hockeylovinhippie / Comments

  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    The creeper, which just sounds worse. lol
    That's really weird though. Would I know who he was, and did he do anything like this to you when he was back in school?

    Yeah, it's been a good while now since he's been all moved in and it's been going smoothly for the most part. My parents got better with it, yeah, but they still kind of take jabs at me about it jokingly. haha
    And you still need to meet him. I need to drag him back home just for that purpose. :p

    I hate him for it. I mean, it's all fun and games until Johnny's joking manner turns into actual-asshole-ness. :/
    October 31st, 2016 at 01:53am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, what, WHAT?! I don't think I've heard about this. Do tell!

    Speaking of the Cup, Jake and I took a trip to Toronto and they had the Cup in the Hockey Hall of Fame when we went (which is surprisingly a small building and exhibit). I took a picture of it but didn't get to touch it or stand next to it, so you're so lucky! :p

    I went to go watch it, because I forgot about it, and now I have to bootleg it off YouTube or something. lol
    But, damn. I knew he could sink that low, but I didn't think he actually would...and against Sarah, who never hurts anybody. :/
    October 1st, 2016 at 06:28am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    How's the job going now since it's been a while? Still hate it? lol
    And have you been looking for something in your field while you're there?

    Football season is starting here and I'm going to lose my mind over it because the people are so annoying.
    Then again, hockey season will start in the winter and I already have the kids that I cover talking to me, so that helps. lol
    August 28th, 2016 at 10:11pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    So does that mean you got the job at Dollar Tree, and if you did, how is it so far? :)
    And that's always good. At least now it is motivation to just hurry up and find something better and in your field to get you out of retail. lol

    Darn it! >:P

    I'll be home for a week starting on the 10th if you would want to try and do something that week? We go to Ohio towards the end of the week, so anything earlier would be best. Just let me know!
    July 1st, 2016 at 01:21am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Anything new on the insurance thing and job search? Also, did you start driving yet? haha ;)

    And how was graduation after you sent me all those photos and texts from the dinner? Did Brett finally wake up or what? lol

    I watched the first episode and I was just like, "I knew it," right after they got paired up. The only thing I can't stand is the Are you the one? participants and that one girl with the voice that sounds like a grating chalkboard (she's also an idiot, so that doesn't help, lol). I can't wait to see where this all goes though since Bananas already forced her to fall in the first challenge.
    June 2nd, 2016 at 10:11pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Hellllooooo! Just checking in to see if you got the last message. :D
    April 9th, 2016 at 04:53am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh man, what are you going to do then? haha

    Not sure when it's going to start. Maybe in the summer, but this time I'm going to be a bit more selective since I really want to find a job that has me writing about hockey full time. Then again, that's like a one in a million thing because this is the United States, after all. lol

    That's really good to hear about your dad. I was wondering what had happened.

    I'll be back in Pittsburgh I believe this Saturday if you'd want to go to lunch and the mall or something. Just let me know!
    March 14th, 2016 at 02:13am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    At least they congratulated you now. Better late than never. haha

    Are you trying now? And are you going with an instructor or having your mom try and teach you? (I remember this conversation and how I volunteered to teach you. lol)
    With the job searching, are you looking for something around Pittsburgh? I remember how hard the job search was, but that's mostly because I work in sports and we all know how that is. I'm going to be doing it again soon, by summer I believe. Jake's doing the same thing and we plan to try and move somewhere else; maybe not at the same time, but soon regardless.
    And I think my parents actually really like him. Then again, yeah, I still think my dad is wary. xD

    Cara always falls apart towards the end of these challenges for some reason. You'll just have to let me know who wins since Johnny's not there anymore.
    February 16th, 2016 at 10:51pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Hey, at least you are now a legit adult! Congratulations! :D

    I did come back home for Christmas, and Jake came along too, so that was the first Christmas with the family. And I can't believe no one congratualted you. I mean, you at least have some direction in life unlike Salena. :p

    Actually, it's going to be the place that I'm in now. It goes to a month to month lease when the year lease is up, and we'll just be splitting rent. It'll be easier on both of us as we start to look for new jobs. (Totally not looking forward to that process all over again, haha.)
    And how is your job search going? :)

    And I've been catching up. I got to the episode where Cara's team eliminated Bananas (what?!) and I kind of lost interest now. Still bitter about that fact, so I'm not too sure I can root for Cara. :/
    February 2nd, 2016 at 11:13pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh god, why do I always read the comments you leave and then forget to answer back for like a month? lol

    Anyway, how was Christmas and New Years for you? Get anything exciting? :D

    Also, how is school? Should be almost done by now, correct? (And any boys? Because I have to ask.)

    Jake and I are doing well. Talking about moving in together in a couple of months (mostly because it keeps the cost of rent down and all that), so that's big. lol
    As for work, it's good too. May be looking into something new in the next couple of months. :)
    January 5th, 2016 at 03:32am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I feel like colleges always do that. They scare the shit out of you just so they can hopefully get another year and tuition out of you. :p
    Had that happen freshman year when they tried to sign me up for all of the classes I didn't need again. I hope at least for you everything got straightened out.

    Ooh, that should be the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him. Especially if he doesn't talk to anyone else. ;)
    Anything new, though? lol

    And how did the speech gooooo?

    PS; sorry it took so long to respond. Ugh. :/
    October 12th, 2015 at 01:51am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I feel like colleges always do that. They scare the shit out of you just so they can hopefully get another year and tuition out of you. :p
    Had that happen freshman year when they tried to sign me up for all of the classes I didn't need again. I hope at least for you everything got straightened out.

    Ooh, that should be the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him. Especially if he doesn't talk to anyone else. ;)
    Anything new, though? lol

    And how did the speech gooooo?

