
I'm back! I think. I'm going to really try to look around and understand mibba so I can start writing again! I mean, I've always been writing original stuff. But I want to write lots of more lovely fanfiction for you :) You can thank the economy which has led to my inability to obtain a job, which means I have nothing to do this summer :)Also.. I need friends D: My QBC doesn't write on here, and I...
June 10th, 2009 at 04:36am

Aloha :)

So I just joined mibba tonight, and I'm getting the hang of it, I suppose... I put up the first chapter of my story, Murder Machine, to see how it all goes down. I must say the mibba system totally pwnz quizilla hahha.But I have nine complete parts to that story so far, and I'll probably put them up tomorrow. If I get feedback, it may inspire me to continue it :) That's sort of the reason I signed...
August 17th, 2008 at 10:20am