thePHunkmaster / Comments

  • Yes, it's a very irritating chapter. Hah.

    I will keep that paintball suggestion in mind. I have all these friends who are like, "Naw, I think there's a lot of sexual tension between Bri and Vee. Something should happen." And I just look at them like, "Excuse me? THAT'S what you're getting out of all of this?" -.-

    The speech was pretty great. <3 I like all of the little rants that take place in this. Vi can just be so annoying. It makes me so, so glad that I don't actually have a little sister.
    August 11th, 2010 at 08:11am
  • Right now she doesn't think that Matt meant any harm. But if she ever gets the feeling that he does and really believes it, or she ever gets cause to really believe its him, you can bet the nightmares will come back.
    August 11th, 2010 at 06:40am
  • Thanks for your comments :D.

    Hmmm...Val meeting her parentals may be interesting indeed...:)

    Haha, yeh...he does sound like a pimp there, eh? But, I saw a ringmaster at a circus like that once, so that's where that came from lol.

    Ah, okays, it's just for some odd reason, some people haven't been getting notifications and they subscribed. Let me know if that ever happens to you :D.

    Thanks again :D.
    August 11th, 2010 at 06:11am
  • Fucking Violet. >___> That's all I have to say about that.

    The Hulk scene was by far one of my favorites to write so far. He's so cute.<3 And yeah, he does have some really cool shirts. :D

    It almost hurt me to make the phone interrupt. Srsly.

    And, I would quite enjoy someone knocking on my door like that, as well. It'd make answering it that much more pleasant. Hahaha
    August 10th, 2010 at 07:06am
  • Brian is actually one of my favorite characters. He's rash, insulting, obnoxious (and pretty sexy). I just figured he'd be the best to keep it all rolling.

    And yeah, I'll tell you right now, Violet doesn't exactly grow up for quite a while. Heh.
    August 10th, 2010 at 06:42am
  • Once again your comment had me ROTFL. Yeah, I have heard that some girls do like that kind of play, but only when its consensual. See, Matt forgot that part. lol

    I know you want him to get Shar, but I already had other plans. I never intended Shar to be quite THIS annoying, but I like that she is. Shar is my catalyst. She makes everything happen. So her punishment for not being nice is that even though she makes things happen, she only reaps negative things for herself, because she's so selfish!
    August 9th, 2010 at 11:25am
  • Yeah I hate when authors are like I must have comments for another chapter

    Yeah nothing is worse then a generic storyline with a total Mary Sue character
    August 9th, 2010 at 07:43am
  • Finally I updated again (:
    I hope you're still interested in Brian and Cameryn
    August 8th, 2010 at 02:47am
  • Oh yeah I am!

    No problem I like commenting stroies and I know how exciting it is to find comments waiting for you

    Hey that's great too you can establish a much closer bond with the main character. I like stories that stray from the norm they're much more interesting.
    August 7th, 2010 at 06:14am
  • Yeah, I figured that was a pretty good dose of karma... For everyone, really.

    Sage WILL punch Vi in the face at some point. I freaking promise. Maybe while she's pregnant. I think that would make it that much more intense.

    And yeah, Brian is STILL an asshole. I don't know why I'm making him out to be such a dick, but that's just how it's happenin'.

    So glad you liked it. (: You're like, my favorite commenter, I think.
    August 7th, 2010 at 03:35am
  • Hah, I just know that sometimes, once the big romance finally blooms and shit, some people lose interest. Like, I've done that before, read a story and once the first, oh- so awaited kiss takes place, it's kind of like, "Oh, well, now that that's over..." And I sort of lose interest in it. I don't want that to happen with OoE. >___>

    And yeah, I've read stories that are like that, where they fall in love, like, instantly. I can understand falling for someone in a somewhat short amount of time, but it takes a little while to start droppin' the L word. Hahah
    August 7th, 2010 at 02:47am
  • Well, I'll make sure to make OoE interesting enough to keep you lured in and convince you that things WILL happen. Eventually. >__>
    August 4th, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • Oh, I forgot to tell you I started my Zacky story. It's really not off the ground yet, the first chapter is little more than a teaser. The next chapter will be a lot more informative about how things are gonna go.
    August 4th, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • You hope Matt gets her?! ROTFL!!! Man, I wouldn't wish that on anyone! But maybe Shar does deserve it! lol

    OMG you make me laugh.

    I don't think Cyan will ever fully get over it, I don't think anyone could, but having someone around that makes you happy can make life feel different. Better. Even if inside you still question "Why did that have to happen to me?" sometimes.
    August 4th, 2010 at 09:14pm
  • im usually a silent reader when i do read stuff, but when i occasionally drop a comment, i like to leave a good one too. i love all comments i get, its just that the nice and well thought out ones make me smile.

    my brian story is You're My Addicition (url - Don't feel pressured to read it haha, only if you're looking for new stuff cause i know it gets rough sorting through all the crap on the recently updated list (not to be harsh about some peoples writing lol). This one I think will always be my favorite because i love the main character and I tend to be a little obsessed with Brian haha. I finished it a few weeks ago and i'm on to a sequel now.
    August 3rd, 2010 at 12:06am
  • Really? I thought people hated the ice cream run! And when they said she looked like "That" they meant really pretty, but she interpreted really ugly. I thought it went over everyone's heads. Maybe I can put it in during a later chapter..there are some other things I am gonna put back in, but in different ways.

    I'm so glad you get my frustration! I even have the story layout made, and no story to go in it! lol But I love me some Zachary! And I want to write about him. <3
    August 2nd, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • We shall see. (: Can't be too far off. Victim is a character that Violet likes to play... a lot. >____>

    Hah, it doesn't take much for me. Weird tenses, grammatical errors, terrible dialogue, and I exit out.
    August 2nd, 2010 at 10:29pm
  • Thanks for the feedback. And you know, I think you were right. So much so that I changed that aspect of it back. I just made it where she decided to go to the show with him. I think it means more that way.

    I think I'm gonna be writing an update today. =) I'm getting all the plans together now.

    I have this new story I want to start featuring ZV, but so far I can't figure out what scene to start off with! I hate it when that happens! It may not start for weeks because of that, but the opening scene is very important, I think. And a story with no planning is usually not very good. But I get so anxious to start!
    August 2nd, 2010 at 05:29pm
  • hahah true. i havent been to six flags in forever! lol
    August 2nd, 2010 at 02:20pm
  • do not even get me started on that mustache hhahaa.

    i love your comments btw. i always get nice in depth comments from everyone who reads this story, but not for my brian one haha its weird.

    yes, the bruise is going to come into play, especially since the main story line is about to kick in. I'm pretty excited about it:]
    August 2nd, 2010 at 06:02am