Biscuits and Gay Porn

Well, not quite 'Gay Porn', but close enough for me.(I tried to post a link, but photobucket wouldn't let me. = / So just copy the url.) my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! In case you couldn't tell that was Faris 'Rotter' Badwan (left) and Rhys 'Spider' Webb (right) of The Horrors totally flirting...
June 16th, 2008 at 05:20am

Have you heard about...

The protest on the England's Daily Mail Headquarters? If not, here's the some-up of it: After attacking "emo" bands, mostly My Chemical Romance, and calling them such things as a "suicide cult" and other nonsense, the fans of MCR are organizing a protest on the magazine/newspaper's headquarters in order to show them, after many failed tries to get them to stop misjudging the popular band, that...
May 27th, 2008 at 12:16am

New Job-ish Thing

So I just got a new job. Also my first. I've been there for about a week and, well, let's just say it's not what I expected.I am now fully convinced they all hate me. Forever I will be known as the little indiscretion. The mistake that they made hiring so young and so stupid.Now I've been reduced to sitting on my couch, silently listening to Nirvana, trying to salvage the little sanity and self...
April 20th, 2008 at 07:12am

The Theme of The Day Is...

Indecision. Do I want to sleep, write, shower, or read? I dunno.If I do shower, do I want to go out? I could go out any time. Show off my new hair cut.Mom asked me to empty the dishwasher, but I can't be bothered to do it with all of the options I have to choose from.I should sleep, but I can't. I could read, but my concentration is off. Write? I don't have the energy because I'm tired.I suppose...
February 17th, 2008 at 08:16pm