danja87 / Comments

  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    oh my gosh! u should totally write! the only advice i can give is to just start doing it. practice makes perfect. I started writing SJ in first person pov and now it is in third. i think its funny, but i dont wanna change it. Do write about something you know and/or love. and be original. sometimes that makes a big difference in readers. let me know when you start and maybe i can try to help. but most of all you have to be confident in your own writing. i have become too addicted to reviews lately, which has landed me in the hole some. also some people dont appreciate what i write and dont mind saying they hate it or whatever, and that kinda gets you down, but i have learned to weed it out. A gal told me a while back that i should stop writing all together. That i was lying about what i write, and that all this could not happen to one person. I didnt know what to say. Its not like i can prove it. I never said i wrote word for word what happened in my life, but i gotta say its pretty gosh darn close, though i do embellish quite a bit for story excitement and progression, but i feel like i made that clear. It being based on a true story doesnt mean everything is in order or worded EXACTLY correct. Besides, what difference would that make to someone who is just reading for entertainment purposes. Still, kinda hurt my feelings. Also people say all the time about how i shouldnt be writing Joe doing the duty lol like this is fiction people, dont read if u dont like it. I try to keep it tasteful. Somebody is always gonna hate something i guess. I also had a few people steal the story and repost it saying it was theirs. That was kinda flattering, but the only down thing was i didnt get to see the reviews from their posts ;) like if ur gonna repost it pls send me the reviews u get lol

    okay, ive gotta go bathe, but im gonna send u the story for the Valentines day challenge. it wont be complete so pls forgive that ;)
    June 25th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    no problem. happy to do it. wish i had more. Australia was my fav song for the LONGEST! since the early days! i wanna visit in the worst way!

    Enough Joe started as a dream i had one night. I actually really wanted to just delete it. It frustrates me to NO end. Its not writers block that keeps me from updating, believe me, the whole thing is completely running through my head constantly! but it makes me sad to write them like that. believe it or not, the ending is done. i wont ruin it for you by telling ;)

    BUT . . . I am going to be writing a REAL sequel to September Joe. It is NOTHING like Enough Joe, but very similar to September. It will be called When September Ends. . . . if everything works out okay. it is a long way off still. but it will be about Sadie and Joe in college. i have some ideas floating in my head that i have scratched onto paper.

    I also have a few one-shots half written (completely separate from any story i have done) that i really wanna turn into a series of one shots, but i just dont have the time to complete them. We will see. i might send u some if you like. One was supposed to be sent in for the JBFFA valentines day challenge, but my daughter wanted me to send in the Chocolate story i wrote for her.

    they are really saucy if u know what i mean *blushes* there are about 6 of them that are either a quarter or half way written. they just blow through my head and i jot them done as quick as i can.

    okay, it is bedtime here actually. u r probably starting your day ;) that is too weird to me. plus, i hear it is cold over there. it was 104 here today.
    June 25th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    do you go on the JB fanfiction archive site at all? There are some on there, and there are Top 10 lists for the best. I mostly just have time to write, but i have a few i would recommend. Itsdanielle is one of the best for sure!

    fashion101 has Truly Living, which is a top fav of mine.
    Wildcurl788 has 3 (one is a sequel) that i love.
    those author links are on my page. here are a few from my subscription here on mibba, some of them are worse updaters than even me lol.
    http://www.mibba.com/story/disasterTOWN/Inseparable/ (this was my first ffiction read ever!)

    hope these help. i read a lot of edward and bella stuff from fanfiction.net too. i m a twilight freak!
    June 25th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    will do an update super soon just for you ;) promise! thank u for caring enough to love the story!
    June 23rd, 2009 at 03:36am
  • kelskelsponed

    kelskelsponed (100)

    United States
    Your screen name is awesome.
    Just wanted to get that out there.

    And...I guess I'm doing a good job if I'm building suspense for you =)
    You'll have to wait and see..
    May 18th, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • Account Inactive.

    Account Inactive. (150)

    United States
    Thank you for your decision on the story. What about Naee or Nailey?
    May 9th, 2009 at 02:20pm
  • Silver

    Silver (100)

    United States
    If you like my "Falling Faster Now" story, you need to check out my other story, "Look Before You Fall" major Jemi-ness. =) Thanks so much for all your reviews.
    April 9th, 2009 at 06:32am
  • mcali187

    mcali187 (100)

    Haha, thank you for the story comment.
    But I guess you will just have to keep reading to see if it's a Joe Jonas story or not.
    January 15th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • Ragsisbeast

    Ragsisbeast (100)

    United States
    Wanna know a secret? The sequel will be Joe because I like him waaaaaay more than whiney little diabetic Nick Jonas. I swear, that boy is SO annoying!!!
    January 1st, 2009 at 11:53pm
  • Don't Forget Me

    Don't Forget Me (100)

    United States
    ... well my friend you might be on to something but you will have to wait and see lol Thanks so much for the comment! I really do love them! Keep the guesses coming!

    I am Lynnie :)

    Whats up?
    December 6th, 2008 at 10:13am