Love's Requiem / Comments

  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Me too =)

    That sounds so cool. I'm glad you got to meet them and they were all nice. I'd hate it if I ever met a band and they were nasty. It'd be such a let down.

    Yeahh, A7X are relatively well known here. If I hadn't heard of them I definitely would know the name because the amount of stories on here written about them is huge. I'm not that big of a fan. I wouldn't purposefully listen to them but I wouldn't really mind if they were playing. They are awesome on their instruments though. It was sad to hear about their drummer earlier this year.

    Haha, me and Leanne do that when we're at concerts. We link each other so we don't lose each other but mainly we do it so no-one can push in because we're usually first or second row. It's our method of keeping them away. We've queued and we'll stay there!

    Our concert was incredible. Bowling For Soup were doing really city relevant jokes- They really do their research. They were playing on Liverpool and Manchester's rivalry and it was hilarious. And Caleb (my favourite from FTSK) said that we had the sexiest accent in the world =P. I'm sure he says that everywhere he goes but I'm sure he only really meant it for us =P. We didn't get to meet them unfortunately but they said they'd be back on a headliner tour next year so that will be good =). We've booked to see so many people this year and next year though. Our whole CD collection practically is coming to visit us in the next year haha! But we're not complaining, I'm just spending a lot of my wages =P.

    Ohh you have to tell me what you think. They are really great bands. BFS's lyrics are so clever and so funny.

    Haha, I had one of those a while ago but it's faded now really. I wasn't the biggest fan of their new album.

    Milan is one of the most well known cities. I don't even know why but I thought it was in Spain. Complete blonde moment there =/ I'm the worst at geography ever. I'd love to go to Milan though.

    Coool, well I hope you like them anyways =) I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. Good luck with your studying.

    Which pictures? =S

    Haha, no I couldn't get into the storyline really. I watched one episode and it was right in the middle of the series so I didn't really get it. The whole vampire thing has just gotten out of control since Twilight started. Ive never read the books but I've seen all the films up to now. Haha, I know that it's easy to get a crush on the characters of TVD though 'cause they are rather cute ;) xx
    October 27th, 2010 at 12:27am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey Franci, just wondering how you're doing love, we haven't spoken in a while. How was the concert you went to? Who did you go to see? Xx
    October 26th, 2010 at 01:08am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, you suit your brown hair, it looks really nice =). Yeahh, there's something about gingers... I don't know of the programme though but I'm certain we have similar taste in men so I'll probably fancy him too =P. I've fallen in love with Jared recently (The Maine's Jared). I don't know why. There's a video of them playing basketball and I love him in it- He runs into a wall. I think it's because he was so sweet when we first met him =)

    You should look them up. They're friends with the Maine (Forever The Sickest Kids) and Bowling For Soup are hilarious. Their song lyrics are so funny and some of them really well thought of (like When We Die. One of their best songs). They've been going for over a decade I think. You really should listen to them both, they're amazing.

    Coool =D who are you going to see?

    Oh no I've never read that. The film never really interested me either. It just never caught my attention enough really but I've heard it's a lovely story =).

    I know =) it's funny when I read back to PYH because I think 'God, Leanne would actually say that/has said that'. We feel like we know you too =) I kinda do though haha.

    Yeahh it would be SO cool! =D. The second they release the dates for March I'll tell you if we're coming over =P. Yeahh, I'm not sure why because I don't know much about it but the idea of going there sounds great =) . Where abouts in Italy do you live?

    Uhh... I love Finn but I love Sam too. My favourite girl is Rachel =). But I like all of the characters. I love Puck the most though =D Kurt is cool but sometimes he annoys me. I loved Jesse too, until he went all mean on Rachel =(.

    It should be up soon =) hopefully by Sunday but don't hold me to it =)

    They're incredible, aren't they?

    Haha, I completely understand. I had a day off yesterday and spent it doing absolutely nothing when I should've been studying or at least doing something productive with the writing. Haha.

