Synyster_Shadows / Comments

  • Why not??!!!! Ya I would suggest hiding woman!!! Lol
    August 26th, 2011 at 09:05am
  • Sorry I'm a couple of days late with this, but thanks so much for the comment and reading my story.
    I'm glad that you liked it. :)
    August 22nd, 2011 at 06:43pm
  • damn i really like it
    August 20th, 2011 at 11:16am
  • Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:28am
  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is there going to be a sequel to She Isn't Real?
    August 11th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • I have a new cntest going, could you help me out by promoting it?
    August 10th, 2011 at 02:26pm
  • ~Yeah omg and even 3D phones... ugh I really don't like this 3D hype. I avoid anything 3D, honestly. I just end up with headaches from it. But yeah... pottermore... are you into it? Or do you have to complete a series of challenges to advance to certain stages or something like that? Yeah, walls of death can get to be pretty damn intense. People get too crazy and forget to respect... I know I don't like shoving and injuring people I don't even know. It's just dumb. Though sometimes I laugh at the pits and 'hardcore dancing' that goes on at gigs lmao. People get so dumb. But yeah I always have some idiots land on me... I get involuntarily injured hahaha. But gigs are awesome... I just get so annoyed by the fuckers surrounding lol. But oh well. Yeah my grandma is staying with us for the time being so we're looking after her. She feels better but still has several appointments lined up to get more clarity on her condition. Hope it's nothing serious. :\ Have you heard about the London riots? Terrible.... I just loathe people. Ughhh whyyyyyy? But anyway, I bet you're in Mexico by now... tell me all about it! Where in Mexico, which state? Details!
    August 9th, 2011 at 06:31am
  • Lol, no problem! It's one of my favorite stories on Mibba. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!! =D
    August 4th, 2011 at 07:42am
  • ~True, true. 3D is so annoying and I hate the hype about it. People just seek to make more and more money in the box office and whatnot. But I never give in lol. Only that one time because I was forced haha. But yeah I have heard a lot about pottermore. What exactly is it? A social networking site for fans for fans of the books/movies? Of course it'll live on. For so many years to come. Isn't she the first and one of the only authors who has become a billionaire as a result of the books & movies...? So cool... her hard work and strong imagination really paid off. I bet the publisher(s) who denied her work at first must be so annoyed and their stupidity. But yeah if I were her I would definitely write some more novels and such... keep going with the imagination. Of course nothing will compare to the harry potter series but still. She's a good writer and is young so she can write tons more in the future. Yes... walls of death are intense. I usually stand to the side and laugh at all the morons clashing together. One time this huge guy landed on the girl in front of me, making her land on me and she was already tipsy so I had to help her up. Ow it hurt haha. And another time this diot landed on my foot and it hurt so bad that out of rage I shoved him super hard. He didn't even know who shoved him hahaha. Oh damn that book sounds good. I'll check it out. This summer has sucked so much. My grandma got sick and spent a week in the hospital and was heavily anemic. Even got two pints of blood transfusions... she's at our house for now... they'll get a biopsy of her bone marrow to see if there's anything wrong with it. Worried....hope it's nothing serious. How have you been?
    August 4th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • I could tell you the answer to that....but I won't cause it's much more fun for me haha. ;)
    Thanks for the comment. :)
    August 4th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • ~Oh you wear glasses? So that must be awful to have another pair on top of them. Ahhh. You watched harry potter in 3D? Yeah I heard a lot of people got very emotional. Totally understandable since so many grew up reading the books and watching the films. :( But it's something that lives on no matter how many years past. Rowling... she's immensely creative. I could never come up with plots to endure years and many novels like that. Admirable. Any write really who can endure writing about the same characters for decades and have such long novels about them. It's awesome. Wish I could do that. Who knows. But yeah ADTR are fun-loving guys and I do love that about them. I wish they would have made a video for If it Means A lot to You... gosh I love that song. Or Mr. Highway's Thinking About the End... but yeah, true that. Oh how's the book? I gotta read that... love Corey Taylor. He's just brilliant.
    July 31st, 2011 at 07:27am
  • ~Oh yeah I get what you mean. I've only seen one movie in 3-D in theaters... SAW 3D lmao. Only because I had no choice. The movie was only available in 3-D and it was annoying. All these insides and guts flying towards you from the screen bahahaha. And it actually gave me a slight headache. I kept taking the glasses off to compare how it looked without them and it was blurry of course so I had no choice. Blahhh. I always avoid movies in 3-D. But yeah I know what you mean. So did you like the deathly hallows pt. 2? Even though I agree with the lyrics of the song, I just don't enjoy it as much as others. And I wish they'd make more serious music videos. Like Have Faith in Me... but even more serious, idk. But yeah.... I am pretty much caught up on True Blood already. Woooop. So whatcha up to?
    July 30th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • Hey! I just wanted to say thank you for actually reading and commenting on my Jeremy story! I'm glad I know someone actually likes it haha. I'm reading yours too and I thought I'd let you know that I like it! :D
    July 29th, 2011 at 08:50am
  • Haha. Yeah, that's what happens.
    Hopefully you liked the whole chapter.
    Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
    July 29th, 2011 at 01:25am
  • Haha. :D I have a question, on my updates, were they being cut off when you read them? I went back to check because I'd been told they were cut off, so I'm going to go fix that now!
    July 28th, 2011 at 11:41pm
  • Aww thank you. Lol, yes he will kick some ass. ;D
    July 26th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • And thank you for the story comment. I'm so excited that you like mine too. :D I'm gonna go update right now!
    July 25th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • ~Yeah I agree with you. No one would want it to be rebooted. I mean, the movies and production are magnificent so I don't know how they'd even go about rebooting it... but who knows. In 20 years I assume technology will get even better and they'll find a way. But yeah I used to be quite into the spiderman films and then as time passed by I realised how cheesy they all are haha. So I can see why they decided to reboot it since the 3D technology is so advanced and they just want to make things look awesome. But we'll see. I am not really anticipating it but I know I'll end up going to see it anyway. So yes, I agree completely, those are also my preferred tracks off the new record. I don't really like all signs point to ft. lauderdale and it annoys me that they decided to release it as a second video single. Hope this is the house that doubt built will be next. Hmmmm. Not much... just hanging around and currently hooked on true blood lol.
    July 25th, 2011 at 05:27am
  • You are very welcome!
    July 23rd, 2011 at 11:54pm
  • ~Aw yeah a lot of people were so sad about the end of the series. But I am pretty sure in about 20 years or less they'll remake those films. And it won't ever be the same, of course. But you know how people always reboot and remake things... I have a feeling series' like those will end up being remade. Even if now they seem excellent and very well-made. Speaking of which, are you watching the spiderman reboot? I am still not sure. Hmmmm. We'll see. Of course this is a slightly different plot but still. Oh what were you going to say about Jeremy? What's your fave song off What Separates Me From You? Of course my fave ADTR record will always For Those Who Have Heart but all their records are great. So, got plans this weekend? How have you been?
    July 23rd, 2011 at 03:44am