Literally no one / Comments

  • Gosh, your comment made me super happy! I'm glad you're excited about this story! I'll try to update as soon as I can. ^.^
    April 18th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • It's an original. And pretty cliche..... If you've ever read any of Sarah Dessen's suff, it's pretty synonomous. That's a really good idea; I'll go check out song lyrics!

    Haha that reminds me of the school dance. It was called neon night, so my boyfriend suggested to the rest of the band to have a "rave time". Which consisted of them playing random stuff at the same time. It was pretty funny.

    That's usually what happens to me. Apparently I'm a good mediator. *shakes head* I guess I'm just never in the middle and a good secret keeper and I guess I'm good at giving advise... In the past my friends have tried to get me to pick sides and I was like "NOOOOOOOO! I'm not getting in the middle of that; it'll turn out badly." OOOOOO! I didn't notice, but I'll be sure to check it out!

    Nuh-uh! You're lying because purple's [i]my[/i] other favorite! (Well, technically I have 3 favorites, navy blue's my last. :]) I'm JEAAAAALOUUUUUUS!!!! I can't wear yellow. :'[ My skin tone is too -idon'tknow- olive? and it washes me out and makes [i]me[/i] look yellow. Gross! I've tried just about every shade and no bueno. :[[ So instead I have purple skinny jeans!! :]
    April 15th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • read it! loved it! commented! WELCOME BACKKKKK!

    small, teeny, tiny request? change my name? i read it through and i seemed like a dude. which was weird. as you can probably imagine. my initials and brian's name do not mesh, i've realized.
    April 14th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • Yes, we did both come back in one piece (and around the same time too... ironic! :]) which is good. I think it's progress too. :] Though some of them are short chapters... It's basically a front and back of a piece of notebook paper per chapter (but I have pretty small handwriting, so it's not horribly short). I really want to start posting it, but since I'm not deep into the plot yet, I still have no title ideas... :[ Haha sounds like my Spring Break last year... I sat around and watched TV all week! Haha

    They did awesome, but you couldn't hear anything that anyone was saying on the mic... Well... I guess alternative, they only did a bunch of covers, and some of them they did as jokes (they sang one song in falsetto the whole time... :]), but I'd say overall they're alternative. Hahahaha that amp comment was really funny!!! I already told them that I'm not touching their stuff since I'd probably break it all..... Haha But I'm making Josh take me to a practice sometime, maybe I can come up with some witty comeback then. :]

    Ewwwww. Drama. Ya that isn't fun, my freshman year was fuuuuuull of drama and I'm really glad it's all behind us now. I agree, drama makes some good twists in stories, but not real life. I love weddings!!! They're always so happy. :]

    Yellow's one of my favorites too! And it is very appropriate for spring. A very good choice, indeed. :]
    April 7th, 2010 at 01:07am
  • Ahhhhhhhhhhh I missed youuuu tooooo! Whacha been up to!?
    April 6th, 2010 at 07:42am
  • You haven't missed much at all... I recently (as in 2 days ago) got back on as well. I hadn't been on in at least a month if not more like 6 weeks... Life got pretty hectic, and I just didn't make the time to get on. Though I have been writing my story. :] It's been coming along. I'm only on chapter 12, and it's still pretty much background need-to-know information, though I'm trying to keep it un-boring (aka. interesting... :]). My Spring Break was 2 weeks ago and a [i]ton[/i] of fun! I went with the band to California for the week, and it was super!

    I got to hear my boyfriend's band play in their first "concert." The quotations are there because it wasn't really a concert, it was a school dance to raise money for our prom. My first high school dance. And probably my last. :] It was pretty boring except for me and a friend making complete fools of ourselves as we cheered for our boys and danced like maniacs in front of around half of our grade... :] Their guitarist keeps calling me a groupie, though I deny it since I'm not having sex with anyone, and I don't like that connotation. He also wants to make me their roadie... *shakes head*

