Watchmen! / Comments

  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States
    Hi, from the art forum
    happy birthday!

    mine's tomorrow :D
    June 7th, 2009 at 03:29pm
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    I'm going to use that quote you said so I don't get into Algerbra 2 or geometery again with this lame teacher I have. Can you believe that I might have her next year!? :omfg:

    Aw, you're so nice to me. You don't have to buy me anything, though. You might need your money to buy some ice cream while you're walking down the street. Or need to get into a transportation site to get somewhere for your epic adventures in Korea! :D

    They have sizes for these things? o_o
    That's great I guess. I'm not quite sure, though. What do you mean you'll go shopping for real ones?
    *says like Kool Aid guy* Oh yeah. You'll get addicted to Kool Aid instead because its just that tastey! XD Great, now I want some. Its been years since I've tasted Kool Aid, and that's only been like 2 in my life time. I just don't see any store sell Kool Aid as much anymore. Maybe that's beecause I don't go XD

    Wow, that is brilliant! I cancer your brain, it thinks way to awesome for a normal human! You should have powers just for that awesomeness of yours :P I will be starting that chapter this weekend and send it to you for proof-reading and telling me what you think, kay? :]

    I think yours was like the ones from Vanya. I remember you saying that you'd be able to destroy a building by simply snapping your fingers!okay, so I have telokineses? (i can't spell it! D: I'll have to look up the word) Yup, I can just imagine me writing the story already *squeals* This is going to be so much fun!! :D :D

    You notice the smallest things. You're a good observer! ;]I never knew we had the same smile :D Dying hair is the nuggets, man. I'll be having some green in my hair onse it starts to grow out again >,< Yay! What color is your hair now? Yup, talking about stupid random stuff is entertaining. I love to talk about stupid random stuff, hehe. All I know is that whenever you comment, its like you bring another world to me. A world of adventure and awesomeness. I wish I could meet you in person so we can hang out. At least for a day! (though, a life-time would be nice :P hehe) We're probably sisters or something. Maybe like that Buddah religion where we're the same person reencarnated into different bodies. You're my other half and I'm your other half! I'd like to go by that theory :tehe:

    Wow, that is weridly funny. I will have to get on MCRmy one of these days, I haven't had a chance to get to it in a long time.
    When you put it that way about their lungs, it makes it funny, ahaha XD Until you put the part where they'll die quicker. O_OBut I could agree with you on that suggestion. Though, it would be sad if Gerard dies while his daughter is still growing up.
    Gerard better not do drugs while Bandit is there. Living and breathing his same air.
    Um, I don't think Frank does that anymore. When he used to, he had dreads that would smell like pot XD Remember? They were't nice looking dreads, I'll tell you that. Last year on November 1st (yes, I remember the date because it was an epic night) I saw this dude with professionally done dreads what smelled like yummy fruits *drools* I wanted to eat them when i was sniffing them off the dude's head. *shifty*

    How'd you manage to hold your camera while screaming in pain when you were getting it done? Aha, I think I'd still like to see the gorey picutres :D Yay! I'll get to see a charm instead of a needle! :D
    You mean the psychiatrists?
    I've heard people say that they try and crawl under your skin and such. But I'd like to go at least just once to see what it's like. I don't think I'm going to open up as much as I think I will. =/

    What do those medicines do? Don't worry. I don't plan on taking the medicine I'll be given. I don't want to be drugged. Yup, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cool for that. XD That part just reminds me of [i]Kill All Your Friends[/i] song, that part where Gerard sings "I was killing before killing was cool. You're so cool..." :P Why the hell are doctors stupid enough to give out these medicines if they don't work at all? o_O I guess I'll find that out when I look them up. :I

