Humiliating stories?

Alrighty, ill tell you an embarrassing story and then you can comment with one of yours!hhaaha ok, i was at REHEARSAL (not an actual performance--that would be bad lol) for a play im in and i was waiting to go on stage for my part and i missed my cue. that was bad. so i go on late and on top of it, my tap shoes were untied, and i tripped. but thats not the end.i got up really quicck and (if u tap,...
March 15th, 2009 at 06:59am

Wow.. i need sleep

Hey.I havent been on in soooo longwhat the crap? my comp is being gay.arghhhi cant sleep. and i have to be up early tomorrow for a rehearsal for a play."crazy for you"good play!well i should get some sleep.NIGHT 49 words...! errg i need you prolly know... lolso whats up.if youre reading this. kill me? please?SON OF A BITCH! only 69 words!haha 69... hahahahoh well. i think i have...
March 15th, 2009 at 06:53am


AH! i have an audition tomorrow for a musical (Crazy for You) and i havent even started memorizing my monologue! efff! im soo screwed. im gonna sing a song from AIDA though so... arghh help!>=( i didnt have enough words... i was supposed to haveone hundred but i only had thirty five... maybe ill have enough now.....EFF! only fifty eight words!hmmm anyone like the show "Lincoln Heights"? i love...
November 13th, 2008 at 12:09am

Im kinda sad but happy at the same time.

My brother left for college today =[its gonna be weird without him herebut on the bright side i get his room because its big and my old room is wont be the same being the only one here other than my parents.Ugh im bored. and im sleeping in my new full sized bed instead of twin and both my dogs are here. im the only one here tonight cuz my parents r staying in a hotel for the night near my...
August 22nd, 2008 at 05:58am

First Journal Entry!

Hey everyone this is my first journal entry EVER!I am extremely bored and my puppy is drving me INSANE!!You should probably comment my monologues.Because it would make me smile.I am eating chips!YUM! I am watching television!ABC Family to be specific.Well I guess I'll go now.BYE!!!Hit me up with a comment sometime. We can TALK!OH MAN! its only 63 words and it has to be so im hoping its almost a...
August 19th, 2008 at 11:43pm