, but when people expect you to write a new book within a year or two, that's too much for my liking. I'm good under pressure, but it has to be MY pressure. If that makes sense. I can't do things because other people pressure me to. I need to push myself and put myself under pressure in order to do things.
    I'm babbling. =P
    But I wouldn't worry about what you wanna be just yet. As long as you keep going to school, you have plenty of time to figure it out. I didn't really figure out what I was good at until the end of high school, and then on my second year of my Bachelor's, I had a course about culture, and then I just knew that I wanted to do something with that. I still don't know what I can be "when I grow up", but at least I know what I'm interested in, in more detail. I'm sure you'll figure it out too. You just have to go with what you find interesting.

    And I feel the same way about Danish and English. English is just more eloquent and richer than Danish. It might be because I mainly use Danish in my day-to-day life, so I don't get to vary it that much, but even boring conversations can get a bit more interesting by simply changing the tone of the language by using other words.
    I'm a language-nerd. I know. =P

    Game of Thrones, now:
    Yeah, the brother is a real good bad guy, and he plays it so well because I can't help but hate him. Even though the scene wasn't that long or elaborated, you still got the impression that he'd done a lot more touching than you saw there and that he's generally just a fucking creep (sorry). So yeah, good actor. Hehe.

    And Doctor Who:
    Yeah, I saw part 2. About the end of the Earth. It was real good. I still didn't quite get Rose (though through your description, I get her a bit more), but I guess that's part of the reason why you keep watching, because there are so many questions you want answered.
    And the doctor seems so funny. Again, he leaves me with so many questions, but the way he says things and explains things is so funny, because most of the times he has a "don't you already know that? come on!"-kinda attitude. It's hilarious.
    And that's a good warning to get. I hate dolls with a passion. Barbies I can handle, but other ones freak me out.
    I haven't seen any more of the show, but I'll try and find time soon. =D

    Dream always mess with your head. Luckily, I haven't had many for a long time, or at least not any that I actually bother to remember. Maybe it's because I've just learnt to ignore them.
    But I think I've also found that if I think about what I've experienced and felt throughout the day before I go to sleep (when you just lie there, waiting to fall asleep anyways), I have fewer dreams. Because then it's like my mind has already processed all the impressions I've gotten during the day, that it can rest better at night. Even if some of the things I thought about made me cry and I practically fell asleep with tears in my eyes, I still have only woken up with sore eyes.
    I once read somewhere that dreams is the subconscious way of dealing with what you've experienced or thought about during the day. So if you try to process all those things before you sleep, then maybe it could help you sleep better? Maybe not right away, but with time.

    Uh, hell yes, you should watch Paranormal Activity! =D=D=D All of them!
    They're so awesome, because usually horror films are all about shocks and music and lighting, but Paranormal Activity is much more real and natural. You still get shocked, but it's more because of the build-up. Most of the first movie, you just watch two people sleep, and you just sit there and wait. And the wait is often so much more scary and tense than the scare itself.
    It's sorta like Blairwitch, only better, I think. =D
    And don't worry about the sounds around your house, because in the movie, you do get an explanation for what they experience and that it's not just coincedental (screw spelling =P).
    I just love those movies, because other scary movies usually just annoy me because of the cheap tricks with the music and such, and that doesn't really scare me, but only shocks me. Paranormal Acitivy SCARES me. It freaks me out and makes me paranoid. I know that sounds bad, but I kinda love it. I love seeing how scared I can get. =P

    I'll look forward to your next comment. And I'll make sure to read your email soon. =)
    October 23rd, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Hi!
    I'm so sorry for the incredibly slow answer. There's been so much going on that I've barely had time or energy for anything. Let me bring you up to speed:
    Basically, I started school under the presumption that I was gonna get dispensation from the one exam I flunked, so that I could begin my Master's despite not having a full BA, but the Council at my school didn't think so, so I've been kicked out.
    But actually, I'm okay with it. Sure, it kinda sucks being told that you can't do something that you wanna do, but at the same time, the first month of school was so stressfull that I could barely keep my head above water. There was so much homework and so many assignment and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the time. And now, in retrospect, I realize that I was doing nothing but stressing out. =P
    Also, I got distracted. A good friend of mine whom I never really dared to like because he was such a good, happy, awesome friend, admitted that he liked me and then we kissed (drunk, but good) and sparks kinda flew and now we've been together for a little over 2 weeks. And that is the longest relationship I've ever had. =O So, yeah: I've been distracted. And stressed. And angry. And sad. And now, I'm just plain happy.
    Also, a reason why I was so stressed was because I didn't really have a full summer vacation, because I was constantly worrying about the exams I had in the end of summer, so now, it's like a mini-vacation.
    I've begun looking for jobs and I'm gonna start sending out applications soon. I'm gonna start with the jobs that I actually find interesting and have some qualification for, but if I don't get any responses or only negative responses, then I'm gonna apply for the "help wanted" that are always up around Christmas time when the shops need extra help.

