demetria-lynn / Comments

  • Heh, I think we should tell the programmer of the site to fix that problem. I'm sure we're not the only ones that have lost comments... *eye roll*

    HARRY POTTER RULES!! Having read all seven books multiple times, I'm with you on that all the way. I'm definitely with you only the Rupert Grint tribe, though I might have to join Daniel Radcliffe's. I dunno though, the Equus thing sorta freaked me out a little. Maybe I'll stick with Rupert. OH! I'll join the tribe of the slytherin seeker from the first movie! He was good looking! I can't remember his name though...Terence Higgs or something? Or maybe I'll join Oliver James' tribe... or Orlando Bloom's...or maybe I'll just make my own tribe and have them all come join me. :D

    Hehehe! I need a laughing break now! Poor Sam... I think I might do that as an April fool's prank on my roommate... I remember the year I switched my parents' socks so that my dad's dresser had my mum's socks, and my mum's dresser had my dad's socks. :P They couldn't for the life of them figure out where their socks were! I mean, if the other's socks are in their drawer, what would be in the other's sock drawer?

    The best April fool's prank I've ever heard was two years ago. I was doing my black belt grading with my (female) coach as a partner, and for some odd reason the test was on April fool's day. Her boyfriend coached another club, and had a student and a fellow teacher grading. The morning of the test, he calls my coach and tells her that his student can't grade because my coach fell on his student's leg yesterday, and now he has a sprained ankle. Not only can the student not grade, but he was the partner of the teacher who was grading, so now the teacher can't do his test either. Her boyfriend kept her going for a good ten minutes, before he decided to tell her it was a joke. It was so funny! Sorta mean, but hilarious!

    It was my turn to google image stuff :D I'm with you on the Ansel Adams stuff, it's so cool! I think I'm going to ask for one for christmas. I assume he's a professional so they're somewhat pricey? Oo, yeah. $200 for the one I'm looking at, and it's a reprint... Random question, apparently Ansel made a 38' by 60' mural. How would you develop a photograph that big?

    University is AMAZING! You could come right now, but I suspect you'll be missing a few prerequisite courses :D I'm not actually studying to be a doctor, though there are people in my program that are. I want to teach gym, science and english at the high school level. For some reason, I want to spend the rest of my life in high school!

    I'm going out of town for the weekend, and I'll be back late sunday night. Wish me luck at my tournament!
    November 15th, 2008 at 04:29pm
  • Oh my goodness that was long...
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:49am
  • OK, from now on I am doing ALL my comments in a word processor and the copy pasting them over. I've had three of these boxes so far. On the first two I learned that if you click on the screen outside the box the box closes and you lose everything you've typed. On the third my internet restarted. I'm not having a good night with comments...

    Gabrielle's room sound a lot like how I want my room to look. If I thought I'd be in my apartment for more than two years before going on an exchange trip or a work abroad program, my room would be bright purple faster than you could blink. I just don't want to have to paint it white again before I move out. I'd probably have less disney posters than Gabrielle though... I'm more into the schimmel type stuff. Go google image it and you'll see what I mean :D They're sooo cute!

    I also have a bunch of random photographs, that are the product of one of my friends fooling around with the equipment in his darkroom. One of his favourite experiments is to put a bunch of random objects, like screws or earrings, on a plaque and then pass an electrical current through it which leaves a white and black image on the film. It's pretty cool some of the stuff he's come up with.

    Last time I 'painted' my room at my parents house, I think I managed to wash the walls before I took a 'temporary' hiatus, and my dad ended up finishing the work I was supposed to do all by myself. It was fun coming home one day and finding my room the green I wanted it instead of the pink it had been. :D

    University is AMAZING!!! Just wait until you get there. I'm in my second year of a two year Human Kinetics program. I'm basically studying the human body: how it moves, how it develops, how all the systems interact... It's pretty similar to what nurses and would-be doctors take, except that I focus more on the bones and muscles and joints while they focus more on the internal organs, blood stuff, and all that good stuff that we can't actually see. It's even better, because I'm taking the plupart de mes cours en fraçais, même si ma emploi va être probablement en anglais.

    Does Samuel have one of those dressers where any drawer can fit in any slot? Mine's like that, and I occasionally switch them around, and then it takes months for me to get used to it. I still open the wrong drawers from a switch I did in the beginning of April...

    I wonder...I know polygamous societies have existed with males having upwards of ten wives, but have societies ever existed where women have had upwards of ten husbands? Would that even work? Hmmm...

    I have a feeling that if the Jonas brothers all started their own tribes in Africa, the female teenage population of North America would decrease by half... :D
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:49am
  • Hah! Sounds wacky. So Bree wants to marry Nick Jonas... She's six, right? I think Nick Jonas is going to end up with a lot of wives, lol. Is polygamy legal in New Mexico? Has she got her bedroom wall plastered with posters?

