Auditions for A Man of My Own

These are the auditions. I just want a few things but depeding on how many people audition i will just chooose who catches my eye or who auditions first.Requirements:-your name-age-your character's name-who you are in the storyso i guess that is all i am asking for...for nowAlso, i havent chosen how any of the characters are gonna look so you cna show me a few pics of who you want to be on it and...
August 21st, 2010 at 08:59pm

Back to California

Im baaaaaaaaaaack!!! actually ive been backk in california for like at least a year. almost a year actually. i came back last year,2009, around this time, May, im in school and im almost done!!!! gradiation is like 3 weeks away!!!! im so excited!! and my prom is tommorrow! June 4! im excited. i cant wait. well yeah i just wantedto say that im away from Georgia and back in Cali! the best state...
June 4th, 2010 at 02:13am

Tell Me What You Think

I was wondering if you can tell me what you think about my stories and my poem. I just wrote that poem and I am super self-concious that people will hate it.. SO Please give me feedbackand also on my storiesi wanna know what you think the only problem i have with my stories is i barely have comments i can update quick but nobody tells me thier opinion it engouragues me if i hear what you think so...
February 10th, 2009 at 06:22pm