    Thank you so much for the present!!! :3

    Aha, that is funny! Gerard is a beautiful distraction! Gotta cancer him for that! ^u^ I think I'm going to quote that and put it in my Random Section in my profile Smiley
    May 29th, 2009 at 03:15am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    You have an insane and beautiful brain *u* It is very special to me this way :D It was all so mysterious and sweet. aw, I cancer you, Corretta! :D
    Thanks, so are you :] Now I want to do something special for you, but I don't know what to do. i honestly want to go to Michigan to go tackle you into a hug :tehe:
    May 29th, 2009 at 02:33am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    [b]I CANCER YOU!!!! :D :D :D[/b]
    You have no idea how much I'm smiling! It brings joy to my heart just knowing what you have said about me! :arms: :hug:
    I am actually speechless on what to say. Thank you so much!! And I thank mibba to have brought us as close as twine! ^u^ I am very greatful to have a friend like you. You always know how to make me smile and lift my spirits when I'm at my worst. I cancer you, Corretta!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to leave your present to me there [i][b]f o r e v e r ! ![/i][/b]
    May 28th, 2009 at 09:55pm
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Okay, I promise! But first I need to find out how to stick a picture into the HTML thing so it shows. I'll have to answer your super duper long comment later because its 10pm right now, and that's my curfew. Y_Y
    May 28th, 2009 at 07:07am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    I know! I'm so fucking happy!!! When I found out I called my friend to tell her. She didn't answer until the 3rd call. I thought she was going to be enthusiastic as I was, but she wasn't. I think its because her boyfriend was with her =/ But... Gerard and Lyn-Z's child is more important! ^u^
    I'm now confused about their baby though. Somebody said he was born on the 24th and now its said on the 27th. Others say the baby is named James Anthony Way and most say its Bandit Lee Way. I'm confused. o_o
    May 28th, 2009 at 07:03am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Thank you ^u^

    Haha, I find your "death" kind of funny the way you imagine it to be XD lol I bet I'll die from my wheel chair tripping over a twig XD

    Ooh, that is a great idea :D You should totally see which teacher is best. Whoa, I wish my school is like that. Unfortunately my school is lame. You have to fight with them just to change a class. Most likely they'll do whatever the hell they want anyways. =/

    Yay! I can't wait :D And that's okay, you need days to go on your epic adventures so you have something to say when you keep me updated 8]

    Wow, I never new people could be allergic to tobacco O_O That's weird! @,@ Haha, those were some really mad detective skillz xD Its a good thing you found that out, else you'd have...a rash? Bleeding nose? Diaherria? ,':/ I really don't know. o_o

    I think that's probably why cigarettes are bad. All that tar and plastic added. I mean, would you smoke your plastic cup?
    What's tar?
    I see. So Frank Iero has black lungs? O_o

    Haha, that is cool. For a moment I thought my names was secret to hide my identity when you'd be thinking. But... turns out you made a typo? Teehee. That's nice, it does look cool XD I just hope the nicotine doesn't eat your brain before you decide to fully stop. *shifty* I'll try not to. :I :j :] :) :l

    You know, I was kind of thinking we're the type of heros who do things mostly for themselves. Like, kind of bad people yet have some potential to do some good? I'm going to start out stealing a bank because we're hungry and need money...O_O What are your powers again? ^_^' Yes, I agree on that. You're smart! :D

    Really! That's freakishly awesome! :D :D :D I'm glad we think the same way so we understand each other :]
    Aw, that's disappointing. I hope you get better. One day you'll wake up and not need cigarettes because you'll realize they've taken part of your life and burned it up also with the developing ash. And while you're tying your shoes on at the edge of your bed you're body will command you to the addiction, but you'll forget and believe your addiction is Kool Aid. xP

    Oh my gosh! You guys should have taken a picture right in the action where you are crying and the needle is jaming though your skin! XD You totally have to show me your piercing!! :D

    Whoo!! Present!! *dances on top of car* Okay, you finish your project, I'll be here... waiting? Yup! ^u^
    May 27th, 2009 at 02:47am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    That's a weird story XD Poor dog, though. Dying from a nightmare... I wonder if I'll ever die that way o_o

    You never know, it will probably be easy for you :] You don't have to worry about it if you have a good teacher (make sure you get that good teacher or else geometery will make you suffer)

    Ooh, I like your plans about taking your camera :D Sounds like uber fun-ness!!!Send me some pics of your Korea adventures? :]

    Yay! We're starting the story!
    But how would I start it? Like any other normal day or already in the action fighting villains?
    A present? For me?! >insert giant smile HERE!!< You are so awesome :D I can't wait to see it *squeels* ;) Gotcha. I'll now be wondering of this surprise :D *hugs*

    How'd you find out you were algeric to tobacco? XD
    Frank used to smoke pot. *shifty* Don't you get lung cancer either way?
    I may not be as bad right now, but take a picture of yourself now, wait some time and take a picture then and compare the two. You'll see major difference in them. You don't die automatically, it just kills you kinda slowly. *shifty*
    I don't want you to die ): It honestly makes me sad. And brings tears to my eyes (just like right now) But don't mind me. I'm just one of those humans who suffers behind the friend who does this stuff.

