Scream.Whisper / Comments

    whats up love?I miss you SFM.
    #How are you honey?

    ILY xxx
    September 30th, 2009 at 01:43pm
  • I've been.. HERE.
    like.. HERE, you see not there.. YEAH.. THERE. :D
    LOL JU-ISH. Funnay!! You know what.. there's lots of Malaysian things I learnt. :) Its soo cool. This person on twitter called @skinny_legs teaches me. :) Its so fun! Malaysian and Indonesian are similar, right.. yeah, I know.. so clever. Sorry.. forget all that ^
    You're lucky they don't collect the homework... Maybe because they're being a bit lenient on you.. cus its just the beginning of the year.. :P Whatever.
    Hows your sister been, and oh.. the telly. You always seem to be talking about it.. :) AND THE AAR. sorry.. i remember them at random times.
    I bet you don't even know of Gerard Ways little baby girl.. or do you.. =S
    Yeah.. so much.. to talk about. :D
    Talk to you soon.
    Maryam x
    September 29th, 2009 at 02:27am
  • Well I got it at a friend's house when playing hide and seek... and I got it all over my arms, and legs. Then it spread to my neck because of the way I sleep, then my face :(
    Yesteray, I had a difficult time seeing in the morning, but it cleared up.
    Sometimes it burns but mostly it just itches like crazy.
    Thats... rather strange. XD
    I would've slapped him, and ran off :3
    Thats how Hammy roles, yo.
    September 28th, 2009 at 04:12pm
  • where have you been mistress ju?
    lol, i didnt reply to your facebook email.. i friggin forgot, :(
    your new poem is amazing, and you? How've you been? Grade 9's killing you, isnt it? :) Take care sugar. xD x
    September 27th, 2009 at 02:30pm
  • Its cool...
    Mwha. that rhymes!
    Yep nine hours.
    Hammy is ick. She has posion ivy... and her eyes are a lil swollen :(
    I know! I love it!!
    How is Ju-Ju?
    September 27th, 2009 at 02:10pm
  • Ju!!!!!!!!!!!
    <3 xxxxxxxxxx
    September 23rd, 2009 at 01:35pm
  • Mwhahahahaha.
    You funny XD
    Its all good, nothing has really been happening lately.
    I'm sleepy. Spent 9 hours cleaning my bed room saturday :O
    September 7th, 2009 at 04:16pm
  • Hm.. Interesting interesting...
    Sams Club is basically like a walmart. But you normally buy stuff in bulk at a Sams Club. *nods* You can google it XD
    Giddy and light-headed Ju-Ju?
    I know something else that does that!
    If you have enough...
    Glad to know I wasn't the only one who had that feeling >.>
    Blake's brother's name - Clayton
    I've never met him.
    He's in basic training for the Army right now
    *loud gasps*
    Apparently its really unlike him, because he's normally a lazy-troublemaker type >.>
    I dunno.
    Blake doesn't like him too much..
    Oh my gosh, she is. Melody is like an English Springer Spaniel, or something XD I dunno. Its small, and has cute ears ^.^
    And she's all black I think.
    *gets blow horn*
    P.S. - Thats what I've been told...
    P.P.S. - They're awesome!! Their names are Marissa and Hannah, and they're really pretty... and they're fun. Hannah was kinda shy but Marissa play'd Uno with me ^.^
    P.P.S.S. - Only on the cheek. I think he understood by my reaction that I wanted to wait. He's sweet like that ^.^
    P.P.P.S.S. - Not like a mean mock. More like a tease. And I was teasing Blake >.> Then I was running off because he doesn't like to run... but he grabbed my hood. Then he grabbed me, and made me apologize -.-
    P.P.P.S.S.S. - Some people were squished in the middle... but it was awesome. It got hot though. Like sweaty >.>
    P.P.P.P.S.S.S. - That. Is. Amazing!! I so owned you ^.^
    P.P.P.P.S.S.S.S. - Eh, thats's alright. I like bits and pieces of stuff ^.^
    August 21st, 2009 at 02:23pm
  • Bwhahahahahhah!
    My comment so owns yours!!
    Even if I was mostly talking about Blake >.>
    I owned you. Thats right.
    Get better soon Ju-Ju!
    I love you!!!
