
United States
Joined date
August 25th, 2008


I'm a girl that's loving her life for the first time EVER.
Let me explain, my mom is a grade A bitch really she is, and that's why her and my dad are getting a divorce(i am VERY happy about this)
I will tell you some of the thing's that make her a grade A bitch
Number: 1
To her everyone else is at fault, she never NEVER does any thing wrong, she always blames someone else.
Number: 2
She think's that all kid's(i.e teenagers)that wear all black and have black nail's and eyeliner are evil.
Number: 3
She tried to "Pray the demons out of me"like holding me down and puting her hands on my head and saying"Satan come out"(i am not joking).
Number: 4
She has abused me and my sister verbally,fiscally,and emotionally(don't worry my sis and i and i are living with my dad)
Number: 5
Last but not least
She HATE'S all of the music i like,i know your probably thinking "yeah so what my mom doesn't like my music either", but has your mom ever takein one of your favorite cds and told you that she would listen to it and then brake it?
That's what mine did.
And that's about it.