    So, yeah. That's what I've been up to. Now, to answer your messages/ comments:

    I got the entire comment in one, so maybe your phone just showed it wrong. But: cudos and cred for writing that long comment on your phone! I'm too old-school: I need my computer for such long messages. Those tiny keys on the phone are just too tiny for me.
    Wow, I sound so old!
    But, on the other hand: I did use words such as 'cudos' and 'cred'. Are those old too, though?

    Anywho, back to answering! =D

    Uh, you like long answers? Long enough, you think? XD

    I love how you used to "stalk" me, and then we just started randomly talking and became friends. I mean, that long rant before I started answering your comments/ messages was totally natural for me to write, even though it's pretty personal. And I even write it on a semi-open forum (your mibba-friends can read it). I guess I just know that you're the only one crazy enough to be interrested in that amount of babbling. XD Plus, I trust you. =D
    You're totally awesome to talk to. Even though we don't share all the same interests, it's still so cool that you wanna hear about what I like and that you're cool with just rant about your interests, because it's so great to read about you being excited about something that I know nothing about. And as I understand you sometimes, it seems that you're excited about teaching me all of it. At least I hope you are, because I find it interesting to hear you talk about it. =D
    And now, I'm babbling again. =P

    I'm so glad to hear that you had such a good time seeing the play in London, despite the expensive costs. I love it when you can't put a price on an experience. And you were so lucky to get their autographs! I've never gotten one from someone famous, I think. I've never really tried either, but yeah. It's awesome that you went back to get it. That's dedication!

    Yeah, I've heard about Rowling's story too. It's quite fascinating. I wish I could write like that. But then again, the pressure would break me, I think. I mean, one thing is having a few people on mibba reading my stories and asking me to update, but an entire fan club that represents practically half of the world's population (might be exaggerating, but it sure seems like it)? I'd break.
    So, how are you doing with the Sherlock book? Is it in Norwegian or English?

    Okay, now, about Game of Thrones, episode 1:
    I found it pretty interesting rigt off the bat, actually. Normally, midevil (can't spell) times stories arent' really my thing, because they can get a bit too "testosterony" (thank you Pheobe) and gloomy sometimes. But I liked this, because it was sorta thriller/ horror like in the beginning, and I was drawn to that. And then the whole story about the beautiful, young, blond girl (don't remember her name or title) who had to be married off in order for the brother to gain power (and by the way, what a disgusting freak! The way he touched her? And then she walked into the steaming hot water. Shite!), that is such a sad, tragic story.
    The entire episode was very intising (oh dictionary, where art thou?).
    Uh, and I noticed Viggo Mortensen. =) The story about him with his lover and then pushing the kid out of the window!!! Damn!
    All in all: send me a link to the next episode, if you have one. =D

    And now, on to Dr. Who:
    I saw the first episode just a few days ago, and despite a bit of confusion regarding the girl's (Name! Give me a name, dear brain! Remember!) motivations for being sorta careless and... well... weird at times, then I think the show is funny and very interesting. The fact that the doctor is kinda "oh, I like this body" (or what it is he says about it when he sees himself in a mirror at her place) is so funny and kinda tells me that he can take over different bodies? Is that wrong, or...? Is there more to it?
    But yeah, I liked it.
    The only thing I didn't like about it was the plastic dolls coming to life. Ever since I saw Chucky's Bride and then went to a wax museum that stank so horribly I almost threw up, I've always had this irrational fear of dolls and manequines. Plus, they make me nausaous. =P
    But I liked it!! I'm gonna keep watching it. =D

    And now, onto your nightmares: Are you still having them?
    They can easily be caused by stress and a general down mood. I remember having real bad dreams about drowning on land, back when I was really down and didn't know why. I still don't, and I don't know what stopped it, but one night, the dreams just changed and I flew instead.
    I think dreams can really tell you a lot about how you feel. If they're dark and depressing, then it reflects how you feel deep down.
    So, if you want to talk or just rant about what you're going through, you can always just write to me here about it. You can send me a private message if you don't want anyone else reading it. I'll read it. Trust me (which you do). =D
    Iøve always been a pretty good listener. If you want feedback, I'm totally on for it. I might not be able to help you or anything, but I can give you another view of whatever is going on.
    Also, if you just wanna let off steam and just talk, then I'll just listen. I'm good at that. =)
    So yeah. Go ahead. I'm here.

    And I cant wait for Paranormal Activity 3 to get in theaters!! My dad just got two free tickets to any movie, so I'm gonna go with my boyfriend (damn, I can't believe I have one). It's gonna be so much fun, because I think he's gonna be more scared than I will. Well, I'll be scared too, but I'm always just fascinated with how scared I get, rather than just scared. Hard to explain, but yeah... =D

    Now, I'm gonna try super f-in hard to find time to write fanfic again! I just updated troubles (if you haven't already seen), but I'm so on for writing more! I feel like I need it. =D

    Talk to you soon, I hope! It's so freeing and wonderful to read from you and write to you. =D
    October 10th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • Hello!
    Sorry for the humongously long wait for an answer. But now you shall get one, so prepare yourself for a long one. =D

    Thank you. The course I wrote it in was basically just English, but it was based on a course I had on intercultural communication (which is where I found out that culture is awesomely interesting. =D). Now, I've begun my Master's in Intercultural Marketing. It's really hard, so I'm already doubting I'll be able to finish it, but I'm hoping for an epiphiny (too lazy to look it up to check spelling) so I can get an overview of everything.