    August 20th, 2009 at 07:29pm
  • Haha!! I love those guys <3 At this thing I went to with my church the bus broke down and we went to Samsclub to get it fixed, and we were stuck in Sams Club for a few hours and we watched Toy Story like, two or three times. It was great.
    Yeah, thats exactly the problem
    He is going to be 19 this year, and I just turned 14 in July, so I think we should wait, but thats just the logical side of me talking >.>
    Teens are dumb...
    I feel dumb..
    I don't care.. XD
    Maybe you've just had too much sugar today Ju-Ju.
    Psh!! What am I saying?!?!
    You can never have tooooo much sugar.
    Psh-a I mean come'on >.>
    I don't think he minds his mom so much, but his dad works a lot, and he thinks his dad is retarded. I personally wouldn't know.
    Yeah.. They only had two kids.
    Both boys.
    Blake's the baby.
    They seem to keep to themselves mostly.
    I've really busted Blake's bubble, he's the type of person who just does his job, and like leaves and crap.
    Not really social.
    He was actually pretty emo when we met >.> And like when we met I was all hyper (like I normally am) and its just funny. I'm really social and he's just not XD
    Oooh they are ^.^
    Right now they're in a tiff, and they're not resolving it because it bothers us when they fight. So all they're doing right now is like making out and stuff.
    Its gross >.>
    Yeah! I saw that ^.^
    Yeah.. she's so cute.
    You're just like
    She doesn't move
    "Hey Melody."
    Doesn't move an inhc
    Still doesn't move.
    You can't call her, you have to get up and touch her, you can hit her head lightly with your foot and she'll look up and you can tell her to follow you and she follows. She likes attention.
    Oh nos!!!
    Seriously Ju-Ju?!?!
    That sucks
    I might cry *teary eye*
    My Ju-Ju is sickkkkk!
    *gets blow horn*
    Thats awful Ju-Ju :(
    PS- Ick.. I didn't like Animal Kingdom >.> It got me sick :(
    P.S.S - Last night at church, Was funny because there were two new girls, and I get hyper when new people are at church because I get excited... And like I ran down stairs to the soundbooth where Blake was and I gave him the dvd of the night, and I told him that there were two new girls and as I was telling him the story and their names he was just shaking his head. It was great. I ended up just kisses his cheek and running off.
    P.P.S.S - Remind me not to mock anyone and run off when I'm wearing a hood again, alright Ju-Ju? People grab hoods...
    P.P.S.S.S. - Did I tell you that last week at church we had an epic group hug, that was well.. epic?!?! It was like twenty people in one grouphug.. amazing..
    August 20th, 2009 at 07:28pm
  • Your comments are always so much longer than mine.
    Hamilton is jealous
    Lil green monster, watch out ^.^
    *crosses fingers* Lets hope ^.^
    Every teenager is hopeless without ze internet, its completely normal
    lol XD
    Its really awkward around me and him now though, we're trying figure out what we want to be, like do we want to go out, or should we wait because of the age difference?
    Yeah.. he doesn't like his parents too much, or his brother, and he doesn't want us to meet his brother, but we know his parents through church ^.^ But we hardly talk to them.. and plus his mom would have a fit if the house is the least bit messy, like he'd have to dust and all this crap before he had friends over, so we just decided to go to our house or the park because our parents couldn't care less what state the house is in. ^.^
    Nothing really happen. I turned before he kissed me, but now we'll catch eachother staring at eachother's lips, its kinda weird.
    Yeah.. its kinda funny though because you can stand behind it and go "dog, dog, dog" and clap and stuff and she won't flinch. Her name is Melody and shes a-dorable. But shes old, but she's cool.
    I'll have fun at church tonight ^.^
    PS- Its straight, no worries.
    PSS- Disney land pwns all. ^.^ Universal doesn't have much to do...
    August 12th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • Yeah, yeah yeah.
    Oh how long we could go with that.. XD
    Oh my gosh! I'm so happy ^.^ I get to talk to my Ju-Ju.
    Yeah... I maded a poem about it. It was kinda awkward. It was the first time we went to his house.. his parents wasn't there... it was kinda funny. His dog is deaf *nods*
    August 11th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • Dude, that sucks >.>
    Pretty much ^.^
    I know I know.
    I'm happy that you're happy ^.^
    PS- Pst, guess what? Quacky almost kissed me the other day *gasps*
    PSS- I forget... >.>
    PPSS-Have funnnn!
