demetria-lynn / Comments

  • Is it okay with you that I put your story link in my profile as a recomendation for people to read?
    February 7th, 2009 at 03:55pm
  • Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!
    February 3rd, 2009 at 02:31am
  • Yeah, I know. Ty is kinda of an idiot. I think it's kinda cute sometimes...
    But on the other hand that's the way I want his character so... lol

    Ps THANK YOU for commenting, as normal you are the only one that did
    February 2nd, 2009 at 09:33pm
  • OK, you definitely have to use the underwear prank, and somehow figure out how to rig up an audio device so I can hear Bree's reaction. If you're spot on, then it's gonna be hilarious! She's never read the captain underpants books has she?

    If Johnny Depp was my captain I'd be a little afraid of the boat falling apart... I got the impression that Jack Sparrow was a little absent minded, and more than a little 'out there'. Other than that I'd totally join his crew, as long as I got to be a ninja pirate :D And we should maybe think of a way to teach the parrot to converse instead of parroting. Hunh, I just noticed that parroting comes from parrot...that actually makes quite a lot of sense.... I'm gonna stop rambling now...

    Your mum bought you two different tourist books simply because they had different colour maps? That's, um... yeah. Anyways, I will totally wear your hat if you don't want it! I love berets! Maybe not with the weather we have right now (-20 à -30 C chaque jour), but a black beret would go great with my fall jacket. :D And I call dibs on the suitcase with the cleanest clothes. I would hate to hid in the suitcase of someone returning to France from vacationing over here. That would just stink. *plugs nose and holds breath* :P

    I don't think I've read LPP, with 'think' being the mot clé. I seem to remember reading it, but it would be one of those books I'd have to read pour un deuxième fois so I could see the wording. Unfortunately, I've heard tant des personnes décrire the plot that just describing the plot to me wouldn't do anything...
    Let me know if you enjoy Germinal. I might add it to my 'books to read' list. How is that project going, btw, or how did it go? What happens if you don't get it done on time?
    February 2nd, 2009 at 02:54am
  • (:

    You're welcome!

    I can understand you not wanting to take them out of high school.

    I'm very interested to see how the story ends. I know it'll be great!

    I'll have to keep a look out for your new stories, once they come along!
    January 30th, 2009 at 04:21am
  • It's been a couple of days, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday <3 Cya :D
    January 28th, 2009 at 09:08pm
  • Oui. et maintenant..... i dunno... im bored.... =]
    January 27th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • Salut! je m'appelle Ashley! lol i take french too,yay for french! anywaysss- i loooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your storyyy!!!!! its amazinggg!!!haha just had to say that.
    Au revoir! =D
    January 26th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • Happy Birthday! Although I guess it was yesterday, so happy Belated Birthday! Oooh, and happy Sweet Sixteen! lol hope it was a good one.
    January 25th, 2009 at 07:06pm
  • What's Germinal about? I've never heard of it... Catcher in the Rye, however, is on my books-to-read-if-I'm-ever-really-really-bored list. Meaning I'll probably never read it.

    FRANCE!!!! Can I hide in your suitcase? I'm jealous now. :D Actually, the hiding in the suitcase would be quite funny if customs searches it. They open it up expecting to find clothes, and out I pop! Not to mention I'm over that 32kg weight limit, or whatever it is...

    Do you know what region your going to? I'm assuming Paris is part of it, since you guys are gonna be tourists and all... but if you go to Lyons you have to tell me what it's like! My school has a trip there where you can go to the université de Lyons pour un mois et gagner 6credit vers notre diplôme universitaire. Je pense à y aller, mais....

