demetria-lynn / Comments

  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oranges are picky for me. I sorta like sweet oranges, but I've had too many bad/out of season oranges to have a good opinion of the fruit. I really like to suck out all the juice and leave the pulp. Occasionally I'll eat the whole thing, but it always has to be cut in slices. For some reason I just got back into grapefruits... my roomie's friend bought one but only ate half, and I got to finish it, and I LOVED it! And then I eat lemons and limes all the time...

    My mum is pure blood Irish, and my dad is a medly of the other north western european communities, so he's not much farther up the pastey scale. And I've never been to Ireland. I was supposed to go to Ireland in January for an exchagne trip, but then the stock market crashed, and my education fund is all in stocks, so I scrapped those plans. But I do play gaelic football, so I'm forming a pretty good network, especially of people in the Gallway region, who might be willing to rent me a room for a good price if I ever go over. I'm looking forward to it.
    July 1st, 2009 at 03:50am
  • LadyofShalott

    LadyofShalott (100)

    no problem! can't help it how much i liked it! ;]
    June 28th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Dudette, you're talking to an Irish girl... we're pasty by definition. Put it this way...I go out in flip flops / sandals fairly often, but I STIILL have last year's sock tan. Then again, it means that I tanned last year... Hm, maybe I should rethink this...

    Toasted cheese... that sounds a little weird. I'd try it, but I don't have a gas stove. My friend does though. Next time I'm at his I'll try it.

    Oh pizza with veggies! I like fairly odd combinations, so I tend to make my own pizza. I don't like tomatoes though. It's a texture thing. I love salsa, ketchup, and tomato sauce, but I can't stand tomatoes. At all.

    Magazines are good for putting under paintings. That's it.
    June 24th, 2009 at 03:32am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oddly enough, I think I had cheese everytime I ate yesterday...
    Breakfast = cheese omelete
    Lunch = grilled cheese
    Snack = cheese and crackers
    Dinner = mini pizzas
    So yeah, cheese with every meal! (Can you tell there's no grown-up living with me? Lotsa veggies though, esp on the pizzas.)

    Oooo, I HAD PB AND OREOS THE OTHER DAY.... SOOOOO GOOD! The PB adds this slightly salty tang to it, and it's addictive! I'm going to go have one right now. Well, maybe more like three...

    I forget what magazine it was, though I have a feeling it was a European Vogue, but they had Freida Pinto on the cover a few months ago. Did you see what they did to her? They painted her skin almost white!!! I saw it and I was like 'HELLO! Beautiful Indian girl there! Why'd you use your computers to paint her white???! Codswalloping ditherbrains!' Grr, that annoyed me.

    Unfortunately the nagging never stops. Just now you have the freedom to kick them out of the car :) An 'Ooops, I thought you changed your mind about coming so I left without you' works fairly well. I've used it once or twice. :D
    June 15th, 2009 at 09:13pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Driving is so much fun! Did you get your learners permit or your full licence? What system do you use in NM? We've got a three tier system here, but I think yours is only two, right?

    Hmm, the fence problem... Why don't you tie some balloons to your fence at the same level as the bumper on your car, and then if you're about to knock your fence over, you'll hear the balloons pop and know to stop. And if you get the right type of balloons they'll even stay inflated for a long time, making the entire operation cost-effective! I hope your knots are good, so that the balloons don't blow away.

    What I don't get about modelling is when they retouch people and change their body proportions. I was surfing last year (web surfing...I can't actually surf, unfortunately), and I found some pictures of Jessica Alba at a photo shoot for some calendar. They had the retouched photos right beside the unretouched ones, and she had somehow and somewhy been made skinnier in the retouched ones. WHY??? No on e is actually that skinny! Well, no one healthy anyways. And she already looked great in the unretouched ones!

    I actually haven't had PB recently... We've had a lot of nutella chez nous, so I've been eating that pretty much non stop. It's amazing spread on Arrowroot crackers. Oo, vanilla ice cream and apple crumble... mmm. My mum actually makes this thing called apple crip, très similaire. C'est essentiellement un layer of sliced and peeled apples on the bottom, with a topping of brown sugar and canelle. It is amazing with vanilla ice cream, and oddly enough it goes really well with marble cheese to. Don't ask me who came up with the cheese idea. They're genius though.