    Those pictures are amazing. You look stunning =). AND OH MY GOD KENNEDY LOOKS LIKE THE CUTEST THING EVERRRRR!! And Garrett too. In fact they all look amazing =D. Kennedy does look utterly adorable though =). xx
    October 16th, 2010 at 02:07am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I was scared enough about dyeing my hair in the first place, I wouldn't dare risk my eyebrows! I love red hair too, just not on me haha. I have a weakness for boys with red hair that have really cool hairstyles like Caleb Turman from Forever The Sickest Kids *faints*. Gorgeous. (I'm going to see them next week with Bowling For Soup. SO EXCITED!).

    Haha, yeah... We can't help ourselves, my accent isn't really as thick as some people's though! Haha, you'd have to speak quite slow and repeat everything about seven times for me to finally get what you mean I'm that bad =/.

    Oh that's so coool =) you speak a lot of languages! I had trouble with French... Haha.

    Well I understand you and as long as I do then it doesn't matter haha. You honestly don't make that many at all. Just here and there every so often but considering it's not you're first language you're doing a great job =).

    Haha I was kidding, she doesn't have to really =P Ohhhh, is she nearly finished? I hated being in high school. =/

    Yeah we are =). I only really tell Leanne about you because it's only her and two other friends know about my mibba account. I tell Leanne because you practically know her already from PYH (the character is her all over) and you always used to say things about her character or in your comments so I'd show them to her haha.

    Yeahh, we wish we could too. I can't believe it's almost been a week since we were in London. It's gone so fast =(.

    Yeah, apparently they're only £40 a ticket for next year. We'll have to wait and see when The Maine are playing though because if it's during university time then I won't be able to go =(. It'd be great to go all the way over there though! I've always wanted to go to Italy. It's the one place in the world I want to go to more than anywhere.

    Yeah! Last weeks episode of Glee nearly made me cry about 5 times ='( it was so sad. This weeks was really funny though. I love that programme.

    I've got back into the swing of WMN now so I'm on my way to finishing it. But now I've got a new story (It's Leanne's fault). It's a Garrett story. I'll probably post the prologue when I post the new update of WMN. I totally know what you mean though, sometimes you need to pick up inspiration from other places so you read a lot more and then you get back into writing and you don't want to read anything else.

    At the moment I'm distracting myself with absolutely nothing... Well... Watching videos of The Maine and Boyce Avenue. But aside from that nothing really =/. I think I'm just so tired when I come home from university that my brain doesn't want to think anymore... xxx
    October 14th, 2010 at 10:14pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, yeahh. I just prefer to have light coloured hair because I'm so pale. I look ill if I have darker hair and if I have ginger hair it doesn't match my eyebrows. I can't win =/.

    I know how you feel! It would be great to meet you though. Even Leanne keeps saying she wants to meet you haha. I'd be awful though because I'm so bad with foreign accents and Scouse (the accent I have) is probably quite difficult to understand to everyone else too. I can't even order a pizza or something if someone has an accent. I'm awful for it =/.

    Oh gutttted =( what are the private lessons for? What do you teach?

    Haha, patient? Well thank you but I wouldn't say that myself =). Haha, tell her hiii! And tell her to read my stories ; ) =P It's so odd, I don't expect you to tell people about me but I tell my best friends about you. It's odd to think about haha.

    Ohh cool =) Haha, Gossip Girl is so much more interesting than studying! I still can't stop thinking about our concerts either =D my picture with Garrett is the wallpaper on my ipod so every time I put a new song on I keep seeing it and feeling so happy!

    Haha, Leanne's genuinely looking up how much it would cost to book a flight to Italy to go and see the Maine with you if they come next year. She's doing it for Kennedy mostly though haha =P. She's a little crazy about him. (Understatement of the century haha).

    Uhh... Well I watched Glee and I've been trying to get over my writer's block at the moment. I'm not doing so good with it though unfortunately. It's been two and a half weeks since I last updated Words Mean Nothing and that is WAY too long! xxx
    October 14th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks very much =) you're probably the first in the world to like it. I'm going to dye it a bit lighter so I don't look as ginger haha =P.

    Yeahh, I hope they do come to Italy for you. You can be in the middle of the front row then instead and stare at them from face on =D.

