demetria-lynn / Comments

  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Lol Demetria, that's perfectly OK. Besides, I always have that picture of Rupert Grint in the ice cream truck to cheer me up!

    Christmas was great on my end! Babies all around! My aunt on my mum's side of the family has a two year old and a 6mo old, and on the other side of the family two of my cousins have kids which are 6, 4, and just under two. We ran around after them all holidays, and I loved it! (Well, maybe because I played with them, but didn't have to feed them, burp them, or change diapers. I'm sure my opinion of babies will change a bit when I have to do all those things!)

    I was actually thinking last night about how long it's been since I watched a HP movie... I need to, ahem, 'borrow with no intention of returning' those movies from my parent's house and have a marathon. It's overdue!

    I did see Sherlock Holmes though. I thought it was a bit scatter brained, but that fits Sherlock Holmes' personality, right? Overall I loved it. I'm just happy the hanging experiment was at the end, because it took me a good fifteen minutes to stop laughing after that. Now I haven't seen Nine, or Avatar yet, but they're on the list. I'll get to them :D

    My French teacher... well, we all loved her. We3 were more likely to have a class to just sit around and talk 'in French' than we were to do overmuch work. I think we generally managed one book/play, one movie, one project, and a tad of grammar per semester. We'd get her going off on rants about life in France that would last the whole class...
    January 3rd, 2010 at 05:48pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh wow, apparently my computer's a bit stupid. It doesn't like to tell me when I have comments...

    I'm so excited for HP and the HBP!!! It's gonna be awesome! I'm definitely asking my parents for it for christmas! And then I'm going to watch it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over......................................
    I might stop by New Year's, but you never know.

    If you and a bunch of your friends are retaking the same level of french again next year, is the teacher going to use different plays/novels and all that? I know the French teacher at my high school used about 90% the same material from year to year, though we didn't have anyone take the courses twice on purpose (that I know of).
    November 22nd, 2009 at 05:29pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Did you hear RG had swine flu? He's OK now, but apparently he was pretty sick for a while.

    I saw my uni's dance team practice this weekend, and it actually wasn't bad. For some reason they were all asian, and there were more guys than girls. It wasn't gag-worthy. Then again, it was a guy choreographer. It actually looked sort of good. Weird. I'd be interested to know if it our official dance team. And why their 'official space' is in the middle of our university centre and not in the dance studio.

    Lol at the failed native french speaker bit. You're more of a native french speaker than I am! I wish I was francophone, but I was unfortunately born and reared on the wrong side of the provincial border. Darn parents!

    Since you're a year above your grade in French, what happens when you reach gr12? Will you take gr12 French twice, or will you not get French in gr12?
    November 2nd, 2009 at 04:12pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    RUPERT GRINT!!! Ok, now for what I actually came over here to say...

    Your French teacher reminds of a driving teacher I once had. He kept telling me things like 'you're beautiful' and 'tell your parents they have an amazing daughter'. Needless to say, I did not book another lesson with him. He creeped me out.

    Don't even get me started on the type of dancing that happens on dance teams in HS... university is better, but it's still sorta similar. And fyi, don't go to the school dances. They tend to be more of the same. Sometimes I just want to strangle people and then revive them so I can put them in a dancing boot camp.

    WAHOO for friends! Just wait until gr12, you'll know the entire school! I wish my school had had a French club. all we had was French immersion.

    Are you and you're brother normally in the same grade? I thought he was one year above you...

    Hehe, I'm having fun playing with the touch-mouse! I borrowed a laptop from my school's library, and it has one of those little mouse-circles in the middle of the keyboard. My laptop doesn't have one, so I've been playing with it like crazy. Wow, I'm so off task...
    October 29th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    \It was pretty! ^_^
    I had a good afternoon reading it.
    October 29th, 2009 at 04:58pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hey! Look who's back! I'm glad you're alright, even if I'm sad to hear that your grandfather died. Are you and your family doing OK now? (PS - when my grandpa died, we told funny stories about him and it really helped. Did you know that the local schoolteacher once caught my papa trying to steal an outhouse with a forklift? I certainly didn't.)

    Public school = AWESOME. Especially high school. Have you joined any clubs or teams? Those made my life. If you just want something social, then be on the lookout for a knitting circle. All we did there was sit around a table and talked and knit. It was awesome. Are the twins and Bree still being home schooled by your mother?
    October 27th, 2009 at 02:00pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hi Demetria! Hope everything's alright and that you're just grounded or something because I haven't heard from you in a while. One of my friends on another site had a month's absence because she was in and out of a coma, so I'm sorta hoping the same didn't happen to you...
    September 7th, 2009 at 12:57am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    OK , so that last comment? Don't worry if it doesn't make sense. Someone else asked me a question, and by the time I got around to asking for the answer, I had mixed up who had asked it to me...
    August 24th, 2009 at 05:31pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    So I finally got around to asking those Irish people what their term of endearment is, and they said Mo chuisle (think Million Dollar Baby) is the most popular. It literally means my pulse, or my heart.
    August 14th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    I know! I love Ron/Rupert! I thought he did an amazing job with what he was given, but I'm with you in wishing we could have seen more of him. I live in hope for the next movie.