    Hm, June to October might be a bit long for that idea, but maybe they'll get it for me for my's only in the middle of July.
    June 8th, 2009 at 12:50am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    I can't say I have long legs for my height. I actually have an extra inch on my torso, so my legs are somewhat smaller than the normal proportions. It's nice because I'm taller than most people at sit-down shows/concerts/whatnot.

    My grandma actually wanted me to go into modelling. I was like 'yeah, sure grandma. First I'll have to quit Judo, and then go anorexic and lose about forty pounds. NOT happening' It was not a fun conversation.

    Ah food. I've always wanted to try Oreos and peanut butter. Actually, I think I have all that at my apartment. so I'll try that tomorrow when I get home. Muahaha. Oh no, someone just burst my bubble. Aparently oreos and PB don't go together. Grr. I can't even run circles around her on the soccer field tomorrow, since she's on my team. Humph.

    Have your parents taken the body test? That would be hilarious if they ended up being 'younger' than Sammy.

    Oh, I'm definitaly getting my roomie a wii-fit for her birthday. The only bad part is that she was born in October. That's too long for me.
    May 31st, 2009 at 03:19am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    You have a wii fit... I'm jealous. I have a wii, but we haven't actually got the fit board. Yet. It's on my Christmas list. Or maybe I'll get one for my roomie for her birthday. There's games you can play on it, right? It's not just for fitness?

    I actually did a study once with the wii fit board. A fourth year student in my program (Human Kinetics) was studying balance and the centre of gravity, and she used the wii board to measure where our centre of gravity was. It was really cool, especially since she compared it to the actual force board which is something like 100 x the price.

    If it makes you feel any better, the two girls I'm living with are 5'1 and 5'2, making me the reject at 5'9. Over here I'm the insanely tall one amongst the short people. Besides, I bet you never have to duck under the mirrors on the front of your city busses.
    May 28th, 2009 at 02:20pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah, upper body strength... and then you take in the fact that the extra 9% of muscle by body mass is located completely around the shoulders, and we're even weaker...
    But seriously, muscles get bigger by using them. You've probably got some muscles that your dance has really developed, but which are still itsy bitsy on me because I don't use them. Probably your stabilizers. My balance is HORRIBLE, but I've always thought of dancers as having really good balance.

    Sammy's what, like two years older than you or something? Wait until you finish growing, you should be able to tackle him then :)

    Maybe that post-Quasimodo bump is a build-up of intercellular liquid? That stuff is clear... Is it going away/getting smaller? That's actually sorta interesting. I'm sure there's an explanation for it, it's just a matter of finding it. Maybe I'll ask my teachers when I go back to school. One of them ought to know. Ah, the benefits of taking physiology courses...

    I cracked my laptop screen today! Now I have a blue/black stripe across one corner where the LCD isn't working properly. I'm hoping it finishes its transformation to blue, and doesn't rest the blotchy mess it currently is. I'm sorta upset with myself, because if I had picked it up properly then it would still be fine...

    Random - I'm addicted to the song Fairytale by Alexander Rybak. Have you heard it?
    May 25th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    ROFL...would that logic actually work on your mum? You should try it, and tell me the result. Somehow I never quite managed to get it to work...

    Yes, we do have mats for judo. As you probably saw in the videos, there's these light green ones, along with red ones. Some competition switch out green mats for yellow or blue ones. As far as I can tell, they're just being fancy. Some clubs use your average school blue gym mats, but the green and red are actual judo mats, called tatami. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, but tatami are nicer to fall on. Thankfully. You do become somewhat intimately acquainted with the floor. Eventually you get used to it, but it takes a while to stop being scared of falling. Even now there are throws that I don't like. Stairs as well, I'm still somewhat scared of. Edges are annoying and leave nasty bruises.

    Wahoo! That doesn't sound like a cookie-cutter dojo! (Dojo = school or practice hall) I think ten years is a good amount of time for it to take to get your black belt. I'd get along great with your friend and her sensei (teacher).

    How are your reflexes and your muscle memory? Why don't you practice tackling Sammy, and then when it becomes instinctive you won't have to think about how to throw him. Your mum can blame me since she'll probably never meet me, or at least will never knowingly meet me. :D
    May 19th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Wow, um, OK, we're going to stop talking about migraines and throwing up now...