    You're welcome =) I think you're really nice, it's not often you can meet someone this nice haha. I keep telling Leanne things you've said and we're both like 'awwww she's lovely' haha =).

    Haha, I guess we're even then =P.

    It's nothing really interesting, it just means 'what're you doing' but just a more casual way of saying it I suppose =) xx
    October 13th, 2010 at 10:16pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (In reply to the e-mail) Aww thank you.

    Haha, I'm not actually ginger. It just looks like it. I'm blonde but not proper blonde. It's a really weird colour =S I hate it =/. Leanne's the brunette.

    Well the way I mentioned about the Italian girls who came to see them in London and they had the flag, well John saw it and then he said 'Oh you're from Italy, well I think we might be going there when we tour in March'. I'm pretty certain he did. Haha, you'll have to come to the same concert as us next time if they don't go to Italy!

    Coool =). I know, me either, I'm so excited!!.

    Aww you're so sweet, I like writing to you too! =)

    Yeahh, well some girls who met John earlier in the day in Manchester said he was really sweet and stuff and it was raining so she was holding her umbrella over him and he said 'Oh you dont have to do that'. He was really nice apparently so it makes me feel a little better.

    Haha, yes we do know that saying. She said she knows she has good taste =P. And she's also extremely jealous that you got to touch Brooks' hair. Haha, you should've asked him about his shampoo!

    Ohh it must be me being completely unobservant then haha =).

    So are you up to much at the moment? =) xx
    October 13th, 2010 at 06:59pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's okay. Haha, I completely understand, me and Leanne were exactly the same when we got back from London and we only live a little while away, I can only imagine what it was like for you going back to Italy!

    They are incredible live aren't they! =D John's voice was utterly incredible in London. Unbelievably so =). When he started singing me and Leanne just looked at each other and were like whoaa....

    Awwwww, we got lost too! But more at 2am after the concert. We were in the same place as you, on Kenny's side on the far left as you can tell from the photo of John I sent you =)

    When we went to Manchester, we were queued outside the building and the building has windows and Pat came to the window and looked straight at me and I waved and he did the cutest little wave back. Leanne was just like =O then she came to her senses and waved too.

    We got a great video of Miserable At Best too =).

    Yeahh, apparently they only play that song on tour but it is really great. We weren't prepared for it either haha!

    lmao, you're going to have to fight Leanne for Kennedy and Brooks, they're her favourites too. I know! I don't understand how he can possibly sing that well when he's bouncing, it's odd =/.

    How sweet is Garrett though? Leanne's fallen in love with him, he's almost on the same level as love with Kennedy in her eyes, maybe even the same and that's saying something. He was utterly adorable and so nice =') they all really were. Jared was SO sweet too =)

    Yeahh, but you don't really know the reasoning for him not coming out. You'll get over the disappointment, trust me, I did. I watched their In Person documentary and fell back in love with him and I was really disappointed. Don't Stop Now is my favourite song EVER (I'm not exaggerating either, I genuinely mean it) and afterwards I didn't even want to listen to the song because hearing it made me sad =(. But now I love it more than ever. We will meet John, Franci =) one way or another! Haha, even if we have to kidnap him! =P

    I don't want to be upset with him because for all we know he could be ill. Some girls even shouted abuse at him from outside as they were leaving because he didn't come out. I felt so sorry for him, there's no need for it really. It just gives him less of an incentive to come out. They give us a bad name =(

    We didn't meet any of Mayday Parade though, only Jeremy really made an effort at ours but we didn't go to meet him. Everyone else didn't really come out. They weren't very enthusiastic =(.

    Yeahh, I can't wait for March now =) I wish we'd had the chance to ask them to come to Liverpool next time but maybe they will. If they're coming to Italy, they might add more dates to their UK tour too =)

    Thanks for the comment, I've been so excited waiting for it =D xxx
    October 13th, 2010 at 06:06pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm dying to know Franci, how was it? =D xx
    October 13th, 2010 at 12:53am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ohh well... I seem to have deleted your emails so I don't know your email address anymore.

    Could you let me know and I'll send them a.s.a.p? =) xx
    October 10th, 2010 at 10:57pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I hope there is for you too! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you don't end up too far back. I want you to get first row so you can stare at them and not get as squashed by mad people haha.

