
mood: Confuzzled About A Whole Lot.
music: Breaking Benjamin - Breath.
reading: Any NCIS or KOTOR FanFiction. =P
updates: None. =(
What’s love but a word you can’t say outloud?

Rawr. =P

It's Cold Outside But The Fire's Still Burning.

Atton Rand and Carth Onasi make me swoon. *hearts*

I’m not your normal straight-outta-the-packet fruit loop.
No sir-ee.

The name’s Katie Marie Dixie-Baby Pumpkin-Pie. =]
And my heart's throwing a right tantrum. It doesn't know who it belongs to. =/

I’m imperfect, cranky and energeretic with a whole-lotta fun packed in too.
I’m also a turnip.

Don’t just think outside the box. Tear it up. =P

I like to read and write and dance and draw.
I love music.

Some people just don't understand my visionary innovative prolific dissemination of intelligence. =P

Leaving comments is appreciated.

See you soonish! xxxx =D

credit Alex.

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