Billie Joe_Malfoy / Comments

  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    O sorry, its a Scottish holiday - the nearest thing we have to independance day! But yeah, basically its all about celebrating being scottish, so also means you get really drunk and dance around to The Proclaimers haha!
    December 1st, 2008 at 05:24pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Happy St Andrew's Day!
    December 1st, 2008 at 12:09am
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Thanksgiving sounds like a fun holiday, all that food, my kind of holiday!
    And that sucks about the migraine, I get them a lot too. They're the worst because there isn't a whole that you can do about them, I just keep a box of neurofen on my bedside table!!!
    I have so much coming up this month, the forensic science society is going on a pub crawl next thu, you get a clue at each pub and have to work out where the next one is so that should be a lot of fun! I'm also going out for a meal with my friends to celebrate christmas/end of term, plus still have to get gifts for everybody and annoyingly my brother has his birthday first! Just as well I got paid today!!!
    So how bout you? December tends to be a busy (and expensive!) month
    November 27th, 2008 at 03:47pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    It's been busy, I have a lab report, an essay, a presentation and 2 exams all within the next couple of weeks so I haven't really had time to do much else but study! But hey, that's what I signed up for, and in truth I actually love having to do so much work! How have you been?

    And it's not really that depressing, because of the being able to laugh all the bad stuff doesn't really seem that bad. We're able to have a good laugh at ourselves but it all comes from love - same when we make fun of others, that's when you know you've been accepted by a Scot, when we poke fun at you haha!
    November 26th, 2008 at 06:47pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    I'm glad that you liked it! I absolutely love him!!! He's on a show called Mock the Week, you should take a wee peak at that if you have a chance, its fantastic!
    Scotland kinda is full of comedians, mainly because life here can be hard so we chose to laugh to get through!
    November 25th, 2008 at 05:34pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    To get a real taste of the sense of humour in Scotand go watch this: - its a great scottish comedian Frankie Boyle, he is absolutely hilarious and captures the scottish so well - that is the typical kind of person you would come across over here!
    November 22nd, 2008 at 12:15pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Yes, Scotland has VERY different values from the USA! I'm so glad of that! Here there is a lot of enphasis on intellect but let's face it it's only because we're crap at sport and we're far too cold a nation to be good looking so all we have left is to be smart. As you can tell from the list on my profile that actually worked out quite well for us!!!!

    Speaking you're mind does actually go down pretty well over here as well - best thing I ever heard "is there a vegetarian option?" Scot: "yeah, you can fuck off" I thought I was going to die laughing!
    November 20th, 2008 at 10:21pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    I like being hated by strangers, its way more fun than being liked by everyone, how boring is that! People seem to like me anyway, I've never understood that, I've done nothing but continously get high scores, rub it in and speak nothing but my mind and yet there is still people who want to spend time with me - I really don't get it haha!
    November 19th, 2008 at 07:37pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Ha see, it's just too much fun to not let people bask in your glory! Besides my friends can take it, in fact they expect it otherwise it just wouldn't be me! I was that little smart arse who sits down the front of the lecture and answers all the questions today - I love being that person!
    November 17th, 2008 at 06:28pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    I actually looked it up as well, the book I have is Superstitions of the British Isles, it had the pagan thing as well but also that it might also refer to the cross so as to evoke the "protection of Christ" which also seems plausible. It also seems to have been a children's game in the early 1800s as well. I actually find this sort of stuff interesting- I like trying to figure the truth behind it all, I mean, there must be something or it wouldn't take hold. I think there must be a logical reason behind it all the people just couldn't see so they explained it away with these stories!

    And it's too late for the whole going to my head thing, I have ego issues haha, everyone knows I'm the one to beat now!!!! And I finally got round to updating one of my other stories, New Adventures of Joey Armstrong - I used my expiences from uni over these past weeks as inspiration!
    November 16th, 2008 at 03:26pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    The Joker thing is interesting - because I'm a dork like that too!

    Oh, and btw I actually got top marks in the exam out of everyone on my degree so you definetly didn't give me bad karma! Did you ever find out the whole knocking on wood thing? I have this book on British suspersitions I might check that!

    Anyways the X Factor is on so I am going to go watch!!!!
    November 15th, 2008 at 08:20pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Thanks, I really am glad you liked it. I had to try fool you all and be mean at the start because I knew I would reach my quota of niceness with the ending!

