Please. Stop with all the Twilight fantard/hate crap. It gets really annoying, especially on deviantART, where people are all like, "I'll stop bashing Twilight as soon as it starts making sense." and "Read Twilight? I'd rather claw my eyes out." You know what? I support having an opinion, but this is a little extreme.THE BOOK IS BETTER. STOP COMPARING THE MOVIE TO THE BOOK.I think people were and...
April 18th, 2009 at 12:08am

Coraline Vs. Twilight Discussion

So I saw my friend MewPika's MP on, and I just have a few things to say. (not negatives or positives, but opinions)Twilight: Yeah, I liked the books. Yeah, I like Edward. Yeah, sometimes I really want the fangirls to SHUT THE HELL UP. *coughabicough* I really wasn't impressed with the movie. I really thought they could've done better with the sparkle forest scene. I mean, they...
March 25th, 2009 at 09:14pm

Gonna Be Gone For Awhile

So, the last full week in March, I'm going to be gone. I'm visiting some family for the whole week, so I probably won't be able to use the internet. That's my guess, anyway. I don't really know. But when I get back, I'll probably have a few more chapters to post, sooo... Yeah... Just informing you that I might not be able to use the internets.<3,WINDEH (I've been listening to MCR for like,...
March 15th, 2009 at 06:49pm

I'm REALLY Sorry...

I was going to post a new chapter of Apples and Cake today, but...I kinda lost my composition that I've been writing in. At school. In one of my first four hours.I know, it's really stupid, I should have written it in something else as well, but I like using composition notebooks only for writing in. The pages are nice and even and are smooth... (is that a weird thing to like about compositions?...
October 14th, 2008 at 11:30pm