Average Lifesaver;; / Comments

  • Hopefully this time next year we'll be talking about how hard it is to keep up with our hordes of friends. XD

    I think that's a great idea. I think I'm going to try writing 100 words a day for a year and then maybe post my progress on a blog or something? Who knows? I really want to just really focus for once. I also really want to get in better shape. I'm basically a strand of spaghetti.

    Maybe I don't get enough sun to burn. I usually start up a rewatch of The OC as soon as the sun makes an appearance. I didn't this year.

    I think I'm done with TWD, unfortunately. I'll always have a lot of love for the first four series though. I don't give up on shows often, but I just don't want to try and catch up right now. So I probably won't watch FTWD either.

    I'll check it out. I had a good summer for reading but I've been slacking, so maybe I'll check those out. Hopefully I can finish Mrs Dalloway before I go back to uni.

    Thank you very much! I actually have a wordpress blog lying around with no posts. I don't know if I know the details to log in though. Maybe that's where I'll post my year of writing, if I get around to it.
    August 25th, 2015 at 05:18am
  • It would be amazing if the both of us got to work there. Although I should probably try to make a few new friends this year. I rely so much on hanging out with my housemates, and I want to be able to branch out a little bit more.

    I'm just constantly pulled between having a social life and achieving something. With heading back to Uni soon I'm worried I'll just drop the achieving part. If we're both going to pull focus on writing this year, we can at least pester each other to keep on top of things. XD It's like a sponsor system for writing.

    I have only been sunburned once! It's crazy, I know. And the craziest part was that it was this year. I went 18 years of my life without being sunburned once. I can't remember ever being burnt before this summer. And even then it was a little soreness on my forearms and no redness or anything.

    Especially since I'm not a huge fan of Cosima's other love interest. Shay, was it? I don't have a strong opinion on her either way, so I'd prefer Delphine to be around. I've also started watching Suits recently, and it's pretty good. Not amazing, yet, but a good show for in between shows.

    My mom had a dentist appointment today and I went with her because she's deathly afraid of dentists. While I was in the waiting room I started writing some of Incantation that's got me so excited to start it. There was this middle-aged guy watching me type on my phone like a crazy person because the inspiration just hit.

    Yeah, it's crazy the plans they had for Lost in the beginning. Thank you! You commented on the blog on here, so you're not the worst. You don't need to write me a comment on the actual blog. Plus, I think you might have to have a blogger account to write a comment anyway.
    August 20th, 2015 at 01:33pm
  • My reply speed let the team down. Damn, we were on a roll! XD

    It's one of the thousand reasons to adore the show.

    There's some bar/waiting staff work five minutes from where I'll be living. Me and one of my housemates are heading back a little earlier than the others, so we're going to apply. She has experience though, so I'm guessing they'll go with her. Fingers crossed! I'll be looking for other stuff too. Which reminds me, the on-campus book store is hiring. I'll make a note on my phone to apply for it tomorrow.

    That sucks! What did you pick instead? No, but I'll live. I'm really going to throw myself into writing this year in all aspects, educational writing included. I'm basically a hermit already, so I might as well run with it. XD

    I've been sunburned once. And my 'tan' is just an average skin tone compared to my usual whiteness. The sun just bounces off me, it's ridiculous. That show you were thinking of, Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton's show? I never saw it, but that's the only thing that springs to mind.

    Yes, Neolution! I really want her to have a cool bionic stomach or something. I just don't want her to be dead, when she was on her way to redemption. As for UnReal, the finale was sooo good. I also am loving this show called Sense8, which you know because of my blog post. It's the most amazing show. You have to see it. I'm 99.99% positive you'd love it.

    Thanks for the recc on Incantation. Hopefully I'll start writing for it soon, I've been busy recapping Lost. I recommend doing a blog recap of a show. As a TV fanatic, it's good to get the crazy feelings out.
    August 18th, 2015 at 06:19am

    My favourite subject! Cosima pretending to be Alison and touring the US to give motivational speeches should be a web-series.

    They offer help with making you 'employable', but not so much with actually getting you employed. Urgh.

    Yeah, that's pretty much the same thing. I'm jealous! I missed out on the tragedy module last year because of the writing half of my degree.

    It is, I love city life. The countryside is not my thing. I appreciate photographs of landscapes, but I'm not built for the farm. I don't even really like camping.

    Maybe she'll be one of those mutant people who I'm totally blanking on the name of? That could be interesting. Yeah, that show. It's such a strange show, definitely not what I expected when I first started watching it.

