
United States
Joined date
August 13th, 2008


ahem. so. i'm a college student.
usually end up reading stories when i should be studying..
for an exam..
the next morning..
but that happens.
and i try to not let it happen too much.
seems i'm not all that talented in that field, though.


“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.”
-Leo F. Buscaglia


a lovely scene from the movie RockNRolla:

Archy: Bandy, if you ever ask a stupid question like that again, you see Danny there? He's gonna slap you.

Bandy: Sorry, Arch, it's just,...I was just trying to use initiative.

Archy: Danny slap him.

Danny slaps him with the back of his hand. Archy's not happy.

Archy: With the right, Danny,... properly.

Danny slaps him again; it's weak.

Archy: I said properly, with the back of your right hand, Danny.

Danny: What is this a tennis match, Arch?

Archy: Slap him!

Danny slaps him again. Bandy takes it good. Archy huffs & goes over to slap him proper, SLAP! Bandy's disappeared into another dimension.

Archy: Like that! pauses Now, if you men can master a slap like that, there's no need for your clients to hold back. They'll open up like a fountain full of words after one of those...No need for strong violence, no, no. They're straight back to their childhood. Putty in your hands, ask Bandy motioning Look, thinks he's back at school.

Danny: But he never went to school.

Archy: Daniel, do you want a slap as well? Now, if the slap doesn't work,... Cut'em... or pay'em, but keep the receipts 'cos this ain't the mafia.