skinny jeans

You know what really bothers me?When you see headlines that say "Skinny Jeans: Bad For Your Health?" and etc.If you think about it, yes, it does constrict places that shouldn't be confined in the first place, but it's the fact that the news generalizes it to just skinny jeans.Someone could have bell bottoms, or those pants that are apparently supposed to make your legs longer, and they constrict...
June 5th, 2009 at 05:03am

I don't need to...

I don't need to meet fancy, famous people to be happy.I don't need to envy my friends when they get things I would like to have.I don't need to pretend that I'm older just to gain respect from others.I don't need to like things that are ideally "good" or "unique" to be looked at higher.I don't need to fulfill everyone's expectations.I don't need to go to concerts so I can tell my friends and...
May 31st, 2009 at 06:00am

I want...

I don't feel like hand-writing right now. I just want to type. It makes me feel better about myself since I can type really fast, whileas my handwriting is comparable to a six year old. Also, it reminds myself of playing piano. I miss it.This is just going to be my venting of wants and desires. As much as I don't want to deal with them, it's always going to be there. I feel like shit as much as I...
April 21st, 2009 at 03:27am