Literally no one / Comments

  • I think that's all part of growing up. I mean, eventually you get to a point where you want to open up a whole new world that no one has ever seen before and sometimes fanfic doesn't give you that chance. I think that if you decide not to continue with your recent story, but put something else up, your readers will be fine, I mean it's not like they can get mad at you or anything. As cheesy as this will sound, follow your heart, in the end you answer to yourself. :]
    February 7th, 2010 at 08:09pm
  • Ya, that sounds a bit like me haha. Maybe I will post it, but it'll have to be later because I want to get further along in the story before I start posting. I'm only on chapter 7, and I have a feeling it'll get to be pretty long. I try to write a bit every other day, but sometimes it doesn't happen. And I want to be able to just update on here fairly often instead of posting as I write. I agree with you; this does seem to be an extremely good atmosphere. I'm just afraid no one will find my stories I guess... I mean there are so many writers on here, and more join every day. But I guess people will find me the same way I find other people. *shrugs* It's kind of moot point right now anyway. I'll post it when I feel I'm ready.
    February 7th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • Exactly! I mean, your beliefs are yours, and I know I can't [i]prove[/i] mine in like... a scientifical sense, so I don't feel like I have the right to force someone to believe what I believe. I understand how some people love their faith and want to "save" someone else from thier "non-belief", but that's not for me. I guess for me faith is extremely personal and not something to run around telling to anyone and everyone.
    That makes me so happy for some reason. I mean, I guess I should have expected you to tell me that, but so far only my friends have seen anything that I've written. And while I really like what I have, it makes me kind of nervous to put on here. Not that I'm afraid people won't like it or will be mean (that actually doesn't really bother me. As long as [i]I[/i] like what I've written then I'm happy because I write for me not anyone else. And if they don't like it, they can suck it! Haha). I guess I just don't want to have something posted and no readers... I'd feel pretty pathetic haha. 'Cause if no one online is reading, why post it? So I guess I'm saying thanks in a very round about way hahaha. I don't think I know how to be brief haha.
    February 6th, 2010 at 05:21am
  • I believe in a weird mixture of the creation story and evolution... I could go into detail, but I feel like it would be long and boring... :]
    I guess with all of the alternatives I've actually allowed myself to question what it is that I believe instead of just saying, "oh, that's what the Bible says so it must be 100% literal and accurate". I mean I'm not going to bash anyone for their beliefs (I'm very, [i]very[/i] strongly against pushing my beliefs on other people, mostly because I know I wouldn't want theirs forced upon me. A little friendly exchange of ideas is cool, but once someone says "You're wrong, I'm right, now convert." The red flag goes up. Haha), but I know what I believe and I'm not changing that because this is what makes sense to me.
    Awesomeness!! And if I ever get one of the stories I'm working on up on mibba, I will totally tell you!
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:50am
  • Couldn't have said it better myself!
    That's one of the hard things for me. Trying to balance my faith and the science. But I also think it's helped me grow spirtually and as a person.
    Hmmmm. Those are a lot of really good ideas. Personally, I'm a sucker for historical novels and a good love story, so I like the idea of the Classical Times one. But I think the psychiatric thriller sounds cool too. Whatever you decide on, it'll be great! Just write when you have inspiration, and push yourself through the times when you have writer's block (you can always go back and edit it when you're feeling more imagination :]). That's my 2 cents. :] I hope that was helpful! Haha
    February 3rd, 2010 at 04:48am
  • I probably already have a calling and just haven't answered it yet... Who knows. But when it's my time to answer it, I'll know it. That's just my faith. :]
    I hope you love biology! I have to admit, not all of it's fun, but right now we're talking about Darwinism (the guy that came up with natural selection) which is one of my favorite parts! I could care less about cell structure. Haha
    My brother was always getting into trouble in class too. He wouldn't do his work because he thought it was too easy or boring, and then he would start making trouble. I probably would've been put in the class, but we moved right when I would've been tested, and none of my new teachers knew me very well. Plus I was always the good child, too shy to break the rules or get in trouble haha.
    Hmmm. Any ideas? I'm willing to give input. :]] I'm excited now! Haha
    February 3rd, 2010 at 04:02am
  • I agree with you, though I don't know what my calling is yet... I like so many different things, but I don't feel like any of them is my particular [i]calling[/i] if you know what I mean.
    Science isn't really my thing either--in the chemistry/physics aspects--but with biology it's different. I've wanted to be one since I was old enough to know what a dolphin is. So basically 12 years or so. Plus biology is more theories and stuff, not math really. Plus I want to be out in the field taking ocean water samples and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef tagging sharks and counting the coral reef populations. :] I'm getting excited just thinking about it! :] Haha
    That sounds like our Gifted and Talented (GT) program. I was never tested for it, but my brother got in it. Except for us it wasn't necissarily an IQ thing. It was more like for kids that thought things through in a different way. Like they were more visual or whatever. I just remember my brother doing a lot of logic problems (which I love).