    You should ask your friend what she does. I'd much rather have a better opinion of Taekwondo, but all I know are the Tae E Lee schools... sorta like the cookie cutter houses going into all the new suburbs, you just cut and paste! I've seen youtube videos of people sparring in a taekwondo style (dunno if it was actually taekwondo), but they both have their black belts. Support for your upper belts only theory?

    Judo is definitely not choreographed. In fact, it's impossible to learn wihout actually throwing your partners and getting thrown yourself. It's all spontaneous. We do have our own katas/patterns/forms, but oyu generally don't need to even start learning them until you're halfway through the coloured belts. They take backseat to the actual throwing each other. It's great, cause even though you get taught all the techniques, it's still pu to you to figure out how exactly to throw someone who doesn't want to be thrown. You should try it is you get the chance. It's fun *gives evil grin* ok, I just put that between asterisks and my word processor turned it bold...slightly weird. And now it's back to normal...adding asterisks again. But yeah, Judo is lots of fun.

    Wahoo! Congrats on the worm! Ah, I can just imagine some of those faces... :P I think everyone does that for some things. Just maybe not in the middle of dance recitals. OK, now I'm sitting here and making funny faces...
    May 15th, 2009 at 07:12pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    WOW, you really need to stop getting sick... I think you could keep your doctor's practice afloat all by yourself! (And you guys have to provide your own medical insurance in the States, right?) Just don't die. We'd miss you!

    Ah, waking up in the hospital. I must say that that is one thing I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing. Did your brother just not think of migraines when all that was going on? Actually, this makes me sorta glad that the worst migraine I've ever had just made patches of my vision go blurry. I absolutely HATE throwing up.

    I liked the baby ducks too! «It's not so much flying, as falling with style.» Hilarious! My dad really liked when the babboon had the three pears. He looked over at me and went, «that's something Claire would do!» I was like, «Excuse me, I don't always do that!». I was actually surprised that the lions managed to take down the full grown elephant. But then again, was it just me or did the elephant seem a little slow?

    Wow, that's a lot of dance... and I youtubed the worm, and I actually know what it is. Is there a different name if you're going backwards vs forewards?

    Taekwondo...funny story, I really don't like taekwondo. (Though you did spell it right. Well, one of several versions.) I just think it's WAAAAY too commercialized. That, and I disapprove of anywhere where you can get a black belt in under three years, and anywhere where a twelve year old can get a black belt. It may not be quite like that where you are, but that's what it's like up here. It took me eight years to get my black in Judo, and that's considered fast for my age.

    But they're not really similar. Judo is probably closest to wrestling – ie throws, pins, but adding chokes and armbars – and we can't do any strikes, punches, kicks, etc. As far as I can tell, Taekwondo focuses a lot on kicks. It might focus on punches, but I'm pretty sure that it's the opposite of Karate, and Karate is all about punches...

    [i]*Sends warm fuzziness to help you get better soon* ![/i]
    May 12th, 2009 at 05:47am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    What's up Demetria? I hope your week's been a little bit better than the last time I typed with you...

    Anyways, I saw EARTH today, and I loved it! It was hilarious, cute, suspenseful, and tragic...all at the same time. I highly recommend you see it if you haven't already. There's were some good quotes in there. My favourite part was probably this bird who puffed up some feathers so that he looked like a horizontal oval from the front, with two bright blue specks as eyes. Then he hopped around in a supposed 'mating dance' which merely caused everyone in the theatre to burst out laughing...
    May 11th, 2009 at 03:32am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Wow, you sound like you've had a bit of a week. The most exciting part of my week was finally getting a pair of indoor soccer shoes. Are the migraines gone now, or are they recurring? Wait, you NAMED YOUR BRUISE?? I don't even do that, and I get at least four fist sized ones a week. Then again, Quasimodo is a pretty cool name for a bruise. Do you have a picture of it so you can laugh at it later? I remember getting a farily good sized lump on my shins one year from playing road hockey with my extended family, and I took a picture and brought it the next year (annual boxing day road hockey game) and we all laughed at it. Yeah, that's my family...

    Are the twins planning on taking a whole bunch of those open courses so they can get their sciences? I just thought of this, but how do university admission requirements translate for people who are homeschooled? Is everything based on the SATs or other tests like that?