    Cool. I'll send them now =) x
    October 10th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Coool =) sorry if I've given you wrong information and you end up on the wrong side but staring at Garrett and Jared for fifty minutes isn't bad at all! =)

    Uh we got a 6.10am coach and got to London at 11.50am but then it took us half an hour to get from the coach station to the right area then another 10 minutes to find where we were going so we got to the actual academy by about 1pm. Are you guys trying to get there early for front row? Because we got there really early and there was still about 20 people there before us. =(

    You don't want to dress too warm otherwise you'll overheat in the concert!

    I can do if you want me to. I'll send them to your e-mail? =)
    October 10th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, yeah. I hope he does. At least that way one of us will get to meet him =). Awww thanks =) that would be lovely.

    Oh uh... Well, his usual side is on the left but when we were at Manchester he was on the right and then when we were in London he was on the left so I can't say for certain. We did it by looking at the amount of amps, the side with the most will usually have Jared and Garrett on. I can't really tell you but on the other videos of them he's on his normal side- the left.

    Yeahhh! I'd send you them but there are about 90 so it'll take a longgggg time haha.

    It was way too cold. I had two shirts, a hoodie, two pairs of socks on and I was still cold. Leanne had two pairs of socks, 4 shirts and a hoodie on and she was still cold as well. It was awfulllll =(

    Haha, I nearly got on and I got really excited but he picked someone three people in front of me. I think he has a thing for picking small girls 'cause the girl looked about 5 foot 3. My heart almost stopped and then I realised it wasn't me =/ haha.

    October 10th, 2010 at 07:52pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry this took so long. I was supposed to reply but then I forgot =/ sorry. But yeah, Kennedy, Jared, Garrett and Pat are all completely adorable. They're really lovely and sweet =). They just asked us what we thought and if we had fun, just stuff like that really. We didn't speak to them for a long time really. Kennedy wasn't well on the Wednesday though, he had a 'flu I think so he was coughing up a lung =( bless him. He looked a lot better yesterday.

    Haha, almost. She was shaking really bad when we met Garrett and now she's in love with him even more now. She wasn't as excited when she met Kennedy but it was honestly more the shock of it. He's like... Her favourite person in the world so it didn't feel real to her. Then we were walking back to the coach station and looked at the pictures and she started squealing and stuff. The picture of her and him is so cute =') it makes me beam everytime I see it =D

    We took pictures with Jared, Kenny, Garrett and Pat and we waited right up until the tour bus left in London and John didn't come out =/. I'm disappointed about not meeting him but we met Jared in London and he was absolutely lovely (though Lea stood on his foot haha).

    I would've told them about you but we didn't have time really 'cause there was a big crowd =/ There was actually someone from Italy at Friday's concert and she had a flag with her =).

    The concert was incredible. John's voice in London was.... Heavenly. Really powerful and perfectly in tune and everything. It sounded AMAZING.

    You'll have so much fun, especially since it's the last night of the UK tour. It's a special one =). If you meet John you should record a video of him saying hi to me and Leanne and that he loves us =P haha. I'm really sad we didn't get to meet him but because we didn't he's slipped to my least favourite now because everyone else was so lovely =/. I still love him, just not as much as everyone else now.

    The second concert was just as good as the first if not better because the atmosphere seemed better. We just got lost, kicked out of a train station and had to pay 25 pounds for a ticket home so the travel and the wait ruined it a little bit. But in retrospect, it was worth it. Even if it was absolutely FREEZING!

    You'll have a great time Franci, and if you're up the front, be sure to grab John's attention because during 'Girls Do What They Want' he brings someone up on stage to sing the chorus after the bridge =) he might pick you! =D xx
    October 10th, 2010 at 03:56am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    I can't wait for tomorrow now. We met Pat, Garrett and Kennedy (but he was sick, bless him ='( ) We saw Jared too but he went inside and we had to go. We didn't see John though. =(. But we're definitely going to meet them all tomorrow. Garrett and Pat were both at the merch table and they're all so flippin' LOVELY! =D.