    I must admit I'm a ninja fan. Pirates may be all 'ahoy matey', but they're loud, and all they do is swing swords randomly. Anyone can be a pirate. Ninjas, on the other hand, have finesse. It takes skill and YEARS of traning to be able to sneak up on someone and kill them without them noticing you. Hence, I'd rather be a ninja. :D

    And April Fools Pranks...
    1. Set all the clocks in the house (except for yours) 2h ahead, and have everyone get up two hours early for school/ work. Then put a sign on the door saying April Fools! This might require some major sneaking though...
    2. Switch their underwear. Put brother #1's underwear in brother#2's drawer, and vice-versa. I did this with my parent's socks one year, and for the life of them, they could not figure out where their socks were. I mean, hello! I told my mum: If dad's socks are in your drawer, then whose socks do you think dad has in his drawer? I mean, come on, it wasn't that hard!
    3. Switch the salt and the sugar in the shaker and the sugar bowl. Only problem is that sometimes ppl put uncooked rice in with the salt to keep it from getting moist and clumping.
    4.Super glue some coins to your walkway.
    5. If you have a sprayer in your sink, use a rubber band to keep the switch in the 'on' position, and aim the sprayer so that whoever turns on the water gets a face full of water.
    6. Sew the sideseams of their underwear together, so they have one long chain of underwear.

    I'll be getting more...
    January 25th, 2009 at 05:31pm
  • Isn't Fountains of Fair Fortune the one that had the 'controversy' about a witch marrying a muggle? I actually haven't read all of them - I'm still only half way through. I have he habit of starting a book, putting it down to go somewhere, putting something else on top of it, forgetting about it, and starting a new book. Needless to say, I'm usually in various stages of reading somewhere between two and ten books. :D

    Hehe, I liked your rant about your sister. Do you want help to think of ways to prank her on April Fool's day? I could probably think of one or two...

    I know what you mean about having everything on your laptop. My laptop is my life. I spend all of my time on it :D

    HAHA, I forgot that guy's name, mais il commence avec un 'P' I think. J'aime les scene dans la premier filme where ils sont habillées comme les femmes and they're in the rowboat rowing out to the big ship, but they get in a fistfight and ruin the charade :D Those two sont tjrs dr¸oles.
    January 19th, 2009 at 03:18pm
  • I don't know what's wrong with me.
    I just now saw your commented on my profile!
    January 19th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • ah, oui. j'etudie le francais dans mon lycee. c'est tres belle :].

    haha. yeah. i'm in french one, second half. but i like it :]. and that's soo cool ta mere est francais. ma mere est allmend... haha. but it's okay :]. et vous êtes les bienvenus. :D
    January 18th, 2009 at 03:54pm
  • Omgosh. Love the new Chapter :] Hehe. Génial.
    January 16th, 2009 at 08:32pm
  • Oh hey no problem, I love your story! lol

    January 16th, 2009 at 08:04am
  • I really enjoyed the latest chapter of 'In Too Deep'. I would have commented on the actual story, but I'm at school and everything is blocked, besides a few things... lol. But I will def comment on story when I get a chance, which may be soon, since it's snowing *jumps up and down and screams* really hard and I believe we might leave school EARLY. Yay! Anyways, I always enjoy it when you update. I love reading then when I am supposed to be working on my online class XD it's usually what wakes me up in the morning (lol) at like 10. So, yeah. Loved the update!
    January 15th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • I got Beedle the Bard today!!! I'm gonna go read it now!
    January 14th, 2009 at 07:26pm
  • OK, here's my second go at commenting... I tried a couple of days ago, and it said I wasn't logged in and deleted everything I wrote, and then I got too angry at Mibba to actually comment... But yeah.

    Ahhh...favourite Disney movies... I tend to divide those into three categories, depending on how they're released and who I perceive their aimed at. My favourite 'classic' style kid cartoon is Mulan, my favourite tweeny DCOM is Jump In, and my favourite general audience cinematic release is the original Pirates of the Carribean. Between the three I can't really pick a favourite. The High school Musicals are good, but I wouldn't call them my favourites.

    Unfortunately I have not bought Beedle the Bard yet, but I do have to go to a bookstore soon to get a book for school. I was in a bookstore last week, but since my mum had forbidden me from spending any money on books I had to go look at Beedle, read part of it, and put it back down. I'm still looking forward to getting it though. And I think I'm going to get the JB book as well...

    I totally did not know that there was a 10th edition of HP, but I will be looking it up when I go to the bookstore!
    January 13th, 2009 at 04:12pm
  • bonjour! je m'appelle catherine. je suis a francais un. je ne parle pas beucoup de francais, un peu. j'aime votre histoire! <3
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • haha
    thats okay
    its so worth it for that story
    i never liked originals til i read yours

    January 11th, 2009 at 03:48pm