    I definitely did the same thing when I was eleven. I wanted to get into Hogwarts soooo badly, that I even practiced incantations. I used to run around waving a stick around wildly, and yelling out magical whobobs as loud as I could. And then wen I turned twelve I was convinced that they were just late, and I would get my letter that year. I think, in a way, that I'm still waiting for it...

    Music's just for fun for me. I just like to play.

    How long have you been doing dance for? I think it's awesome. I used to take ballet when I was little, but I quit when I started judo. I did a camp once during the summer and loved it, but I never really decided to go back. How many days a week do you ^ractice? And what exactly is a worm?
    May 3rd, 2009 at 12:46am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hogwarts would be great...Magic and Hagrid, and floating Jack-o-lanterns... oh my goodness that would be fun. Talk about dream educations...

    Public school was good and bad at the same time... you add in whole aspects of social interactions, meeting new people every grade, sometimes being in classes entirely made of people you've never seen before. I'm introverted, and I used to be especially so, so it was always hard for me to make new friends whenever I got new classmates. I was always that weird girl playing soccer and man hunt with the boys, and I had my share of frenemies.
    However, you can also get groups of people staying in classes together for YEARS. In high school I was in the gifted French immersion program, which had about fifteen people total, and maybe 35 in our english gifted courses. We always had our courses together, so we got to know each other pretty well by the end of grade twelve.
    Public school, furthermore, opens up lots of opportunities for learning. My main area that I wouldn't have been able to do if I was homeschooled, is music. My mum plays very limited piano, and my dad played five years of violin, about 25 years ago. When I started to grade seven, I got to pick an instrument to play in concert band. I happily started on bassoon, and even joined to vocal jazz group. In grade eight I learned trombone so I could join Jazz band, and I took a few lessons in percussion. Grade ten I took a guitar course, and my mum surprised me by pulling her grandmother's old guitar out of a closet. Grade twelve I learned the flute and the soprano steel pan. I still play the bassoon, trombone, flute, and guitar, but if I had been homeschooled I never would have learned any of those. There's also lots of sports opportunities, which I won't go into.
    In homeschooling, however, your mum can adjust what you're learning to your learning speed. If you get something you can fly by it really fast, whereas if you're stuck she can take you through it again. In public school the teachers have to teach to the average, so if you need extra help you tend to be on your own. Sure, there are peer tutoring groups, but not many people actually go to those. The opposite is true to; if you get it, you're stuck in class being bored. In fact, my gr9 English mark suffered from that. I was usually about five chapters ahead of everyone else, and had forgotten what happened by the time the test came around.

    I saw the trailer for Earth! The animals looked so cute! I don't think I'll see it in theatres, but I'll probably see it eventually. And for Miley, if they have her grow up then they wouldn't have a show. They need her to have moral dilemmas and make bad choices in order to have plots. It's absolutely hilarious to me, though I can see how she can be annoying.

    Do you do school on the weekends as well?

    I'm sorta curious to see how long this is...
    April 28th, 2009 at 04:29am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh yeah, I had forgotten you're homeschooled. That would definitely make extended visits easier. Weirdly enough, I never really wanted to be homeschooled. I looked at self schooling, but I was always too much in awe of the programs offered in private schools. I would go up to my mum and be like 'Look at this school! They teach violin AND jiujitsu!' And she would always pull a tant pis pour toi look and leave me in my public school. *Sighs* Ordinary public school.

    I love Zac Efron! In fact, I've never come across a disney actor I don't like. Well, I'm not too fond of some of the choices Miley's made (aka Vanity Fair and the way-too-old boyfriend), but I'm addicted to Hannah Montana. And some of Demi's music just doesn't float my boat, but any thing else Disney I LOVE.
    17 Again came out here last friday. Release dates tend to be the same for us as for you, though you guys get all the premiers. I, however, have a friend that organizes the advanced screenings for press, etc., and I usually manage to get tickets. :) Unfortunately, he wasn't doing 17 again. :(
    I heard the movie was really good. I haven't seen it yet, but my roommate (who hated Zac Efron) saw it and loved it. It changed her opinion on him entirely. And the previews look hilarious! Especially that one scene where his son says something like "What, you think you're my dad or something?" and Zac puts his hands out to the side and gets this look that just screams 'Well, yeah. Duh'. It always makes me laugh. I'll probably see the actual movie this week, since I don't have another exam until thursday. Oodles of time. The wonders of being in university.