    PS; sorry it took so long to respond. Ugh. :/
    October 12th, 2015 at 01:51am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I feel like colleges always do that. They scare the shit out of you just so they can hopefully get another year and tuition out of you. :p
    Had that happen freshman year when they tried to sign me up for all of the classes I didn't need again. I hope at least for you everything got straightened out.

    Ooh, that should be the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him. Especially if he doesn't talk to anyone else. ;)
    Anything new, though? lol

    And how did the speech gooooo?

    PS; sorry it took so long to respond. Ugh. :/
    October 12th, 2015 at 01:48am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Curse my inability to reply fast on here. Got busy again, and with football season, it's getting worse. :p

    At least you had a really good time apart from the mother and her sign. lol

    How is everything with Brett going, if that is going at all any more than it was before? And school - dreaded school. How is that going? :)
    September 9th, 2015 at 06:41pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Hey, hey, hey! Thought it might be easier to go back to this method since I never have time to do anything anymore. lol

    Anyway, how was the concert? I saw so much of it on Twitter and Tumblr it kind of made me disappointed I couldn't go. :/

    And how have things been with Brett? And school, when it starts. lol
    August 17th, 2015 at 02:44am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Hey, hey, hey! Thought it might be easier to go back to this method since I never have time to do anything anymore. lol

    Anyway, how was the concert? I saw so much of it on Twitter and Tumblr it kind of made me disappointed I couldn't go. :/

    And how have things been with Brett? And school, when it starts. lol
    August 17th, 2015 at 02:44am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Whoo, sorry I haven't been on here in a while. Everything at work has just been taking up all of my time, so now when I get some time off all I do is sleep and watch TV. lol

    I hope everything has been going better, both at home and in school. Anything new and exciting?
    And then again, at least you only have one semester left. Then you can move on to an actual job that you like and not have to worry about papers and tests anymore.

    And one day I'll have to talk to you about how I've actually been seeing someone. :p

    Annnd, the Pens. Somehow made it in by the skin of their teeth, and now we're going to play a game called how many heart attacks can they give their fans by going back and forth in the series. lol
    April 19th, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Thank you again! We move everything out on Friday and drive up to the house. It's bittersweet and it's like, on one side I want to know what it feels like to be on my own, and then on the other side I feel like when I do get out there reality will hit me in the face and I'll hate living by myself. This is also because I can't take the cat with me right now, and that literally tears my insides out. :/

    Theresa is back, Johnny is out, Sarah is being isolated. This whole Challenge is just not the same. I work next Tuesday and won't be able to see the final episode, but without Johnny and now with Sarah the hypocrite, I really don't have any interest in who wins the entire thing. And that bothers me tht it came to this. :p

    Anything new with Brett since we last went to Target? I haven't seen him there when we went a couple of times afterwards, so I was hoping something would have happened in school for you. lol

    Whoo, the Pens trading Despres for Lovejoy and trading Borts, I mean, geez. Between Despres and Lovejoy, they haven't been making much noise, so that trade is neutral. As for Borts, why? Why trade away someone who was actually a part of the production? When the playoffs come around, I just feel like the Pens, once again, won't make it past the first two rounds. And then the Bruins are literally hanging teeth and nail to stay in contention, so overall I feel like I might actually be rooting for the Florida Panthers. They have just slapped everyone in the kisser and might actually go the distance. lol
    March 18th, 2015 at 03:52pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I don't know what it is about Leroy, but he's been rubbing me the wrong way this season. Right now I'm just all for Sarah and Jordan winning, even if Jordan annoys me. lol
    I missed the last episode so I still have to watch that before Tuesday. :p

    Has anything happened since then? Please say yes, because this kid sounds perfect for you. x3
    I do miss it sometimes, but then again there's certain aspects of school that I will never miss. And just FYI, I won't hear about the job until the middle of next week so my anxiety is in overdrive right now. D:

    We bought some of the red velvet ones and the package was even smaller when I held it. Though, they were delicious, except not the delicious where you can eat an entire bag because all of the cream cheese middle is just overwhelming. But, yes, they are heaven.

    Tumblr is a website where people with no common sense go to attempt to interact with each other. I swear, everyone who is younger than I am just tries to be the social justice hero and they sound like an effing idiot. Don't even get me started on how Tumblr brings up everything as a "race issue" even when it blatantly isn't. Oi. :/
    February 28th, 2015 at 08:24pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Ugh, the last episode was all Wes and Theresa Ratface, so that wasn't too pleasant to watch. If anything, Sarah and Jordan need to win because at least they realize that Wes and Theresa are the cancer that needs to be removed from the house. That is, if they don't blow up on each other first since the preview for the next episode looked pretty sketchy. :p
    At least Bananas and Nany are winning in Exile. I just want to see Wes literally throw up at the sight of Bananas walking back into the competition. lol

    When you two start dating, remind me to shake his hand when we meet for that little fact about his baseball career. haha
    And yes, at this point, and with the way I am now, I probably would just do that and not care what he thought about me or that anyone in the hallway thought I was crazy for screaming something like that. In all honesty, sometimes I do miss school. Is that horrible? xD

    My mom and I saw those in Walmart one day and the only thing I saw was that they were smaller than the regular package of Oreos. What's up with that?
    They do look like heaven though and I will have to try them before they get discontinued.

    Beck plays sixteen instruments and Kanye's recent performances just sounded like complete garbage. He needs to stop acting like his music sounds as okay as it did when it first came out. That and "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me" will never not be epic.

    Annnnd, with all of the hype about Fifty Shades of WTF, I thought I should start writing down my own idea I had for a novel. I have a really good original idea and plot and such, and since James can publish a horribly written trilogy, why can't I try and publish my own idea? It's a long shot, but I like what I have in mind. :P
    February 16th, 2015 at 10:05pm