A Perfect Sonnet / Comments

  • Well, I'm not too sure they're all homeless, but there are a lot of people out at night. It isn't too bad here, until you get to the suburbs in the city. They're horrible places to be at night.

    Yes. We shall meet up in Sydney.

    And yeah man. We can revolt against all those with homes, and our Empire of Homeless (it sounds cool) shall reign.
    January 21st, 2009 at 05:11am
  • =O I had to redo my last message three times before it went through.

    Ah. I'm all for peace and love...but seriously. KILL IT!

    Haha. I'm just tall enough to chop my hand off at the wrist with my ceiling fan, if I stand on my toes. I'm barely five-five though. Can't reach mine either.
    I feel so short compared to the rest of my family. Like, my brother is 6'6", and my sister is 5' 8".

    Sometimes I just need to cause destruction somewhere. I make huge messes in my room, cutting stuff up, and breaking things into pieces. It's fun. There's one of my friends in school who we all just kind of beat up - jokingly, we're all a little crazy here - for no reason. He's so nice about it too; I feel bad.

    Ah, right. We all have school here. It's so gross, I hate working. I get up at eight though...and then barely manage to crawl out to the bus. :) Then they dump me on the sidewalk outside of the building at about...eight thirty. I always miss half of my first class.

    Ha, that's great. Mothers...sigh. I'm the same way though, and I'm not sure if anyone I know is concerned or not with my tragedy obsession. My sister is. She knows what movies I watch.

    English teachers are either really awesome, or really annoying, like, always. Mine likes to say that she hates children, and then denies it later. And she doesn't yell at me when I'm sarcastic to her. :D But the high five thing is a little... heh.
    January 21st, 2009 at 05:01am
  • Ha, that's my sister and I too. It's three in the morning, I see a spider, and it's like, "OH MY GOD, JESS KILL IT! KILL IT!" She gets kind of mad. Not sure why. :)

    Oh gosh. My ceiling is weird...like it's...ripply, I guess. So if there's a bug on it you can't hit it. It's awful, like, I don't want to get close enough to grab it or anything! No.

    I don't know...with all the traffic in the world...Eh. Let the scientists figure it all out later.

    Ha, I'm violent too. Nothing to be ashamed of. Unless you kill someone... o.o My friends and I fight all the time, it's not even funny. We don't mind beating each other up.

    Haha. Sorry, lack of sleep isn't funny at all. I get about five hours every night. Uh, star 69? ...or whatever it is. My issues is that my mother wakes my sister up for school at seven exactly, and I don't want to get up at seven. I want my sleep darn it!

    My mother didn't say anything at all, for three years. I had no clue what she was doing, or that she was reading everything. It came up in a meeting, that one of my teachers asked to read my stories, and my mother says, "She has a Quizilla account. She's a good writer."
    And I kind of...died a little. :)
    January 21st, 2009 at 02:31am
  • Ha, if I saw a spider floating in mid air, I'd scream and run all the way to Florida. And then disinfect, even if it didn't touch me.

    Yeah, me too. I just get so freaked out that I go crazy.

    Ooh, yeah! Haha, innovation at its finest right there: Hover car parachutes. I can still see another car coming along and catching the parachute though.
    And they should pad the ground anyway.

    Ah, that's so nice. Friends who don't lie are awesome. Mine lie all the time. Especially if someone is freaking out or something.

    Oh gosh. Last night I fell asleep at five, and I woke up at ten, I think. My normal time has been around four in the morning, and I wake up at ten...it's awful. Luckily, I think we both still sleep enough to not die? Hopefully. o.o

    Haha. My mother stalked me without my knowledge through the internet for three years. It was so creepy, and I freaked when she finally told me. Like, my mother knows everything I've ever put on the internet! oh god.
    January 20th, 2009 at 06:30pm
  • It was fun, and freakish. Here there are tonnes of homeless guys just walking about at night. The biggest adrenaline rush of my life.

    That sounds like a good plan ^_^

    And yeah. We can have an army of homeless people and runaways. Our fort will be h/q.
    January 20th, 2009 at 12:01pm
  • XD You beat the devil to his own number.

    I'm emily. :)
    And I'm great! You?
    January 20th, 2009 at 11:45am
  • I ran to a local park the first night, then to an oval twelve or so blocks away. When I was caught I had to tell them what was going through my head, why I ran and then I was grounded for three months.

    I think that the place to run is a place where you know at least one person who you're comfortable with so you know that you've always got a last resort if it's too much for you.

    Our fort shall intimidate all other hobo's/runaways too much so they won't steal our park bench. :file:
    January 20th, 2009 at 11:13am
  • I've runaway for three days tops before I've been caught.
    That's a smart idea, but I still will keep my 1000 dollar minimum. I'll use a newpaper if it gets too cold, and be a pretty good hobo-wannabe.

