Currently: listening to lawmower outside in someone's yard by ???
Doing/Updates:70th REOS is being written out; 71st, 72nd, and 73rd REOS to come later; Smile, YGFBYF, and SMAL are all on hiatus until I can get back my muse for them; sick, yet determined to at least get up to the 72nd REOS; just finised Ghost Rider: SOV
And they, say that, it's always the quiet,
Quotes to live by
"You are smart. You are kind. You are important." via the movie The Help and will probably by my mantra for the rest of my life."Fate is always an excuse just like true love can only be found in fairytales (not in real life)." said by me
"You know to keep your hopes up high and your head down low." A Day To Remember-->All I Want
"It's not about how you do what you're doing, but more of having the courage to even to do it in the first place." said by me
“Don’t throw yourself out on another’s whim. People change, as do intentions and as a result, consequences. Live for yourself – love those around you, but realize that they’ve got their own agendas. People will screw you – You will screw people…" said by the sexy Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low
"Don't wait for the perfect moment...Take the moment and make it perfect..." via a facebook fan page for Nick Jonas
"...Life's greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most of us just live to follow directions, and many times we end up totally lost." said by the sexy Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low
"It goes out to anyone who's ever been told that how you think or feel is wrong. It goes out to everyone who's ever felt alone. It goes out to anybody who's fucking sick and tired of being told what to do. You are, the most important person in the world. Every single one of you. Don't let anybody tell you differently, okay?" said by the sexy Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low (yes another one)
"I hope they realize that music is music and that music is not a scene, not a style. Music is a beautiful fucking thing to listen to. It is not a fucking thing to preach to others about, it is not a fucking cause. It is what it is and that's a beautiful artform." said by the sexy guitar god Brian Haner Jr/Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold.
"People will screw you over no matter what, so be better at it than them." said by me.
"Music puts everything you wish you could say into words and melody. Music takes the moments you'll never forget and makes them permanent." said by the world's sexiest bassist (at least in my opinion) Stephen Gomez of The Summer Set.
"...we are strong...we can take it...we all can. We don't need their approval to justify our lives. Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance." said by the sex god himself Andy Six of Black Veil Brides via formspring.
"I'm just the unique, the free-spirited, the kind-heartened, the always shy, the music lover, the loyal friend, the devoted girlfriend (one day soon hopefully), and the girl who just wants to be… ME." another quote that was written by me.
"live it. love it. kill for it. & fuck what everyone else thinks." found by Zombie.Highway
"Live life and trust in those who love you the most," found by running wild from her story:
"Celebrate the victories, however long they last." said by the ever sexy as hell Matt Boomer of White Collar.
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." said by Moz of White Collar.
"Do what you want to do in this world, have fun and never give in. We are only on this world for so long...make it yours." another one from Andy Six of Black Veil Brides via his twitter (to the BVB Army).
"Let's have a toast to the old days..." said from HonorSociety via a twitpic. There's more but it's not really needed.
"To those who’ve tried to belong, and just didn’t fit in…you are loved. To those who’ve tried to stand out and be heard…you’re admired. To those who’ve tried to be themselves, only to be shut down…you are supported. To those who’ve tried to kill themselves because life’s unfair…you’re not alone. Love your friends, love your enemies, because in the end, they’ll all be kissing your ass when you make it." said by My Chemical Romance's leading man; Gerard Way
"Writing is not an excuse for insanity, it's a reason." no clue where this was originally found but it was found on another mibbian's signature somewhere
"They be hatin' us, 'cause we're fabulous found on a n g e l.'s signature
"They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious!" said by the band Muse; found on a fb called The Wayseers.
Current Works
Title&rating: Walking On Fire [PG-13]Type: original fiction
Genre:Romance and Drama
Status: active/WIP/complete
Title&Rating: Sing Me a Lullaby [G]
Type: band fiction - The Maine
Genre: Romance
Status: active/WIP/complete
Title&Rating: You Gotta Fall Before You Fly [G]
Type: band fiction- Sleeping With Sirens
Genre: Romance
Status: active/WIP/complete