I confess...

I absolutely love Kings Of Leon.I swear they are amazing.:DMy favorite songs:-Manhattan-Closer-Use Somebody.Aghh!!How I love those songs."Were gonna show this town, How to kiss these Stars"It does not hurt that the guitarist is amazingly hot as well...He is!He is just scrumptious, and there is something about the lead singer that has me attracted to him as well. He has such a unique voice. If...
February 10th, 2009 at 01:45am


So I just finished reading Kite Runner and I am in the process of finishing A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Husseini, they are amazing by the way. I suggest you read them, it really does capture/haunt you. Well both stories take place in Afghanistan during the 80's and going on through the 90's until present day I believe.The first story mainly consists of two boys Hassan and Amir and their...
January 11th, 2009 at 01:32am

Finals Suck Vagina.

let me take you down, cause im going to Strawberry Fieldsjello yellow cello.I painted my nails yellow.it took me a really long time for me to get it the color that i wanted. It is yellow you know. I am officially in finals week. And I dont care.Like seriously i dont care.its really sad.I dont really know what I can do...Its like...I walka round thinking of ways to avoid studying.and I am failing...
December 18th, 2008 at 03:12am

If that pussy aint smackin, it aint wet enough.

Yeah, i woke up to that.Its crraazzzyyy how dirty songs are nowadays.I was watching Chris Rock's Stand Upon Rap Music and he was like...."Girls will dance to the nastiest shit ever, If they like rap music, they don't care!! If the beat is good enough, then they will dance all night long. The song could be like, 'Smack her wit a dick Smack her wit a dick, Put Yo Dick in the Air, A dick in the Air!,...
December 12th, 2008 at 07:02pm

Boys Don't Cry.

Its funny to me how some people can be so against homosexuality and transgender people but are suddenly not against insulting other people, depriving them of rights, beating them up, discriminating, hurting people and exiling them.This movie is insane. Teena Brandon has a "Sexual Identity crisis" and "she" dresses like a man and hooks up with chicks and such but she never tells them or anyone that...
December 7th, 2008 at 11:06pm

Amazing Adventures.

-Santa Cruz-San Francisco-Awesome!Friday: So i get home from school and Nicole is Like, "You wanna go to Santa Cruz!" And i was like hell yes! So we gathered up stuff and Ashley and Kevin came along. Then we drove four hours to Santa Cruz. And we got there and we went to an improv show with Nicole's sister's friend! Which was hella funny! Then we went to go pre-game at some girls house! We took...
November 17th, 2008 at 07:09pm

Social Support is Vital For the Human Being.

They say Immigrants have more stress because they are broken away from their support group and they deal with daily attacks towards their beliefs, cultures, language and morale.That is some crazy stuff. They also say that latinos are less likely to go to therapy or a psychologists, just because that goes far beyond their comfort zone. Its funny to me though, because my mom took me to a...
November 11th, 2008 at 01:47am

***kinng random.

so the twilight movie is going to suck! I mean, i really dont like the cast, i hate the way Alice is depicted! Geez,dont get me wrong im still going to watch it obviously, so that i can actually back up this journal two weeks from now with another journal saying "i told you so." I cant believe Cam Gigandet can look so horrible in that movie. I mean he looked so hot in never back down, and now his...
November 8th, 2008 at 06:05am

Tegan & Sara

-ohhmaagaashh.They are amazing. where does the good go is my favorite song right now. They have the simplest music but they are still able to capture me. My Dream is to see them live. I think i would cry a wee bit lot ^_-. Holy, i would love it. Just thinking about it makes me very happy.The next musical artists to see: COldplay. Muse. Josh Groban. Lupe Fiasco(again). Billy Currington(thanks...
November 3rd, 2008 at 05:27am

I Love Edward Norton

-love-So i just watched American History X for the first time, and I was truly blown away. Man, its an intense movie, when i talk about it at school the first thing they tell me is, "Oh man the curb stomp was crazy!"Me-"Are you serious? That is the only thing you think about when you hear about that movie?"Im so disappointed that people could not see past the so called brutality to acknowledge the...
October 25th, 2008 at 03:42am

Prop 8

-Has been thrown a lot-Have you noticed? I was riding through Grass Valley, I know right, where is that?!!? Haha, its in Northern California, but i saw about 10 signs that said Yes On 8. It amazes me how partisan people are, and not only that, but gullible and stupid as well. If you know what Prop 8 is then you know that its to institute in the California Constitution that a marriage is only...
October 23rd, 2008 at 08:25pm

Being Independent Gets Lonely

-too short-too late-too much timeLeaving and beginning a new life somewhere else is filled with such doubt and fear. Sometimes i wonder if it were the right thing to do because half the time im debating whether this is worth it. I want to say that it is, because i want to invest in my education. Everything is so expensive and culturally different that my mind is losing its focus. I cant even work...
September 11th, 2008 at 12:53am


-Driving.-sudden noise!-8.13.08.Ay Caramba.sooo...i went out with my moms car. (without her permission)** YOu see i dont have a license, thus my mom doesnt believe i am capable of driving which is a totally false statement.*Its a pretty messed up car, SHE doesnt even have the guts to go out in it. Its like a contraption made for distruction. Its also a toyota camry. But thats beside the point. I...
August 14th, 2008 at 01:08am


-8.12.08.-time is limited.-damn!I cant believe the summer is coming to an end and a scary beginning is revealing itself to me, its revealing slowly of course, leaving most of me inevitably clueless. Im definitely clawing towards the past and pushing away from the future. I know that i will eventually have to face the future,,,blah blah blah. Id rather crumble up in my house and refuse to leave 8...
August 13th, 2008 at 04:56am