    I'm on the border south of the A.C.T, you?
    I have a few friends who live up in Sydney, so I know that if I ever really need to, I've always got someone who will share their roof with me.

    My friends up there know that I hate living here, and will end up running, so they've all told me to run to them. I probably won't, because they'll most likely send a message back down here and tell them where I am.
    Heh, if we do both end up in Sydney, I vote making a fort out of the park bench.
    January 20th, 2009 at 10:40am
  • You have the coolest user number ever. :tehe:
    January 20th, 2009 at 10:18am
  • :arms:
    I only want 1000.
    After I get a job, I'm going to refuse to go out to the movies because I won't waste a single dollar. I'm getting out of here as soon as I can.
    Once I'm at Sydney, I'll get a job wherever I can so that I can at least feed myself. I couldn't care less about a place to live - hell, I'm probably going to end up sleeping outside of my workplace.
    I'll most likely cut my hair too, because I really don't want to be found. Ever.
    I've runaway before a few times, but I've always been found. That's why I want to go to Sydney, a completely different state.

    And you're welcome. No matter what your situation, there's almost always someone else out there who's able to relate. :arms:
    January 20th, 2009 at 10:17am
  • O.O Oh my gosh. If a spider of any kind tried to crawl on my face, I'd spray myself with bug spray. I don't care if I'd get poisoned. I mean, I freak out if I see one crawling across the ground, but on my skin?

    Ah. Seriously, I'll eat anything when I get hypoglycemic. Like, if it looks like it's full of sugar and carbs, I'll eat it.

    Ha, okay, yeah. That's true...but they'd be more fun to watch? [Okay, that's a little mean...] Actually, yeah. I can imagine the billions of people in the worlds flying around in hover cars...scary.

    Ah, I bet it will look good... Depending on your definition of good, I suppose. Short hair is awesome if you can pull it off. Oh, that stinks! I hate school pictures...I needed to get a school ID one year, and almost got myself detention because I was being rude about it...>_>

    ...okay. I'll have to think about this later. My brain has almost stopped functioning from lack of sleep...not that I'll do anything about that.

    Oh, all right. Yeah, it's kind of creepy. One of my friends told me I had to make an account, so I did. Then I didn't go on for a month, and an hour after I finally do, some weirdo messages me, and I cancel my account.
    January 20th, 2009 at 09:42am
  • I haven't laid in the grass in like...ever. I'm afraid of bugs. o.o Ha, everyone jokes about wrapping me in bubble wrap. It doesn't actually sound that bad, but I'm still like, "Come near me, and lose a hand."

    Aw, that sounds almost sad, in like an oh my God kind of way. Yay lollies though. :) I freak out really bad when I start feeling weird, and I down a gallon of Cool Aid...that's really not healthy though.

    Ah, sad. :( Gah, too many people die in car accidents. We need to invent the hover car already!

    I cut my hair like, every four years... The last time, I went jaw length, and I looked like a freak, so that doesn't happen anymore.
    It's funny though. My mother and I both hate cutting our hair so much. Hers is down past her butt, which is scary, because she's over fifty.

    Ah! I tried that before, but the stupid internet is just like, not being helpful. =/ I don't understand military time!

    ...The vampire what? Sorry, not Myspace savvy here. I've been off of sites like that since this creepy dude messaged me on Facebook... Ha, yeah.
    January 20th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • Oh gosh, that sounds awful. Penicillin, grass, and chlorine...I'd be dead if I was allergic to all of those. My mother would probably put me in a plastic bubble too.

    Ah, wow. I've never passed out, because I get just so jittery that I know something is wrong before it can get that far. Ha, it's like being super hyped up on caffeine.

    My mother's a slow driver, and she's been in three accidents, and I was there. You see where obeying the speed limit gets you? It causes your bumper to fall off. Nice.

    Ah, have fun? Sorry, I don't know what the proper sentiment there is... Ugh, I hate getting my hair cut. Like, I miss my hair so much when I do...and my mother cuts my hair, so I'm always like, "Oh my god, please don't cut my ear off!"
    Ah heat. I can not sleep when it's warm either. I open my window in the below freezing weather because the heat is up too high.

    Um, time... My Mibba page says it was 12:20 when you left that message, so I guess then.
    Ha, well, it's not that great. I have nothing better to do, because I have no life, and I'm always on the computer. :) Really, I like to say that I'm working, and I just go on all the sites I have accounts on because I'm trying to procrastinate.

    Basically, I'm an obsessive procrastinator with no life, I guess. :)
    January 20th, 2009 at 07:08am
  • Ha, I live near a train station too, but it can't really take me anywhere...lost in New York City, I suppose, but other than that, not anywhere I'd know.

