Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (7)

Happy new year Casey girl,We've now been through thanksgiving, Christmas and new years eve without you. Having one dog is starting to feel more and more normal. Don't get me wrong i know at least I definitely still miss you but it's significantly easier than it was.I guess it's just like anything else in life, when you lose a pet you re-learn your previous way of living. That's kind of the point I...
January 1st, 2015 at 11:17pm

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (6)

Dear Casey,It's been a month, we finally got the rug cleaned today after months of saying it needed done and while we were tearing apart the living room dad found your collar. He shook it and chidget went running looking for you, it's the first time in weeks she's shown signs of missing you. She's now curled up on my pajama pants on my floor snoring. I think she came in here looking for your bed,...
November 22nd, 2014 at 05:14pm

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (5)

Dear Casey,It's been 15 days since I last pet you, actually spoke to you, or physically seen you. Fifteen days, somehow it seems like less and more all at the same time. You were a ridiculously photogenic dog, my phone lock screen and wallpaper are you and I put a picture of you in a frame each one is different and yet I keep saying it's my favorite picture of you. I don't think you took a bad...
November 2nd, 2014 at 07:40pm

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (4)

Dear Casey,It's been a week, holy crap how has it been a week? A week since I've heard you bark, a week since I pet you last, a week since our normal changed and how does it already feel normal again? It can't, it shouldn't you're gone and normalcy should not yet be grasped and yet we've fallen into a new routine. I don't like it Case, it's only been a week.Nikki and Aaron came over the other day...
October 26th, 2014 at 02:08pm

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (3)

Dear Casey,We got a beautiful card from the vet today, I teared up a bit, mom did too. They donated money in your name to a research place to better other animals lives, maybe this place will find a way to detect and remove tumors like yours before they end up taking other beloved dogs.It's official, Chidget misses you, right now she's asleep behind me on your bed. I'd let her stay there but I'm...
October 22nd, 2014 at 02:57am

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (2)

Dear Casey,Today was weird. I called in sick because I hurt my back, you weren't there to check on me, I guess that's something else I have to get used to. Because I was home alone all day I kept inadvertently looking for you in your normal places, the landing of the stairs, your bed in our room, mom and dads bed, the brown rug in the bathroom, your cage. Needless to say, you weren't there and...
October 21st, 2014 at 03:27am

Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (1)

Dear Casey,Its been a little over 24 hours since I said goodbye to you, and I find that I want to talk to you again. It's not that you ever really understood, but it feels like you did. Casey I don't know how long I'll be writing these letters, probably until thinking of you doesn't make me want to talk to you again.We cried again this morning and I know that I promised I wouldn't, but we as a...
October 19th, 2014 at 07:46pm