    The twins sound fun to be around, assuming it's not you they're pranking. Hmm, maybe an invisibility cloak of some sort? Did I spell that right? Meh, gotta go to class now...
    November 13th, 2008 at 06:32pm
  • Haha, that's the same exact thing for me. I mean, I'm a girl, and you know how it is. When you have a crush, you think you're so painfully average, and then the guy you like is like God. I think I'm just having trouble finding a picture where the girl isn't a model, or where it's a really ncie picture. Then for the guy, it's kind of hard finding someone who thinks he's the shit, and all. I'm just kind of looking for someone that will fit perfectly, right? Basically, I'm looking for a girl where she's pretty, but not a drop dead gorgeous, where you can barely believe it's real. And for the guy, someone who's maybe just relaxing, and not looking like he's trying too hard. I'll find one, don't worry.
    November 13th, 2008 at 06:28am
  • What's it like having four siblings? I've only got a sister. We didn't really get a long, but it was pretty easy to avoid each other...
    November 13th, 2008 at 04:27am
  • Awww, haha, I loved what's there of the sequel so far! I mean... Whew. I can't wait for more. Everyone feels a bit... bleh about their stories too, it's normal. Just don't stop writing; it'll all come back to you. I promise.

    Unfortunately, I was looking for pictures for a banner, and I kind of realized I was a bit lost. Any certain people you would like me to use? Or just pictures. I don't think you have a character description in your story, so I wanted your take on it. How you imagined them.
    November 12th, 2008 at 03:55am
  • You haven't heard me speak French, that's the only reason you're jealous. My oral french...isn't very good. :P I tend to mumble a lot, even in English, so it makes me sorta hard to understand. I'm jealous that you speak Spanish. 'Como te llamas' is about as spanish as I get, so you're way ahead of me on that one. I'm trying to teach myself, but when you're teaching yourself from a book written entirely in Spanish, and without a dictionary most of the time, it doesn't really work that well. :P

    That paragraph made perfect sense to me! I don't see where the problem is for the rest of the world :D I have a feeling that if I had learned french and english at the same time I would speak and write much like you do. Unfortunately for my french skills, I didn't really start learning it until grade seven when I went into immersion at school. I would have been 13? Something like that. Yours may be mixed up, but I'm sure it's all there.

    Do you ever have to edit to get all the spanish words out of your paragharphs, or did that language not come through as well as the english and the french?

    I take it you've got siblings? (You kept saying 'us'.)
    November 11th, 2008 at 04:25pm
  • Hehe, I've thought about writing stuff in french, then I remember that most of the books I read in french are on par with my judo coach's nine year old son. (He's Francophone) I could read more complex stuff, and write it, but it loses a lot of it's fun when I have to keep a dictionary beside me to constantly refer to.

    Es-tu un des personnes qui a grandi en parlant l'anglais avec un parent et le fraçais avec l'autre parent? Ou est-ce que c'est une deuxième langue de ta mère qu'elle a voulu t'enseigner?
    November 11th, 2008 at 05:08am
  • Well I finally get my way to a computer. Haha, I haven't checked out the sequel yet, but I probably will tonight. Promise. And I'll make that banner while I'm at it. Yay!
    November 11th, 2008 at 02:58am
  • Je suis contente d'avoir redonner un peu de confiance. J'aime cet histoire, et j'ai toujours envie d'aller lire la prochaine chapitre. :D

    As-tu considéré écrire une histoire en fraçais pour ce site?
    November 6th, 2008 at 09:08pm
  • yay! you updated!!

    and your story is cool! I'm just glad that max actually told her how he really felt. Nice ending though... but short! :/
    November 6th, 2008 at 07:27am
  • Teehee.

    I shouldn't be allowed near a computer with internet. I'm talking to strangers. Lol.

    Ignore me, I'm running on vast amounts of Halloween Candy. X]]

    Yeah. My friends think its amusing I can't whistle.
    I find it just plain annoying. lol
    November 3rd, 2008 at 04:42am
  • So.

    I'd write a useless little comment, and add it to the numerous others on the comment page of your story, but to me, that somehow seemed a bit insignificant.

    I wanted you to be quite aware of how FREAKING amazing your writing is X]

    Plus, I'm bored, and I figured that if I leave an actual comment and fun conversation might be ignited. Who knows?

    Ohh. Yes. Name. I'm called Dani. Hai.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 03:38am
  • i need to know what happens next.
    HOW DARE MAX! =(

    love your story.
    really, keep up the good effin work!
    November 1st, 2008 at 01:14pm
  • Wow. That
    October 31st, 2008 at 10:16pm
  • yay *does happy dance* your started the sequal!! (sorry if i spelt it wrong lmao..) gah, im so happy ;) your stories AMAZING! ;O<3 from the weird fan ;P
    October 25th, 2008 at 04:43pm
  • Haha, you just made my day =X Thanks.

    Lots of love, Christy
    October 25th, 2008 at 04:25pm
  • Well thank you, (& I agree drawer is a funny word)

    As for the photography- you're not allowed to post anything but pictures of YOU in your gallery, but I think everywhere else is fair game.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • Yay! I can't wait!
    And yes. I did draw that picture on my profile, so thanks!
    I'm sure you have some artistic ability, I mean most people think that if you can't draw you're not an artist, but I think a writer or a musician or anything like that are still artists. Besides that's like the best picture that I've ever done!
    October 22nd, 2008 at 10:36pm