MoonShine / Comments

  • lol oh man! How epoch would a chocolate human be!?

    After you got finished you would be all....obease though.

    And yeah, he came over today and he was super sweet...and likes to tease me. =P

    So far it seems like I COULD trust him, but I haven't exactly allowed myself to do that yet....
    March 1st, 2009 at 04:59am
  • lol well he is super sweet and he makes me smile, like he is immauture and can make me laugh but he knows when to be serious too.

    He asked me to be his girlfriend last night, and I am going to hang out with him tomorrow after school.

    He is like...almost too sweet though, like I am not very trusting of guys because I have been used in the past and so I dont really know what to do with this guy...
    February 26th, 2009 at 04:40am
  • It's not that hard. XD we just sit and watch movies the whole time. XD
    February 26th, 2009 at 01:12am
  • *gets on knees and wails* I AM A PITIFUL UNOBSERVANT BAD BAD BAD SLAVE!!! Mucho apologiez, O All Powerful Ninja Midget Mistress. ^_^

    But my ninjas have waffles. (FEAR MEH!)
    February 25th, 2009 at 05:45am
  • You finally came on.
    February 24th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • *jumps out behind couch and celebrates with you*

    Yay you! One more year older!!!

    So guess what?! I am over Mr. liked me only for my body and am moving on...sort of. This guy likes me but I am uncertain about them.
    February 24th, 2009 at 02:50am
  • That happens to be the conquer-all for the great gazoongaz. (WHU TOLD U?!?! O.O)
    I honestly have no clue. XD But you never answered my question! What'd you do for yours?
    February 23rd, 2009 at 07:32am
  • The Great Gazoongaz will spare you. XD (Just don't make them like you. Then it gets weird.) XD
    February 23rd, 2009 at 05:27am
  • No! I'm young and sexy for six more days. Until those're up, I refuse to change your diapers! XD
    But I have a better idea anyway. We can have epic WHEELCHAIR RACES!!! ^_^
    So what'd you do on your birthday? That's awesome that you had fun. ^_^
    February 23rd, 2009 at 04:48am
  • Hi. How have you been?
    February 21st, 2009 at 01:21am
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARAH!!!!!!!! *hugs* (Actually, it's 3 hours until your birthday, but whatever, I remember now!)
    Anyway, Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one!
    February 20th, 2009 at 06:06am
  • lol omg that made me smile, and you are correct, that will be a great day in history!

    Oh man! My mom is yelling at me to clean out my cats litter bok, I think this would be the right thing to do, but I can't seem to make myself do it! >_<
    February 14th, 2009 at 04:02am
  • It's the 28th! ^^ i hope so. i know we wont be able to do anything with her on her really birthday because i have this hunger awareness thing at me church that day. T.T ( i get to starve for 30 hours! hooray!!! =D )
    February 11th, 2009 at 07:55am
    That leaves option #2: Just look at them and say, "You must be really insecure about that huge mustache to feel like you have to say something like that to her. You're making yourself look stupid." That shuts them down every time.
    February 10th, 2009 at 06:16am
  • God, that really does suck! Give Kylie a hug for me. ;_; You could just come up with some good comebacks, or report them to the principal or a teacher. They'd stop it.
    But know what? I do go to high school, so I know how you feel. I just go to a charter school, but I'm there @ various times every day but Monday. So far, I haven't encountered anything bad but the one guy who's fallen in love with me. But that's awful about Kylie. You really should tell a teacher or something.
    February 10th, 2009 at 05:15am
  • oh man! I am sorry about you and your boyfriend!!!

    And I was just thinking about getting a new Aiden up, so I will do that right....

    After I finish this message!!

    And with my hotty, it seems that he only liked my for my looks and not my personality, which is really retarded, but he still stares whenever he sees me and tries to make me jealous, so I am just.....exausted with this guy.
    February 9th, 2009 at 04:16am
  • That sucks. T.T Well, the good thing is that your birthday is soon and after that you'll only have to wait a year! ^^
    February 7th, 2009 at 08:34am
  • Seriously!!! That's what he's like, he's all "Durr, I'z luuuuuuvz u cuz o ur BOOBIES!!!" T.T It's BAD!!!
    Yes, he is the same one. -.-
    Yeah, I've taken singing lessons for 7 years and I'm leading first soprano in choir. XD
    He has homework and robotics lasts until god-knows-what-hour-of-the-night. T.T So he's pretty much been swallowed alive except on Sundays...if he does his homework.
    *eyes dart back and forth, whispers* 1230978! It was hard to find out, but I have my methods. ^_^
    February 7th, 2009 at 05:21am
  • Yes, but don't tell him that. *winks*
    I was mainly freaking out because the guy was epically hitting on me and I'm like O.O and he's like "Durr, i'z be horny dude!" and I'm like "SHIT! RUN AWAAAAAY!" and he's like, "NO, I'Z HOLD UR HAND!" and I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" -.- Stupid horny teenage guys. -.-
    You're totally not a freak! I think it's good that you're waiting, and being honest with yourself about being in love. Most people don't fall in love right now; Aaron and I are just freaks of nature. ^_^ And that proves that when the right guy does come along, you'll be ready for a good relationship instead of going out with a whole bunch of baloney sandwiches who're a-holes. You're good, trust me.
    Nope, rock band is the real deal! Real electric guitars, real drums, real bass (or is it base? I'M SO CONFUSED!!!) and I love my microphone so much I could eat it! ^_^ It's the highlight of my week, I get to get up there and sing for two hours straight. I love it.
    How's basketball going?
    February 7th, 2009 at 04:03am
  • That's to bad. T.T Lets see....i got a new jacket, ( it's green ^^ ) I'm eating bread, I GOT A CELLPHONE!!!! ^^ and i can't think of anything else. T.T
    February 6th, 2009 at 01:44am