Beautiful Loser / Comments

  • That's the worst part... I've had a tutor for 6 years... and I'm still
    shit. It's amazing how I can be so bad and the rest of my family are amazing. I'd say I was adopted but I look too much like them. The pale skin, dark hair and green eyes really give me away(I'm from Tipperary).
    February 27th, 2009 at 12:45am
  • Yeah so far I've done a module in science (biology) and one in maths. Did both at foundation level, 2 Cs in biology, D in Maths.

    So I'm re taking biology at ahigher level with my physics exams and re taking maths. There are way too many tests!

    I have 8 in the next 10 days! I mean for God's sake!

    I wish I got to do coursework, my school only does coursework in English, History and Health. Every is eam based so if you fuck up in the exam you're fucked!

    To do the course I want to do in college I need 4 Bs including English and Maths but I can't even get more than a C in Maths anyway!
    February 26th, 2009 at 11:19pm
  • yesI live in a shit part of England. The North West, Lancashire.

    I don't worry about them too much I just hoplessly fail at subects that involve maths (maths, science) and I'm really good at English. So they're all getting mad at me going 'you can't be in set 5 for maths and set 1 for english! you must be pretending to be bad!' I'm really, really not!

    All my teachers ever talk abut now is GCSEs and I have four next friday. I may just sleep until they're over!
    February 26th, 2009 at 08:40pm
  • Ah, should have read that. You're Irish. Snap. I'm Irish but moved to England few years ago. Don't Like it. I now live in the land of rain, cynics and thatcher.

    Sounds like fun. Wish I'd I've had time to, school takes up too much of my time- all for GCSEs I probably won't pass!
    February 26th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • Ah well I love talking about my politics
    but then I'm like, I don't know what I like!
    What's my favourite food?!? I don't know!

    So, have you had a nice day? (is it day where you are?)
    February 26th, 2009 at 06:28pm
  • Thank you! I'm liking yours too..., I just can't be bothered to write about myself.
    February 26th, 2009 at 05:23pm
  • Cheers for the photo comment :)
    February 2nd, 2009 at 05:46pm
  • i am only taking two classes this semester because i signed up late, its physics and differential equations, both very hard and i am a big procrastinator, but only two classes so it shouldnt be as bad as when i take more, hopefully, lol, so why is your art project hard
    January 30th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • GAHH
    today sucked.

    I'll start at the beginning.
    Woke up late because there was supposed to be a snow storm. It didn't happen. I got ready and got out the door a whole 30 seconds later than usual, started walking down the road to the bus stop, and of course, the bus pulled off when I was 300 feet down the road. Being a dumbass, I tried to run after it. Which was pointless. It kept on going anyway.

    Waving down cars was a fruitless effort, so I decided to just go back home and wait for my mom to get up and drive me. Got to school late, got marked absent because I missed homeroom. My parents were called and now I have a fuckdamn detention. My first. Ever. I only misbehave out of school. In school, I'm that pretty quiet girl who smiles a lot. On the outside, uh. No.

    As it turns out, when I missed a week of school with a horrid virus, I missed a few tests and a shit load of coursework. Because of that, I am currently failing all of my academic classes.

    Today was not a nice day for me to figure this out.

    So, after freaking out for the rest of the school day over how damn stupid I am, I got home and got yelled at for being a "stupid lazy fuck." Not to mention being called an "irresponsible fourteen year old for missing the bus, like a little [i]baby[/i] who can't even wake up on time."

    I really hate my father.
    I really, honestly do resent him in every way.

    My punishment? I can't get my haircut.
    Which means I am about to cut the back of it myself, because it's too long and it's annoying me.

    So yeah. Today sucked.

    but i'm glad you seem to be doing well. :D
    January 16th, 2009 at 05:29am
  • OH! pastels are awesome...
    except for when they happen to smudge everywhere..
    then they suck.

    but they make a very pretty picture.

    i'm glad you liked it. :)
    January 12th, 2009 at 04:47am
  • because you said you weren't going to be on.
    but you are, so cadybear retracts the "saaaad"

    and the Jane thing i sent you, i wrote in like.. three minutes, so if it really sucks or makes absolutely no sense, sorry.
    i got bored. :P
    January 12th, 2009 at 03:34am
  • awwz
    cadybear saaaad.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:26pm
  • lol, i did that with my first tattoo, but i had to think about my second one, i didnt like that fact that i just picked one of a book, its better if you design it or atleast think about it, yup, sorry about the late reply, my computer had viruses and i cant use it, damn computers, lol, so how you been?
    January 8th, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • *slaps the crazy out of her head*
    and thank you for the pic comment

    well in the first picture i look like i'm six and a half feet tall. in the second i look about normal.. so it seems very tall heels and a falling-over Matt help me seem less...

    that needs to be a word too...
    or at least a secondary term to be used in conversational english...
    January 8th, 2009 at 06:12am
  • ah, i HATE doing that.
    it's like 'i won't fall asleep, i won't fall asleep, I WILL NOT FALL ASLEe....'

    *conks out, wakes up an hour later*

    'Oh... so THAT'S where the slutty mother of two went after having the affair with Columbo, the pot farmer...'

    *crackle crackle, sniffs air*

    what? i'm not high off nail polish fumes, what are you talking about?!
    January 8th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • i think the movie u r tinking of is


    the movie was prolly Click...
    which had a very sad ending,, but i fell asleep 3/4 the way thru cause it was like... 4 in the morning.

    January 8th, 2009 at 01:53am
  • ohmahgah!
    i hope the french exam is ridiculously easy!

    and singing along to music? it's fuuuuuun.

    haha, what? make them go from "perverted" to "sweet and sensitive"? "pissy" to "HELLO BEAUTIFUL"?

    another great idea from Ms. Beeyooteefool LOOZrrrr
    January 8th, 2009 at 01:14am
  • lol yeah...
    the mute button would be GREAT!! then when they turn to you it'd be like

    "what? what? sorry, i can't hear your dumbass anymore."

    January 7th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • gah.. in middle school it was like that w/me and Aria, but since i chose to go to a tech school and she stayed w/ the district one, we've each actually had to get other friends. *sadface*

    why do guys find their dicks so damn entertaining to talk about?
    seriously, i was caught at a table during lunch yesterday where all my guy friends just kept talking and talking and talking about it...

    i mean, as chicks we aren't obssesed with talking about boobs, so why is it guys can talk for twenty minutes straigh about their probably very small) dicks?
    (i think the guys are obsessed with boobs FOR us too... gah...)

    i believe i should shut up now. :X
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:13pm
    i hate my school right now.

    oh well.
    *curls into ball with laptop*

    Cadybear happy now.

    (oh, i'm going through a phase where i now think my name is Cady. what? me? obsessed with my own story? Nahhhh what're you talking 'bout?)

    mine's like one of those invisible best friends, except instead of being a good person, it's one of those catty bitches who tells you everything she hates about you until you can just say it for her.
    she's been with me since the middle of grade six. hell, i even remember the day...

    it was indoor recess and for once, not one person even talked to me, even seemed to [i]see[/i] me.

    makes one begin to wonder, what if [i]I'm[/i] the invisible friend?

    *the pity parade has been cancelled, the horn section was swept into a snowbank by a plow*
    January 7th, 2009 at 12:19pm