Books and Other Such Atrocities

You know what I can't fucking stand about some books?When they have an unbelievable plot, the author's writing is heavenly, but the main character pisses me off. God dammit!How hard is it to make a likable main character.Fuck that, they don't even have to be likable, they just have to be not annoying as fuck.Characters are probable the most important part of any story. You can have the most fucked...
August 26th, 2008 at 01:00am

Prayer is Bullshit, and Everyone Knows it

Okay, so today I went to church with my friend, who I haven't seen in a while.I don't normally go to church because it's just pisses me off normallyIf I wanted to have some dude yell things at me that a just wrong and tell me I'm going to hell for an hour, I could talk to Peter.ANYWAY, the preacher was talking about prayer and was all, "If you pray for something, God can respond in either yes, no,...
August 24th, 2008 at 08:14pm

I want to become a monster

Man, I thought I knew what I wanted in life.I wanted to do well in school, get into a fucking great college, get a well respected job, get married, maybe start a family. Normal shit, you know.BUTI've come to a point in my life where I know I'm not gonna be happy if I live that life.The closest thing I think I'll evar come to that is fucking contentment, which is not what I want.Well, actually,...
August 21st, 2008 at 07:01am

Twilight Rant

NOTE: Don't read this if you're a fan of Twilight because you will get offended. I don't want to get reported/banned because someone couldn't handle the fact that I had a completely different opinion than them.Also, I'm a total asshole.(This rant thing does not mean I don't like people who like Twilight, a few of my best friends are fans of those books, so.....)Honestly, my hatred of Twilight...
August 18th, 2008 at 07:30pm