Tell it:
First of all, my name is Chelsea.
Remember it, and no, not because
you'll be screaming it later.

I was brought into this world on
September 12, 1991
My Parents names are
Lisa and Timothy

My eyes are a weird color, My right one is a semi-dark blue
While my left is this green/yellow mixture
I have blonde and black hair
I'm not into the latest fashion trends.
I wear whatever I feel like wearing.

During the 18 years that I've been alive I've learned...
You can't always get what you want.
Relationships are confusing as hell.
Never trust people 100%.

I am currently single
And I don't particularly like it
I've had some hard times
but I've gotten through them with the help
of friends and family

I'm obsessed with music
I listen to something everyday
and it's usually never the same genre

I like things that are unique,
or things most people don't believe in.

My favorite movie is
Nightmare Before Christmas
Not because it's the latest trend, amongst "emokids"
I liked it long before that

I love horror movies
my favorite ones are
A Nightmare on Elm Street

I'm a pretty lazy person, and very laid-back.
I sleep more than a cat.
I'm always on the computer, and always reading.
I'm a HUGE bookworm.
I can read a 300 page book in 2 days

I love to write
It's one of the things
that keeps me sane

I love watching sports
even though I may not know much about it
I love to watch the superbowl with my dad
Even though I don't get to see my parents that much
I love them to death
Sometimes it hard for me when they're so close
but I don't know what I would do without them
They haven't been together since I was 2
I hate when people complain about their parents
I'm sure you wouldn't complain if you were in my shoes
My mom lives right next door and I may get to see her 2-3 times a week
And my dad lives 5 minutes away and I'm Lucky if I get to see him once a month.

I'm not that tough.
My room is horribly messy.
I cry easily
I hate feet.
I have a thing for horror movie villains
I bit my lip
I used to wish I'd be bitten by a vampire.
I have major stage fright.
I have the imagination of a 5 year old
I love to make faces in the mirror.
I can eat a lemon without making a face

Wanna Talk? Just let me know who you are haha.
YIM: GoreQueenx
Ouija Board Mishaps
Comments: 00
Status: Hiatus
People:Elizabeth && Lucifer

Yours Cruelly
People:Jayce && The Joker

Content: GoreQueen__x
Credit: © panic-and-scream