october skies. / Comments

  • Oh, I see. Does that mean you're going farther away then, after you graduate?
    And wow, that's kind of ironic. lol. That's awesome you're still getting great grades, though. lol.
    And hm, that sucks. I always thought I had something like that... like, some kind of insomnia, because, well, when I'm allowed to (like, not school nights), I stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning. lol. But yeah, it's not that, I think when I've done that I just got a lot of sleep that day or something. lol. But I like to stay up late. lol. Though during the week I've found I've been able to go to bed early, especially now with school waking me up early morning. lol. But during the summer I felt a lot like... more lively. lol.
    Yeah, I kind of agree with that. Like, if I hung out with those people all hours of the day... I wouldn't get the things I need to get done... done. lol. And... that may not matter so much now, but it does with the future. I'm trying to keep positive and keep myself saying that I'm going to college. lol. Staying positive. :)
    And that's cool. :D
    October 6th, 2011 at 01:15am
  • Aw. :( What are you fighting with your friend about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, though. If you want to talk, though, I'm here. :)
    And oh geeze. Three hours? Brutal. I wouldn't be able to... function at all. lol. My life would be a haze. But if you're only getting that much like, say, one night, how come it doesn't make you tired for the next night? I know when that happens to me I sleep better the next coming night seeing as I didn't get as much sleep the night before. But then again, you sleep in classes(though I'm not sure if you meant literally or not, lol), so... that might be why. lol.
    Aha, thanks. They're not for a little while, though, so I have plenty of time to prepare and what not. Plus, I'm taking a class to help me with them. :)
    I'm doing good, though, thanks. :) Kind of stressed with school, though I think you take the cake with being more so. lol. No offense. :P I think I'm getting a sore throat though. Blah. I hate getting sick. :/
    September 26th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • Don't believe you did, but that's okay. lol. At least you finally did, right? :P
    Aw, that's good. How do you think you did? Glad you finally got the stress over with... I have the SATs coming up for me in December. And I'm probably be taking the Pre ones to get practice coming here in October. :)
    I'm glad you're feeling better. lol. :D
    So... how have you been? It's been a little while. :/
    September 19th, 2011 at 10:21pm
  • .... Oh, wow. That's a lot to be dealing with. :o I don't know how you do it, goodness... :o
    I hope things start to lessen out for you soon, so you don't have to deal with so much. Wow... hearing about all that you're dealing with stresses me out. lol. Just hearing about it. :(
    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about college. I want to go somewhere far away, but with my parents 'motivation', that isn't looking like it's possible. :/ I wish I had easy access to the money for it as well, but... :/ Nope.
    August 19th, 2011 at 06:53am
  • Aw, how come? :(
    August 11th, 2011 at 06:59am
  • :P :D Good luck! :D
    And aw, I see. lol. :/ That sucks. A lot of bands are unknown that should be known.
    August 4th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • Oh. lol. Well, that's still cool. :D
    And awesome. I wish I could go to college early. :/
    And oh. Local, then? I guess so, if I haven't heard of them. lol.
    July 31st, 2011 at 06:12am
  • lol. Yeah, I know. It's all good now, though, the rest of the week I did just fine. :)
    Aw, awesome, you went to the premiere? Lucky. I would love to go to a movie premiere. They seem so awesome. Did you get to like, get close to any of the stars? :o What was it like? lol.
    And what concert was that? :)
    July 21st, 2011 at 06:00am
  • I see. And yeah, I understand. I've been driving around, and I live in kind of a small town, so it has me worrying because I really want to move to a big city one day and it's just like... if I can't handle traffic around here, I don't know how I would in the city. Because it's honestly nuts.
    I've been like, shaking all day. Because earlier this morning, I went driving for this program at school and nearly crashed. I'm okay, and so is the other person who was driving the car that I nearly crashed into, but... really, thank God he had the mind to swerve out of the way. Because I was honestly scared to death! :o And I feel embarassed for nearly crashing as well, because I was driving with a driver's ed teacher, and I nearly gave him a heart-attack. :(
    July 12th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • lol. You could relate to my sister, then, because that same thing pretty much happened to her. :P But everyone makes fun of her for not ever going for her license. I don't know why, though, if anything, it's actually good for the environment to not drive a car and all.
