green and yellow / Comments

  • missalycat

    missalycat (100)

    wait so you can't write a story about evie's sexually-confused male best friend? (i think thats the wrong order but whatevs) because that would be amazing, i love kevin. okay ill stop trying to pressure you into continuing these stories.
    September 21st, 2008 at 08:06am
  • QueenIrene

    QueenIrene (100)

    United States is by Elton John, lol. I just heard it on youtube. At first I couldn't find it because I was looking for the line....."how wonderful life is whild you're in the world"...and I just found the line, lol. =D
    September 21st, 2008 at 06:33am
  • QueenIrene

    QueenIrene (100)

    United States
    wait, wait, waiiitttttt! Is "YOur song" by Elton John???? I just looked it up on Google....hmmm...
    September 21st, 2008 at 06:27am
  • QueenIrene

    QueenIrene (100)

    United States
    Beautiful. You just loveeee to make me cry huh? LOL. Anways, that was extremely touching. You are an amazing author, and I really hope you post a new story soon.

    Also, I love reading your little...errrr, big, author's notes. =D haha. yup. I'll be waiting for it. and post more sooooon.

    I really loved the two stories. I can't decide which one I loved more. I really can't. I love Evie. I love Nick. I love Kevin. I love Joe. I love Alex. I love everyone in that story. I really really do.

    =D. you are a wonderful author and I'm shocked that I"m not hysterical that it's over, lol.

    BTW, when I read that Evie was talking about the baby, I was like....What is going on? Did you post the wrong chapter??? Or am I reading the wrong chapterrrr??? lol. BUt yup.....that's all for now....

    P.S. (lol) ---Is "your song" a real song????
    September 21st, 2008 at 06:26am
  • qt-honey

    qt-honey (100)

    I loved both stories. They were full and extremely entertaining in all aspects. I have mixed feelings about the epilogue of S&S, but it's your story, so you should finish it however you like. I must say, I will miss Evie and Nick more than Jalex. Although I like both couples, the former is so much more unpredictable and dramatic (perhaps moreso because they don't end up together [officially]). It's too bad they didn't become a couple for the epilogue, though, because I really had been hoping they would. Nevertheless, I enjoyed both fics immensely and I can't wait to see something new from you soon! Thank-you!
    September 21st, 2008 at 06:11am
  • agentofchaos

    agentofchaos (100)

    United States
    i'm really sad that this story is over :(
    September 21st, 2008 at 05:16am
  • Bubble.Pop.Electric.

    Bubble.Pop.Electric. (100)

    United States
    haha i don't know. he's not gay, at least i don't think he is so i guess we will never no. but i loved the ending.
    September 21st, 2008 at 05:01am
  • missalycat

    missalycat (100)

    Okay i havent read your extra note yet. BUT i have something to say: LOVE LOVE LOVE. awesome ending. seriously, it was original (untypical) and awesome. i seriously freaking love this story, and im so sad its over!
    September 21st, 2008 at 02:39am
  • Burning Inseparable

    Burning Inseparable (100)

    United States
    I felt like crying at the end, and it wasn't even sad! I blame you for making me an emotional mess. Just kidding. I absolutely loved this chapter. I like the contrast between the two breakups. It really showed how far Evie has grown as a character. I am so proud of her, and really proud of you as a writer to evoke such attachment to the characters in your stories. Very well done. I really hope you do consider publishing stories. I would be there at midnight to buy them. If not, keep doing this if you can.

    Jalex was perfect. His reaction was adorable and oh-so-Joe! I was grinning like an idiot when I read it. And I think Joe has definitely grown to become better as well. His character was so annoying at times, and even though he can't rid of that quality entirely, I think he's matured greatly in this story. Alex's mom, I could just roll my eyes. Jeez, so oblivious, but whatever. Jalex is so imperfectly perfect, it's sickening. I also really like Alex because she reminds me a bit of myself.

    Kevin didn't come out totally, but it's like hinted at, so that's good. And Dash was good for him. I'm glad Evie could see that too. And as for Nick and Evie, I still don't know what their future will bring, but they seem to be at a good point. Obviously, it is hard for Nick to accept what Evie did with his brother, but then I look at Alex, and it's kind of the same situation. Sure, Alex knew right away, and the trust between Nick and Evie needs to be built first, but the similarities are definitely there. I actually think that Nick and Evie would be perfect once she stops questioning everything he does. I don't think she understands him as much as he understands her because she's still unsure about his thoughts and actions, whereas he seems to know exactly what's going on through her head.

    The part was Jordan was awesome! It just also further illustrates Evie's change in character. I kind of liked him, but I was thinking "say no. Say no" the whole time. I don't think Nick would have particularly liked hearing about this cute boy.

    At the beginning of the story, I would never think of saying this, but I actually wouldn't mind being in Evie's position. Sure, she's messed up, but she has an amazing support system, and having Kevin as a best friend is always a good motive.