    That's good news to hear that your going back to yourself :D
    But one thing I've noticed is that when people say it, its not possible to go back. Once something happens, its only for that time period and then life moves on. We change, try to be good again, but feel indifferent because its not exactly how it used to be. I don't think I'm being clear. Dammit. my teacher was right. I right so indirect Y_Y
    I'm doing alright so far. I'll be going to a psycologist soon (maybe)*shifty*
    May 23rd, 2009 at 05:59am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Yup, I remember :D
    O_O Whoa, how'd the dog die? Did you feed it something? *looks at you suspiciously*
    It is mean, but they were replacing you that other time. :I So I guess it's even? *shifty*
    --Glad it was all not going to happen :D It would have been painful for her if it was a do-it-yourself-abortion and very sad to have taken the chance of life to a baby (even if life is shitty at times).

    That's awesome that you're pulling up your grade :D I wish I could do the same, but no matter what I do, my grade sits on a big fat D- Y_Y Sad. I have like this week, next week and a day... I think ... Until June 1st.Yay! You'll be in geometery! What joy! XD I think we DO need to bitch about that. Else, how are we going to be the future of the world? *cough, cough*

    Yay!! You'll tell me about your adventures in Korea! :D I hope you have fun and be happy!! You deserve to be happy :D How long will you be in Asia?

    I think that would be a good thing :] Just fun, fun, fun in a different continent, whooo!! XD :D When do you go back to school?

    There are some successful people out there who didn't go to college *shifty* But that's true. Here's something we should do if we don't get into a college...sneak in!! :D Some people do that, actually. And they learn what they can while sneaking in :tehe: Plus, they get no tests to take or homework XD

    I get what it is! :D That's cool. I hope it works for you ^u^
    I had one back in April when I saw Gerard. It lasted 2 weeks then I went back to the depression thing. ,':/

    Yes, exactly! :D Okay, when do we start the story *excited* @,@

    I think we both need to pull ourselves together :tehe: Laziness is a sin. XD
    May 20th, 2009 at 08:24am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    What is she going to do about the baby? Smoking won't help it at all. *sad*
    Maybe its grades at school? You guys should ask why they are doing this, I don't think its fair at all if they don't say why. :file:

    I think its better if you start out with Algerbra for high school. Geometery is shit. I hate it. I feel super retarded in the class Y_Y so i would know what its like to feel retarded in math. *hugs* Haha, I have that wish about geometery too and the same opinion *high five*
    Teachers for math move very quick and that doesn't help a lot to slow people like us *shifty* Sometimes I wish I could slap the whole school board for not understanding this. And then they want us to pass very friggin' test they give us? Psh, that's bullshit right there. Don't feel bad though, I know some people who have taken Algerbra for 3 years in high school and a year in middle school. It may not be easy for everyone =/ but just keep at it. You should try and learn on your own rather than listen to the teacher teaching absolutly nothing. *shifty*

    That sounds fun! Will I be talking to you still during the summer?
    Aren't some schools not having any summer school at all?
    You could still be a journalist even if you don't get into college, right? Like, right now you could do research on how to be one and everything. Just in case you do go to college, you'd be able to already have background and pass college super easy. But if you don't make it, then you at least know something and how to run the job and start on your own to work yourself to the top :] Well, that's my type of plan if I do or don't make it to college. *shifty*

    What do you mean its true about MCR exorcisms? @_@
    Gosh, don't I ask a bijillion questions XD

