Stop and Think

To Whom It May Concern,Just stop, right now, everything.Have you ever just done that? Have you ever thought about everything that has happened so far? I do all of the time. Memories do that to me. They make me think about everything. Good or bad, it doesn't really matter. I often wonder what else could happen or what I could have changed. But I also remember not to dwell too long in the past....
November 7th, 2008 at 07:14am

Sick and Tired: Literally

To Whom it May Concern,I'm sick.Not mentally.. physically.I have bronchitis. I hate it. I haven't slept right in four days. It's wearing me down. I feel like a rubber band stretched to its maximum; I really don't want to snap. I mean I know how to control most of the "snappiness" around strangers and my friends, but I always snap on my family. That stresses me too because my mom just got surgery...
November 6th, 2008 at 11:08pm


Okay.I know I said I wasn't a writer, but I figured I would start a journal.I'm actually supposed to write in one, as requested by my doctor, because I stress too much.Anyways..I guess I should start with some things about myself..-I have ADHD, insomnia, an anxiety disorder, and OCD.-I'm a "super nerd." Straight A student, honor roll.-I'm in high school.-I have two older brothers.-I'm considered...
November 3rd, 2008 at 07:16am