hockeylovinhippie / Comments

  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I saw the ending (though without audio because everyone was talking very loudly) and was seething by the end of it because Jordan makes me want to kick small animals and Camila pretty much just gave up at the end of it. I just thought, "Camila, I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you, and you just gave up. You don't deserve to be in my imaginary Mob anymore." lol
    At least Cara Maria, CT, and Johnny are still there. Though, I don't think the show would actually have success without the three. :p

    That's true. It's hard to find a guy that is patient with that sort of stuff. I have high hopes for what may happen you actually get back to school and can spend a lot more time with him. :)
    Speaking of which, my mom was bugging me about not dating (and with he-who-shall-not-be-named that I didn't want to go out with after a big to-do), and it got onto the track of possibly dating this guy that my dad works with. He has really good job, a really nice car, but he's a little older (think about 7 years) and I didn't know what to think. :/

    The Kings are my only hope now that the Ducks betrayed me, too. The Hawks' fans are unbearable at this point with their high-horses and better than thou's team attitudes on Tumblr. That site also made me really despise the Rangers and Habs, too. It's like a toxic wasteland on that website and I just want to delete it at this point. haha
    I joked with my dad that we could trade Malkin for Ovechkin and stop everyone's bitching for a good winger for Crosby. Then again, now Ovie's got a leg injury from his stint at the IIHF finals. :p

    Well, apparently Monday is a holiday and the zoo won't even be open on that day, so we'll have to find another day. We are definitely going next week, and Wednesday to Friday look like they'll be okay weather wise.
    May 20th, 2014 at 10:35pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I didn't really get to watch the episode on Thursday because I had my cousins and uncle over our house because my grandpa died on Tuesday. That's also why I couldn't really work on the story this week, but I'll get back on track next week. :P
    From what I saw on the previews for the next episode though, Jordan is still headhunting Johnny and I really despise him for it. It also seems like everyone is getting annoyed with him too, so that kind of makes up for it. lol

    That sucks that you have to wait that long to figure it out when school starts back up again. Do you still think about it and text back nod forth regardless? And geez, the guy doesn't give up. haha

    Ugh, if the Hawks win again people will riot. Even the people on Tumblr opened their eyes and realized the Hawks shouldn't win again. If they do, the entire thing is for sure fixed because that's just ridiculous. :p
    The Pens fired Shero, and they're putting the fate of Disco Dan in the new GM's hands, which is a bit odd. I would have thought they would fire them both at the same time (just don't bring in Tortorella). I also think we should trade Malkin. As much as he is a great player, he just doesn't fit on the team anymore and plays like a four year old having a tantrum. If we trade him now we can get prime players in return. :/

    Oh, and we're looking towards Monday, May 26 for the zoo trip since the rain decided to pick up again next week. Let me know if that sounds okay, and I'll text you if anything changes. :)
    May 18th, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    That's what kills me about Jordan. He always talks shit about the veterans and complains when they get all the way to the finals (there's a reason, Jordan), and then in return all he does is suck at everything and whine. Like Johnny said though, Cara Maria and him could be on the same team and she'd find a way to vote him in. I don't think anyone is safe from Bananas' wrath. lol
    I was extremely happy it was Johnny who took him out because it was just the best situation that could possibly happen. He also showed Jordan that he isn't just some "old guy" riding his way to the end with no fight. :P

    I'm going to sit down on Tuesday and go through some of the past episodes to write more of the story. I just finished the bounce-out challenge where we're all in hamster balls.
    Speaking of which, even though this has nothing to do with anything, would there be one day where you would want to spend the day at the museum or zoo? I've been wanting to go for forever and what better time than before I actually have to start a career? lol

    Hmm, I can relate to that because I think that's exactly what my situation was. I all of a sudden realized I didn't like him, but his attention. :p
    I hope you figure this all out because I hope we're not doomed with horrible boy trouble forever. lol
    May 12th, 2014 at 12:50am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I'm about ready to slit Jordan's throat. I just look at him and how he acts now and see where Johnny is coming from when he just tears him down; Jordan hasn't done anything extraordinary and just talks a big game that he can't back up (from what he's shown so far). Although, I am pretty nervous since piecing together some of the previews which suggest Johnny is in an elimination and Jordan goes through all of the cards to go against him, and then later on it doesn't look like Johnny's there, but then again there's a scene where he is in the final episodes. I'm confused. :p
    I have to just laugh when I see how much Zach hates Isaac because now I can just relate so much. Last night's elimination was like Christmas morning because first jasmine got completely annihilated by Laurel, and then my man Johnny took out Isaac with ease. lol