    And I can already tell that I'm babbling, so this truly is gonna be long. =S

    And thank you. Things are kinda piling up on me, and they just keep doing so. But I try to just take it one day at a time, despite how hard that is considering school and stuff.
    Don't you know it when you just feel like you have no mental strength to learn anything? =S

    Wow, then the trip must've meant so much more, now that you finally got to go! It has been insane with all the vulcano and snow and other things that have been stopping air traffic this past year. Nature is going crazy. I don't think anyone can deny the affects of global warming anymore - even my stubborn grandparents have accepted it. =P
    And it's so awesome that you met them. Was it at an event or something, or just coincidentally on the street? =)

    And that sounds pretty awesome. It sounds like a college where you "live" in dorm rooms, am I right?
    It truly sounds like a great community to be part of. It's quite incredible that they've been able to create such an extented universe from the one the author created in her books.
    I'm not much of a reader (at least not yet, and at least now with books, though I would like to), so I think it'd be practically impossible for me to catch up, but I totally admire you dedication.
    So, have you gotten any better since last? Have you earned more points? =)

    I still haven't worked all that shit (pardon my language) out. I haven't received any answers yet. My school is sloooooow! =S

    And now for your second message:
    I've bookmarked those websites and made sure the videos could play, so I totally wanna start watching them soon! I really wanna see it, 'cause everyone says it's a great show, and also so that I can understand all the Dr. Who jokes on Tumblr. =D
    I'm aiming to watch the show from season one. I'm used to watching an episode a day of some tv-show, and since I've run out of episodes for the show I've been watching lately, it's now a perfect time to watch Dr. Who. =D

    I haven't watched the episode of Game of Thrones you linked to yet, but I've bookmarked it too, so i can easily find it. It looked pretty interesting when I watched the first 30 seconds (to see if the video would load), so it's promising. =D

    So, uhm, I think that's it.
    I can just give you some additional info: I'm gonna scare a friend of mine again, by making him watch Paranormal Activity 2. I've already shown him the first movie, and he was totally freaked out and told me he had to sleep with the light on after we saw it. Hopefully, I can scare him again. =D And the 3rd is coming out the day before my best friend's birthday, so I'm totally looking forward to seeing it. Then we'll see who I can drag with me. =D If I can't find any, I'll just go alone. Going to the movies alone (as I'm sure I've already told you) is so much fun!

    So, I think that was my rant. Hope I didn't babble too much about the same things over and over. I sometimes do that. =P
    And you're welcome to rant and babble and generally just talk about anything you please. =D I'll be reading it.
    Talk to you soon. =D
    September 18th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • Thank for reading my presentation thing. It's quite long. Plus, my older brother who's great at everything didn't really understand it fully, but at least my teacher did, and I did, so yeah. =) But they teach the stuff and I learned it.
    Did you find it interesting? =D

    And thank you for reading all the updates. I'm being kinda slow lately, but I think I might need to get into them again soon. Writing always relaxes me. =)

    Your vacation sounds fun. And cozy with the family. I'd love to go to London and see everything. Or to England in general. There's this town where they have some underground tunnels that are haunted, and despite a bit of claustrophobia, I'd still wanna go see them! =D I love ghost stories. Heh.
    And who were the actors??? =D

    Ok, I'm not quite sure what Pottermore is, exactly, but as I have understood it, isn't it then a site where you can continue the tale of HP? But what are the 'houses'? Is it like certain forums that you can write on, or...?
    Please, do tell. It sounds badass. =D

    And yeah, school always gets harder, which sucks.
    For me, I have one exam that I haven't been able to pass (twice), and in order to then continue my studies and not having to redo a whole year because of ONE exam, I have to send in all these different applications along with letters that explain my situation, and all of it has to be individually evaluated by two or three different offices. And school starts on Thursday. And no one's answering my question on whether or not I can start on Thursday.
    It's completely stressing me out, and when I'm stressed, I get upset and then I don't feel like doing anything, you know?
    It sucks.
    Plus, I started liking a guy and then about three weeks ago, he got arrested for supposedly "assuling an officer", when really, he was just trying to pull a guy away from a police dog that was biting the guy, while people around him were kicking the police dog and officer. But he got blamed for it.
    Everything just sorta sucks lately. I feel stuck because of school, and I have no idea if the guy I like likes me and I won't know until he gets home.
    I feel stuck. =S
    Sorry for whining. It's all sorta lame, but yeah... Sucks.
    August 29th, 2011 at 04:38pm
  • Hi! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long. My mind has been totally unfocused and then it was because of school and shit that I don't wanna do but have to. Plus a little failed romance.
    Too much to go into detail, I feel, unless ya really wanna know. :)
    So, how have you been? Nice vacation? Starter school again yet? Any exciting stories? :D
    August 26th, 2011 at 02:03pm