    That sounds like an...interesting...vacation. Were there any good parts? Is your iPhone OK? Did you manage to duct tape Bree to a wall?

    You reminded me of one of the counsellors at the camp I work at. She went to a water park one weekend at the beginning of the summer and ended up falling asleep in one of the lounge chairs... wearing a bikini...and no sunscreen. She ended up wearing that bikini under her clothes for a week straight. It was hilarious to see her blow-drying her swim suit after camp swim, because she has to wear it so her burn didn't hurt! I found it quite funny. Hopefully you're burn isn't as bad as that. It seemed to suck majorly.
    August 9th, 2009 at 04:10am
  • (105)

    St. Pierre and Miquelon
    I totally and absolutely loved your story!! It was really awesome *.* You're a great writer, maybe you should write another story :D I'd totally read it!
    August 8th, 2009 at 11:37pm
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    YES!!!! I remember that!!!! I saw the movie last wednesday!! I loved it!! (Minus the end being a total set up for the next movie, but whatever). I actually really like Tom Felton in this movie. I've always felt that he does a great job with Draco, but I really felt sorry for Draco in this movie. And there were just so many funny parts.

    Squash... is sort of hard to explain. Tennis in a box is probably about as close as I can come. You're in a room about the size of half a tennis court, and you play the same general rules as tennis, except that all four walls are in bounds, and you have to bounce the ball off the front wall instead of hitting it over the net. Youtube it maybe? There's actually a staff member that plays national level squash, so I love it when he comes in to help.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 03:59am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm excited! I'm going to a farmer's market tomorrow, for the first time EVER! I'm going to buy soo much food! Whoo!

    Running around after kids is most definitely part of my summer job. I teach at a sports camp, so I'm pretty much running for nine hours a day. Sometimes they're running after me, but most of the time I'm running after them. I'm just glad I get to teach Squash. It gives me a little break cause I can just stick them all in courts for the lesson.

    Does your dance gear up for competitions in the summer, or is it just taking advantage of the fact that no one's in school?
    July 12th, 2009 at 04:39am
  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Gaelic football is sort of a meld between soccer, handball, and rugby, with some elements of volleyball. There's actually a fairly good series of 'learn gaelic football' videos on Youtube. they'll probable be clearer than if I tried to explain it to you. I tend to muddle things.

    Yes, I eat lemons and limes plain. We're actually going to have a lemon-eating contest at work, and I'm sooo looking forward to it! I just like them. Apples are high on my list too. I tend to eat min one a day, usually more. Grapes are sorta nice but not a fruit I'll go and search out. It weird, because they are AMAzING when they're frozen. Strawberries too. I want some.

    YAY! Happy Independance Day! Did you go see fireworks? I was going to go see the ones on Parliament Hill for us, which are generally the best around, but I was too darn tired! Running around after kids all day will certainly do that to you.

    Do you have a summer job, or does your schooling continue all through the summer?
    July 9th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • Super Sunni!

    Super Sunni! (100)

    United States
    Aw, sure thing.
    Just thought I'd leave the stories with a friendly comment of its epic awesomeness(:
    July 8th, 2009 at 09:37pm
  • Super Sunni!

    Super Sunni! (100)

    United States
    Haha, woah.
    Coincidence :P

    Sadly, you don't exist again but you might in a sec. (:
    July 7th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • Super Sunni!

    Super Sunni! (100)

    United States
    You do now(:
    And I was actually on thirteen with a delay from my father deciding to look at motorcycles online.
    Haha, but Now I'm on 17(:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:21am
  • Super Sunni!

    Super Sunni! (100)

    United States
    Aww, well I love it even though it told me that you no longer exit!
    I was so sad.
    Getting ready to read chapter like, 15? and it says 'This author something something. you can't read this no more!'
    I was very sad.
    July 6th, 2009 at 09:58pm
  • Super Sunni!

    Super Sunni! (100)

    United States
    I pretty much love you(:
    I read Dirty Journalism last night and this morning and I'm currently reading In Too Deep.
    I love Max&Jackie but I kinda miss the little quotes hinting at later events to come.
    Haha, it reminds me of a soap opera. Not the story itself but the way it was kinda like, "Next week on young and the restless"
    Anyhow, you're an awesome writer and really good at all the elements(:
    July 6th, 2009 at 06:25pm
  • HappyRainbowBunny

    HappyRainbowBunny (100)

    United States
    So, I think you are an amazing writer. I just thought I'd share that with you. :)

    I've only read Dirty Journalism, sadly, because I found it too late in the day and don't have the energy to read the entirety of In Too Deep... But I will!

    I love your writing, and your plot, and all of the things you've pulled from your real life. It's great! :)
    July 2nd, 2009 at 06:01am