    All of the situations this season just fit so perfectly into this story and I have to add in Zach's hate for Isaac and then Johnny eliminating him. It's going to be so good now. ;)

    At least most of the situation is positive, even if he does live far away and you both don't have cars, like you had told me. Do you think it will be better when you get back to school? Or is that too far away? lol
    May 9th, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I got a whole ton of it done on Monday and then I got sidetracked, so I'll be working on it a bit more tomorrow when I can go off of the actual episode. I'm on the part where Cara Maria is in the elimination, and I have to spark some inspiration of where to go next from the new episode because I'm not sure what else to out down right now. :P

    Speaking of men, anything happening in your boy situation? ;)
    And is it weird that I kind of really want Isaac to go home so I can just focus on Johnny, no matter how manly, rugged, and mohawk-ey he is?
    May 2nd, 2014 at 04:51pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I've been on a roll the past few days with writing, especially with the Challenge story sparking my creativity, and I should have everything done by Monday. As soon as I get started the papers are no problem, it's just that starting the paper itself and putting together a plan of what I'm doing is what kills me and makes me procrastinate. :p

    I wonder if you can get cutouts made somewhere? We should look that up. lol
    I think you'll really like the beginning because obviously it has to start with Johnny and Kenny acting like preschoolers. I also had us meet Isaac (who acts like a loner because he isn't very good friends with anybody yet) in the airport because I'm antsy and can't wait to put him in the story. Like I said, Zach is also your boyfriend in this one so you don't have to worry about the awkwardness of all that again. I just have to sit down and dissect the two episodes one day so I can get the story more accurate and descriptive. :P
    April 16th, 2014 at 03:21am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, I'm like the opposite. I like guys to be my age or maybe three years older at most. Although, like you said, certain guys get a pass because they are just fiiiiine. lol

    I finally finished my defense paper on Alex Rodriguez and his love of steroids and now I have to put a power point together for a presentation on it on Thursday. Now I only have the 12 page and two 6 page papers left. :p

    I'll have you know that I have this very sad and unattainable urge to actually date Isaac, and it's not getting any better (although, the only thing that could make it better was if there was a guy on campus that looked exactly like him, lol). Like we were talking, at least he won't be gone soon because he gets yelled at by CT and then he pulls a safe card in one of the draws.
    Latoya is making me the most annoyed on the show this season and I can't believe Chet is gone already. I would have hated to see either Frank or him go this early since there are so many others that could have been booted off first (minus our men, of course). I'm putting all my money on Cara Maria or Laurel to win this one for the girls.
    April 13th, 2014 at 07:56pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh man, I just got through the entire season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I have to say I'm in love with that show. Rosa is someone I really identify with and if you look her up you would understand why. x3
    And this was all because I finished BSing a paper for my interviewing class that I finished in under an hour. Now I only have one 8 page, a 6 page, and a 12 page paper to do. I hate everything. haha

    Cara should win for sure because the only other person I could stand winning is Sara. Camilla is back and she's really been annoying me since last season and I can't stand to see her on there for the entire show, unless she just causes hilarious drama for the show.
    And did I see that Derek was back, or was I seeing things? Though, you know I'll be rooting for my man and CT. ;)

    Believe me, I'm over it at this point. I know I'll never find anybody on this campus or in that area so I'm just waiting for someone that isn't from this country. Like I told my mom, I don't want to waste my time on something that won't last long. :/
    April 7th, 2014 at 02:51am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh, man. I bow down to you for that one. I've just become better at making up excuses for things along with the BSing. I have to write a paper for my memoir class and I have to make up an elaborate story for that one, too. :p
    I know who to come to if I need ideas for a "fake" paper. lol

    I saw that, too, and I was like, "You're such an idiot...I love you." xD
    They have Rivals II on demand and I was watching it yesterday just to get myself pumped up for the new season, and now I can't wait!

