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I really don't know what to say here. A few months ago I would have been able to write this without a problem, I would have been able to tell you all about my life and how great it is, how everything was going right for me and how it couldn't get any better. But now, I'd be lying. Because truthfully, my life isn't great. It was, but things change, people change and it makes you see things a lot clearer, even if you don't really want to. The funny thing is, when I was just a bit younger than I am now, I never thought I'd end up like this. I thought life would be an easy for me and that nothing would ever go wrong, well I must have pissed Karma off big style because all she seems to do lately is make things go wrong for me. Sometimes you see life in a totally different perspective, all I saw was fairtyale and perfection, but the truth is... People lie . People are going to hurt you. People are going to mess with your feelings just because they know they can. You just need to be strong and let them know they can't mess you around, hey, scream at them to back the fuck down. It might work, it might not work. But when I get the courage to do that, I'll be the first to let you know.

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Misguided Ghosts
Featuring: Sam Winchester

Tear Me Down
Featuring: Draco Malfoy

More Than This
Featuring: Louis Tomlinson/ One Direction

Story Title
Featuring: Person/Band

Story Title
Featuring: Person/Band


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