
I cried last night I haven’t cried in ages and I let it all go. My life right now is such a mess and its hard to try to put a smile on for everyone. I broke up with Toty. I told myself it was because we were going to different schools but I know that’s a lie. I did it so Rachel and I could be close and now we are broken up and I got what I wanted, complete loneliness. Just what I wanted, I am...
August 13th, 2008 at 10:31pm

to stand still

Ever stare at a clock? Challenge it to stop? Ever look at it long enough to think that everything you have done is just a waste of time that every attempt at something is nothing in the long run and we as mortals are gods little puppets that are worth little. We can be thrown away and gotten rid of so easily at gods demmand. To be immortal would to be everything we would understand the earth and...
August 9th, 2008 at 06:10am