    Well when you publish your first book and dedicate it to your teacher, tell me and I'll be your first buyer and fan! :]
    February 3rd, 2010 at 03:33am
  • Ya but do you think that could have been a cause that led to his death? I mean in some way?
    February 3rd, 2010 at 03:02am
  • Ithink they are coming out this week! Or at least this month! Did you hear he got Laser eye surgery before he died?
    February 2nd, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • My favorite compliments are from my English teacher and my AP Biology teacher. :] Although I don't have any stories on here, I also like to write. :] I know it's a passion of yours (and I don't think saying it's your calling is corny, but that may be because I just got back from church camp and the theme was about finding our calling from God), and you're good at it too. :] And I want to be a marine biologist, and Dr. Minihan is a beast at biology. It gives me warm fuzzies in my stomach when either one of them compliments me. :]]
    You're Gifted teacher? What's Gifted? It's really cool that you have mentors. I've never been close enough to a teacher to talk to one outside of school, except for my 8th grade English teacher (ironically enough). But even then, I haven't seen her in over a year... I think it's awesome that you keep in touch and that you can have such a good relationship with them.
    February 1st, 2010 at 06:17am
  • Haha I know I can be lazy! But some days I get up and I just want to get something productive done.
    I know I work better under pressure, especially on English essays. My teacher is a really hard grader, but she compliments me on my essays a lot. :] It makes me feel proud. Don't you just love it when you get praise from your teachers?
    February 1st, 2010 at 03:26am
  • It's good that you work on what you like. :] Too many people in the world are too lazy to put effort into anything, even things they like. :/
    Hahaha that's about how I am. I never complete my homework or projects until the night before or the period before it's due... Haha I did one project early, and I loved the feeling of having it done. I told myself I'd continue doing my work ahead of time. And then next thing I know... I'm back to procrastinating. :/ *sigh* Oh well. Such is life.
    January 29th, 2010 at 01:18am
  • Did you hear the results were inconclusive??!!!
    January 28th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • I like swimming, but I was never good at speed. I'm sure if I trained and actually tried I could be a little speedy, but I've never wanted to do races. I just like to laze around in the pool. :]
    I bet it's nice. Maybe I'll make some time to clean out my binders. It might make me feel less unorganized and flustered(sp?). But knowing myself I'm probably too lazy to actually get around to it. Haha
    January 28th, 2010 at 04:28am
  • That sounds like a lot of fun! :] I'm pretty sure I would die in a 100 hahaha... Let alone a 500. It makes me tired and sore just thinking about it!
    Ah lucky you. All my classes are a continuous thing where I need all my notes from last semester. :/ But maybe I could clean them out of my binders and find a folder to keep them in at my house.... But I would need time for that. *sigh*
    January 27th, 2010 at 12:38am
  • I suppose so. I remember when I was young and believed I would never drift away from my friends. Haha Ah the perks of being a kid.
    That seems really close. I hope you're able to skim off at least those 7 seconds. :] I'm sure you can do it! What event is it that you want to do? My friend's coach is sticking him in the 500 and he's never done it before... He said that in practice he took over 7 minutes, but he was kind of joking about it so I'm not really sure if he's concerned about the meet. He said he's better at speed than endurance, so maybe he's not really taking it seriously.
    I'd like a three day weekend. Not really a break long enough to get out of the swing of things, but enough time to have fun and do homework all within the weekend.
    January 26th, 2010 at 03:24am
  • I'm glad I'm not the only nerdy one out there! Haha.
    Ya, I have quite a few friends that we've all drifted apart, but I guess that's life. *shrugs* I mean, I miss the good times we used to have, but I've made new friends and I love them just as much as I used to love my old friends.
    Do you have any competitions coming up in these last few weeks? My friend said he had like... regionals? coming up soon.
    A break to renew smarts? That seems a bit paradoxical. (I totally made that word up, so I'm not sure if it's real or not.)
    January 26th, 2010 at 12:39am
  • I used to always wish I could pause time! This is really nerdy, but I used to always want to freeze time so that I could read. I was always really busy and never really got a chance to read for fun, so I would fantasize that I could stop time like in the movie [i]Clockstoppers[/i]. Haha I told you it was nerdy. :]
    One of my really good friends is on swim team. But we've kinda fallen away from each other because we've both had different schedules because of band and swim team. But because I've switched out of drumline class and into regular band class (long story...), I'm now in his lunch and we've gotten to catch up with each other. It's really nice to be able to breathe a little. :]
    I'm the same way with exams. I'm trying to get back on schedule, but I feel kinda burnt out, and the year's only half over!! UGH! haha
    January 25th, 2010 at 05:00am
  • How has life been? I've been so busy I haven't had time to do anything except school work! Including thinking about anything except homework.... I hope your life has been fairly good.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 12:42am
  • i just watched the tribute video for him.
    ...i'm back to square one. bawling like a baby.
    January 17th, 2010 at 06:50am