be human. / Comments

  • Haha, I mentally stabbed myself when I found out which means I start back in exactly 14 days. *shoots self*
    August 7th, 2009 at 01:16am
  • It's totally true! I have very little patience for people, to be quite honest.

    Yeah, I'll manage somehow. My one swimming course is only for six Sundays, and the other one is for nine Wednesdays. :/ It just sucks because I'll have NO days off until our Thanksgiving weekend, because (hopefully) I'll be working on Saturdays, because I need the money for my England trip. And hopefully I'll be lifeguarding by the time I start driving school.

    I know the feeling - our first day is always the Monday after Labour Day (I think it's a Canadian holiday so you probably have no idea what I'm talking about but that's okay), but our school board wanted us to start on the first of September this year, as opposed to around the 8th. They ended up putting it to a vote and lost though, thankfully.
    August 6th, 2009 at 02:49am
  • hello.
    im haylee.
    how are you.
    oh yeah by the way i say you should do a garrett nickelsen story.
    August 5th, 2009 at 09:38pm
  • no problem, i'm fine. how are you?
    August 5th, 2009 at 07:01am
  • thanks lotss for the one-shot comment(:
    August 5th, 2009 at 06:18am
  • Yes indeed. It's been quite incredible from what I remember. :)
    I'm soon going back to London for college. :)
    I start back on the 20th. *cries*
    August 5th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • You are quite welcome. :)
    I'm good, just woke up from a very, looong nap. And I stink now. *cries*
    How are you?
    August 5th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • I dislike most people even if they AREN'T mean, ahahaha. I'm quite intolerant.

    Aww, I hope you survive all that! From what I remember, my grade 8 year was actually pretty chill. Yours sounds quite... busy.
    And know what the sad part is? I'm going into grade 12, but it's not actually my school work that's going to keep me busy - it's everything else. I have a super easy year subject-wise, luckily. But I need to get going with my swimming so I can lifeguard, and then there's band, which I'm hopefully going to be vice-president for (haha go band n3rds) and I need to start thinking about driving school too. And then there's work. But enough of my whining, haha. (:

    Ah that's so weird! I can't imagine being back in school in August. I think our first day is the 8th this year.
    August 4th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • I'm great, I just ate some cookies and milk so I'm actually quite happy. :D
    Yeah, I guess. I have a month and a bit left cause I live in the UK... but I'm pretty sure you have less?
    My summer is actually quite simple and boring so far though, but I'm not complaining. (:
    How are your last weeks of summer?
    August 4th, 2009 at 02:57pm
  • Ew yeah, it's a well-known fact that Brandon Flowers is like the biggest asshole on the planet. He bothers me. >__<

    And ahh, thanks for the story comment. (: I know, I know, I update WAY too slowly. But I seriously am going to try hard to get a lot of updates out in the next few weeks, because I'm going to be absolutely SWAMPED when the school year starts. I'm going to have like one free evening a week. D':

    And I'm very good, thank you. (: Oh my gosh I know, summer's pretty much half over for us up here. It's so sad. I'm dreading the start of school so much because of how busy I'll be. *Sigh*
    But how are you, love?
    August 4th, 2009 at 07:38am
  • hi (:
    how're you doing?
    August 3rd, 2009 at 07:26pm
  • Aww, yeah. I love it when bands are nice like that. (: If it's a well-known fact that they're dickish, I don't even like listening to them - the Killers, for example.

    Ah, that sucks. Oh well, at least you went to Warped - Paramore are doing a tour in the fall apparently, so hopefully you can catch them then.

    I know, it's crazy - they're only like four years older than I am. I think that makes them even more relatable, in a way. And aha yeah, rockin' grandmas for sure. :D
    August 2nd, 2009 at 06:54pm
  • AHH, lucky girl! I wish I'd have met The Maine when I saw them. D: Were they sweethearts? (:
    And ahh I know what you mean about the short feeling - Jack had to bend down and lean his head on top of mine in our picture. I'm about up to his shoulder. And I'm like thinking to myself, not just about Jack but about band dudes in general, it seems - what the fuck did you EAT while you were growing up? 5'4" isn't even short, and they all tower over me. XP

    Yep, I saw them at the end of last August and it was absolutely AMAZING. I wish they stuck around after shows though - I caught a setlist that would be so badass to get signed. D: They do meet and greets for their fanclub members, but joining another one is not exactly at the top of my financial to-do list right now. -__-

    Psh, we ourselves would be like around 75. XD But it's cool, I plan on being a rockin' grandma. :D
    August 2nd, 2009 at 02:42am
  • Yaay, I hope you have tons of fun. I'm sure you will. (:

    Ohmygosh same, I'm so freaking excited for it. It's going to be epic.

    And LOL! Yeah I could totally picture it now. I hope that happens. :')
    July 29th, 2009 at 05:50pm
  • Just stoppin in to say I like your Barakat story, or atleast what I've read of it.
    July 26th, 2009 at 04:34am
  • Yeah, I've actually never been to Warped either - I'm sorta waiting until one of the amazing bands actually plays the Toronto date. -__- *Cough* ATL. I might be waiting a while, it seems. XP

    Yess they are, I'm so excited. And so are Paramore. Can't wait. (:

    LOL I'd definitely go see them when they're 80. Can you imagine them making all their perverted jokes with wrinkly skin and saggy balls? ...Actually that's probably what they would end up talking about, bahaha.
    July 24th, 2009 at 04:35pm
  • Yeah, well, I think everyone's done that before. (:

    My summer's been well. I got back from a cruise a couple weeks ago and going to a summer college for kids program for another week.

    July 24th, 2009 at 07:14am
  • I just read your Jack story.
    I love it and I promise to read the rest of your stories in the morning!
    July 24th, 2009 at 06:48am
  • Ohh yes, I loved it. <3

    And yes. Congratulations! I was stalking that contest for a while because I started getting into a Jalex mood. Yours was the best out of all of them. :D
    July 24th, 2009 at 06:12am
  • I've been pretty good, as well, thanks.

    Actually, I read your Jalex four-shot recently and I absolutely loved it! :D
    July 24th, 2009 at 06:06am