Waiting, Watching, Praying

"Aw, that's so cute...""Just look at those sweeties!..."I watch him being pulled away, led by his obnoxious girlfriend who walks like she owns the school. I watch his eyes light up whenever she lays her head on his shoulder, and I desperately wish I could get that kind of shine from him.I used to. Back in the day of summer heat and paper airplanes, he was my angel and I was his...
December 27th, 2008 at 04:05pm

Horrible Heartache

OK, so I just finished watching the Warner Bros. movie, Selena. And it honestly just makes me want to cry.I mean, it's just plain horrible that someone so great, so talented and true, would be murdered right before one of the biggest points in her career.Now, I'm not an expert or anything, but I know enough to say that the girl was talented. I mean, who wouldn't say that? The girl was going to...
November 17th, 2008 at 01:45am

Nutty Fudge

That's kind of what he's like... sweet on the outside, hard on the inside. If he was a candy, he'd be the kind of fudge that I'd want to eat, and then I'd spit it right out because I didn't like it.Ah, the joy of being a teenager.In my world, everyone's a candy. My besties would be something really sugary, like Dots or something like that. My sister would be a Sour Patch Kid, because if you ever...
November 1st, 2008 at 06:29pm

Red and Black Converses

That's what I want for Christmas. That, and like a million dollars.I can just imagine me walking down the hallway to first period, walking confidently and not worrying about how I look. I can just imagine myself not thinking about him.But it's impossible. Not when he's standing right there, smiling, arms open wide, ready to give me one of his special "Good morning" hugs.Honestly, I hate it. I hate...
August 13th, 2008 at 04:52pm