
So thankfully summer's finally here, because I feel as if I fail at this site. Seriously... I've not updated since it was 2008. That's over five whole months ago. Jeez Louise, Erin! So I hope to update more this summer, maybe start a different story or two, maybe get rid of the dead end ones that I love to conjure up sometimes.Anyhoo, I have a lot of goals this summer and some of them I always...
May 29th, 2009 at 03:35am


Well, haven't been on here in fer-ever it seems. I was looking at my stories and I've decided to revamp some -if not all- of them. Not much.... just changing little things, some small as the tense. Lol. Anyhoo, I just thought I'd let you know that.Not much else going on. I am, however, trying to save up for a "fancy" new car. The one I have is the king of crap. It's a purple '96 Camero and it's...
January 21st, 2009 at 06:28am