Some of the most RANDOM Quotes you will EVER hear....5?

"When guys are with guys, they will make poopie jokes...""When my husband says, 'Let's go to Home Depot' that is his way of asking me on a date.""Why do guys always need to have things spelt out for them?"What?""You're an oxy-moron! Your parents made love but they don't love you!""If we can't have kids together, can we at least practice?!""Will you go to Senior Ball with...
June 8th, 2009 at 07:31am

The Most RANDOM Quotes You Will EVER Hear.... Pt 4

"Danny, you're making me lose!"Lisa, you're not that bad. You're in fourth....oh.""Flip it over and start again.""It's adopt-an-asian!""Objection Your Honor, the witness is plotting to kill me.""Hey Lisa, have you ever had a boyfriend?"No, but Nick, have you ever had a boyfriend besides Kevin?[Kevin falls down in the middle of his swing in Wii bowling]""Look at me! I join a youth group and now...
January 11th, 2009 at 06:01am

Some of the most RANDOM quotes you will EVER hear... 3

"My heart!" *slaps right side of chest*"Whats wrong with it?!?!""..."*looks down*"It's on the wrong side!""Save that dog from Hannah!""Baby born baby born! you're locked in a castle with a fire breathing dragon, and the fire breathing dragon breathes... Baby dead baby dead...""...was SAVAGLEY abused by someone who led, almost exclusivley, with his left. And Tom Robinson now sits before having...
September 18th, 2008 at 07:16am

Some of the most RANDOM quotes you will EVER hear... 2

"oH mY GoShneSS! Harry's hand fell off! That was the one holding the snitch! He will never the Christmans tornament now!"To Stephenie Meyer - "Your book, is my drug. Since you said the possibility of you not finishing Midnight Sun is extrememly large. I'm ready to die now.""'Who is this?''Your stalkerrrr.''O.O''Nah, it's just me.''Who ARE you?!!?''Oh, yeah, It's Lisa. Sorry Hannah.'"NEVER scare me...
September 13th, 2008 at 08:11pm

Some of the most RANDOM quotes you will EVER hear.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand them...."Dude, why do guys like breasts?""Well, guys are always tired, and they are like these sexy pillows everywhere.""O.o""No wizard. No wizard!""What in the world IS THAT!?!?!?""...It might be someone's treadmill....Or a parrot...""If I'm confuddled about what is confuddling me. What am I confuddled about?""Where the effin buh geezus is she?!?!?!""One...
September 9th, 2008 at 04:06am