    But yeah. I hope to get mine so people won't bother me about it too and so I won't feel left out when all of my friends have their's and I don't. :/
    July 6th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Aw, okay. Well that's cool. :D Glad one of us is going and doing things. lol. I've pretty much been at home since summer started. Blah. :/
    And thanks. lol. I think I'm going for my permit this week! lol. I'm excited! :D
    June 28th, 2011 at 04:04am
  • Yeah, I know. We have the same dad... let's just say that makes our dad old as well. lol. :P
    Aw, well that's good. :)
    And that's cool that your friend came home. :) Oh wow, but then you have to leave for another ten. Where are you going, or depending on when you read this, where did you go?
    I'm good, thanks. I'm on summer vacation now! Yay! lol. :D So I'm already just enjoying the time off. lol. :D
    June 14th, 2011 at 01:40am
  • Oh. lol. That may also explain why it's easier for you. I have a brother, but... he's only half and like, how many years older than me. lol. Like, he's thirty, lol. While I'm 16.
    Aw, and that's cool! Sorry you like, lost everything though. Glad you didn't lose your story. :) Or much else.
    June 8th, thank God. lol. I'm ready for it to be over. How about you? :D
    June 6th, 2011 at 12:46am
  • lol. Well, when you put it that way, it does seem easy to write. lol. But yeah, I'd still feel awkward writing it. :P
    Aw, well that's good then, right? Last week and all. Sorry to hear you're 'frazzled', though, as you put it. Aw, but that's good. That must be nice, then, to take your mind off of things. :)
    Oh, and I'm okay. A little bit stressed because everything seems to be getting jammed in last minute with school and stuff. I still haven't even thought about a speech I need to do as part of my Spanish final. Blah. lol. I'm such a procrastinator. :P
    May 30th, 2011 at 11:40pm
  • lol.
    Well, I'm glad that it was easy for you. :)
    And lol. Nice. :P See, I'm kind of the opposite. lol. I can't really think like a guy, so ergo, I suck at writing guy's povs. People have suggested to me to switch to the guy's pov, but... I don't because I suck at writing them. lol. So I stick with girl's povs. :P
    Hm... so... how are you? :D
    May 23rd, 2011 at 12:38am
  • lol. That's alright. :P
    Aw, well that's good, then, right? I know I'm dying right now to leave where I am. lol. I just need to... escape. lol.
    lol. Yeah, same here. Except, I actually like math. Aha, is that weird? :P I think it is, because it seems like everyone I talk to hates that subject. :P
    Haha, yeah, I see what you mean. And hm... maybe it's just you're the only brave person to actually write one. lol. I'd feel so awkward if I had to write the story, no offense. I don't know how you were able to do it. :P
    May 17th, 2011 at 12:36am
  • That's okay; no biggie.
    Aw, I hate that about vacations. When they're distant memories. I think that's why I want to leave where I currently am and never come back. lol. That's probably an exaggeration, but oh well. I hate the leaving part of vacations. :/
    Aw, that sounds stressful. I'm not dealing with as much, but I'm still kind of stressed. The one main thing that's stressing me out is this huge paper for history due at the end of the month, that I have to have research done for next week and still haven't started it. Aha, it's going to come back at me later. :/
    Aw, and I'm sorry to hear that. :( That sucks, and is a bit disappointing. :(
    May 1st, 2011 at 09:55am
  • Aw, well that sounds like it was awesome. Sorry to hear it was your last day... I'm guessing your vacation's over now, huh? :( I hate when vacations end. :/
    lol. I liked how you like, hacked into someone's wifi system. My sister tried to once, but whoever had it set a password. It was like, booo... lol.
    Oh. lol. Sorry about that. :/
    So... how have you been? :D
    April 13th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • Nice too meet you too : ).
    April 7th, 2011 at 01:55am
  • Hm... :( That sucks. As long as you have an A, that should be good, shouldn't it? It could be a lot worse. Low A's aren't like, F's or anything.
    Aw, that's cool how you're going to the beach. I wish I could go. I have to wait until summer, though, if even that. I'm not even sure if I'll be going this summer. :/ It's nice that you'll be able to relax, like with all the stuff you've dealt with lately, right?
    Aw.... well, that's okay. It was kind of one of those things I meant rhetorically, you know? You don't have to promise, it's okay. I didn't mean it as if to put the stress on you, you know? Just like one of those things that you remember to do after a while... not like something you have to do. :) And aw, I'm sorry. I feel like I stressed you out now. :(
    April 1st, 2011 at 03:46am