
United Kingdom
Joined date
August 15th, 2008

Music and her Patrons are Dead and Irrelevant

I'm Jeremy.

I kind of really hate describing myself.
I never have any idea of where to start or what to say.
So, this is probably going to suck a lot.

Sensationalized for virgin eyes,
It’s graphic,
It’s disturbing,
And it’s worse still to think it’s real,
Degrading and unnerving

-I'm excessively sarcastic.
-I require good grammar and punctuation.
(I especially hate it when people fucking butcher their adverbs.)
(Please, try to have a little regard for the English language)
-I love violence and gore.
-I was born in Brighton, England, but I moved to America when I was two.
-I have an alter ego.
-I'm ridiculously shy to people I don't know.
-I love to swear.
-I'm slightly (obsessively) OCD.
-I have (had?) four brothers and a sister.
-My youngest brother and sister are twins.
-I love porn.
-I read too much for anyone's good.
-I'm a total nerd.
(which I just found out girls do not find attractive.... D: )
-I play D&D.
-Lord of the Rings is better than love.
-I play Magic the Gathering.
-I read comics religiously.
-I could probably shag a guy, I couldn't be in a relationship with one.
(Does that make me bi?)
-I am slightly religious.
(God seems like an overly emotional, angsty, spiteful teenager, if you ask me)
-I used to drink a lot, but I've been sober for, like, three years :]!
-I'm tall and skinny and my hair is wavy, black, and goes down to my chin. Also, I wear glasses and gots a few tattoos I'm quite proud of.
-My birthday is August 18.
-My favorite color is red.
-I'm rather optimistic, I think almost everyone is a good person and deserves to be treated as such.
-I'm afraid of horses, those malicious bastards.
-I don't really ever get bored, I could sit and stare at a wall for hours on end and have fun.
-I never had imaginary friends, I had imaginary children.
-I am good at card tricks.
-One of my brothers died when he was eleven.
(I was thirteen)
-I believe deeply in revenge, however, I'm far too forgiving to enforce it.
(Plus, I just don't care enough)
-I over think everything, often resulting in comic relief.
-I get beat up in school.
But, that's okay, I like it.
-I'm masochistic.
-I'm not anorexic, I just forget to eat a lot.
(yeah, I'm seriously that spacey)
-I have a huge conscience, which bugs the fuck out of me.
(Doesn't everyone wish they were evil?)
-I'm a shoplifter.
-I love abortion.
-I'm bulimic.
-I volunteer at the hospital and the library.
(I always get stuck with the children's programs! D:< )
-I can tolerate children, I don't like them, but I don't hate them either.
-I like make up.
-I want to be an immunologist.
-My social skills are limited...
-I don't have very many friends, but I've known those fuckers for, like, my whole life.
-I'd die for those lucky bitches.
-I'm in a few bands, including Safety Town and the Transvestite Corpses!
(we suck)
-I'm pretty damn immature for my age.
-"XD" is probably my most frequently used emoticon.
(because that's almost exactly the actual facial expression)
-I know I'm not special in anyway, shape, or form.
-My dreams will never be realized.
-My life story could probably sell a book or two, but I'm damn sure not gonna write it.
-I work at a bakery.
(How ironic, a kid with eating disorders working at a place specifically for food.)
-I want to be just like David Bowie when I grow up.
-I've lived with my friend, Freddie since I was sixteen.
-I actually started to cut the ends of my lips into a smile because the Joker was that fucking rad.
(I'm in love with him. Too bad he's dead now or I'd totally go gay)
(now my mouth tastes like blood and I have, like, half centimetre scars. Doesn't look cool, just looks like I got punched...)
-I don't write, so don't except me to post anything.
-You'll probably hate me, trust me on this.
-but, don't worry, I'll probably hate you, too.
(Isn't life wonderful?)
-I'm not very good at explaining my thoughts or using words in general.
(which is why I fail at writing about me's)
-I hate it when people complain about their feelings.
(a little is acceptable, I guess. But over the top just makes me want to set you on fire, not feel fucking bad for you.)
-I sew.
-My username was named after my love of Zombies.
-I'd rather die and go to a concert than die and go to heaven.
-There's nothing a person can do that'll shock me anymore.
-I'm very hard to offend.
-No, Sir, Nihilism is not Practical!
-Make me laugh, and I'll respect you forever.
-I'm married.