    Hmm, it's an interesting story. We don't text anymore unless we have to for sports media. Then the camera/reporter team that I'm a part of is doing far more projects than the commentary team that he's a part of is just doing games right now. It's very weird between the two groups right now because we (the members of each team) don't really acknowledge each other outside of work. I also think they started to hate us because I actually talk a lot more to the hockey players outside of our work, too. It's just weird for sure...maybe awkward, for everybody involved. :p
    March 30th, 2014 at 06:20pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Ugh, of course. That's like when you want to teach in college now they need you to have a doctorate. :p

    We interviewed the hockey team (some of them because their manager came in to the room and yelled about how the "adults" can't show up to things. lol) and some of them that were there are nice, but then they got into a conversation about the pucksluts that show up to the games sometimes and how it's gross that one of them is dating one. I don't know about them now. Kind of on the side of not getting involved with any of them after that.
    I'm actually very happy being single now because I'm almost out of school and out into the work place. lol

    It needs to get here faster! This whole week has been crap and stressful and the Challenge is something that can actually make things better. Especially seeing Cara, Johnny, and CT again. ;)
    March 23rd, 2014 at 03:21pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Haha I have to keep forcing myself to not download the song so I know how you feel. xD

    In sports media you don't really need anything more than a BA, so I'm going to bank on that until someone says I absolutely need more school. This summer I'm hoping to double duty with a writing job and an internship with the media side. :p

    Well, we are going to lunch on Monday so we'll see how that goes. He is a bit clingy, but I'm thinking that's because he really doesn't want to screw this up somehow. haha
    Although, the Hounds have done total overhaul on their roster and there are some very attractive twenty-something's there. ;)
    March 16th, 2014 at 04:04am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Well, I always wanted to actually land a job that had an annual salary before we moved into an apartment so we wouldn't just get kicked out after a month because we couldn't pay rent. lol
    It's also really exciting because I have so many ideas for my room. That and interior decorating the rest of the house should be fun.

    And I'm hoping this boy situation keeps getting better. We're still talking so that's a plus. Hopefully all good news after spring break, so fingers crossed! x3
    March 9th, 2014 at 12:47am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Sorry for the triple comment posting. My computer got weird. lol
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:11pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Don't worry. We can stick a Canadian flag on the wall right when you walk into the apartment to let everyone know who we really are faithful to. ;)
    My mom told me she would never let me paint a room black, but then softens up when I tell her that there are ways to make it look tasteful. I think that would depend on if they even allow us to change the colors of the walls. Although, thinking about it, I'm trying to get either a job or an internship (because everyone wants you to work for free) when I graduate soon, so we'd have to wait another year for you to graduate, right?

    Speaking of school, I cannot wait until it's over. I have senioritus once again and groan and despise when I have to do work or papers, and my 15 page paper in my film class doesn't help. At least your classes aren't that bad this semester since I don't see you hating your life. lol
    At least the medal games are coming up soon. Canada and Sweden are still dominant and so is the US, even though my ideal standings would be Canada for gold, Sweden for silver, and the US for bronze. My dad was freaking out over that game between the US and Russia since he hates the Russian hockey team. lmao
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Don't worry. We can stick a Canadian flag on the wall right when you walk into the apartment to let everyone know who we really are faithful to. ;)
    My mom told me she would never let me paint a room black, but then softens up when I tell her that there are ways to make it look tasteful. I think that would depend on if they even allow us to change the colors of the walls. Although, thinking about it, I'm trying to get either a job or an internship (because everyone wants you to work for free) when I graduate soon, so we'd have to wait another year for you to graduate, right?