    Both ideas sounds pretty great :D But I wouldn't be able to think of how to save MCR at every show XD Would we be battling guitars and flying picks and drum sticks from other bands? XD tehe, entertaining.
    The protecting the city is expected from any super hero. *shifty*
    What if we write about either of those or about our daily life experiences transfered into something different. Like, for example, today you saw a kid being stupid at the park. In the story it would be that you saw a villain causing destruction...nah. I can't explain this very well. I suck Y_Y

    sorry I haven't replied until now, I was busy all week with homework and studying. ^_^'
    May 16th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    What do you mean non-annoying ones? o_O
    When I got in the line, I remember this girl was interviewing me and my friend (since we were the last people in line at the moment) XD It was fun even though it was pretty short interview. *shifty* :]

    Aw, that sounds like true friendship ^u^

    Maybe they freaked out about you two smoking and her getting pregnant?? O_o

    Why don't you ask him why he freaked out?

    Life is not smooth, and by that I mean that someone will always be there constantly to break your happiness. And just the other day, I found this out. The true meaning of happiness. Happiness is NOT what you do to get a smile on, its a state of mind. Just like any other emotion.
    We have the same math problem. I could totally relate to you on that.
    Maybe you should keep your mind open, repeat in your head that you "do understand algerbra" and maybe it will attract and you will. But I doubt it would work since it didn't work for me. I think geometery is what's causing this whole depression thing for me and algerbra for you. If I could, I'd teach you algerbra the way my 8th grade teacher taught me. He was not a MR when he was a teacher, he was a DR because he knew a lot about math. I passed with an A+ in his class, and I was hoping to get a good teacher as him in high school for geometery. But I got a bitchy-lazy-ass teacher. *disgusted* One day you'll understand it. [b]I believe in you [/b]:]

    *freaked* What the Fuck?! Why aren't you going to be in America?! D: O_O
    You could still make up your grade later on though, if you don't pass. Like, go to summer school for the credit or something. There are possiblities you could move out and with a roomate as you both pay off the rent? You don't have to be with your parents by the time you're 30. o-O There are ways, Corretta, there are ways.

    That is pretty bad. :[ I was feeling pretty well for at least 2 weeks. My depression was gone for two weeks! And then I collapsed again. My insomia increased, my hunger is low, I get sleepy at a random hour during the day than at night, and I keep killing people in my head more than normal and cursing... well, let's just say that its not going so well. Gerard's presence helped me lift from the hole I was in, but it wasn't enough. So I could see what you're saying about not listening to Gerard anymore. *hugs* I hope you feel better.

    Its okay. You needed to talk and you did. I'll be here for you whenever you need me :]
    My life is pretty much the same as how it always has been. I told you a bit about it in the previous paragraphs in throughout the comment. *shifty*

    Anyways. Are you going to talk about the story we'll be doing together? :tehe:
    May 10th, 2009 at 02:07am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Yay! I'll check it out right now :D

    He doesn't think like that.
    Besides, he doens't want parents complaining to him.

    Looks like we float in the same current of wind. I feel like that all the time. Where I just want to kill everybody. Like how Johnny kills all those who anger or have done him wrong, for example.
    Do you want to talk about it?

    Yay! I'm so proud for you! *hugs* :D :D :D

    Sorry for the late reply, I've been kind of tied up with things lately.
    May 6th, 2009 at 05:58am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    I would love that too. Except I wouldn't want to be one of the victims killed XD But that would be exciting to just watch and be Johnny's assistant :tehe:
    You know what he doesn't like? (I agree) He doesn't like it when little kids read his comics.

    I know you will ^u^

    Haha! XD Who invented school anyways??

    Because I was defending my little brother from his annoyance and he got pissed and tried to break my arm. Please hit him. Hit him hard! *speaks like Zim*

    That's so cool :D Enoy life, that's what matters. (I'm such a hypocrite. i say this to people but never follow my own advice. Weird XD lol)
    I don't have anyone to hang out with anymore besides lunch at school.