    That's crazy! I love the film version of Gone Girl, so the book should be an easy read. I can't wait to see the Dark Places movie - Charlize Theron and Chloe Moretz in the same movie? Yes. I'll write it onto my list and see if I can find it anywhere. One of my friends was reading American Psycho but had to stop to regain sanity. So it should be a fun, and scary, read.

    That would be the worse. I hate when Mibba eats up something I spent ages typing out.
    July 29th, 2015 at 05:03pm
  • Dear Bee,

    You are an awful person for having a life beyond replying to me. In future I expect you sitting, staring at the screen until I have replied. That way, you can get back to me instantly.

    Yours truly ignored,


    lmfao Its fine. Honestly, if we were too consistent with our comments we might run out of things to say. Although, I'm sure we'd just end up talking about TV shows in ridiculous detail. Which I'm always down for. XD

    My cousin, whose job I was supposed to be taking while she goes on maternity leave, is clinging to her job for dear life. So, we'll see if I'm needed before I end up moving back to Cambridge. If not, it's fine. I'll just try and find something while I'm there.

    Hopefully I do well in the module, it's the one that I'm most positive about. What about you? Do you have modules that you have to pick for next year?

    Haha, it's a bit of the opposite for me. I feel like there's nowhere to go and nothing to do when I'm home and when I go back to Uni it'll feel like I'm in a city again.

    I don't know if I refuse to believe it, but I refuse to be happy about it. I was looking forward to a really great redemption arc for her next season after her anti-hero status this season. Damn it, OB writers. I've done well keeping up with shows this summer. It helps that I'm only really watching Teen Wolf and Unreal. Do you watch Unreal? It is so good.

    You did, but it's okay. 19 isn't much of a thing. And I liked having a super low key birthday this year. I actually did get to reading again (which I'm still shocked at, when did I become the kind of person who completed their goals?) I read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn, which was pretty good. I wanted to read Gone Girl, but I couldn't find my copy. I also read The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter which was so much fun to read. Anything fairytale-esque is a winner with me. Next up is American Psycho, I've always really wanted to read that.

    Alternate universes! Yes. So much yes. I'm not a big sci-fi geek, but I really love the idea of alternate universes.

    Your comment did post, and I think only once. Thank you so much for the praise. Yeah, my rotation is pretty obviously mine. Like I wasn't getting the Peter Pan storyline. And I'm going to be incorporating others into it throughout which will be exciting.
    July 28th, 2015 at 05:01pm
  • It's cool, I've been really inactive as of late anyway.

    I'm getting desperate now. I should (hopefully) be doing some bar work at the end of this summer. Fingers crossed!

    It went pretty damn good actually, glad your year went well too! I got way better grades on my writing than on my essays, so I know what I'm focusing on going forward. I'm even taking a screenwriting module next year, so that should be so interesting.

    We made friends, we passed the year, we really did it! Kudos to us, seems like yesterday I was panicking about all this stuff.

    The Orphan Black finale made my heart grow two sizes like the grinch and then ripped out that heart and ate it in front of me. Those. writer. bitches. It's just so good, and I need the next season out yesterday because I can't deal with two major deaths in half a season.

    I haven't been reading this summer. Boo me. But I plan on buying myself a couple of books for my birthday so I can get back into reading. Remind myself why I'm doing my degree.

    Forget about Bite because Johanna is so brilliant already. Have you seen the film Jumper? The main character has the same ability that Jo has, and I LOVE Jumper.

    Seriously. Johanna. So frickin' good.
    June 24th, 2015 at 01:55am
  • I will definitely keep in touch!

    Two jobs, classes, and newspaper? Wow, I need to get my butt in gear. I do nothing. I'm desperate to start working because Cambridge is so damn expensive, and I'm worried about how I'm going to survive next year. I've been applying like crazy, but literally nobody wants me as of yet.

    Well done! I'm sure you'll continue to do really well. I'm currently waiting for two presentation marks and an essay mark so hope that goes well. I tried to be really unique and wrote an essay on double-lives about Emma and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Hoping to get some points for originality there...

    I definitely didn't expect to be super popular, so I'm happy to cap off my close uni friends at the five it's currently at. XD

    Hahaha, I can't really argue against that or I'd be calling you stupid. So, sure, we're insanely smart!

    It's been going good actually - season 6 good. I've slowed down now because I know it's coming to an end. As for Orphan Black, it's back soooooo soon! I'm so excited. Walking Dead has been so mediocre as of late. Or at least it was, I stopped watching a little while back. I'll probably pick it up again in the summer.