    Speaking of school, I cannot wait until it's over. I have senioritus once again and groan and despise when I have to do work or papers, and my 15 page paper in my film class doesn't help. At least your classes aren't that bad this semester since I don't see you hating your life. lol
    At least the medal games are coming up soon. Canada and Sweden are still dominant and so is the US, even though my ideal standings would be Canada for gold, Sweden for silver, and the US for bronze. My dad was freaking out over that game between the US and Russia since he hates the Russian hockey team. lmao
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Don't worry. We can stick a Canadian flag on the wall right when you walk into the apartment to let everyone know who we really are faithful to. ;)
    My mom told me she would never let me paint a room black, but then softens up when I tell her that there are ways to make it look tasteful. I think that would depend on if they even allow us to change the colors of the walls. Although, thinking about it, I'm trying to get either a job or an internship (because everyone wants you to work for free) when I graduate soon, so we'd have to wait another year for you to graduate, right?

    Speaking of school, I cannot wait until it's over. I have senioritus once again and groan and despise when I have to do work or papers, and my 15 page paper in my film class doesn't help. At least your classes aren't that bad this semester since I don't see you hating your life. lol
    At least the medal games are coming up soon. Canada and Sweden are still dominant and so is the US, even though my ideal standings would be Canada for gold, Sweden for silver, and the US for bronze. My dad was freaking out over that game between the US and Russia since he hates the Russian hockey team. lmao
    February 16th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    We can keep the blue icicle lights up all year round since they're so subtle. It will also be fun trying to figure out how to decorate the entire apartment. Although, my mom yells at me when I talk about it and ask, "Can we paint one room all black?"
    Just thinking about it makes me excited though because I actually like interior design and moving furniture and decor around. x3

    MWF kills me because it's four and a half hours of watching YouTube. T-Th aren't bad because the gap is easy enough. :p

    Valentine's Day is coming up and today I embarrassed my mom in Target in front of a few women in the Valentine's aisle. I said "Hey, mom," *points at aisle of candy and cards* "Step one: stare at all the lovely gifts and cry every time because you're a loser." She gave me a nasty look when one lady laughed. Which reminds me that you should probably never take me shopping with you when we move into the apartment because I do things like that all the time. lol
    January 28th, 2014 at 02:24am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    My mo still has the reindeer up in the big bay window in the front of our house and everyday I ask her if she's ever going to take them down. All I ask is that we put up the "dripping" blue icicle lights on the house. I love those things! x3
    Halloween is where it's at and those decorations can get creative. Lots of blood and guts everywhere. lol

    It's not as bad now since I'm finally getting some work that I can do during the breaks. Other than that, I'm totally fine with just sitting there in quiet watching youtube videos.
    I also found out that I can do some interviews for the website during my breaks. Which reminds me, you should definitely come to see at least one game this semester (there's a men's basketball game at 1 this coming Saturday the 25th). We got good interviews with both the men's and women's teams. :)
    January 20th, 2014 at 12:27am
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    I would be the one to go overboard with all of the Halloween decorations. I would set up a bunch of those plastic light-up reindeer they had at Target all over the front lawn. Then I would string some red string lights all around them like blood, then have Frosty set up behind them with a light saber and an evil look. (Actually, we could use that for Christmas, too.) x3
    I don't really care how overboard you go with decorations just as long as I don't have to spend a day off taking them down and pondering the meaning of my life because I hate taking decorations down. lol

    The whole sports media thing is the only thing keeping me afloat right now because this semester is already taking way too long. The four hour breaks in between are killing me. :p

    Did you see Sutter's full frontal last night? I told my dad about that and then how that would be something to happen during my interviews and he told me to turn around and say, "Is that all you got?" I legit died right in the middle of the living room. Then my mom said I would get fired and be on the news for the next three weeks. lmao
    January 12th, 2014 at 07:32pm
  • Caputi Or Bust;

    Caputi Or Bust; (100)

    United States
    Oh, jesus. I hope you didn't actually have to punch her this time. We don't invite any family over for Thanksgiving or Christmas anymore and it's actually really nice to be just my parents and I. :p
    As for when we move into an apartment together in the future, we'll have to arrange and negotiate who comes over for holidays. And how much we decorate. lol

    I worked my first two games yesterday and today and I absolutely love it! We actually got an interview done today and it was hilarious because we only have the headsets right now and I felt like Pierre McGuire in between the benches. I also noticed that a lot of people stopped to watch us which means people are actually interested. You should come to some of the games and see it. ;)

    I know what you mean. I'm staying far, far away from Tumblr when the Olympics start.
    December 31st, 2013 at 03:58am