    And thanks for not jinking me! I have some more exams coming up so I don't need the bad karma haha!

    And I know what you mean about the Green Day stories, I'm so fed up with all the fecking Jonas brothers crap, even all the MCR is a bit annoying. All my other fan fics are Green Day ones so if you wanted to take a peak ;] hehe. I love your stories as well, you're a fantastic writer!
    November 13th, 2008 at 09:06pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Well, there you have it, the last chapter is up! Thanks for reading it, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I can work a bit more on my other stories now because I kinda let them slide to focus on Disappearing Girl but oh well!

    O, and that cell bio exam that was hard I got a 73% for!!! I was relieved because the average was only 46%, I was really freaking out. I doubt I did so well in chemistry but they seem to be tortorously dragging out posting the results.

    Anyways, have a good week!
    November 12th, 2008 at 10:25pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    yeah well I had this guy who had a completely montone voice, it was struggle to stay awake and then plus if you thought chemistry wasn't bad enough try doing bio-organic-chemistry, it is a nightmare!

    Well, I sat my cell biology exam this morning, it was much harder than I was expecting it to be. It was also a boring subject - I mean, I really don't care what all the different kinds of muscles are and what fibres they're composed of!!! I like my other classes: natural forensic science and infection and immunity - their all about how things come together and how they function, how they solve crimes or save your life, which is far more interesting!!!

    OK, I've had my little rant for the day, I shall now go and write the final chapter and put it up asp for you all!
    November 7th, 2008 at 05:04pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    yes indeed! The headlines in one of the papers here today was America is cool again!!! It is a rather exciting time

    And I should have the epilogue up by the weekend, Im just about to go study now but as soon as my exam is over tomorrow then thats it! My chemistry one today was horrible but then again chemistry is a horrible subject
    November 6th, 2008 at 04:31pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Woo to Obama, I'm so relieved. I tried to stay up and watch the results come in but I fell asleep, he was 100 ahead by that point so I wasn't too worried. Big shock McCain winning Kentucky and Alabama, who could have predicted that! Maybe we wont mind being so closely allied with you guys now

    Anyways, glad you liked the story. I'm planning on writing an epilogue, just let you know what happens, couldn't leave you hanging on forever, I'm not that cruel
    November 5th, 2008 at 03:44pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    well, there you have it, the mystery is solved. Had to through in one last cliffhanger though, couldn't go and leave things resolved haha!

    And I hope to god that Obama wins, McCain scares me, he would screw us over so bad! I know he would screw over you guys worse but still, American politics effects everyone else so much as well and to be honest I do not trust your nation enough to make the right choice. I shall never underestimate the ignorance and narrow mindedness of some of the fools that are out there!

    But yeah, election aside, have a good week!
    November 5th, 2008 at 01:24am
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Hey, hope you had a good weekend!
    And thanks, I finished my essay and I think my exam went well...I hope
    And you'll also be glad to know that finally the next chapter is up! I trust that you are smart enough to figure out where I'm going with the story but I don't want to drag it too long, hope it doesn't dissapoint!
    November 2nd, 2008 at 04:55pm
  • Elegant Rubble

    Elegant Rubble (250)

    United Kingdom
    Hey, how are you?
    I know I promised to update Disappearing Girl more frequently but you know how it goes! I started back university and now I have assigments and exams!!! But not to fear I have started to work on the next chapter so keep an eye out over the coming week, I'll try my best to get it up asp, can't have you hanging on too long haha!
    October 27th, 2008 at 12:12am
  • Straight-outta-Dodge

    Straight-outta-Dodge (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    opps, sorry! I was a bit too blunt and expectant, to say the least. Lucky enough for you, you get the choice of taking a year out or more. I either get into college or end up working in farmfoods or lidls for my entire life. LOL I sometimes wish I had such freedom to 'experience' new things in my adolencences but so far HIgh school has zoomed past and I've got several career advicers chewing down my neck for some sort of life plan (that i can see with my crystal ball) . ergh.
    But yeah I'm great thanks, and I'm glad to hear you are really taking an intrest in your' writing...some people and me for one don't have the motavation or ideed the writing ability to succed in the 'Biz'. hehe
    Have you seen the new Green Day studio video? The album seems to be brilliant even in its short moments of fame on youtube.
    October 12th, 2008 at 01:01am