    My sister has a typical dust allergy. And that's about it. I'm allergic to some random ingredients commonly used in skin care products. Really, that one isn't fun, because I never know what's going to give me some itchy rash.
    Ah, hypoglycemia. I know it well. Mine is Diabetes related though, so it's easy enough to control.

    Oh gosh. I'd be like, okay, not getting a car with you anymore...O.o

    Ah, that sounds fun. I'm so excited that next weekend people are coming over. My sister is having a huge belated birthday party / sleepover, and I'm going to see a bunch of friends that I haven't talked to in forever.
    Napping during the day has practically saved my life though. Why waste the night sleeping when you can sleep for an hour or two during the day and feel just as good?
    ...I was going to say something about having dinner, but I realized I have no clue what time it is there...[earlier, I think.]
    January 20th, 2009 at 03:40am
  • Mibba is just weird sometimes. It's pretty annoying.

    My dad is the same way, sort of. I have no way to go anywhere, like he wants me to, and he gets annoyed when I need to be driven... Like, what?

    Ah, I'm the opposite. I'll just suddenly get really lucky, and do things right for about a second. Then it's over, and I'm useless again.

    Oh gosh, that's awful. I hate my sister. There's nothing wrong with her, health wise. My mother has asthma, and my father and I are just really messed up.

    Ha, okay, that's...weird. And gross... Thank god for windows, and the sunroof. :)
    Ah, like when Colombus tried to find India.
    January 17th, 2009 at 07:53pm
  • Same here XD I can talk for AGES, and not realise it.
    It was over MSN, and she knew I was standing behind her :./
    I don't wish death on people..
    Ok, that makes sense (:
    She hates everything about him, as she tells me daily...
    Yea :/ Never good really..
    I'll ignore her
    **places hand on heart** From this day forth, I, Lilian Riordan, solemnly swear, that I will ignore Owain Regan and Hannah Riordan, because no good will ever come out of them.
    January 17th, 2009 at 12:49pm
  • Ah, mine did that once too. It's like, I'm sorry, your message is too long, so we refuse to send it. Nice.
    That's half way evil. I don't think there's anything wrong with spending time alone. After school I'm just done with people. I can't stand them any longer.

    Ah, so lucky. The reason I don't like PE is because I always manage to look like an idiot. I trip, get hit in the head, hit people in the head, walk into walls... I broke a tooth doing that recently. And I can trip without walking. Yeah, that takes skill.
    So yeah, I'm a walking disaster too. :)

    Oh, don't breathe the new car smell! It's poisonous! ...unless the car isn't new... in which case, I still wouldn't be breathing too much. o.o

    Haha, yeah. Why not? You only live once, right? Unfortunately, I don't see myself traveling much. Too many phobias, and too little money. Eh.
    January 16th, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • lol, it is kinda, you're talking to them via. typing (:
    Might have some tonight then :P
    I'm gonna complain to you now, cos I can:
    My boyfriend was meant to come round after school today, and he texted me saying he was ill.
    I asked my sister if I could go on the computer, she said 'No, you're boyfriend's coming round'
    I replied 'He's ill, he can't come round'
    'Oh! Thank God!' she said.
    Then when I left the room to get a drink, she was talking to her boyfriend (fuckhead, as I named him) about how my boyfriend is horrible and deserves to die.. DX
    It's really upsetting to know you're sister doesn't care about your feelings. I know that I hate her boyfriend beyond belief, but I don't say he needs to die..
    January 16th, 2009 at 05:57pm
  • Ha, that's better than nothing, I guess. My parents used to think I spent too much time in my room too, but they got over it...because I'm not changing my ways, no matter what they say. :)
    That's awesome. I actually almost did fail PE, which was like, not cool. My brother failed health one year, and had to take two gym periods the next year in order to graduate. So he was taking two forty minute classes every day for a year.
    We have two different classes though, for PE. There's the one where you have to change, but then you don't have to do anything, and the one where you don't have to change, but you have to look like you're doing something, and I was in the second, so...yeah.

    Rain does smell nice. Snow is just like, cold. You really shouldn't breathe it in. Ha, I won't even sit in the sand at the beach. It's so gross.

    Ooh, I'll have to see if they specify an area. I've been to the hospitals around here...sadly that's true, and haven't found a doctor house. :( But I'm overdue for some kind of injury or something, so I'll just keep my eyes open.

    Haha! Oh gosh, we have a Ford too. Ours is old though; it's built to not die driving up the hill we live on! Ah, someday though, right?
    January 16th, 2009 at 07:27am
  • ahh k
    lol, i hate kung fu panda
    i can do that when i want to rant on to people, but they never seem to reply :(
    & same here with the tomato soup :)
    to be fair
    January 15th, 2009 at 05:40pm