    I might tell them about you tomorrow and mention you're coming all the way from Italy and they might remember me mentioning you when you get to meet them =). You're going to love it, I swear. You won't be disappointed at all. And there was no support act so The Maine just come straight on- No waiting =D.

    AMAZING!!!! Mayday Parade were really good too!

    I just thought I'd let you know! xx
    October 7th, 2010 at 04:17pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeahh =) it is fun sometimes!

    I love Miserable At Best too, it's a really nice song =). I think they probably will play it 'cause it's one of their most well known songs I think.
    I don't know who the support bands are but I think that The Maine will be on before Mayday Parade because MP are more well known over here so the majority of the crowd will be for them.

    I know, they never stop! But it's good for us =D haha.

    If I'm guessing right then you'll love them =).

    Haha I know, it is a little worrying. But I can assure you that Kennedy will say a lot of sensible things to stand up for all the romantics in the world later on =D x
    October 5th, 2010 at 09:47pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, well each to their own. I'm just not a practical kind of person and I hate calculations. I break things a lot haha. We used to have it from 9am til 5pm with only forty five minutes for lunch so it got a bit boring.

    I hope so! We've just bought a new camera so hopefully I'll get lots of pretty pictures, it's got a great zoom so there'll be lots of close ups of faces! =D You'll have to show me your photos too! Uhh yeah I don't mind their music but I don't actually take the time to listen to them really. I should. I love their song 'Kids In Love'.

    Ohh cool =) well at least someone's finally coming to Italy! Haha. If you're bored sometime you should listen to a band called Boyce Avenue (if you haven't heard of them). They do amazing covers and their singer has an incredible voice =') .

    I'm glad =) thanks for the comment. Uhhhh no I'm not a cynic. But some of the cynical things I write for Lexie make a lot of sense! x
    October 5th, 2010 at 09:05pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I'm sure you are and you're just being modest =P.
    Oh I do that in lectures sometimes, especially when I've had 9am starts =/.

    Oh, we call that 'Practical Skills'. I hated it. But there are some good skills to learn. =)

    Uh... I can't pick a subject at the moment. There are a few I like.

    We're SO excited. We're going to be getting there early and having a six hour wait or so. But our tickets didn't come so now we have to pick them up at the venue and I'm just hoping we don't lose our place whilst we're getting them. I'd die if I'd waited that long to not even get front row. ='(

    Aww, thanks =) we're happy too! It's a pity we're not going to the same gig. But All Time Low are playing at my University in March if you fancy coming to that. The tickets are on sale now and you'll be in my city too =D we're going to try to get hold of some tickets, 'cause we didn't realise how long they'd been on sale.

    Oh that sounds great! You'll have to take lots of pictures.

    Haha, well, enjoy =) x
    October 5th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I totally apologise for the length of that comment =/ x
    October 4th, 2010 at 08:32pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow... That sounds.... VERY difficult. You must be very intelligent! I'm not the biggest fan of molecular biology =/ it irritates me. If I can't see it I don't care haha! =P

    What do you learn in the subject you can't translate?

    Oh my gosh, I admire your willpower. It takes a lot of heavy machinery to get me up in the mornings =P. Haha, that sounds like an amazing dream! I've had a lot of them where he's been my boyfriend. How sad. But I've woken up and been in love with them again so it's got me extremely excited for Wednesday now!

    I like knowing the setlist =) I like to see if they're going to play my favourites. I don't think they'll go anywhere after the gig... Well, Hey Monday went to a fast food place down the street after we met them but there's not really anywhere else to go. I don't know if we'll meet them after Manchester because Leanne's in uni the next day at 9am so we have to get the coach back at 11.59pm (very specific) so we'll only have half an hour to wait because we have to get back to the coach station.

    Definitely going to wait for them at London though =) We got the tickets so it's all good =D. But apparently there are terror threats down there at the moment so I'm a bit nervous =S. Should all be fine though! We're going to Mancland (Manchester) on Wednesday and London on Friday. I can't wait! =D

    We're going in 2012 because that's when we finish our degrees and we'll be 21 so we can drink while we're there. =) You should go with a friend, we might see you there! haha x
    October 4th, 2010 at 08:31pm