    I wish I was on a reading kick. I've been slacking so bad and pretty much only read the assigned uni stuff. Which is still a novel a week, so that's no awful. But I miss reading just for me! My favourite book? That'd probably be Atonement - really English and stuffy, but it's so charming and then so devastating. Have you ever read it? Or seen the film? What about you, what's your favourite?

    I'm trying to be way more active on here. I'm currently in the process of planning Bite to death so that I have a clear cut plan to follow. That should stop me slipping up and disappearing again.
    April 5th, 2015 at 12:11pm
  • I will definitely keep in touch!

    Two jobs, classes, and newspaper? Wow, I need to get my butt in gear. I do nothing. I'm desperate to start working because Cambridge is so damn expensive, and I'm worried about how I'm going to survive next year. I've been applying like crazy, but literally nobody wants me as of yet.

    Well done! I'm sure you'll continue to do really well. I'm currently waiting for two presentation marks and an essay mark so hope that goes well. I tried to be really unique and wrote an essay on double-lives about Emma and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Hoping to get some points for originality there...

    I definitely didn't expect to be super popular, so I'm happy to cap off my close uni friends at the five it's currently at. XD

    Hahaha, I can't really argue against that or I'd be calling you stupid. So, sure, we're insanely smart!

    It's been going good actually - season 6 good. I've slowed down now because I know it's coming to an end. As for Orphan Black, it's back soooooo soon! I'm so excited. Walking Dead has been so mediocre as of late. Or at least it was, I stopped watching a little while back. I'll probably pick it up again in the summer.

    I wish I was on a reading kick. I've been slacking so bad and pretty much only read the assigned uni stuff. Which is still a novel a week, so that's no awful. But I miss reading just for me! My favourite book? That'd probably be Atonement - really English and stuffy, but it's so charming and then so devastating. Have you ever read it? Or seen the film? What about you, what's your favourite?

    I'm trying to be way more active on here. I'm currently in the process of planning Bite to death so that I have a clear cut plan to follow. That should stop me slipping up and disappearing again.
    April 5th, 2015 at 12:10pm
  • Four months since my last comment. Wow. I suck as a human being. Facepalm You totally made an effort as well. I feel awful.

    Anyway, moving on from guilt fest '15. How are you? There's so much that we need to catch up on and I don't even know where to begin. Are you settled in properly now? Like, are you at the home-is-not-home-because-uni-is-home phase? Did you start your second semester already? Did you get graded on anything for the first semester? How is your life in general? I hope you're well. I'll stop interrogating you for a moment.

    I won't lie, I've not been all that busy with Uni stuff. Mostly I'm just hanging out with my flatmates 24/7. There's 7 of us in the flat, and 5 of us literally smother each other. We just hang out constantly. If not all five of us, then some variation of the 5 of us.

    I don't even know what to update you on. I got a 62% and 65% on my first two assignments, which is okay. I want to get a 75% or above at least once this year. But let me tell you, I won't be getting that any time soon. The last load of assignments I submitted were AWFUL. And not 'I'm so bad, tell me I'm good' awful. Genuinely awful. I actually fear for my ability to pass with these ones. But I don't need to tell you about Uni stress, do I?

    I'm actually going to stop because I don't want to rant about it any longer. We both like TV. What have you been watching as of late? I've been re-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's always even better than I remember it. I'm also up to date on all my shows, and I don't remember which ones you also watched.

    Crazy I feel like that's enough of my crazy blubbering for one day.

    Spamming these, because I have time to make up for:
    Bye Clap Dance Shifty lmfao Grr tehe Hand Cute OMGYES

    I just had to look up most of those. I must re-learn them all.
    January 19th, 2015 at 02:33am
  • Well, I know someone who worked at a Starbucks, and it sounds like a dream. They failed the entrance tester-day thing they had to do and still got the job (through knowing someone who worked there, urghh). Last I heard, they didn't even know how to use the machines to make drinks, they just got other people to do it.

    I guess I should, haha. But I've been absent for like two weeks now, and I want to get my Mibba-flow back. Urggh, I'm just so lazy. I need to do this, I will apply ASAP!