    Other than that I've been loaded down with school. Blah!
    How about you? I read your info, but I didn't know if there was anything else you wanted to tell me. :] PS. I love your profile! :]] Very cute.
    April 6th, 2010 at 07:14am
  • Hey!
    Happy Belated Easter to you as well. I'm doing pretty good. Trying to catch up with the work that piled up over spring break, and instead have been procrastinating on Mibba, but what else is new. haha.
    I totally get the whole on hiatus thing. I myself need to get back in the swing of things as I have been having a extremely bad case of procrastination on all fronts. it's got to stop because it's crunch time.
    How have you been? anything new and exciting? How was your Easter? Mine was pretty awesome, one of my family's goats gave birth to triplets Easter night so that was pretty cool.
    It was great to hear from you. Hope all is well. :D
    April 6th, 2010 at 05:53am
  • I'm doing okay, lol, I'm still working on tracking down Sirius Black fanfics
    February 27th, 2010 at 10:05am
  • hey, I tracked you down from quizilla!!! lol I just finished the sirius black story
    February 26th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • Oh. Ya, I've always been at least 4 inches shorter than everyone, even in middle school when I grew 2 inches in 6 months... :] Haha ya, I don't know, my friends don't really tease me about it anymore because when they'd hold stuff out of reach, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of failing at trying to get it ;], or they know I can come up with some witty remark that usually is not so nice *cough*understatement*cough* when they make short comments. :] I'm just a sweet person like that! ;] Exactly! Haha I guess we're just miss independences. I will most definately find the perfect moment to spring that comment! And all my friends will tremble and beg me for mercy!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Haha
    February 19th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • I guess for me, I've [i]always[/i] been so much shorter than everyone else, so I've never known any different. *shrugs* It's never bothered me though I do think it's helped shape me into who I am. I'd consider myself a strong person, and I try to never let people do things for me because they think I can't. (Well unless I can benefit from it by not having to do something like put up chairs because they're "too tall for me to get put up." ;]) It drives my boyfriend insane because he's a sweetie and tries to get something for me and I'm all like "NO! I can get it myself." Just because I've drilled it in my head that I can do anything, and don't need any help. :] Old habits just don't die.

    Haha Yes those tall people never see us coming! ;] If you get the double joke props to you!! I may have to steal that from you because that is [i]genius[/i]!! I mean seriously! Hit them with a chair! That's great!! :]]
    February 14th, 2010 at 07:26am
  • Ah yes, I bet if it had snowed all week I'd be yelling at the sky, too. But it only snowed all day one day, so it was all good! :]
    Why thank you for your support haha. 5 ft exactly and proud! I would hate being tall. YAY SHORT BUDDIES!! Hahaha Maybe that's why we like tackling people? Because we're so small it doesn't hurt them when we bring. them. down. Dun dun dun!!! Haha
    February 13th, 2010 at 06:07pm
  • You never know!!!
    it could have...
    February 13th, 2010 at 07:54am
  • Well, by later I meant sometime in the far away future. Haha
    Ahhh. That's too bad. I live where it doesn't snow too often so these past two days are like heaven to me! Haha We got at [i]least[/i] 6 inches of good snowman/snowball making snow! So now I'm all giddy from making the [i]best[/i] snowmen in the neighborhood (but I may be being a bit biased ;]) and running around tackling people in the snow because I can't throw anything to save my life. Haha And when I say tackling I literally mean running up behind and throwing my entire 5 foot tall 110 pound body at my friends, latching on to their backs, and tripping them to make them fall over. :] Not that I don't do that when it isn't snowing, but it's more fun when they get to fall face first into a pile of snow. ;] I'm terribly sorry that you had to miss out on that kind of fun. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it too. :]
    February 13th, 2010 at 03:03am
  • That's exciting! Don't you just love it when a story forms itself in your head without any help? Who knows, maybe you'll decide to come back to it later. *shrugs*
    We have a snow day today!! WOOT!! But I'm stuck doing a bunch of homework. :[
    February 11th, 2010 at 08:07pm
  • Haha sounds like a plan!!
    So how're you doing on your new story ideas? Are the possiblilities running around in your head biting each other's ankles? Haha
    February 11th, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • It's also very encouraging to those of us who have never posted anything before. :]
    I'll try not to over think it, although I probably will anyway.... I'm the master of over thinking things I shouldn't... Haha Oh well. I guess waiting to figure out a story title also gives me some time to write some more! :]
    February 11th, 2010 at 06:35am
  • Plus I really like the atmosphere. People on here are just so nice to each other. :] I guess I'll just have to sit myself down and think about it since I haven't really planned too far into the future of the story...
    February 10th, 2010 at 06:10am
  • You shouldn't be anxious, just from what you've already posted of your fanfics I can tell you're one of the best writers on here. And I'm not just saying that either. You have absolutely nothing to lose! That's what I like about this website so much, there [i]is[/i] nothing to lose, but everything to gain! :] Awww thanks! I'll be you're first commenter and fan (if possible), and if I'm not, I'll be your biggest fan! :] Before I post, though, I'll need to come up with a story title.... Kinda important, huh? Haha
    February 10th, 2010 at 12:08am
  • Hey, no problem! I'm just glad my cheesiness paid off. :] I'll be waiting to hear what you decide to do when you decide to do it! I'm thinking about putting up the first chapter of my story pretty soon... I might not update right away, but just to see if I get any feedback. *shrugs* It's worth a try.
    February 9th, 2010 at 12:55am