    I'm superasticly happy for you, Corretta! :D :D :D *hugs* You're doing well, yuppie!!!
    I wish I couldn't see my father. But since he hasn't gone to work lately....God, I wish that man was gone. T_T *sniff sniff* You're lucky ;]
    May 1st, 2009 at 05:30am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Exactly! *admires you*

    That would be the most outrageous thing ever!! I'd buy your comics and stuff :D Johnen Vaquez is another of my idols *sigh* Gotta cancer 'em all ^u^

    That's a good point.
    Its like something will always trigger the addiction now or later. I support you. I know you'll be alright ;]

    Uh *skips some stuff* I'm pretty sure I'm breathing. I've been staying home, not doing so much homework, tired and not wanting to come home and hating my father at time to time as always, and pretty mad at my brother for trying to break my arm on purpose.
    May 1st, 2009 at 12:54am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Haha, you have weird methods XD But at least you know how to control them :]

    I think we're all crazy. And if we're all not crazy, then we're turning crazy...slowly XD

    I have no idea what you meant about the whole sudden realization of truth. o_O But your words sounded like nice advice :]

    Ha. I know its like that. everyoe has to do something for themselves in this life time. Else, who will?
    Being crazy is awesome. I cancer Johnny The Homicidal Maniac because of the insanity in his brain. :D (in Johnny's character and Jhonen Vasquez)

    How is withdrawl from nicotine different?
    April 30th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Haha. Nice of you to notice XD I'll have you there FOREVER!!! Once my Idol, always my Idol. Recognition is involved :tehe:

    I don't know what my life would be without a Corretta. I feel like you can make my crappy life turn upside down XD Thanks :]

    There's always a first time in everything ^u^
    I cancer you, Corretta *u* Did you know that?
    April 28th, 2009 at 04:34am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    I forgot what I was going to say...o_O
    Well, moving on. Oh wait. I remember :D
    Maybe God was willing to make an acception XD
    Wow. That sounds similar to that thing where you'd have someone "choke" you and you start to see your life pass by and everything in your vision turn weird. Then you lose control over your body and could pass out. But that is bad because it stop blood from reaching to your brain, and you could die. Just like this kid who did it :file: what an imbecil of him. But, that's what he wanted, so I guess it's fine by him.

    Wow. i could sort of relate, but then again, not really. Lately my brother and father have been a pair of wussy bitches towards me and it gets me mad. How the hell am I suppose to move on in life without a depression if they are there. making it happen? D:< Not cool.
    April 28th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Life would be dull without you Y_Y
    Probably Heaven was ready to recieve you ;]
    Elevators? How do you do that? o_O
    That sounds like a very epic/fun time XD

    Yes. You are better than a pack of dry sticks.
    So are you alright?
    April 27th, 2009 at 07:42am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    Most drugs are the same.
    True, true.

    You better! DX
    What would my world be without a Corretta? What would i become!?!?!? O_O
    It would be zilly+_____=zilly without Corretta Y_Y
    Its a good thing your brain was functioning to remember that time. I'm glad you stopped *insert giant killer smile*
    What do you mean about screwing yourself over?? o_O

    Why would you be crazy? You're always crazy! XD That craziness makes you as yourself in a good way... *shifty* right?
    April 27th, 2009 at 04:05am
  • zillaidma

    zillaidma (100)

    United States
    If you want, I could make you one. OR you could ask a friend of mines to make you one. Her username is [i]Addictions[/i] and she makes layouts, poems, stories, and banners for people who request them. ~~

    In my opinion, I find them pretty pointless. If I want to die, it would be for some reason with meaning, not because of something's fault. Like, weed and smoking isn't good for your health, right? If I'm going to die and it's not my fault, I'd rather be murdered in the most painful way than smoke and get addicted only to then regret it. I would have fragile health conditions and soon enough if the addictions gets worse, have a whole drilled in my throat. Not something pretty to see. Well, I find that as a lame reason but it's important to be healthy even if life is crap. Eating junk to my deathbed would be prefered most in my opinion. If i'm going to go on living my life, I would [i]not[/i] want to walk around smelling like shit because of a joint's penetrating smell in my skin, clothes and hair. And most of all, I wouldn't want my brain cells to get all stupid and die on me for the future years of my life looking like a dumbass stoned person. :file:
    You better not be doing that crap! D:< It would break my heart if Corretta were doing this Y_Y
    April 26th, 2009 at 09:17am