    I read the blog you posted about moving in, and it sounds like you're on your way to having a blast! I feel like some of the awkward-ness will be removed because I've been talking to the others in my room. They seem cool, but a bit too party-oriented for me to keep up with. Plus they're all getting their parents to pay for everything, so they'll want to do things all the time. There'll be me like, "I have no money, please stop." I don't want to have to pay for a TV license when I barely watch TV, honestly. And I do share a living space, and kitchen, but the room and bathroom are all mine. Hooray, I'm such a recluse!

    My orientation is from 9am to 7pm the first day. Cry But then I get a week off before my course officially starts, so yay for that. I can't believe I move this Saturday. It's crazy!
    September 9th, 2014 at 01:05am
  • Why thank you. tehe I just adore that song so much and my username needed a change up so I decided Panic! themed themes were the way to go. XD
    September 7th, 2014 at 03:34pm
  • The SAT's that we have are totally different to you guys', I believe. You take them when you're 10/11 years old before entering high school at 11. Then it's GCSE's, and then A-Levels for Post-16. I feel like it's way more confusing than the American system, but that's the British for you. XD

    The deli job must be pretty cool though? Maybe I'm just a weirdo, but I just love service work like that. Not forever, but while you're young and need the money. I've wanted to work in a coffee shop in forever, all because of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I loved that show growing up, and Sabrina worked in a coffee shop straight out of high school. lmfao I'm such a loser.

    I haven't applied for a staff position yet. I'm going to wait to settle into my course, so I know how often I'm free etc. But there's no way they'd fire you! I'm sure you do a fantastic job.

    I haven't felt like the last couple updates were lacking anything. It's suspenseful, all these lead-up stuff. That prophecy scares the crap out of me, because I feel like death is approaching the pack and I don't like it.

    Does that mean you're moved in now? Or just really soon? I actually spoke to my flatmates and there's only 1 other boy. One girl dropped out, so I don't know if her room will be empty or if they'll move someone else in. But yeah, so far it's 3 girls and 2 boys. And we do share stuff, the kitchen and living area. I don't think there's a TV though, so all watching will be done on my laptop.

    Aww, that sucks. I'm glad to have a kitchen. Then again, I guess the American experience throws you right into the socialising.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 06:48am
  • Hahaha, we're getting rid of loads of exams I believe. Like, there used to be SAT's at the age of around 14, but my year were the first to not have to do that. The education system over here is now compulsory until 18 instead of until 16, like it was for me. Although I chose to stay on until 18 because that's how you get into university. You can't go to university without those two years, as far as I know.

    She said she'd email me more information later, but that was weeks ago. Whatever. I actually decided against volunteering (I'm an awful person. Facepalm) It's only because I don't want to get involved in something that I'll have to abandon at the end of the month. I'm going to be so charitable once I move though. I want a job, preferably at some kind of coffee shop, and I'm going to donate blood and do some charity work. I'm also planning to get a staff position on Mibba next time they're looking for applicants.

    Your computer is obviously not a very positive machine. I certainly wouldn't mind if you wrote a little more. XD But I suppose it's better when you don't have to force it out.

    Cool and aloof is all Brits know. lmfao I'll talk to them when I move in. Which is the 13th of September, a Saturday. I'm sort of dreading it whilst also wanting it to just happen already. Sort of like when you feel sick and just wish you'd throw up so you wouldn't feel sick anymore? Or am I just insane?

    You don't have a kitchen? Where do you cook food? Please tell me you get to cook your own food! I wouldn't survive if I couldn't at least cook for myself. The living area is just a sofa and coffee table, nothing special. Although my room definitely has a bit more space than yours, and I don't have to share it with anyone. American universities are so much more full-on and social. Trust us Brits to separate everyone and give them no reason to talk to one another.
    August 8th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • August 7th, 2014 at 08:14am
  • Hey!! Just wondering if you had more of Burning Paradise posted anywhere? I seem to remember (possibly imagining it...?) more of it posted on Inkpop when Inkpop was still around...I found it on Figment but just wondering if you had any more of it!!
    August 7th, 2014 at 08:14am
  • And thanks for the birthday wishes! The sketch was totally awesome, and not at all shitty. Thank you!
    July 24th, 2014 at 12:59am
  • Thank the Lord for that, because I seriously couldn't pass physics again if my life depended on it. And I just put 'psychics' so many times trying to type that out. Facepalm It scares me that I'm an English student sometimes. We go A* (called an A-star, not an A-asterisk), A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U. To pass the first five years of high school you have to get a 'C' or above. To pass sixth-form, the final two years that used to be optional (but isn't starting September 2015, I believe), you need an 'E' or above. I still count anything below a 'C' as a fail though, because it was drilled into me for five years.