    I think you were bigger than me! The number 8 pounds 11oz comes to mind, though I really don't know. I was, however, two and a half weeks late. My mother loved it. Not.
    April 20th, 2009 at 03:33am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    No, you did actually tell me your cousin's name. I sorta like the midereading idea though, so I think I'm going to run with that one. :D Ohm, reading people's minds...

    How long were you at your Aunt's house? What about school? Isn't your spring break somewhere around here though? (Ours is in March for grade school, and February for university)

    I saw my cousin's kid this weekend! He was soo cute! I spent so much time holding him, especially since he started recognizing me as transportation. He'd have me or his dad taking him in circles around the living room at my grandma's. First we'd go to the wind chime, where he'd hit the jingler and make them ring, then we'd go to the mirror where he would poke his reflection, then we would go to the touchlamps and he'd turn them on and off, and then he'd want to go bonk one of those hanging window decorations. It went on forever, but it was so cute! And that thing about little kids loving peek-a-boo? It's completely true! He was HILARIOUS! And the best past is, he's past the age of spitting up :D Please tell Sammy that things do get better.

    I must admit I saw the HM movie as well last weekend, and with my sister also. I thought it was quite good, and I especially liked the scene in the revolving door. That little girl was so cute! And the 'we'll keep your secret' she did at the end...

    Five kids...I think your mother deserves an award. My mother stopped after two. The twins would have been slightly smaller than normal though. Average twin weight is 5-something at birth, while other babies are 7 or 8. I have no idea what the units are. I think it's pounds and ounces?

    April fool's day is a thursday next year, so I don't know if I'll actually get to do any good pranks, but I sure will try...
    April 17th, 2009 at 04:21am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    I remember Jackie! Jacquelin, right? And Rose is coming to mind for some reason, though I might be completely wrong about that. She's probably about the same age as my little cousin was at last time I saw him. I can imagine how much fun that would be to hang around her. I'm seeing my cousin again in two days for Easter, and it's gonna be great!

    Oh, poor Sammy...but I'm finding that really funny. However, I've never had a baby spit up on me. I just refuse to hold them because it's so awkward. Combine that with all the pregnancy and childbirth horror stories I've heard, and I think I'm just going to skip the baby step and adopt a bunch of three year olds...

    Wow, your younger brothers are gullible. But somehow you still managed to get in more pranking than I did. I think I was out of the house pretty much all day. There would have been so many perfect opportunities for my colocataires to prank me, but for some reason they didn't. Oh well, I can still plan for next year... Did you have anything planned for them if you would have been in town?

    Random Q: Do you use a French keyboard or an English one?
    April 11th, 2009 at 12:39am
  • panda.monium

    panda.monium (100)

    Are you starting any new stories soon? lol, just curious.
    April 7th, 2009 at 02:57am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ooo, now I want to get a Chihuahua and name it Nacho!! What's with me and Chihuahuas? *Scratches head* I dunno... I don't even think they're particularly good looking animals...

    As for pets... neither my roommates nor I have the patience or the dedication, or the time management skills to look after pets. I used to have a plant, but it died after I forgot to water it for a couple of months... I killed the fish I had as a kid...both my parents are allergic to fur, so no dogs/cats/gerbils/other...And we had to get rid of the bird we had because of my mum's feather allergy... so basically, no pets!

    One of my friends have hedgehogs or chinchillas or something else spikey for pets. I only ever touched them once, but they were completely cool! You should definitely keep ragging on your dad to let you get one! :) Why would hedgehogs be illegal to keep as pets? I'm not entirely sure I see it...
    March 29th, 2009 at 03:07am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    For some reason I got this mental image of a Chihuahua named Nacho trying to take over the world. There wasn't one of those in any movies in the last five years, was there?

    Snakes! I love those! I almost got one, but then my parents quashed that idea when they found out you had to feed it live crickets. Or maybe that was the gecko...or both... Anyways, I didn't end up getting either of them. We moved on to looking at mice instead, and I didn't get one of those either. Pooey. now dog name # 4. I wonder how many random names we could come up with if we polled everyone on here...
    March 24th, 2009 at 08:46pm