    I'm so sad that I can't anticipate updates anymore. It's breaking my heart. Fantastic job. I will miss this for sure.
    September 21st, 2008 at 02:15am
  • deletedd

    deletedd (100)

    United Kingdom
    hey i loved your stories! seriously youre amazing....uhmmm can i ask who rand is? r her stories good...if so can u give me a link or something?
    September 21st, 2008 at 01:10am
  • Brittanyyyyyyy

    Brittanyyyyyyy (100)

    United States
    Sorry about some parts of my ch. 23 review down there. I hadn't read chapter 24 or your notes on S&S yet. But I'll review both of those soon!
    September 20th, 2008 at 10:26pm
  • Brittanyyyyyyy

    Brittanyyyyyyy (100)

    United States
    Chapter 23 made my heart hurt.
    In a good way :). I read it when you first posted, but since I see you've got chapter 24 up already, I figure I better bombard you with my thoughts on it now.
    I think that the whole "friends" thing was realistic. I mean, everyone else has had SIX MONTHS to accept that this happened and to cope, but Nick was the one hurt the most, and he just found out. I think the fact that he still wants Evie in his life shows how much he loves her. Not that I ever questioned him! I think it shows how much he loves her even more than taking her back immediatly would. He wants to make sure that their relationship is stable, and doesn't want to risk losing her by rushing back into anything. A lesser writer would have given us what they thought we wanted (Evie and Nick totally back together,) but you stayed true to your story, and I think you're fantastic for doing that.
    Seriously, my heart was pounding right along with Evie throughout this whole chapter. Your writing invokes so many emotions! Ahh. I smiled and laughed at Joe, but still managed to get choked up for Nick. Amazing!

    I did think that Evie would have been a little more upset that her and Nick didn't get back together, but I guess she took what she could get. God, that chapter was so good!
    But I know that S&S is ending now, so I'd just like to say a few last things. I'd really love you to continue writing. Preferably a sequel, of course! But I too, will take what I can get. Even if it meant you just writing a chapter a month or something, I think everyone would love it.
    And finally, I'd just like to thank you. As crazy as this sounds, this story has actually given me something to look forward to. Thank you for writing so well.
    September 20th, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • aeeleigh

    aeeleigh (100)

    United States
    Giant Jonas pics really are amazing. lol
    September 20th, 2008 at 08:44pm
  • helllojobro

    helllojobro (100)

    United States
    but-but-but wat happened to wats him name-o yah kevin-wen he went to talk to dash....wait dont tell me...wait no tell me.o never mind just act like i didnt ask that....wait but wat did happen...o well
    n e ways i will now begin my rambling.... b ready....
    yah i think it was a good idea for them to just be friends cux it would be wierd if he was 'o thats ok....' so i mglad u did that
    man i think u had this story planned out so well.
    like really i hav NEVER read n e thing n e where
    that had things connect n waeve n2 each ohther like u did
    that was just grrrrrrrrr-RAET!!!!(i think thats how u spell great...)
    n e i am like really sad that thats the ending like it would be cool to now how their just friends thing works out....but 99ur rite if u did do another sequel that would just be dragging it out soooooo much like a bit to much.
    it would just like ruin the ending....

    so for ur next story, i cant wondering wat its gonna be about....
    man im excited.u know y....becuz like i wanna know wat the plot is gonna be.cuz it seems like ur good at this plot was great.
    its different.ive NEVER read n e thing wit that plot b4....
    on ff net its usaullly the falling in love with ur best friend type stories but to me those things get old n then u know that n the end they r gonna be wit their best me it just gets old....but ur plot was somthing new....
    im so glad that i found u on u know how...
    well i saw ur name n i thought it was cool(green and yellow)so i clicked on it...
    i saw h&k n thought THAT was a cool i read the description...
    then there was somthing bout secrects...but u didnt mention the secrect...
    n i was like i wannna know the secret.... so i clcked on it n read the story...the description made me want to read it... when i was reading it it was complete so i read it n 2 days.....yes TWO!!!!!,... days!!!!ive never read a book on ffnet r mibba....r n e where wen i say n e where i mean like n e where(borders....barns n noble n e book...)ive never read n e thing that record b4 that was like 3 days but that was like a normale book....
    then i saw stix n stones came out n i was like whoe....
    cuz i wanted to find out if nick was gonna find i read it...

    n i was also happy cuz u update like really fast...some people take like a week but u were like almost everyday.

    k i think im gonna stop now cuz i dont waannna take up alll ur comment space...(that was probaly like my longest review.....)
    September 20th, 2008 at 08:23pm
  • messy perfectionist.

    messy perfectionist. (100)

    United States
    September 20th, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • MellowDramatic

    MellowDramatic (100)

    United States
    I cried at the end of Sticks and Stones. Just like at the end of Hands and Knees. Such beautiful stories and you're are so talented it's not even worth not admitting.
    Honestly the BEST Jonas story ever. It's official! :)

    September 20th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • love.all.around

    love.all.around (100)

    United States
    hahaa well, planned or not, i still love it--duh!

    how's it going?
    September 20th, 2008 at 06:28pm
  • luckystars

    luckystars (100)

    United States
    lol...that makes me sad. :( but I understand what you mean - I just started a sequel to one of my stories and now I'm kinda like "Maybe the ambiguous ending of the first was better?"
    September 20th, 2008 at 06:11pm
  • tulip;

    tulip; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's not that amazing tbh.

    I live in the country side so it's jsut fields, animals, old people and more fields.
    September 20th, 2008 at 06:02pm
  • natalia27

    natalia27 (100)

    United States
    “Funny you should ask that, Kev, because I saw one last night when my brother killed it,” Joe replies matter-of-factly.

    favorite line ever.
    i laugh every single time.
    i can practically picture him saying that in my head.
    September 20th, 2008 at 05:52am