    I feel like the English education system is a lot more complicated, even though I obviously understand it better than any other countries education system.

    I'm surprisingly okay with getting dumber. As long as it's only maths that suffers. XD

    Haha, whatever it is you do, I hope it is fun. You'll be a pro by now though, right. I asked my teacher to help me apply for media-based work for the summer and she ignored my email. Ouch. I've also applied to do some volunteer work with unadopted cats.

    You never know! I'd certainly be surprised if it were me before you.

    That's the nice way of putting it, right? tehe I have moments when I'm really happy with me, and moments when I get really down on myself, but so far the positivity thing is working a lot more than I expected it to. Not that I don't still have a good bitch and moan about things. That'll never stop, which is a bit sad for whoever had to listen to the bitching and moaning.

    That's cool, I'm glad you're getting along so far. I Facebook stalked the people I'll be living with. We all have different rooms but share a TV room and kitchen. Other than that, I've not spoken to any of them. I don't want to be that person that reaches out. British people have this thing where friendliness = creepiness. XD Oh, Britain.
    July 24th, 2014 at 12:58am
  • WOOO! It's all about English, so whatever about the physics. I mean, I had to take my physics exam three times because I got a U and an E. XD I got my pass grade in the end, but it is not my subject.

    42 sounds right. I think I just worked it out to 42, and it was hard work. When did maths get so hard? Or was it always this hard?

    Hahaha, what job was it for? And did you get it?

    True! I mean, whichever of us gets famous first will just drag the other one into the spotlight too. tehe

    You're just so mature. Except, we're twins, and I'm not so mature, so I guess you're not that grown up. Oh well!

    I honestly need to stop voicing my negativity, because I find it so obnoxious when someone fishes for attention, and then I sound like I'm doing it and it's just not good. You know what I mean? I'm going to focus on the good things. We'll see how long this lasts.

    Starting over is so fun and exciting, it's not terrifying and weird at all...
    June 26th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • I'm sure your exam went fine! Yes, I was extremely excited, but now I'm out, it's a little depressing! There are just three months until we leave for uni!!!!!! Crazy

    Yeah, my math skills are brilliant. I struggled through my seven times tables yesterday while my friend stared at me like I was an alien.

    I'm glad there was just one bit of Shakespeare, otherwise I wouldn't be able to cope. They're all essays in my exams, no multiple choice.

    Finger crossed! It would be so amazing. Please, you're the one who is going to get famous and then I can ride your coat tails into stardom. XD

    So true! PDA is unnecessary. But then again, the couple were preferable to the time I went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show and a man walked in dressed in a trench coat just to see five seconds of boob. If he was naked under that trench coat, I wouldn't have been surprised.

    That's good then. You cut your hair and took the red out of it, you're all grown up! I'm not going to lie, it took me forever to understand either of those jokes. It shows how innocent I am, and how I never listened in history. XD

    YOU DO! You always write the most amazing characters, and for some reason Cricket is just so human to me.

    CONGRATS!! We're going to be the young ones of our schools all over again, exciting stuff!! GO US, WE DID IT! Crazy
    June 21st, 2014 at 08:28pm
  • Yes, I'm back from the great beyond. It was nice there, but studying sucks sooooo much, so I'm back.

    Well, thank you! The quotes from my friends made it ten hundred thousand million times better than it ever could've been. And I'm pretty sure that's an accurate figure.

    That's crazy, even our school are in tune with our twinliness. You get to be exempt from some of your exams!? Why did my parents no insist on an American education? Yeah, my teacher won't even touch Hamlet, though it was one of the options for us to choose from. We ended up doing King Lear and Oedipus Rex - full of incest, eye-gouging, and tragic deaths.

    It is super hard! But it's fun piecing it together, and if you've done it right you can just play the script through you head, and it's just wonderful. My new life goal is to be the youngest creator of a TV show ever, as far as I know the current youngest is Josh Schwartz who got The O.C picked up at 25.

    It's definitely a classic! I remember an old friend basically forcing me to watch it, and then we went to special screening of it at the cinema. It was so amazing. Despite all the couples around us with their tongues down each others' throats.

    That's amazing, did your yearbook picture turn out to be a good one? Any embarrassing sections in there? It's all so real, we're actually leaving school!

    It's on my to watch list! Veronica Mars though, your friend has good taste in shows.

    Blush all you want, it's still all true! Now, if you excuse me, I have a story of yours to get commenting on!
    June 7th, 2014 at 03:47pm