    August 10th, 2009 at 02:31pm
  • One adopted sibling - Billy.
    I think he did ask me out when I was in Flordia, but I shot him down on accident...>.> He was all "Have you ever been to the Shake and Steak in town?" And I was like "Nah" and he was like "Well I'll have to take you there one day" and I was like "We'll see" which in parents language that is a complete and total 'No' so I felt bad after I realized he asked me out..
    As in holding my hands at random times, and talking about me to his friends, putting a picture of me as his picture when he opens his phone, putting his arm around my shoulder any chance he gets, patting my head before he leaves. Stuff like that :3
    I'm happen too <3
    I don't thinks so.
    Me thinks,
    PS - Nicceee! You very smart ;)
    PSS - Wah...? Not cool. >3
    PPSS - Update as soon as you can misssy!
    August 6th, 2009 at 05:32pm
  • I have four brothers and three sisters. One brother is adopted.
    Try what?
    In real life. Its weird. He's been really out there, and saying things...
    P.S. It is 9:50 in the morning right now. =D
    August 3rd, 2009 at 04:50pm
  • Me back? You back!!
    Yeah. It was awesome.
    Yeah.. and he was really sweet most of the time :3 He's adorable....
    Timi is my brother who is over protected, and doesn't like Blake a bit.
    I honestly don't have a clue.
    I think so too, Blake's full of great ideas :3
    lol, you're so cute XD
    I dunno if my parents would approve, and since they're fighting right now, really perfer to stay out of it.
    I don't have any experience either, I haven't ever had a guy openly like me, let alone with someone that I liked.
    I'll try my best. Blake's been quite the charcter recently, so it should be interesting what I can write.
    Awesome, awesome.
    August 3rd, 2009 at 06:01am
  • Aw -hugs-
    No big =]
    August 3rd, 2009 at 04:51am
  • Its straight. Just got back from Florida.
    Mikey already knew, Timi's the problem.
    Well I left before he had a chance to see me in person again, but we talked a lottt on the phone. Texting. Like we texted 24/7 when I was in Florida. But Lisa let me borrow the phone when I was in Florida, so I can't text him anymore... but yes. One day I was just like "Uh, what are we?" and he asked what I wanted to be, and I rambled, and finally asked what he wanted, and he was all blah blah blah. We argued about it for awhile and then came to the conclusion we'll just pray about it. But Ju-Ju. Keep in mind you are the first person I'm telling this to. He told me he loved me. And I was just like. Uh. And I said it back. And now that I think about it. I think I love him Ju-Ju. What am I gonna do?
    August 1st, 2009 at 11:26pm
  • Okay, Ju-Ju. Get ready. Are you ready? This story is awful.
    So you know Blake, guy I like, best friends with and stuff. Well turns out he wants to ask me out, and he was telling his friend Aaron about it, and Aaron's brother is best friends with my brother, so my brother found out, and he does not approve at alllll, and he went off on this lecture about how I shouldn't hang out with him anymore, because his actions are unpure.. Oh jeeze. I have no idea what I'm going to do.. >.<
    July 16th, 2009 at 09:19am
  • Whoot whoot.
    No worries, its cool.
    Ah.. good luck with that.
    Its alright. Just another year. Just means I'm older than you now XD
    Thats cool, you gave me my daily dose of Ju-Ju <3<3<3
    He didn't get me anything, he almost gave me a pair of head phones because mine broke on the trip, but I reminded him if he didn't get anything for Emmie, he'd be slaughtered. But on my birthday he stay'd up late talking to me, I guilt tripped him into saying whats wrong, and he fell asleep talking to me.. it was funny, then he felt bad, and I was just like go to sleep. Then he got all nervous, but he went to sleep anyways, with me promising to go to sleep soon.
    We refer to it as a prison now. Need I say more? I hate the sand it gets everywhere, and when it gets on you, your mother trys to whip it off and its like "This is like sandpaper, I hope you realize.." A month in one place is wayy too long.
    Yeah.. he missed me, we emailed back and forth though, but he was really worried about me and stuff ^.^
    Emmie thanks you.
    How was what?
    PS - Yeah, it was Fourth of July yesterday, but its cool. It was fun. I got to blow stuff up. I'm happy.
    July 5th, 2009 at 08:06pm