Bones.. / Comments

  • sure thing nice to meet tyler r u?!
    September 2nd, 2008 at 09:49pm
  • Hahah
    i think we should mug him on christmas
    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:41am
  • I mean like how could he forget us!
    pfft stupid
    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:32am
  • Ha!
    ooooooh she must no santa then =P
    Get his number he owes me some presents i didnt get last year!

    im bored!
    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:25am
  • Yup same here
    I really dont want to
    i only wana go back to see my friends
    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:15am
  • Oh sweet your scottish
    Im british...bleh

    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:07am
  • Haha
    Go you!
    I find it amusing when people look at me funny :)
    amkes me feel different :)
    September 1st, 2008 at 11:57pm
  • Ha! nice to know im not the only one obsessed with it
    in past 2 days i must have listened to it millions of times.

    But yes thank you for my random comment :)
    September 1st, 2008 at 11:48pm
  • =]] talking to you on aim... ha ha random much
    September 1st, 2008 at 10:27pm
  • haha wow i didnt notice how many i had lol =/
    September 1st, 2008 at 12:56am
  • uh...then idk maybe its the title who knows lol

    omg I went to the dog park today so my dog could play with other dogs and I was sitting there as this like family walked in and there were two handy capt kids and one ellsa(my puppy) wouldn't leave alone so I had to yell at her and then he came over and sat right next to me and im like o.m.g so he started to talk to me and im like okay I will talk you know try and be nice...he started to lean back and the chair fell and im like OH SHIT.. So he fell on his side and hes like im sorry, im so sorry that I fell and I got up and gave him my hand and im like uh its okay...just take my hand. so he took my hand and his mother came running over and she tried to hep him up and hes like flippen out like im okay and im like okay..give me your other hand so his mom stopped trying to help and he took my hand and I pulled him up and his mom moved the chair and im

    that shit was so random...why does it have to happen to me
    August 31st, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • I just copied your story and put it into word and OMG im editing it for you okay lol and im not changing anything just some word around but its still ALL THE SAME lol but I will send you what I did so that you can read over it...
    August 31st, 2008 at 09:03pm
  • haha nice I just read it =] I also just added my third chapter to The missing kiss.. =]
    August 31st, 2008 at 08:59pm
  • ha ha wine is okay lol

    hm im just relaxing and listening to music as well as randomly checking my email and myspace. wow I just noticed how hungry I am, I haven't really eaten today but thats okay my mom should be making dinner soon...steak... =]]

    Oh my god I saw the cutest kittens today and I wanted to grab them out of the cage and stuff them in my bag and run out of the store-petsmart- lol I take my bag every where with me ...its not like big and bulky its one of those sports nike bags with the lace straps on each shoulder.. my stepfather asked me if I was carrying drugs I looked at him like he was crazy lol

    Oh and I saw the cutest puppy to but it was someones already lol and some random cat there was mean to me I went to pet it and he growled at me and I was just like fine fuck you then and walked away lol

    oh man I have weird days and a weird life... and I come up with some funny as dares lol my friend's and I were hangen out and playing truth or dare some shit like that.. and I dared my friend who is a guy and is ugly and fat but overly funny and like overly great friend anyways.. I made him run down the parking lot and while he was running he had to strip to his boxers and run up the street..

    so he agreed and started at one side of the parking lot and he made it to the middle before he fell on face and stripped to his boxers...he got up and started to run but stopped cause there was a car coming and he didnt finish the dare.. so these other guys that are friends of mine took his cloths and threw them on like a parked van and in a tree...oh my god that was soo funny and nasty lol =]]
    August 31st, 2008 at 01:41am
  • lol thanks a bunch Im working on the third chapter already lol.

    damn you I wish I could get drunk but there is no vodka around...I hate beer its so nasty I don't know why people drink it...

    ha ha I forgot it was Saturday and im all like oh hey wow...only a couple more days till school sadly =[ my summer went by so damn fast lol thought it was some what fun with party's and other drama lol how was your's
    August 31st, 2008 at 01:17am
  • Ha only cost's like 8 bucks...
    oh my god there is this medal detector sticky thing in side the book and it reminded me how this one time while I was at B&N with my mom and step father I took out the sticky thing from the book and put it on my moms back and as she went out of the store it set off the alarm and she freaked out and I was like on the floor ready to piss my self as well as my step father and my mom is all freaked out as they search her bags...
    some of the people who worked there saw me do it so they were laughing and finally I pulled the sticker off and she got pissed...everyone on line was laughing at her...I need to do that again...oh man...
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:58am
  • Oh that sounds really cool lol yeah im gonna get my tattoo around where I live since its easy lol I was reading TDK book and its so different from the movie... im just like wow..the joker gave an old lady a hundred bucks whats up with that but i have to read more to see why he did that...

    "The joker saw the bus,about a block away,and --was this great or what?--an old lady waiting near the curb.It would be a matter of perfect timing,but the joker loved that kind of challenge. He stood directly behind the old lady. The bus came closer, closer, just a few feet away...
    The joker let it pass.
    Then he tapped the old lady on the shoulder and handed her a hundred-dollar bill."
    Thats from the book... I was like
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:49am
  • The second chapter is up =]
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:34am
  • Thanks and yea the song is amazing lol

    I usually use a friends name or just look up names or something from a story that I read that I really liked I pull a name from there,Its not stealing so I use it lol.

    I want to get my lip pierced but first I have to get my mom said she will younger sister who's 15 got her lip bellybutton and tongue pierced she lives with her dad and grams and they don't know but our mom knows she got it when she was 14 lol

    I'm about to add my second chapter I just have to finish editing it =]]
    August 30th, 2008 at 11:52pm
  • I wanna go to orlando damn I need a better life lol and a job I still have to take a drug test and wait for them to call...I cant think of any other good place to work at sadly =/ oh did you see the video that I made its on my profile I made it for my joker story why so serious....the song goes with the pics lol

    The only thing I would get high on is weed and I cant do that any more sadly cause I have to take a drug test =/ and plus I feel all damn weird when im stoned..and I dont like it... so I stopped.... my friends are shocked but I dont care lol =]]
    August 30th, 2008 at 11:30pm