July 22, 2011 - 2:15 AM:So hey guys... Yes, yes, I know... I'm alive and well. You've all must have though that I gone away... for a very long time. I guess the last time I had blogged mas more than a year ago. And I know I have made many, many empty promises that have not been pulled through. But I will finish RoG... I have gone through past chapters, sharpening them up and will hopefullly get a hold on where I had left off.

I will finish this by the end of my summer which is the end of August... I kind of have this thing where I HATE when the author suddenly goes off in hiatus~ without a word or two of when they'll be coming back and how they'll finish the ff. Like I really think it's one of the hardest things to see a story incomplete... espeically when I come back to it and reread it... :( Ugh. So much potential gone away. But anyway, in protest to that... I will finish my story. And don't forget to check out my JBFFA account, that'll be the first one updated. Okay? so If I don't update here, check here for the update.

Funny thing about is this is that 3 years ago, when I start this ff, I was only a sophmore. Now, I'm a highschool graduate going to college his fall. It's amazing how much time has passed.... it's really mind blowing because I wish I could take it all back. We're all growing up and letting people walk out of our lives and letting new people in. I wish I could have some of the people in the past back though. You have no idea how much I miss you guys.

Mood: content
Update: Rules Of a Gentlemen will be finished by this summer.

June 09, 2010 - 1:33 PM: This is crazy ridiculous. I haven't updated in long time and I'm truely sorry for that. But I have good news for y'all. SUMMER. Even though I'll be extremely busy for the next few weeks because of finals AND some other summer things, I'll still find the time to write. It's been a year and I think time is up. The thing is I haven't completely written anything in a LONG time (a year to be exact). It's weird because I was in such a driven~ writting mood, from 2008 to 2009. Then I stopped. It's horrible because I use to love writing now I have no inspiration. But I think a can spark something up to get this inspiration back. The chapter that I have next has over 3500+ words but it's just not complete. I will complete it though somehow. THIS YEAR, mind you.

I'm happy to tell you that I'll be writing some one shots if anyone is interested because for the time being that is what I'mm be writing inbetween and after I finish Rule of a Gentleman. I haven't fully decided if I wanted to post my new ff that I was working on for a while. I might just pick some stuff out and write a multi-chapter about that. Anyway, I'm rambling, I just came here to say that y'all should hit me up on my JBFFA account. I'm there most of the time. I'll still be posting here, but you won't see how updated I am and how my FF is going.

Love you all!
- Kim

Mood: nostalgic, moody etcetc
Music: the wonderful, amazing sound of silence
Update: nothing :( soon though, soon.
